u n c LiEaaat SEBXAL3 PT CHAFEL KILT.. ?J n. WEATHER Partly cloudy and continued warm to day with 75 high. Yes terday's high. 75; low. 55. BUB Look Snook, bub, says you're wrong. See Nonplus, p. 2. VOLUME XLI NUMBER 19 CHAPEL HILL, N. C WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1952 FOUR PAGES TODAY n DSuT rail elections U Mew Voting D Dr. A. W. Flaten Begins Lecture Series Today Is Chairman Of Art Department At St. Olaf's Dr.' Arnold W. Flaten, first speaker on this year's Inter-Faith Council's religious emphasis pro gram, begins a series of lectures here today. Dr. Flaten is head of the St. Olaf Art Department, Northfield, Minn., and an authority in art history and architecture. He did undergradute work at St. Olaf and received a B.D. from Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul. The Inter-Faith Council and the University Art Department have cooperated in bringing Dr. Flaten here. t Dr. Flaten's schedule includes a talk, "Modern Architecture" in Alumni 110 at 10 a.m. and a slide illustrated lecture, "The Church and the Artist" at 8 p.m. at the Lutheran Church. At noon tomorrow in Murphy 111 Dr. Flaten will speak to the survey of architecture class. The YWCA Lazy Literates group will hear 'Dr. Flaten speak on "Dost oevsky and. the Concept of Super man" at 4 p.m. when he lectures in the Cabinet Room. At 8 o'clock tomorrow night his sub ject will be "The Art of' Radient Form" in Pearson Hall. Dr. Flaten did graduate work in painting and sculpture in France and Italy. He established the St. Olaf art department in 1932 and has since been its chairman. Recently Flaten and two col legues formed the Northfield Architects, Inc. The firm uses its combined skills with their under standing of theology, history, and life of the church to plan new churches or remodel old ones. Flaten sandwiches his designing of churches between college duties. Leclure, Film To Be Given By Brazilian Dr. Durval Borges of San Paulo, Brazil, will show a movie on hunting and fishing in the jungles of Brazil in Graham Me morial Friday night at 8 o'clock. Dr. Borges is a physician here on a United Nations fellowship to study serology. The fellowship was granted through the World Health Organization," an agency of the UN. The movie, which lasts an hour and 15 minutes, was taken last year when Dr. Borges went on a hunting trip in the interior of Brazil, an area seldom visited by white men. It shows the shooting of jaguars, crocodiles and other jungle inhabitants. The movie is a silent film and will be accom panied by explanations by Dr. Borges. The Brazilian physician visited Ann Arbor, Mich., and Atlanta in his study before coming to Chapel Hill. He will leave here Saturday and visit Washington, D. C, Al bany, N. Y., New York City, Guatemala and Caracas, Ven ezuela before returning to Brazil. His study will last three months. Legislative Delegates Sought Via Interview Interviews to select the Uni versity's delegation to the North Carolina Student Legislative As sembly will begin Monday. 1 Interviews are scheduled for Monday night, Tuesday after noon, and Wednesday night in the Grail Room of Graham Memorial. Address Change Siudents who change lheir Chapel Hill addresses are asked io noiify Universiiy officials in South Building. Forms may be obtained at the information desk on the first floor. The request is made, officials said, to assure an up date address list. ! I A ' x Hi tiv ' , ATI A SOUTH KOREAN SOLDIER LOADS A SHELL into a 75-mm recoiless rifle as two other mem bers of the gun crew line up sights on target. South Korean troops claimed victory after a week long battle for White Horse" Mountain UP Telephoto. : (N BRIEF S E O U L UN infantrymen, lashing out on the central front, captured one Communist-held mountain yesterday and waged a bloody battle for a second Red fortress. The attack was the big gest since October of 1951, when UN units fought the Reds in a series of line of demarcation battles. Gallant infantrymen slipped on the smooth shale and sand sides of the 70 degree Triangle Hill. "It's a very diffi cult hill to climb, let alone as sault," said a division officer. The size of the enemy force holding Triangle was not known. Officers estimated it to be about a com pany. Red forces were being kept at full strength by a series of trenches connecting Triangle with nearby Mount Papa, where poss ibly a regiment 3,000 men were waiting in the safety of bunkers and tunnels. H O U S T O N Dwight Eisen hower celebrated his 62nd birth day yesterday by calling on the South to rise up in political re bellion against the Democratic Party. At this first stop upon en tering Texas, he addressed a crowd estimated at 65,000, call ing the Democrats "weak-kneed and soft-headed" . . . "power mongers" . . . "discredited", and telling the crowd that he had been told not to campaign in the South because "the administration has those states in the bag." He made his Houston speech a follow-up to his hard-hitting Monday night New Orleans speech by again stating his support of state-ownership for the tide-lands oil warning against the encroach ment of the federal government on the rights of the states. CASPER, Wyo. Gov. Adlai Stevenson expressed "sorrow and dismay" at the Republican pre ference for "slogans, emotion, and confetti" rather than for facing up their record on campaign issues. In the first speech of a 6,000 mile trip to the West and Texas, he accused the GOP of a long record of "Republican isola tionism in foreign affairs and in action in domestic affairs." He went on to say that the Repub licans had "opposed every mea sure to build up American strength and America's alliances against the Communist conspi racy" and that "they seem to have induced or forced the general to alter his own posi tive principles and to adopt equivocal and Hesitant views that savor more of isolation and re treat than security and confi dence." WASHINGTON I r k e d Air Force officers cited praise by Gens. Mark Clark and James A. Van Fleet as evidence that the Korean air effort was not a "fiz zle." Gen Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr., Marine Corps commandant, had been quoted as saying that Opera tion Strangle "is recognized as a fizzle." Operation Strangle is the name of the joint air operations to interdict the Communist sup ply and communications lines from the front to the Manchurian border. Road State Firm BI For C DURHAM, Oct. 14. The Nello L. Teer Construction Com pany has been cleared of all responsibility for numerous cracks in the new Durham-Chapel Hill highway which the firm paved, it was said today. Nello L. Teer, head of . the company, said that W. H: Rogers Jr., chief engineer for the Friday Rally Will Precede Football Tilt Preparatory to this week's grid bout with. Wake Forest's Demon Deacons, there will be a Friday night pep rally in Memorial Hall at 7:30. .-. :: . The rally will be co-sponsored by the Monogram Club and the University Club. All students are asked to attend. The cheerlead ers and band will be there, and the co-sponsors say the rally will be over by 8 o'clock. Members of the Monogram Club will make the rounds of the dormitories in an effort to get the occupants to attend. Letters are being sent to the fraternities, sororities, and resident coeds. Those working on the rally are Bob Phillips and John Patseavou ras of the University Club; Joe Patterson; Head "Cheerleader Bo Thorpe and Johnny Poindexter, chairman of the UC Pep Rally Committee. NSA Relocated In Philadelphia The National Student Associa tion moved its headquarters to Philadelphia this fall to be near er a greater number of schools and colleges. Richard J. Murphy, NSA presi dent, said the move from Bolder, Colo., was made so the office would be near New York and Washington, educational centers. According to Murphy, a former UJSTS student, the organization also wanted the advice and coun selling of outstanding people in the personnel field who will be more easily available. Campus Society Honors Carolina Highest By Tom Parramore The memory of the Carolina professor who proved that Mount Mitchell, which bears his name, is the highest east of the Mississippi, lives on through a campus scientific society. Elisha Mitchell was born in Connecticut and educated at Yale. After he came to the UNC faculty he made many trips throughout the state on horseback, going to different mountains to satiate his scien tific zeaL It was on one of these trips that, with a barometer ordered from Paris, Mitchell measured the mountain which later was named for him. The height is 6,684 feet. arnes ks rac State Highway Commission, has authorized drainage trenches to be constructed "where needed," and that his firm accepted the decision as final. The construction firm head said Rogers' action in authorizing the trenches to be put down is "ab solutely an admission on their part that the trenches were need ed and that lack of proper drain age caused the trouble." The construction company had put in the tranches for almost two miles from Durham when, Teer said, the commission halted the work over his firm's objections. He said lack of the trenches en abled water to seep under the pavement, resulting in numerous cracks in the highway which was opened to traffic September 19. Teer said that his company will be paid for repairing the cracks "on a monthly basis as provided for in our contract." tf-W" - r ::: :-::::::::::: r . JULIUS (RIGHT) AND ETHEL (left) Rosenberg, two atomic spies who were sentenced to death in New York, have been de nied their appeal for commutation of their death sentences by the Supreme Court. They are awaiting execution in Sing Sing Prison. The Rosenbergs were sentenced by the government 18 months ago for helping a Soviet espionage ring steal U. S. A-bomb secrets. UP Telephoto. Mitchell Professor Measured Peak In Eastern U. S. He was killed on the same mountain some time later when he slipped from a precipice into a pool of water and was drowned. The Mitchell Society which commemorates this great man, is made up of about 150 faculty members and 100 associate members chosen from the grad uate ranks. It meets each sec ond Tuesday, of the month. At each meeting, two papers, dealing with any phase of science, are read. At its May meeting, the best dissertation is awarded a $50 prize known as the W. C. Coker Award. The purpose of the organiza tion is to promote scientific Party Leaders Voice Opinions About Ruling Various opinions of the Student Council's ruling on the re distrpting were aired by leaders in both parties yesterday. Gen erally, the University Party favored the council's ruling and the Student Prty felt somewhat less in agreement. The opinions of some of the leaders were: President Ham Horton (UP) "We are elated to hear that the student body will have, this Fall, their long-awaited redisricting." Ken Barton (SP-Party Chairman) "I feel at all times that the constitution should be upheld. I feel that we should abide by the Student Council's decision, but I honestly believe that they have misinterpreted its meaning. I don't personally oppose the re districting, but I feel that a more permanent bill could be formu lated. I disagree with present student government officers that claim a compromise is impossible." Jerry Cook (UP Chairman of Elections Board) "I think that the Student Council's ruling is the only one that could have been made. It had to be made this way to agree with the constitution." Ken Penegar (SP-Speaker Pro-Tern) "I think that constitu tional supremacy has been maintained, but that the spirit of the elections law has been violated, and the integrity of legislators questioned. I should like to see the men of Cobb Dorm given fair representation, but at the same time I think it desirable to respect the due process of law making and previously passed, duly en acted legislation." Vice-President Jim McLeod (UP) "This proves the legality of the law as such. I hope the change can take place with a minimum of trouble." Joel Fleishman (Parliamentarian SP) "This ruling is, in my opinion, not within the true essence of the general laws of student government." VA Payment Program To Save Vets Money Special to The Daily Tar Heel WINSTON-SALEM, Oct. 14. The Veterans Administration is Last- And First Today is the last call for Juniors io be snapped for the 1953 Yack. Pictures will be taken from 2 p.m. until 9 o'clock. Graduate School, Dental School and Senior Class pic tures are scheduled for tomor row. training and increase interest in scientific work in the state. The idea for the society was conceived and activated in 1883 by a group of UNC facul ty. Among this noted and still remembered group were Kemp Battle, F. P. Venable, J. M. Manning and W. B. Phillips. Present officers of the scien tific society are Professor Shear in of the Physics Department, president; C. W. Hooker of the Medical School, vice president; Dr. Bowers of physics, record ing secretary; E. T. Browne, permanent secretary, and Dr. Couch who edits the society's journal. now offering veterans a means of saving three per cent of the prem ium on their NSLI and other gov ernment insurance policies. All they have to do to get this sav ing is to pay their premiums quarterly, semi-annually or annu ally. This plan, says the VA, is bene ficial to both sides. The veteran not only saves money, but by paying less often is less likely to forget a payment. The VA, by receiving fewer monthly checks, will have less work to do and need fewer employees. This amounts to a substantial saving for the taxpayer. The VA also reminded those veterans who are receiving regu lar compensation or pension pay ments that they might have the regional office authorized to de duct insurance premiums from their check. This method is time saving and worry saving on the part of the veteran in that it in sures the payment of premiums on time. NC Assembly Fills Vacant Council Jobs The Interim Council of the North Carolina Student Legisla tive Assembly held its first meet ing of the year in the Morehead Building over the weekend. The date of this year's assem bly was set for November 20-22 in the capitol in Raleigh. The council authorized President Ken Penegar to invite the governor to address the opening plenary ses sion on November 20. Claude Stephens of North Car olina College in Durham was ap pointed secretary-treasurer of the Council to fill out the unexpired term of Howard Carter of Duke University. Joe Mauney and Carwile Le Roy of Wake Forest were ap pointed co-chairman of the pub licity committee; Rozelle Royall of Woman's College and Linwood Smith of A. and T. College in Greensboro will serve as co-chairmen of the calendar and bills committee; Fred Brooks of Duke is chairman of the rules commit tee, and the arrangements and registration committee is com posed of Lucius Walker of Shaw University. Eleanor Henry of Meredith College and Frankie Finch of Greensboro College. Stud ent 01! it ives ecision On Recent Dill Discrepancies In Existing Law Are Basis Of Dispute By Louis Kraar The question of whether the newly-passed redistricting bill would apply to the coming Fall election was answered yes yesterday. After a four and a half hour special meeting Monday, the Student Council reached its de cision. Council President Ted Frankel said in releasing the council's ruling that it was made on the basis of the constitution. Although this action , contra dicts the existing general elec tions laws, which contains cer tain technical discrepencies, the constitution is the supreme voice in such disputes, Frankel pointed out. The redistricting bill, revamps the two existing men's dormitory districts into five smaller ones, and has been under dispute since its passage at the last session of the Legislature. The technical discrepencies within the general election laws prompted the dis pute. In making its decision, the council recommended that the discrepency in the general elec tions law be corrected as soon as possible and suggested the "exer cise of more foresight in the fu ture." Proponents of the bill, mainly members of the University Party, believed that the redistricting bill should go into effect for the Fall election. Opponents, mainly members of the Student Party, thought that it should not affect the Fall election. "In order to best protect the best interests and preserve the general welfare of the student body, the Student Council makes this ruling," said Frankel in an official statement of the Council's ruling. The five new districts are: Cobb with four legislators; Stacy, Everett, Graham, Lewis, and Aycock with five legislators; Connor, Alexander, and Winston with five legislators; Joiner, Man gum, Grimes, and Ruffin with six legislators; Old East, Old West, Battle-Vance-Pettigrew, Steele, Whitehead, and all other on campus buildings with living quarters owned by the Univer sity with four legislators. Eisenhower Backers Asked To Contribute Ike backers yesterday were requested to give in a continued drive for an Eisenhower rally to be hel dhere in the near future. Chairman of the Chapel Hill Citizens for Eisenhower com mittee, Ham Horton, said the money collected during the drive will be used to distribute pub licity for Ike and support the rally. Checks should be made pay able to Citizens for Eisenhower, Chapel Hill, and sent to Ben James, funds chairman, Sigma Nu House. Southern Planters N. C. State hasn't done much to reap the fruits of football success this season but evident ly there are some Wolfpack fanatics who are pretty good at sowing. A bright green S has sprout ed on the 50-yard line at Kenan Stadium and whoever did the job certainly studied his farm ing and engineering lessons well.

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