PAGE Si THE DAILY TAR HEEL. THURSDAY. MAY 1. 1952 The official student publication of the Publications Board of the Univer sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where it is published daily, except Mon day, examination-and vacation periods, and during the official summer terms Entered as second class matter at the post office in Chapel Hill. N. C, under the act of March 3, 1370" Subscription rates; mailed $4 per year, 1.5S per quarter; delivered, $6 and $2.25 per quarter. Editor Managing Editor ... Executive Editor ... Business Manager Sports Editor ; News Editor Society Editor Adv. Mgr . Assoc. Ed Assoc. Ed........ .Wallace Pridgen Sue Burress Bev Baylor A" errs- Staff Grady Elmore.Bob Slough, John Jamison, Angelos Russos, Deenie Frpcpr. Wood Smethurst.-Janie Bugg, Ruth Hincks, Wanda Philpott, Sandy Smith. Al Perry. Peggy Jean Goode. Jerry Reece. Sports Staff Ed Starnes, Tom Peacock. Martin Jordan. Vardy Buckalew. Hark The Sound. Today is May Day. To millions of Americans it means a cay of sunshine, laughter, maypoles with candy-colored streamers, and beautiful women. Eut while we dance and play in the sweet air of freedom, r. million singing slaves of the Soviet Union will pack Red Square in Moscow to pay homage to Marshall Stalin and clicer their comrades the world over onward to a sweeping overthrow of the "fascist elements, of reaction." Th. first of May is the day communists all over the globe haveT.chosen to unfurl their ideology and fling it into the faces of the free world. You would be amazed at the number of people who are thinking about you today. Thinking and hating you and your way of life with a venomous passion unequaled in all history. The Kremlin celebrates tonight. And the streets of Paris will vibrate with the frenzied, cries of a proletarian mob urging the "Yankee swine" to pack up the Marshall Plan and go home. American MP's in the western sector of Ber lin may. have to use tear gas to keep the parading hordes of communist youth from overflowing the boundaries of their own cesspool into the Allied zone of Germany. . Loud, cackling laughter will echo out of Rome as General Eisenhower ,is hanged in effigy and the civil police in Oslo, Brussels", and Copenhagen will work overtime to keep violence at a minimum. American embassy staffers through out. Latin American will peer out the window into the hate infected faces of workers screaming "Down with el imperial is?? yanqui" and report to Washington "An ti-American" sentiment less pronounced than in years past." Communist parties in Africa, China, and the Middle East will .renew, their charges of "germ warfare,? "parachuted potato bugs," . and "Korean babies impaled on American bayonets." Top party leaders in Bulgaria and Albania will yelp with delight as Asiatic mothers explain to their curious children that the red flags mean, "freedom" and the hammers and sickles mean "food for everybody" and the American flag (burning in the gutter) symbolizes exploitation, "oppres sion, and gasoline jelly bombs. ... J.. k - Tomorrow the force of the hate binge will have been spent. The blazing? banners- and propaganda posters will be torn from the walls by' the local garbage disposal services (except in those areas where the communists - have gained control of municipal government) and the followers of Marx and Lenin will simmer down to another year of lies, deceit,, and silent subversion. x These world-wide reverberations of animosity cannot be laughed off as our nation trots blissfully around the may pole. But we predict that the day is coming when the Red tidal wave dwindles to a riplet because the peace-preaching hucksters of ? hate have bverlooked one vital axiom, as old as algebra, which persistently leaps forward out of history to crush every dictator bent ori world domination. : "'Many will fight for power, but many more will fight to be free." Fiat Chesr Alan Tate, chairman of the 1952 Campus Chest, is in tears. . '.I,-.-.; r:. ... - , ' . V . - Over a fourth of the pledged donations have not yet been turned in and the May 15 deadline in rapidly approaching. Two weeks ago three hundred and fifty dollars was given by the Campus Chest to the Red Cross Southern Tornado Rt lief Fund. T;is is typical of the good work the Campus Chest' does to alleviate suffering and distress. The" other agencies, benefiting from this year's Campus Chest Drive are The North Carolina' League JFor Crippled ? Children, The North Carina Heart Association, The World Student Service Fund, and The American Cancer Society. , H P.dge money may be turned in to A"i 3 Campus Chest in the YMCA Building. BARRY FARBER ROLFE NEILL ,.: DAVID BUCKNER ; JIM SCHENCK . BIFF ROBERTS : JODY LEVEY . DEENIE SCHOEPPE Lit. Ed. . .... -Joe Raff Sub. Mgr Carolyn Reichard Circ. Mgr.,. Donald Hogg Natl. Adv. Mgr. ..F. W. White Express Yourself Editor: Gene Kellv and I didn't have much in common until "Sing in in the Rain" hit the campus. I was "A Fellow With An Um brella" and he was just another "American in Paris." Until last Friday night, when someone 1eyed my umbrella resting from its labors of the yearly Chapel Hill monsoon on the back porch of Mclver dorm, I was "Oh So Dry." But the monsoon must have been too much for this dry land cassanova. In a flash he was singing "You Were Meant For Me" to my over worked but ever-ready guardian against the skies. I don't have a sentimental attachment for it because I ushered Eisenhower into SHAPE headquarters with it, covered Jan Peerce as he entered Memo rial hall, or walked with-Cyd Charisse under it (who could walk?). 'It's just that my gal and I like it. It keeps us, whoops, kept us dry. Reid Harris P.S. "Into Each Life Some Rain Must FalLBut Too Much is Falling in Mine.'' by Rollo Taylor Pressing Problems I'm downright . disappointed with the reaction the gals in Mclver had over the little sere nade the dorm boys whipped up last week. 'It had all the tenderness and beauty that any serenade had all it lacked was a little polish. Granted that the fraternity did a better job but it wasn't spontaneous like the other. Them f rat boys probably practiced all night and kept everybody in the neighborhood1 up for two-three weeks just to " get in that last little note. Now girls, you just don't appreciate the honesty that was in the second phase of your hectic night. Just because all the boys didn't know the words and none knew the music didn't mean that they were not sincere. You just got no appreciation for the rustic arts. And because of that lack of appreciation you caused those boys to be frustrated all night. After the cops came the second time they decided you just didn't like -it. With all that emotion pent up inside them they had to go down and sing to the boys in the lower quad. It was not as tender and sweet as the doses you got but at least the lower quad understood and ap preciated. All but one, that is. He called the gendarmes ;again , and before the night was 'over there were some bad impressions made. Those boys were genuinely torn up about the whole I night and one says he'll never sing another note. You, Mclver Re sidents who prefer perfection to honesty, will bear that on your : conscience all the rest of your life. Shame, shame " on you. Squelching one of the truly great singing groups on th3 campus.- What Others Are Saying A major change is taking place on- college campuses over the nation. 1"Rah-rah:, exuberance is giving way to sober purpose fulness and hazing is being re placed by . acts of community service. Today's college student is more mature, responsible and studious than his predecessors. So reports Robert Stein, editor and author, . after surveying more than 100 colleges and uni versities and talking with col lege presidents, deans, profes sors, guidance counselors and students. He describes his find ings in an article on "How Wild Are College Students?" in the May issue of U.S.A., the Maga zine of American Affairs, out today. ' "Unfortunately," says Mr. Stein, "an. account of several dozen brawling, Tioting students makes more dramatic reading than the story of 2 Ms million young men and women quietly and efficiently going about the business of learning." That's the reason, he explains, why the big change sweeping over col lege campuses has gone almost unnoticed. by Joe Riff It was a cold, bleak day this last weekend of April -'and-plans for a "sexcursion" to the beach didn't seem as if they would work out. My classes for the day were almost completed and as the rain came down harder and harder, I- was thinking more and more of a trip home rather than to the. shivering, seashore. Mind made up, I found myself at home " Friday evening and busily telephoning for dates who resent their being asked for a nine o'clock date at eight thirty. Aside from all the dis appointments from the feminine t brood, there is always some thing . superrcolossally disastrous about my weekends away from Chapel Hill. This weekend was no exception. Saturday morning was dreary as it was all over the state and I was' cruising along in the family car on a home chore when out of the misty muddle of things comes a careening Cadi llac down the hill aimed straight . at our family's four-wheeler. Ahead of me was a catastrophe, to the left of me was an un interested cocker spaniel, and to the right of me was a curb, embankment and someone's .If. you've ever wondered what , little brothers (grammar school) ' write to big brothers (college) here's what: j lDearvWarren, - v j I 'Mother Daddy-., and I have Just received your letter today on Monday. 'I am sorry: td'cay but I do not want the puppy mongral. If you could try anil get me a beagle, or a pointer I would bo very. happy. ; f ; ' : '?' 'My rabbits are getting bigger every i day now, but tha 'co3K troubla Is I couldn't tzt since vre heen having Cls TtZz, talking about I Letter One clear evidence of the new atmosphere is revealed in the decline of hazing and prank playing and the diversion of energies they formerly con sumed to such acts as putting up student dormitories, painting and repairing homes of needy families, and performing other community services, Mr. Stein writes. He cites Wilmington College in Ohio, where students put in up to 400 hours each in constructing a $200,000 dorm itory,, which, because of their free labor, cost the , school less than $18,000. College authorities arje in general agreement, he found, that despite headlines about campus disorders today's under graduates are more serious, sober and hard-working than earlier students. They have high ideals, level heads, and are solemnly - preparing, with the confidence and courage of youth, for the "grave responsibilities which will soon be theirs," he concludes. The Magazine of American Affairs Raff by Raff front lawn. Over the curb, up the .hill and onto the lawn was where the car and I went. The Cadillac sped past, and worst of all the detached spaniel all but snubbed its nose to me walking away . hardly looking back. I looked at the huddled mass of bent pistons and at the arrogant. cocker striding down .the highway. Then I noticed the lawn J. was using for a parking, lot. A neon nickered on and off "Veterinary Hospital.", Such luck, could only be mine. . . . f . . Others have also had bad luck and especially anyone, who has ever written their first news paper column anJ ' eagerly waited to see their by-line 'on the morning the paper is de livered. I am referring; to1 Ajicketf Rouse who wrote her first music critic column (Turntable Topics) and received no recognition for half a page's work. This'column was in last Sunday's issue of The Daily Tar Heel under the title, '"One Night In Venice Intriguing" a far cry from Turntable Topics. Her column will appear weekly from here' ion out. 1 ' .';'. - f From Home ,- ' ; ' : : . r.i : t having rain : for 6 days, 6 whole ; day. Wed. Ttiurs. Fri. Sat: Sun. Mon. . . ' , ; " "Wednesdayrwe got a subutbt , teacher for Mr. Yunghans. . He went to Richmond Virginia', ,The teacher we had was a lady ye through spitballs and parts of ereaser. Somebody put pencil shavings on her chair. We called her a Warnen and were the Jailbirds, my number is- 'Vicious 59034 Dangerest,' sing" ,slng.. , : . i i . , , , "17 Hisses. Love; Terry I -hope you will get a