y rour Daily T,- H, ... September 24, 1 9SJ i i h. 1 Page Two The Daily lie Pa The official student publication of the Publications Board of the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, where it is published dally, except Monday, examination and vacation ptriods. and during the official summer terms. Entered as second class matter at the post office in Chapel H1U. N. C.. under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription rates mailed $4 per year. $1.50 per quarter: delivered, $6 and $2.25 per quarter. Editor Managing Editor Managing Editor Emeritus Business Manager Sports Editor Adv. Mgr. Assoc. Ed. Assoc. Ed. Sub. Mgr. .Wallace Prldgen Bev Baylor ..Sue Burress ..Carolyn Reichard Night Editor for this issue: Rolfe Neill Abominable A student-faculty Campus Stores Committee was estab lished by the May meeting of the Board of Trustees to act in an advisory capacity to the Assistant Controller-Business Manager. ' In plain language, this means that students are now in vited to voice their criticism of the Book Exchange operations before a panel whose membership includes three student rep resentatives. The Daily Tar Heel has at least one edifying proposal which should merit the attention of this committee at its first hearing. . . , For years we have been lining up outside the state dook store in the basement of Steele Dormitory, paying seemingly exhorbitant prices for textbooks, and using them for only three months. Then, when final exams are over and the weighty volumns have outlived their practicality, we take them back to the Book-X to try to reclaim part of our original investment. If we're lucky, we are offered exactly half the price we paid provided the book is in good condition and all penciled notations have been neatly erased. Often the clerk decides he is overstocked with your particular textbook ,and recommends you bring it back next quarter or the quar ter after or let it go at a sacrifice for fifty cents or twenty five cents. We believe the Book Exchange, as an arm of the Universi ty, should take all steps consonant with sound business prac tices toward lessening the cost of books to the individual student. Our quarrel at this time does not concern itself with the high original cost of the books nor even with the cancel lation of the rebate system. These are matters which the student-faculty committee is expected to delve into and emerge with documentation either supporting or contradicting the existing policy. We do contend that a student should be guar anteed a reasonable return on any book regardless of the number already collecting dust on Book-X shelves, and not be forced to "wait for an opening" or sacrifice it at a fraction of what he paid ninety days before. The present policy of "We don't need that one sorry tough luck" aggravates everybody, suggests that the Boox-X is not oriented toward serving the best interests of the student-body, and discriminates against those students taking uncommon or "off-brand" courses such as country journal ism, obscure political science courses, Russian, and Portu guese. We fail to see how a system whereby students would auto matically receive a pre-stipulated return on his books at the end of the quarter could seriously hamper the long range program of the Book-X. Most textbooks are redeemed sooner or later and the state is in better position to assume the delay than the student. Why should we be stuck with a six dollar geography tome because the" Book Exchange happens to be overstocked at the moment? The supply and demand mechanism, however valid in the outside world of . free enterprise, should not be allowed to function to the direct detriment of the student body. We trust that Thad Eure, Ed Singleton, and Al Bryant, the three students appointed by President Ham Horton to serve on the committee, will exert maximum effort to see that this and other suggested improvements are accorded keenest evaluation by the advisory committee. We expect our rep resentatives to take the initiative in seeking to bring the poli cies of the Book Exchange into closer harmony with the wel fare of the student community. l z Is 14 j& 16 (gP & I? Il I'1 lZ : n 2G 17 V7Z U 11 JO UJ - TTT- -- 44 47 44 H wr Mir HORIZONTAL 3L medicated 47. superior 7 gifts 49. French article 60. city in Italy 82. graver 64. official decrees 65. horses VERTICAI 1. neighboring country 2. ate away ointment 7. grief 13. gets up 14. imagine 15. negative 16. legislative bodies 18. personal pronoun 19. American humorist 21. apportions 22. gave nutriment 23. delete 25. planet 26. worship 28. standards of conduct 31. a gland inflammation 33. ecclesiastical headdresses 34. concerning 37. cotton cloth 38. ' Jacob's brother 39. unit of work 40. subjugates 45. soft metal 46. symbol for silver Answer to yesterday's puzzle. lUAlMTf MAPI C ?PAIW Ai.A ope NHAO O m art it e s t a tor "-ITah'p e l ajgiT JJU N1.AL M O j E. E N trJeTp 0 TL .' c a1sh i I I D I A f lAj R. I R. 1 1 IS "RO L O L L"ES CIA P A P E "!Tp t E-ftrftr aTl c Jl L T JL Tjpft A lA i! Jl MeM N I E I B I lene nARP Average time el solntloa: S3 miavtas. DUtribuUd by Kins Feature Syndicate Tar Heel Saturday October 4, 1952 . , BARRY "FARBER ROLFE NEILL ..Tt. CHUCK HAUSER . JIM SCHENCK . BIFF ROBERTS News Ed. Circ. Mgr. ..Jody Levey .Xkjnald Hogg Soc. Ed. JDeenie Schoeppe Asst. Spts. Ed. Tom peacock 1-2. 3. New England state (abbr.) 4. donkey 5. abound 6. serf 7. location 8. lyric poems 9. thing, in law 10. sun god 11. different ones 12. noxious plants 17. near 20. running' away secretly 22. most untrue 24. muse of lyric poetry 25. New England) state 27. prior to 28. possessive pronoun 29. prefix: away 30. Greek letter 32. correlative of either 33. absorbed 35. clinched 36. harmonize rs 37. depart 40. diplomacy 41. malt drinks 42. personal pronoun . 43. completes 44. let it stand 47. nervous twitch 48. observe 51. symbol for nickel 53. church denomination, (abbr.) 1 - z Jerry Reese - In Our Churches BAPTIST: Sunday, 9:45 a.m.: student Bible class taught by Dr. P. H. Epps and young mar ried couples' class taught by Dr. Carl Brown; 11 a.m.: worship with sermon and Holy Com munion, "Only Your Best is Good Enough," by the Rev. S. T. Habel; 6 p.m.: BSU supper and program on "Christian Faith and Life's Decisions" by Chancellor R. B. House. CATHOLIC: Sunday, 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.: Mass in Gerrard Hall. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Sun day, 11 a.m.: services in the Lec ture room of New West. CONGREGATIONAL-CHRISTIAN: Sunday, 10 a.m.: student Bible group led by Dr. George Nicholson; 11 a.m.: morning worship and Holy Communion; 6X p.m.: student supper discus sion with officer election. EPISCOPAL: Sunday, 8 a.m.: Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.: stu dent Bible' discussion group; 11 a.m.: Communion and "The Christian and the World," by the Rev. L. B. Sherman; 6 p.m.: Canterbury club supper and program on "The Return to Or thodoxy" by the Rev. B. J. Tur ner; 8 p.m.: evening prayer. QUAKERS: Sunday 11 a.m.: service in the Grail Room of Graham Memorial. JEWISH: Friday, 7:30 p.m.: Weekly service at the HiUel House. LUTHERAN: Sunday, 9:45 a.m.: church school; 11 a.m.: Communion and worship serv ice, "The Communing Church" by Dr. W. T. Nau of Davidson College. METHODIST: Sunday, 9:45 a.m.: breakfast Bible class; 11 a.m.: morning worship service and communion; 6 p.m.: Wesley foundation supper meeting. PRESBYTERIAN: Sunday, 9:45: Holy Communion; 11 a.m.: morning worship with Dr. T. D. Schafer; 6 p.m.: student group with Claude Shotts on "Chris tianity and War." Mamie Eisenhower is a blue eyed brunette, about five feet, four inches . in height. She dresses simply in dark, basic clothes and has distinctive tastes in the selection of hats. The famous bangs have been hers for many years and she has refused to change her hair style. Mamie's well-known char acteristic lies in being herself. A warm, friendly smile is a sort of trade mark. She was "herself" in France, where liv ing in a French villa assigned to the General, she planted sweet corn in the garden so that Ike could enjoy corn-on-the-cob. Her friends say, "Mamie hasn't changed over the years. You always know that when you meet her again she will be the same." The only career she wants is the role of homemaker, a part she has played effectively for many years under complex cir cumstances. She says she has "kept house in "everything but an igloo." Prior to departing on her first campaign train, Mrs. Eisenhower set an Election Year example for American women. She re gistered. She can and will vote on November 4. "Being registered for voting is a citizen's first duty," Mamie said. "It's the half-way mark of the 100 percent voter." Mrs. Eisenhower wrote her name on the rolls of the 49th Election District of the 7th As sembly District in the Central Registration office of the New York City Board of Elections. She also applied for an absentee ballot, in case she is not near her own voting district on Elec tion Day. ' "sff!rif?sffJL FREE DESISTING " ,' f .FREE: PROOF; - FREE' DIE Mamie iff 5 'oa) "My! Hallowe'en's A Little Early This Year" Express Young Republicans Editor: Various petty campus politi cians have recently printed their attacks on Eisenhower in your paper, and I have said nothing. I will suffer in silence no longer, however, for the "great smear" attempt reached a new low with the publication of one of the most intolerant and false col umns ever to appear in the Tar Heel. I am referring to the Dem ocratic propoganda on Wednes day's editorial page under the name of the Rt. Hon Albert House. First of all Mr. House blasted the Republican National Con vention for refusing to nomin ate Taft as the GOP presiden tial candidate. Mr. House knows quite well that the big-wags in control of the national party ma chinery at that time favored Mr. Taft. He also knows that the rank-and-file members of the party did not want Mr. Taft. Using the typical Democratic interpretation of such a situa tion, he fails to understand why Mr. .Taft was not nominated. The only thing he can see is that the ' headmen wanted Taft: there fore, Taft . should have been nominated. ; Since that did not happen, the nomination' was "stolen from it? ''rightful" recipient and given to the true choice of the Republican party, Ike. It is easy to understand why Mr. House holds such a philoso phy: I will cite the Democratic Convention as an example. The lay member of the Demo cratic party wanted the Senator from Tennessee, Estes Kefauver, to be their standard bearer. Big Burning Editor: In reference to Al House's ar ticle, "On the House," in Wed nesday's Daily Tar Heel, I would like to add my two cents worth. Mr. House's insinuation that the Republican National Convention did the wrong thing in seating pro-Ike forces at the Chicago convention is as far away from : the truth as one can get. If he had participated in precinct con ventions where Ike had won a clear-cut majority and had seen those same delegates refused seats, he too would have made charges of a big steal. Actually, the big steal was the big truth. His other insinuation that the 13 million unemployed of 1931 all found jobs under the New Deal is not true. We had major unemployment until Pearl Har bor, as the statistics will prove. Furthermore, the threat of Com ' munism has not diminished just CW Yourself city bosses, however, including notorious Jake Arvey of Chicago, had already "decided for the peo ple" that Adlai Stevenson was to be the nominee. It took all of con vention week to educate the dele gates, but the back-stage string pulling succeeded. So, the Democratic delegates to Chicago merely ratified the dictation of the party big wheels; the Republican delegat es to Chicago dictated the choice of Ike. As a result the old isolation ist wingMs no longer in control of the Republican party. The victor, Ike, has not surrendered to the vanquished, Taft. The principle of throwing away a hard - earned victory belongs solely to the Democratic party. A perfect example of this is Truman's bungling of the peace won on the battlefields of Eu rope by troops under Ike's com mand. The "Ike Surrender" theme, however, is just one example of the hypocrisy of the Democratic party. You will remember that Mr. House blasted the GOP for failing to nominate Taft, yet in the next paragraph Mr. House attacked the GOP for consulting Mr. Taft. What is this individ ual trying to accomplish? I am afraid I cannot answer that, but I do know his method is the old Democratic practice of trying to talk out of both sides of the mouth at the same time. He doesn't accomplish anything but does acquire a remarkable re semblance to the Democratic party symbol. Curt. J. Ratledge President. Young Republicans House because we have less unemploy ed. If Mr. House would stick to the facts, and let people form their own opinions, he would have a much better article. Frank Skrivanek A Selection of The Famous S & S Readers Editions AT ONLY SALE STARTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4th Stop in for a look after the game THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 East Franklin St. Open Evenings x- r zzzz JsGREAT SCOTT "T-ISN'T X NOVOU POOLf N Harry NONPLUS The Korean War is a. cruel, bloody hoax. Tens of thousands of Ameri cans lie dead. More tens of thousands of our men have had their guts torn out, their limbs shot off, their futures dimmed. Wives, children, parents have lost what cannot be replaced. At a billion a month for over two years, the cost of a minis cule peninsula war in Asia has been steadily draining U.S. re sources. What has been won by the deaths of those who populate the silent graves? A "cold war" with Russia? But the entire Allied armed might is held to a standstill by a satellite of the enemy! Ameri cans are dying at the front, but Russians aren't. Shrewd Red spokesmen have proved West ern diplomats wistful dreamers at the "truce" talks. South Korea, which we pre tended to be saving from the Communists, has been devastat ed. Realistic leaders of border line nations in the East-West conflict are hardly impressed by naive Allied efforts. The Chin ese Reds have doubled their air force and their army while building tremendous supply bas es. Yet we dawdle as the earth runs red and the enemy grows stronger. We must win the war or get out, and we can't get out. Why out. Why don't we bomb across the Yalu, destroying the vast bases and supply lines and in dustrial targets? Why don't we blockade the China coast? Why is there no move to push the land battle such as in amphibi I spent quite some time this summer traveling through New England and in those travels I came across some myths and truths which might be shared with you. Speeding along the mile-a-minute highways from New York through Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire the countryside just screams of Robert Frost. "Good fences make good neigh bors" can hardly be understood until you have seen the meadows patterned with gray stone, waist-high barriers the color of Harvard boy's trousers. One misty afternoon was spent on a trip to Newport. This was a typical playing field of "The Great Gatsby" and Scott Fitzgerald would probably do a double-take at' seeing the lush lands changed from the 20's about which he wrote. The homes are the ultimate in beauty and wealth, but many of the pink palasos and white mar ble spires-to-plenty are closed down and boarded up because of taxes. Many of the estates can be bought for a song plus tax. O'Leary, a seventy-two-year old policeman who had protected Newport for thirty . years, re called with lament the party days and social life of some years past. One Newport resi dent owned a tremendous estate (Regularly $1.00) HE KNOWS ABOUT US, NOWT-TWAT (JQiIV-i've: MtANi VCXJ FOR VOD-Ri MUST---- Riff .... by Joe Raff 7 I It 1 r . r-1 Snook ous landings to the north of the front, hitting the Reds where they are least prepared? Why don't we stop the profit less slaughter and maiming of our youth? If they must die, let it be to advantage! Fear of Russia and fear of an tagonizing the mainland Chin ese have paralyzed the West. Not only in action, but also in thinking. Russia needs no addi tional provocation for launch ing World War III she'll open the big struggle when she's rea dy and she's too smart to be tricked into it prematurely. And the Chinese are putting every thing they have into the Korea fight despite an acute moral problem at home. If the Communists want an armistice, more Allied pressure will expedite settlement of terms. If the Communists are just biding time to strengthen their position, the present waste of Allied manpower and materi al plays right into their hands. The Reds are masters of talk only force convinces them. Here in the United States, meanwhile, one may go for a whole day without hearing ref erence to the Korean War. But many you students will go to Korea on a one-way ticket. Many more of you will return maimed. U.N. planes roar onward to North Korean targets. Millions of rounds of artillery shells pound the Chinese Reds north of the front. Infantrymen wield rifles, bayonets, grenades in bravery born of despair. A single hilltop changes hands seven times at terrible cost. The war goes on. on which he couldn't afford to pay the taxes. This gent turned over his home to the Catholic church which made a school out of it and he lived nearby in a modest seven room house over looking his former back yard. I ankled in historical medita tion from the Synogogue in Newport (established 1658) over the shaded lane upon which Washington strode when walk ing to the Toro Cemetary the same burial ground which Long fellow immortalized. I came with much reverence to the graves of those ancient people, but was disturbed by the bel lowing voice of girl with a sail or who yelled to a friend two blocks away "How'd the Yank ees do today?" (They won that day). Newport is a Navy town today. One hundred-fifty horsepower hurdled us on a trip over the famous Boston Post Road. That was the path (now a highway) which Paul Revere took warn ing the middle-sex villages and towns. I came across a few quaint customs too. At Brown Univer sity in Providence there are two large Spanish imported gates which open only twice a year once to let freshmen in and again to let seniors out. The surest way to get the boot from " Brown is to mess with their gat- es. At Wellesley there is a beau tifully symmetrical garden de signed by a math professor whose love was thwarted for a president of Wellesley (the pres idents there are always wo men). It is said that if a Wel lesley girl walks her beau around the lake and this gar den three times without a pro posal she has a perfect right to push him in the drink. The flaw in this custom is that not enough young men know the story and often have their spirits damp ened. When going with a Wel lesley gal, remember men, that third trip around the lake may be your first up the river. DONE GOOD FO'YO'. DOC- i-r wnu AN-COME T"THIMK IT-GOOD FO