(J J&& VOL. IIO. 7 FOUR PAGES TODAY CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 ifoun g Republicans I o Meet I yesday Night; Convention Activities Will Be Televised The main lounge of Graham a- Memorial will bubble with poli tics come Tuesday night when the Young Republican Club in! cooperation with the student union, will serve refreshments and present a program in tune with the Republican convention. Though arrangements are in complete, Curt Ratledge, pres ident of the club and senior from Guilford College, reported that efforts to get a speaker, versed Recital In Hill Nail This Week 'Poor Yorick, I new Him We...; Joe Robinson, med student here, come close to having some nice bone specimens to study Tues day. A Negro septic tank worfcer was discing an installation hole Ion Robinson's new home site and came across a box that looked like a coffin and it had contents to match. Robinson summoned local offi cers after a consultation, the group surmised that the bones aP3SlS utn Student Sa in ys omsmiios a R. Ross n n d I QKGS'- IvIQ School Job by Margie Garner Masami Koizumi, Japanese stu dent here, told the Y-Supper Forum Monday night -that the number of Communists in Japan is greatly exaggerated. "Just as North Carolina newspapers would be perturbed by one Com munist in Chapel Hill, so is the idea that there are many Com munists in Japan exaggerated," Koizumi explained. Koizumi and Col. Mark T. Orr headed this week's forum held in American nnlitieal affairs fand hinr TWW wm k were m . :"Se i.IIi Dr. Robert Alexander Ross, nt nrilv nrti are be- ."h 1 7t . ?T davers ea. nere " , distinguished obstetrician and 7 J r ' I . w school. The box contained mosuy Kr. v,o ingmado. , through today, there will be two .C wXi in the upstairs dining worn of The GM television set will be piano recitals by pupils ofDi- 5 Lenoir HalL CoL Orr acted as available lor an inside picture 01 rector of the Clinic Dr. William University omciais nave uacu iuu xuoi Bu - discussion leader and put sev- convention activities. S. Newman. that area in the past to dispose recently accepted an appointment u before the y0Ung Also in line with convention The Bach Partita in E minor, of used cadavers but have no as professor and head of the De- j nege student WPpk is the YMCA Supper Fo- Mozart's D malor Sonata K.576. record of this particular one. partment of Obstetrics and Gyne- rum which plans to discuss "Poll- Brahms' Variations on a Hun- Records have usually been kept cology in the new four-year "what has happened in ,Japan tical Conventions and Our Next garian Song, and the Fourth So- of burials on the University School of Medicine and Teaching to make the ten or twelve scholar President." Wednesday night at nata by Arnold Bax will be pre- property, which includes the air- Hospital at The University of ship students in this country ap- - . tt.h i :n v aj i nKii:. tt i . "MnrtH Carolina. nrohencivo rjVirml fninf home?" L.enoir nan. opeaitera wm uc semea uy minium nuusuu ui uun i v.... . 0 Professor Alexander Heard and Sanford, Va., on Tuesday night. Negro William Council, Assuming his duties here July asked Col. Orr Fred Cleveland ol tne department Charles somers 01 iieiasvuie i j iQ inhoc 1. Dr. Ross is regarded, as one oi amica Vio nniio a I - ai i.Aii o xuiu ou6 uwv --- i : . . . . xi. i - - wiu may inree ocariavu ouuaiaa, , - . . At i ,uv, v thp loremost sneciansts m me v.-. i 3 -u v?o nf nolitical science. Dormant after the Dewey loss Mozart's Sonata in A minor, Bar- , f hig shoveL country, and widely recognized mother country, including the in 1948, the Republicans nere or- tok's Suite Op. 14, and a group oi as an authority m his field. underground movements of the ganized, first., into two camps shorter pieces by Brahms and The bones appeared to have A native of Morganton, Dr. Communists but he emphasized, one for Senator Robert A. Taft, Shubert on Wednesday night. been buried six or seven years Ross obtained his B.S. at Chapel "Although there may be attempts the other for General Dwight D. Both of the programs will be ago. They were carted away as Hm -n 1920 and received his t me if 1 dispiay too much Eisenhower, and men unaer neid m uiu nan at o.ou p.m. soon as possioie. guidance of Ratledge, merged to Sponsored by tne university Funeral Services For Kemp Lewis. Hill in 1920 and received his to kill me if I disDlav too much M.D. from the University of Perm- Gf my American knowledge, I sylvania in 1922. Wis mternsnip wiu nght against Communist lor- WtAi dl uuiov-vui I ever. -nu;inAiVio , in 1Q9.9-9.4. and he q TToncintfnn I -in relation XO euUCdllOIlcll O.U- tjt ttrma in -Phiio. vances m Japan, Col. Orr stated y7 A-nt to nave a wen tures. nenormances uy jlt. new , . . jiv.: mii on mai cuixiuuiui.y cuuwwuu --f .i . . .i funeral services iur xcuip ueiuma nuin i , Publican speak here I man and others, movies of pia- r . school children has recently been 'I"..:! fir the con- rPrordinffs and slides. er w?' VA 1118 Pva uc- - extended from six to nine years. aDOUfc ryu.l , " - iv board of Erwin auiis, inc. ana Durham in 1925, and m iju ne vention. JNortn varu xw - 7. r "M Uraduate of the University were nnnoinl can bert will vention program. UiUUiiv v- mM w I " form the Young Republicans Club. Extension Division in coopera- its charter re- tion with the music department, cently from the North Carolina the Clinic will include displays ttj f Voiinff RenuDiicans. nf new materials, mustratea lec- rcuciakiuu i wen tures, performances by Dr. wew- .f J?!. " aS?!?: associated with Erwin Mills in he was made full professor. i instruction pxu nL' f fnnf wnr. "Lewis be-1 vta "Vac" nHrlH Kn.mi. "Mftvors department and chairman oi - eommit -iSn. ?onft 5n thp Minie Tpachers vo" fa j uroves, wen juiuwh auwium-j - senior piano in tne music xeacners nrouont i 1032. Tnl . ' ..-JjB n. t L.,1piMd wtion ft fmrnfl nut that National Association. The Ratio Cheer up Tar Heels, the situa tion could be a whole lot worse than it is. Get this: 1Q7 inH nrPcHpnt in 1932. In I . j x m.. i: t t-.cc I cnipiflp wVion fhpv fnnnH nut that x'- - marriage ana laiimjf uic, iwm ....w - ? 1949 he became board chairman, nas written two books, while al- they could not afford junior high the post he held at the time of go contributing several chapters in schools in their cities.' his death. two books by the late Dr. Ernest T 4 niftUt'n . - ... I XXI UIX1II1CU V Ul U1C lUgill. O . - In !naav its rrl lOCtO I One of Durham's most highly troves,, Tf forum. Orr said that the occu- . ... s I pniircps nn marriace and tne I .. - T French House Bastille Day On Julv 14 ,r - fitirminrpH that there are Kemp riummer xsame, piewucuv c ' . naa Deiore. ne sxaieu ms ueuei -1- HOUSK activi- ?22 Xndw fte7Lmer of the University alter its revival national, southern and ?Uteme, that Japan i? a ..working demo- ...lnLZ ;,er reach :T:"h, w Mwn. 'in 1875. . leal journals ana maga. cracy which can pay its own lies xv-i " , , i their climax with the annua : bration of Bastille Day on e Visitors ti with a banauet at ror v iifcura iage ana me ti of Jflrian ffave ug a greater mm. TfiTO Lrnndson and namesake of Dr. family. Since 1932, Dr. Ross has knowledge of her than we ever v-: ::'ZT r. r femp Plummer Battle, president each year contributed atbdei id had before He stated Ws belief way!" Lenoir Hall. The speaker for the occasion will be Monsieur Schricke, Secretary at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. Annual prizes will be awarded and the language of the evening will be French. The celebration will start at 7:00 p. m. Persons interested in attending can make reservations by 2 to FRENCH HOUSE. Tel 9-3071. Order Of Merit FhilUp C. Smith, e cradualt of the University, has received ihe Vesiingbous Ordsr Marit, highest cezapsay award for distinguished servico. milh is assistant to th vmsxss ol ihe Transportation and Gcatra tor Division, Westinghou Eloctric Corporation Xaj Pi!3burgh, Pa. H i!a4 Wosiiago Ssd112 gaining courao in 1S21, altar cxadualioa frora UNO with a bachelor f r:onc degre ia luctrical ca-M-fnfT." K tlm ISsna University Lodge 3 4-U nit - Court Is To Be Open Most Modern August: In Area Construction of the University Lodge, a new 34-unit tourist court located two miles east of here on the Raleigh Road, is expected to be completed by the end of August. The project is expected to add considerably to tounst accommodations in this area. The colonial-style, air-condi tioned Lodge will consist of four sections, each containing weight rooms, and a fifth center section housing the office, lobby, and two off the center section will have its own heating and air-condi tioning plant. The Lodge faces the highway and is built in the shape of a huge half -circle. Rooms are along the front side cf th building and cacther section of rooms will b structure. Each room (excluding the suites) will measure 13 by 15 feet, and every two rooms are connected by inner doorways. Each will have its own tiled bathroom with shower-tub com bination. The two suites are each about 20 by 26 feet in size, and have an attached living room in addition to the bedroom and bath room. All the rooms will be car peted and furnished with colonial- style furniture. The entire area in the vicinity of the motel will be landscaped with Kentucky grasses and shrub bery. The rear of the court faces the 12th green of the Finley Golf Course, affording the customers a birds-eye view of the golfers from the second-story rear porch of the motel. A parking area will the tourist court. In comparing American univer sities with those in Japan after the forum, Koizumi said that he found the courses here in edu cation to' much more practical than those dealing mostly with philosophy and theory in Japan. They have more to do with the nrtnnl work a student will do in , Charles D. Nottingham, owner education- upon graduation, of the University Lodge, says, Koizuma started he "The Lodge is being built main ly to accomodate football visitors nis Masters in Education at the and travelers associated with the cf the first session. He came University's new hospital. I feel to the United States from Osaka, I made a good investment; I ve I Japan, where he was with Occu- seen many motels in my day, but 1 pation Headquarters. Upon re- the University Lodge will top j turning to Japan as an M. A., them all." I Masami will work with the Japa- nese Board of Education. The next forum will be Thurs day. July 10. and will be the last Dick Groat and Bill Werber, I one of the first session. The topic two of Duke's great players last is "Political Conventions and our season, have been named to the ext President . The panel mem- . . bers will be Alexander Heard, All-America Team of the Ameri- - r.... .. DUKE STARS fan cn4 mother section of rooms win DVA "iC " : iWCVHtUiU WiC 7 . . ; ; ammt cents thereafter. location, a nice place to Association of