U.:i.C. Library Serials Dapt. ChapsI Hill, II. C. i V i a : , 8-31-49 W EAT HER Cloudy and cool with BS .high today. Yester day's high, 50; low. 40. ADVISERS An advisee looks at the advisers in Guidirt' Business. See p. 3. VOLUME LXI NUMBER 40 CHAPEL HILL. N. C THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1952 FOUR PAGES TODAY t 1 nn 0 ir JUL IV L-'T1 - -a . . v f iJJj : m W 0 EE! TDftl 0) Jfl .1 , II I. i i I: I- I' r pi i 1 i; "J : v. D ear Pledges oberfs x - Y BIFF ROBERTS Phi Rebukes Trustee Unit For Action The Trustee Executive Commit tee was censured for its Saturday class proposal by a campus group almost as old as the Board of Trustees itself, when the Phi As sembly met Tuesday night. By an overwhelming vote, the 159-year old debating society adopted a resolution "favoring any honorable . action , leading to the rejection" of the committee's argument in support of the Phi bill was that the action rpnrppnterl another in a series of trespasses by the Trustees up- ! on functions that should properly k wt t tv, fa,ltv nH stii- i dents. The Executive Committee adopted the Saturday class pro posal despite strong objections from the University student body, faculty and administration, ine Phi pointed out. The bill termed the move "ob noxious to the liberal, progressive principles of education which the University has fostered since its inception." "No reason has been given for . this action," the bill continued, "except to prevent the students and faculty from receiving much needed rest and relaxation." Marine Band Will Be Here Tuesday Nite The 154-year-old United States Marine Band will give a concert in Memorial Hall Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. On its annual fall tour, the Marine Band will appear here under the auspJ s of the Student Entertainment Committee. The Marine Band was the first band in the United States mili tary service and the first to re ceive congressional recognition. John Philip Sousa became leader of the Band in 1880 and it was under Sousa that the Band made its first trans-continental tour in 1891. The Band now makes an an- nual nine-week tour. It also plays three weekly s radio broadcasts, makes frequent television appear ances, and attends all White House social functions. In keep ing with its century-and-a-half custom, it plays winter and sum mer concerts for the Washington public. Ring Sale There will be a Senior Class ring sale today in the Y Lobby from 2 p.m. until 4:30. The orders will be taken by a Grail representative. Delivery dales and prices will be avail able from the representative. R o Says "My reasons for entering the race for editor of The Daily Tar Heel are taken purely from a newspaperman's standpoint and are not political," Biff Roberts, JP candidate said yesterday. Roberts praised former editor Baicy Farber a or "taking the pa oer out oi neai-ihaos, organizing a staff, and rt turning a full-size daily to the students." "We had one of trie be.-t editors he paper nas ever had m Barry barber and 11 is unfortunate that vve lo-t him to a higner power," Roberts taid. r-arher was drafted and enters the armed services to day. He promised to carry cn where Farber Jeit ot. ' Tiie only cam paign prouiist liiai 1 c;n make is that, if elected, 1 will uy to carry i ntJ imuugn petitions, ana on where he left off.' Roberts through letters to parents, trust .iri '-Rioht ih,. mnor is ' ees and to Gov. Scott. .sound, tiie stjli is a uod one, and 1 can see no net d ioi any drastic changes." "Of course, we had circulation problems at tne beginning of the year, but must of these have been solved now and I can see no rea son to base a campaign on an error that is beng corrected," the 1 Sports Editor said. ; Roberts said he was basing his ; hopes for election on what news- paper experience he has had. He j listed four years on The Daily ; Tar Heel, two years desk work ; on the Louisville Courier-Journ-al, three years correspondence for the - same paper and. a .year , as ; I Sports Editor of the Yackety j ! Yack. j ! "1 can only promise to answer ; the problems confronting the pa- Per as each one arises and to han- ; die the paper's business m a con- ; servative manner," he concluded. "I can guarantee a stand such that the paper won't groom well with Gromwell and that we dont go to Saturday classes DR. A. POWELL DAVIES. minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, will speak at Hill Hall lonight at 8:30. The .public is inviled to hear one of the nation's out standing liberal preachers. His subject will be "The Danger of Preaching from the Bible." Extra Day To Register The registration deadline for the international relations con ference at Camp New Hope this weekend has been extended until 3:30 p.m. today. The fee is $2.50 and includes lodging and meals, "Religion's Part in Internation- I s X 1 V - - f r I ' : al Relations" will be the theme of recently at the University Li the conference. Dr. Eddy Asirva- brary. tham, professor of missions and The display, located in the east Christian international religions foyer of the main floor of the li at Boston University, will lead brary, includes coverage of the conference sessions. Dr. Asirva- i Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fair, tham is past vice-president of the forum speakers and alumni news Indian Political Science Assbcia- , letters. , tion and is visiting the campus A featured attraction is a corn under the auspices of the YMCA plete map of the United States, and the Inter-faith Council. He showing various actiye college will visit political science classes chapters and alumni associations, and will speak at a social science , The map was drawn by William luncheon Monday. Paul Green, author and lectur er, will assist Dr. Asirvatham in the leadership of the conference. rianr extra class- easons 'Not Political' Walt Dear, independent candi date for The Daily Tar Heel edi tor's post, yesterday pledged all out editorial support in the move to stop Saturday classes. Dear has been endorsed and is being backed by the Student Par ty, but said the day before his en dorsement that he would run for the post as an independent. "I am opposed to the idea of Saturday classes," he said. "I feel that administration, faculty and j student opinion have been disre garded, and I will make every ef fort possible now and later to see that the weekend classes are not instituted." Dear appealed to all students for expression of their ideas and complaints through The. Daily : m . tt 11 .i j x i In an effort to make a campus wide survey to find out what stu dents like and dislike about the newspaper, Dear plans to attend dormitory meetings. Village Poll For Nursery A poll will be made of Vic tory Village this week to find out whether there is a need for a nursery in the Village and whether such a nursery, if available, would be support ed: ' ' ' ' ' A mass meeting of villagers was held at the end of October. At that time the problems of nursery, playground and club house facilities were presented to the group by W. A. Scott. Villagers from each street vol unteered to work together to make plans for acquiring these facilities for Victory Village. Since then the committee has met together to study and dis cuss possible locations, ways of securing financial aid, polling the village and health and legal requirements. Another mass meeting will be held after the results of the canvass have been compiled to report back to the villagers. Mrs William Waddell and Ed Best of 150 Daniels Road and 111 Johnson Street respectively were elected co-chairmen. Mrs. Robin Wingfield of 202-A Jack son Circle was elected secre tary. Other volunteers working on the village committee are Mrs. Val Bissett, 119 Polk Street; J. D. Hurst, 243 Jackson Circle; Mrs. W. J. Latham, 245 Jackson Circle; W. A. Scott, 233 Jack son Circle; Bill Stovall, 206 Jackson Circle; Albert Love joy, 107 Johnson Street; Clinton Cameron, 183 Daniels Road; Henry Dellinger, 182 Daniels Road; Mrs. Sue Gilchrist, 163 Daniels Road; Harold Parrish, 180 Daniels Road; Mrs. Joy Tay lor, 160 Daniels Road, and Mr. Jack Wolley, 61 Daniels Road. AK Psi Offers Library Show A public display of profession al activities of Alpha Kappa Psi, national professional fraternity in( business administration, opened Hubbell of the Graphic Arts Di vision of the Institute of Social Sciences. L. R. Jordan is presi dent of Alpha Kappa Psi. it Glee Club Will Sing At State Sunday The UNC Women's Glee Club, directed by Joel Carter, and the N. C. State Men's Glee Club will give a joint concert in Raleigh Sunday afternoon iat 4 o'clock. The concert will be held in Pullen Hall on the State campus and will be divided into five groups Tne first group consists of two Bach chorales.. anJby, both groups and a unison song, "Let Js Now Praise Famous Men." .The second part of the program is made up of arrangements by the otate Glee Club and the third part consists of folk songs sung oy the UNC Women's Glee Club. fhe State College Orchestra will present an instrumental number and in conclusion the combined groups will sing "For Us a Child is Born" by Bach. The program will be the second joint concert given by the UNC Women's Glee Club and the State Glee Club. The first was in 1950 at President Gordon Gray's in auguration when the University Glee Clubs, the WC Chorus and the State Glee Club joined to ether in presenting several num bers in the Coliseum in Raleigh. Sculptor To Give Modern Art Talk "Modern Art: An Expression of Our Age?" will be the topic of a .ecture to be presented this after noon at 4 o'clock by sculptor xlobert A. Howard of the Art De partment. The lecture is the second in a series of programs provided by the Y Lazy Literates committee to enable students to discuss con temporary culture in our society. An exhibit of modern American paintings now on display in Per son Hall Art Gallery will be the basis of Howard's talk. -ft fc '4. v -iSt'-Vi--: 'wjawr- .:.::;::,;- - W VM , J WALT DEAR j . - f j ROK TANK CREWMEN OBSERVE RESULTS of UN fire on Chinese Communist positions along the Korean front line. The 8th Army has called off costly South Korean attempts to recap ture Triangle Hill after many bitter attacks NEA telephoio. LIM BRIEF SEOUL South Korean troops retook the crest of Sniper Ridge j Tuesday, but were beaten back in renewed attack on Triangle Hill, i Chinese infantrymen, blasted off ' Pinpoint Hill for the 14th time, j still held a maze of tunnels and i caves at the bottom of the hill. I- ! WASHINGTON Testimony piled up yesterday that the U. S. has exploded the world's first hy drogen bomb at Eniwetok but tne Atomic Energy Commission still has "no comment." Evidence i s mostly from eyewitness letters written by members of the task force at the Eniwetok test opera tions. WASHINGTON Presi- dent Truman may ask President- plpr-t DwiPht n F.ispnhnwpr for ! a' public endorsement of the Al lied stand against forced repatri ation of Red prisoners in Korea, administration officials said yes t e r d a y . Diplomatic authorities feel Ike must end possible Rus sian hopes for a U. S. retreat on the POW issue and prevent the UN Korean debate from collap sing in uncertainty. NEW YORK The United Na tions should either help purge it self of "spies and saboteurs" or get out of the United States, members of the Senate Internal Security Committee said Tues day. Committee Chairman Pat McCarran (D-Nev.) told news men Jre belieyed.hiscornrnitteejs inquiry had brought, about the resignation of UN Secretary General Trygve Lie. YANCEYVILLE A "leer" cost Mack Ingram a six-months sus pended sentence and put him on good behavior for five years. Charged with assaulting Airs. Willie Jean Webster, the 44-year-old Negro farmer was convicted yesterday by an all-white male jury. The girl testified that Ing ram "leered" at her from about 75 feet and the jury upheld the states' contention that by "leer ing" at her, Ingram frightened the girl and thus committed as sault. WASHINGTON Korean battle casualties now total almost 126,- 000, the Defense Department re ported yesterday. The summary lists 19,712 killed in action; 93, 237 wounded and 12,938 missing. WASHINGTON Presi dent-elect D wight D. Eisenhow er's advance financial scout, Jo seph M. Dodge, arrived yesterday to "look, listen and find out wha I can" about President Truman't plans for the fiscal 1954 budget. The Michigan banker told re porters it would be "unwise" tc comment on reports that Presi dent Truman will present an $85, 000,000,000 budget to the Congres n January. ' , 2 feW . r , I tl Umstead Explains; Special Rally At 3 Wire Recording, Printed Material To Spark Battle By Louis Kraar Students will voice their opinions against Saturday classes this afternoon at a spe cial rally in Memorial Hall at 3 o'clock. Tape recordings, petitions, hand bills and other mediums will be the sounding board for student opinion at this mass meet ing. President Ham Horton urged all students to be present in or der that the meeting "will fully represent student opinion. Let's keeP this on a sane, mature basis so that we can win this battle. "A good turnout is one of the most important weapons we have in combatting this thing," said Horton in stressing the import ance of the meeting. Meanwhile Attorney - General ; Phin Horton was busy at work in J the Vice-President's office in I I Graham Memorial, clearing house for all plans in the campus-wide campaign. , Every fraternity, sorority, and campus organization was contact ed and asked to pass resolutions protesting Saturday classes. Tape recordings of this after noon's meeting will be made by a tecnnician irom fawain Jrian. Following the meeting those who have definiie-jeasonsagainst Sal-.; urday classes and want to air their views may make individual recordings. Thirty yards of petitions con taining close to 3,000 names were measured yesterday evening with still more expected from various organizations. Those students who haven't signed may do so in the student government of The Daily Tar Heel office. All petitions and resolutions are to be given to Phin Horton at the campaign headquarters in the vice-presi dent's office before the meeting. "What You Can Do To Fight Saturday Classes," a special printed sheet stating the case against the dreaded sixth day of class, will be distributed at the meeting. It is to be mailed to pa rents and trustees. Copies of the Trustee's report from a previous meeting at which be delighted to defend my posi they opposed Saturday classes are tfon before any group and at any also to be distributed. time. . . , . ,,, Chancellor House issued the Victor Bryant, chairman of the;. ,, . .. JV Visiting Committee, is one of the .eading proponents of Saturday jlasses on the Executive Com nittee. The long rolls of student petitions, wire recordings, and other things representing campus ,entiment over this controversy Afill be presented to Bryant and lis committee tomorrow. The agenda for today's rally is i presentation of the facts by President Horton; open forum discussion; reading of resolutions (See RECORDING, page 4) 1 3 1 Trustee's Switch . Came As Result Of Opinion Study ' By John Jamison University Trustee John W. Umstead Jr., yesterday ex plained he switched from a position favoring Saturday classes to his present position against them after discovering "there were facts pertaining to the question that I had not considered." Simultaneously Chancellor Robert B. House observed that the Executive Committee has "returned to the position ex pressed in the action of the Board of Trustees on June 2, 1948," ordering a plan looking toward the resumption of Satur day classes as early as practica ble. In a letter to The Daily Tar Heel explaining his reversal Umstead said, "In 1948 when the matter of Saturday classes came before the Board of Trustees I seconded the motion that wa3 passed calling for the resumption cf Saturday classes as soon as practicable." He continued, "Several mem bers of the faculty and several students talked with me about the matter and I found that there were facts pertaining to the ques tion that I had not considered. Wishing to strengthen my posi tion favoring the motion that had been passed I decided to go into the matter thoroughly and with each group that were interested. "Over a period of two years I talked with administrative offi cers of the University, faculty members, students and both fath ers and mothers of students. I tried get all the facts to the end that after thorough consideration I might make up my mind as to what would be best for the Uni versity. "As a result of this investiga tion I came to the conclusion that I was wrong in favoring the orig inal motion. When the matter was again brought up on Mon- dav 1 opposed and shall continue to offer all the opposition that I can. The arguments against Sat urday classes too many to carry them in this statement but I will . . . ., . . . Subsequent to this action of the Board (ordering the study of a plan for Saturday classes), a faculty committee and the Visit ing Committee of the Board of Trustees studied the five-day class week matter thoroughly. The Visiting Committee in its re port to the Board on February 28, 1949, gave a complete an alysis of the problem. The com mittee concluded that the ad vantages, of the five-day class week out-weighed the disadvan tages. "The report of the. Visiting Committee was approved by the Board of Trustees, and the Uni versity Administration consid ered this to mean that no change in the five-day class week was desired by the Board. "From time to time since 1943, the question has been raised again. "On Monday, November 10, 1952, the Executive Committee re turned to the position expressed (See SWITCH, page 4) Free Clinic The free folk dance clinic has two activities scheduled today with authority Gene Gowing leading both in the Women's Gym. From 4 p.m. to 6 o'clock the Tar Heels and Toes Club will hold its weekly meeting and lonight at 8 o'clock there will be a callers' clinic. Students are invited to both events.