Tin: DAZX.V f Alt IttSL. VtDUESDXY. MAY 2MSS2 VV 9k M Pi Dalta Phi The last meeting of PI Delta Thl, honorary French fraternity, will bo held tonight at 8 o'clock in the assembly room of the Library. All active members are requested to attend. Officers for next year will be elected. Senior Women Interriews All senior women who have not yet had departure interviews with the Dean of Women's office are asked to eome by the office at their earliest convenience. Delta Delta Delta Tomorrow is the deadline for application.! for the Tri-Delt scholarship. Application forma may still be obtained in the Dean of Women's office. The award is determined on a competitive basis' Stain-Shy WITH & Won't wrinkUt f Tk Won't t!a! f fn!y AFTER SIX Km "Suiti Shy" Cv new rotraoia fftbrte finish that bed most liquid .Without a hurt of a 'fttla. ... resists wrinlle . . . feJns iU W jDnJovU breasted. 1 j OMiaT M.U1 tes mouses 12.f J Hi M and Is not restricted to eorority girls. ' j. ' " ' - 1 ' Appiers - -" A 15-miiute color movie show ing the apple orchard operations Jin Washington State wilt be shown in Swain Hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Anyone interested In getting work of this type should see the movie and arrange for an interview at that time. Slate Student Legislature The final meeting of UNCs State Student Legislature dele gation will be held tonight at 3:30 in the Grail room of Graham Memorial. Monogram. Sweaters Monogram Club award sweaters can be picked up at the Carolina Sport Shop from 9 a. m. until 5:30. The sweaters are wrestling, gymnastics, swimming, basketball and cheerleaders. Lost A leather billfold belonging to Emmctt S. Thompson was lost in or near Alumni building on Thursday. Also lost was a book wrapped for mailing. Finder should contact Thompson in 103 Ruffin dorm. Ring Found A 1951 Episcopal high school ring bearing the initials "SllS was found in the men's room of Graham Memorial. Owner may obtain the item by identifying it. Contact Managing Editor Rolfe Neill, The Daily Tar Heel, second floor Graham Memorial. No More Invites There are no more graduation invitations for sale. Chairman Frank Allston Jr. said yesterday. He said those who have paid for invitationr but have not picked them up may secure them from Ray JefTeries at the Dean of Students office. ILL... J mmm mrmy i fill LILT J mmm tl. COLUMBIA ST. Overseas Relief Set With Clothing Drive An overseas relief clothing drive, sponsored by the Inter Faith Council with the coopera tion of the Interfraternity Coun cil and the Interdormitory Coun cil, will begin Thursday fcnd continue through exam week, Dave Johnson said yesterday, Johnson, chairman of the drive, said boxes will be placed m all dormitories and fraternity, hous es. Collection center will be at the YMCA, he added. TP) i5 mm mt mmum tmmmu mama, ai iln ii m f&E OHtXICT KAMI wctu , TWf 'NOIWIIM U4HTS IS-.J A.-UAICA. COjtfvS AAUSCHtA SOKfAUS .N0H 91 PLUMS P. POMHJ PI T2ttf r II -""iC 0AMOUS LANOMASC Of A.flFFfL TOWCO. r e.WA0U0H TOMS Uu.-. 3 Ml t tAPAlX Hii WIAPeN OP 1776 CALLIO A.. fi.llVHHZlVS C BAZOOKA M no Afc yOU interested in having a preriptu-n mi ae- .!.. If err. V1TT1P tn SUllUkJ curdim. , - "M ;r tho answers are you're "Ueresiea m u .w-. Aurora Horcans, whci a s , 4 " V y 1 Dr.CowJ-nWiIToli: Dr. Dudley J, Cowd on, pro fessor of economic statistics in the School of Business Adminis tration, will address the North Carol ina chapter of the Ameri can Statistical Association tonight in the Morehead building at 7:30 o'clock. t -'. i 4 J J Pharmacy (Continued from page 1) ciation centennial membership award for distinguished service to pharmacy profession, Carolyn Burgess, Broadway. Rho Chi award for student maintaining the highest average the first year of study, Grey Bullock, Fayctteville. M. L. Jacob.- Memorial award for excellence in pharmaceutical organic chemistry, Earl Hatcher, Cinqupin. CLASSIFIEDS ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR BENT THREE ROOM MODERN A"PART ment lurmsll. S-5; unfurnished. SS. ROOM TOR MAW STUDENT. $3. AP plr at 30t Riawom St. Bui. JtWK 1 THROUGH SEPT. 13 A 44 room apartment. Kitehen. tinin rom. living roon. bedroom. bU. UrK clU. eioN to town. e per month with uUUtlea. CaU 2-522. TOR RENT TO MEN. 1 DOUBLE AND Ktncle room tn well venUIated modem home. 314 University dr. tel. 22a. (lc-SOM-3) WANTED MOTHER AND SON DESIRE NICELY lurntehrd feo-bettrootn fartwent houe It Jane. July. mni August. Mr. ShJdcr, Room 30 Carolina Inn. (l-C-Hl-l FOR SALE CUSHWAN MOTOR SCHOOT:R Cood Ure. motor, bodv. Priced cheap ly. A real baraain. Neil M. BeUy. 10 Aycock. LOST (l-O40-2 SB REWARD TO UNDER OF LADIES' fokttnx parasol and black umbrella left In stands t Fetiter Field Saturday f r smithrrn Oonreren.-e trade meet. Call 3491. tCH lull ! your rjrcduGo will frccsuro fcr yesrs tMG CCHTIX SPECIALISTS FOlSTEfl'S Camera Store WHEN JOHNNA Manki wics. IS. oi Hollywood. Calif couldn't so1t a troublasoma geomatry problem, aha wrote Dr. Albert Einstein at Princeton, H. J. Hare, aha copiaa on a blackboard tha sketch which Dr. Einstein sent har. i DEPENDABLE WPtCKER SERVICE Xi UOUR3 a day. Poe Motor Company day pbon 5tL aight phone 1-3M1. iChc. :i USED BOOKS BCJUCHT SOLD It doon t coiit anything to l-t us mske mm Olivr. 1 lib SHOP. 205 E. franklin Street. (Ch(. lxl) 1st e: fc:!? yea cb3ss a zzitl list fits. FOISTER'S Camera Store c bs s a Je J3r a mm. ".X2l7ii I n c& usiiit'iiMtuii' mi Miacicimer m -m U I IKMMCOlOt MOM tMNMM fHMM 1 ni -" j II I , , . hmso wnsi "ow m H Now Playing For Really Big E vents LIKE GCIADUATIO gifts, or class gifts to a beloved instructor; you need the big broad stock of the Intimate Bookshop to choose from! THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. Opt n Evenings f- Books Daligkt Paopla VUH Spacial Intaresla For Example Art Chaucer Civil War Early America Education Government Greece Law Medicine Middle Ages Marriage Music ' Nature Poetry Psychiatry Religion Home Renaissance Shakespeare v i t " f" ,1 t 3 "', O "