! J ft M It-1 ' . '. . - ' M r PRESIDENT TRUMAN grinned proudly yesterday when Ihe U. S. Court of Appeals turned the steel mills back to the Government. See bulletin on page one. CIO PRESIDENT Philip Murray yesterday,-said of his 650,000 striking workers after the Government took over the steel mills a second lime by court order. "There will be no word going out to the men to night." See bulletin on page one. 5: , s 2 X s s v . :::::$?::::x:x ;v:-;-:-:o:::::k-:: : iv ':Vw:;X::;:::;;::; A::::::::::::::::::-:::::-:E: P. , -. .. . I ::f::-w:::::::m:::::ft::S f . wk.,. ;-- :.: ::::-::::iirJ:::::?r- ? f. J i t-f ' SHOWN WITH SENATOR PAUL DOUGLAS (center foreground) is a group fro mihe Univer sity. They are fro mlefi to right, Dick Murphy, P. J. Warren, Claude Shoits, Bob Pace and Leia Muller. Senator Douglas (D-Ill.) recently spoke here on "Ethics in Government." & l i ' set 1 i , - I' - - ' I , , ' 'j ' - , - I N.- - , - - ' ' 5 I It if I & ' ' ' J ' ' - 1 it1 - I .r' I - f t ; J j rScTV " " 1 GEN- MARK CLARK . ' " I . . - Took Ridgway's Job : : : v:y;ysv-:y.: yyv. i, :: . . : :--;-:-:-:-: .-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: :':-:-::-: : : IVA TCGURX D'AGUINO, known to thousands of World War II GI's in the Pacific as "Tokyo Rose," is shown as she beamed pro Japanese propaganda to American troops during the war. The phonograph at left played -Ihe latest U. S. jazz; records during interludes of her talk. The U. S. Supreme Court Monday denied her appeal from a conviction of a 10-year-senience for treason. WITH A TOOTHY grin, Aci xess Joan Crawford models a bathing suit before the Holly wood cameras. The Academy Award-winning movie actress sports some sandals strictly for Laguna Beaclv Her wrap, she says is for decorative effect. Personal data: ' Miss Craw ford was born in 1908 in l- San Antonio, Texas. H ' Vam dsdmt mean t MAM BSiltS. IN THI'POOM, THREE. DAVS AGO I STEPPED OUT FO 5 I WWvvii m W4 $ If m 1 in 20th Century-Fox's If T7Z--J! w i t lumouni mnnut otio torrin0 . ' '- ETISEL BAP.3Yf.XRE- KIM liOiiTER 1 Now Playing SMEfflECKED HERE'S TH MOWEV. OUT. THIS MORM1N' J AH'LL SEND TH' -BUT SHE UZFTV HAM TO MAH 1 LOOKIM'MAM T GIVE IT A HOME, AS SECXJP.IT 1 UNTIL AH FINDS FOR TH RENT. V MAH PORE U'U WIFE s, - Crf " 4 - J I D . V . ... K'1 . " Z ; t ... ':::W:W:W: 1 A Bounty f ' ' 1 MOTH ERS DAY GI FTS Select her gift now; it's later than you think . ,. - REMEMBER MOTHER MAY 11 Choose from our lovely col lection of -k NYLON LINGERIE DRESSY and TAILORED BLOUSES it COSTUME JEWELRY ik FRAGRANT COSMETICS BAGS, SCARVES HOSIERY Beautifully Gift Wrapped O this crrv is pullo ROTTEN FEENDS-BUr DAISY haAE. IS TOO SMART TfASSOSHEE ATE. WIF ANY OF-EM.? ii4aiirtiiiinS X i SEN. TOM CONALLY, that venerable Congressman from Texas, said recently he would not seek re-election after his 1953 term expires. Many have said he doesi't want to fight for his post again he might not make' it, they claim. iiutwwniii'i.""'.'lWJi'l"'FM,'r1.'1' " ""1 "" rv-nirT-"" i ii .rT.'il GEN. D WIGHT .EISENHOWER . Ridgway took Ike's of Beautiful e i . ' - i ..ii t L: ha nel H , . - . ,, , M l iSSSEMT. ...... :aa , l "-'-i "-ii-; j : . Hi -ill: 1