1 1 !i i i .i i! ;! ! i if -i f III i' i n i i vPAGE 8 THE DAILY TAX! HEEL, TUESDAY. MAY 6. 1952 UWC Unit To iXSelb Hew APO Chapter- A new chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, national service frater nity will be installed May 14 at Wake Forest College by a delegation oi UNC members. L ANNOUNCEMENTS DEPENDABLE WRECKER SERVICE 24 HOURS a day, Poe Motor Company, day phone 531, night Taoa 2-3441. , (Chg. lxl) JNIVERSITY TRUCKING COMPANY Local and long distance household moving. Contact Hauling Cargo Insur ance. 100 East Franklin St. Phone 4041. Or see Ross or James Norwood. (Chg lxl) ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 STUDENTS LIVING IN GLEN LEN- nox who desire delivery of the Daily Tar Heel may arrange this by calling 23371 between 8:30 and 9:45 a.m. or .between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. today or f tomorrow. (N. C.-DTH) FOR SALE 6B FIVE ROOM HOUSE LOCATED ON large lot on Barclay Road. Call 2-9303 alter 3 pxa. Good buy Price $6500. (1-C6023-1) jjE.1 . ... s i frill fV A i V: fODAff PONY 020 This brilliant little "minia ture" takes Kodachrome and Kodacolor pictures as well as Iblack - and - white snapshots. Has f4.5 Lumenized lens, flash 200 shutter with built-in syn chronization. Uses the handy 8-exposure rolls of Kodak Film. Price, $31.15, including Federal Tax,, FOl STEfi'S ; c amkIa ; SUNNING HIMSELF OUTSIDE HIS gas sialion in Detroit is Gordon Scheerer. one. of thousands of filling sialion proprietors taking an enforced vacation because of the strike of 80.000 oil refinery workers. Oscar Chapman Secretary of Inferior, signed an order effective today limiting the use of aviation gas by both airlines and private fliers. The cut will be about 30 per cent J ' SA Confab Features 'Crisis in Education if Residence Council The Women's Residence Coun cil will meet today at 4:30 p. m. in the Women's Honor Council room, second floor, Graham Memorial. 5 1 Adviser Interview Interviews will continue today for students interested in being orientation advisers next fall. In terviews will be held tonight from 7 o'clock until 9 o'clock and tomorrow from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. !n one of Roland Parker lounge Graham Memorial. Aris and Crafts The Arts and Crafts Club ol the YWCA will meet today at 4 p.m. Crocheting and cross stitch ing will be taught. French Speakers . Pi Delta Phi, invites those in terested in speaking French to its weekly supper meeting to night in the upstairs dining room of Lenoir Hall. Old Well Pictures Dean E. L. Mackie, adviser to the Order of the Old Well, yes terday said the pictures taken at initiation are now available in Room 313, South Building, for those who ordered them. o MOVING O CflATING O SHIPPING O STOHAGE Phone 21 59 Night: 8-8587. 3-3362 Free Estimates Gladly Given! Durham Transfer & Storage, Inc. 810 Ramseur St. Durham, N. C. Special to Thb Daily Tar Heel i BLOOMINGTON, Ind.,May5 1 The fifth, annual congress of United States National Student Association here August 17-27 will attract more than 700 dele gates from some 300 colleges. More than 800,000 students will be represented. "The Student and the Crisis in Education" will be the theme to be discussed on the Indiana Uni versity campus by collegate stu dent government leaders. Celebratng the fifth, anniver sary of its founding NSA will draw upon outstanding recent events in the educational world to point up "the crisis in educa tion". TIME magazine's article on 'The Younger Generation will be the center of discussion, while attempts are being made to bring the Congress William' Buckley Jr. who criticized NS A -in this book God and Man at Yale, and Mortimer Adler, the object of a recent feature also ; in TIME. I ; Di Senate ; - There will be a meeting of the Di Senate tonight at 8 o'clock in New West. A bill will j be intro duced to "Institute the: Semester System at Carolina'; : tl j - If it' 'ays; you to P3V c ecEc 9 - - r - "Your bioney is safe till you need it but ready when you want it. Open an account now! I ?av .V ' f i '! ; : apei Hill 4 ci;a?el hill ir CAnRBjnu ; eSmber r.;ral Deposit InSBrines Ckj. - . MOTHER'S DAY, GIFTS ' . . LADIES HOSE COSTUME J EVELHY FINE FEATHERS j ., . ' r .. ' ''-:' LINGEkllE BLOUSES a-m - c ki . Missrtlaine Society, Nylon, Cotton, Rayon and Nylon. Cotton and Royon . Long and Short Slecyes " . ; ; PAJviAS - ' ; BED JACKETS Rayon, Cotton and Seersucker " . 1 BEDROOM SHOES LADIES - " " . NYLON :;GLOVES;; -. DIIESS SHOES ' ' : - Linen, Buckskin and - NEW LADIES: pAGS ' r Flat Sandals and POCKETBOOKS . " ' '""V:. " J " - , . ... 4 ,:' Presses and Housecoats SAMSON ITE LUGGAGE . : M.SAMSONCdrdiTble' - PIECE GOODS 1 ; . m, , jf-i,: : Dan River Cloth 69c JjjL ;:;.: Indian Head . , Handkerchiefs-Scarfs All Kinds of Piece Goods gipBEJ;; TOWEL SETS : Bcrfes and Monumial Cannon and Fieldcrest ALL PACKAGES BOUGHT HERE-GIFT WRAPPED FREE fo)Rro)-nn ATxnr? n m U, m m wf j yn ) 1