-I" 11 " '" livm rtruingxiix3 trriitiriiing ac-i count of the death of a vital w. inquiring mind. Mary Ellen Jones rably for afternoon or night work. V -cancy opened for nest September, Htj- "tt'-?JZ--JlZ? " iiiary , write tox 1523, Burlington, N. C, (lc-6033-6) ' . ' V ' - .. .. . , . . . ' "7 ' -TmrnrrT t t . XB - J Think of GEISYMOUMD . m m it w re (c) $ s ij7; jt J 'J. i f -:-...!' 5 '. i " . , - LEADIIfQ kujut.vs i."V-" ""1 Yr 1 f '1 f T ' - " . -1- Mow Avisos! Cadet; Program Offers Special Advantages To ColaegoTJlbti oiv Preparing for LTiEiiary Service Her 13 valua ble postgraduate trsunrnf? tha.t . money can't buy I As an Aviation Cadet . you czxifvceweuistrwXwna thousands of dollars at' the cam time you are servingcbur country. You can choose 'wiwii..v,wvj; t r"WOi W It- . - - - M mm.mj ing Air Force. The Air Forco encourasca candidatc3-to stay in school and graduato;' Seniors and students with two years or more of college who anticipate early en trance into military service can receive tin matched training in flying and leadership for the years ahead. WHO MAY APPLY1 AGE BtwMR 19 and 26 yart. EDUCATION At Itatt two yara of col!g. MARITAL STATUS SlnC!.J PHYSICAL CONDITION Good, PcJatly yat, tou, hmotf, and tth. HOW TO QUALIFY ZSSfJ-7-fi' I npuiuae ist3 and ea f -J l I list far ftt-o year on(y i, ill- 1 1 A J 4 Tbo Selective Service 2 Act awards you a four J I month deferment while aw&iting class assign- IMbihliMMMiiiiiiiin 5' Immediate assign ment to '- Aviation Cadet Training Classes starting July 19, August 19. Octo ber 2, and November 19, 1952. I. Take transcript of col lege credits and copy of birth certificate" to yous nearest Air Force Base 09 llecruiting Station. jr h, r. . . . 1--. 1 AV;5 uaaet JLTaimng ocnooi y wis : for onr year eit&er as M a a X Appear cor physical examination at your near est Air Base at Govern ikl r xnent expense. VHSRE. To Got Mora Dota.Ua Ylilt yovr nwa V. S. Air Fore Cat or V. & ArmyS U. 5. Air Fore fticwi'Jny I. 3. Air Fore ai or U. S. Amy- y!:!r3 Slat'oa or wr!l rseff f AWaf&j j f CL & r Faretr IVssfii O. 7y 7 , . . . I'll) f . ' ' '-r - . : Pilot or Aircraft Observ er. Get $105 monthlj food, housing, unif and other benefits. 7 Graduate, win your wings.. Commissioned second lieutenant, begin earning $5,000 a year! Receive $250 uniform al lowance, 30-day leavo with pay.