Page Two The Daily uilp The official student publication of the Publications Board 'of the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, where It is published daily, except Monday, examination and vacation periods, and during the official summer terms. Entered as second class matter at the post office in Chapel Hill. N. C. under . the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates mailed $4 per year, $JiO per quarter: oelivered. So and 82 25 per quarter Interim Editorial Board........ Managing Editor Business Manager SDorts Editor ..ROLFE News Ed. aody Levey Sub Mtrr Carolyn Rejchard Ass't. Sub. Mgr. Delaine Bradsher Natl Ativ Mgr Wallace Pridgen Night Editor for this issue: Rolfe Neill News Staff Bob Slough. John Jamison, Punchy (Billy) Crrimes. i-ouia w.aii, Jerry Reece. Tom Parramore. Alice Chapman. Dixon Wallace. Tony Burke. J en- nie Lynn. Tish Rodman. Tom Neal Jr.. Jane Carter, Sally Schindel. Sports Staff Vardy Buckalew. Paul Cheney. Melvin Lang. Everett Parker. Charlie Dunn. ; Society Staff Peggy Jean Goode. Janie Bugg. Alice Hinds. Advertising Staff Buzzy Sull. Judy Taylor. Joyce Jowdy. Bozy Sugg. Nancy K?rryman. Night Edito for this issue: Tom Peacock -Lt. Chuck Tar Heel FORT BRAGG I'm having car trouble. Again. The heap I'm driving now is the third I have owned, and up until last Friday night it had never given me any cause for cussin'. All it did the other night was refuse to start when I was ready to take off for Chapel HilL I finally borrowed a car, and arrived in time to pick up my date at 10:30 for the German Club dance which start ed at 9 o'clock. The first jet I ever owned was a 1939 Ford which had already lost its virility when my folks turned it over tp me shortly after the end of World War II. It carried me through my freshman year at Carolina, and also carried me on several foot ball trips in the fall, to New York for a long weekend in the winter, and to the beach a num ber of times spring quarter. But it was costing me more money than I had, and at that time never having heard of the Nixon Plan for Living Over Your Income, I sold it. The next year was rough. I had to walk all the way from the ATO House on Franklin Street up to Davie Hall for bot any. "Walking wasn't so bad, and there was always room ,in someone else's car for football trips, but when spring and beach weather returned, I long ed for a lovemobile of my own. So I bought another '39 Ford in that late spring of 1948. This one had two more doors, a dif ferent color of paint, and seemed to have a few years of potency left in it. That little white Ford traveled from Washington, D. C, to Crescent Beach, from Knoxville to Myrtle, from Athens to Ocean Drive, and from Charlottesville and Columbia to Wrightsville. 12. 13 15 lb 2 19 -1 21 2.2 2 24- 25 3o SI 33 3h 3t 31 39 40 41 42. 45 4ft 49 St 52 HORIZONTAL 1. lid 6 Australian ostrich 9. weapon 12. get up 13. duct 14. game of chance 15. reduces corpulence dleUcaUy (humorous) ' 16. before 17. equal: comb, form 18. golf mound 19. eagle 20. solar disk 21. possessive pronoun 22. provides food 24. a moon goddess 25. worthless bits 26. rose essence 30. traps 32. spar, with block at end , 33. Russian rulers 34. an tiered ruminant 35. street rail way (abbr.) 36. flows out 38. endeavor 39. head coverings 42. sacred vessel 43. prefix: wrong 44. ventilate 45. wrath 46. networks 48. cyprinold fish 49. variety of lettuce 50. mountain in Greece 7ZA W7s ! i Answer to yesterday's puzzle. clrXlRlolMgSlOlLriAlT A RjE C A ji. V E lJP A W REP E L. JELLi I AL ASljgE VISE AIB E Tl JL E PlE RjZ !pClAM0TOP PIN E AC H A RLJT A M AR TN SHARP NLJL O N E s Lk!l 3'k 5LE TeGO lAOORE M "ATr...iTTHTYl JRlAlriM IE X'f Average time of olatlom: S3 aalaate. Distribute by King Ft-lurca Syn-lcaU Tar Heel Thursday, November 13. 1952 ar Heel NEILL,. BEV BAYLOR. SUE BURR ESS : ROLFE NEILL JIM SCHENCK BIFF ROBERTS Soc. Ed. Circ. Mgr. Asst. Sots. Ed. dv Mgr Deenie Schoeppe Donald Hogt, Tom PeacocK Ned BeeW - Hauser- At Large One fateful Friday, in May of 1951 we started out on our last beach trip, the little car and I. Along as passengers were Daily Tar Heel Managing Editor Rolfe Neill and two very attractive 'females from Woman's College at Greensboro. Everything was just peachy keen until we got about 35 miles this side of Wilmington. Then the bottom dropped out, almost literally. The fuel pump pump ed its last, the engine coughed, let out a death rattle, "and col lapsed, and we coasted to a stop in the middle of some country that could give the Great Dis mal Swamp competition in the desolation department. "My God, what are we going to do?" I cried out in anguish. 'Well, you might be able to get under the hood and fix it," one of the girls volunteered. "I wasn't talking about the car, stupid," I snapped at her. "We're out of chasers, and we've conked out in a place that looks like Death Valley's twin broth er." That revelation galvanized everyone to action, and they all promised to do anything to the best of my ability to correct the situation. Rolfe magnanimously promised to take care of the women, and I started walking. On the top of the next rise I stopped and squinted down the road. Sure enough, about a quarter of a mile down was a country store. As quick as you can say "I like Ike" backwards 679 times, I sprinted down to the store and put a call through to the Landis at Wrightsville Beach, where I got hold of Andy Taylor, a former Daily Tar Heel er now with a Marine rocket battery near Panmunjom. Then back to the car I went, with Andy's promise to come a io 14 7 23 OX 'A 2o Z8 23 i 35. v. 38 43 'A 4b 7 So S3 Z-b 51. shelter 52. S-shaped worm 7. river in France 8. employ - 9. aglow 10. garden flower 11. celestial body 19. corrodes 20. fall flower 21. hark! 22. plant of mustard family 23. scolds 25. species of iris 27. symbol for tellurium 28. antipathy 29. depend 31. river in Latvia 32. look for 34. compulsion 37. arm of 38. r oi ot. . 39. frozen rain 40. military assistant 41. woody plant 43. apportion 45. frost 46. knock 47. donkey 53. hammer head ends VERTICAL. 1. public vehicle declamations 2. 3. climbing plants 4. Italian princely house 5. thing, in law 6. turns inside out 7ZTA ma m -Walt Ernst- Guidin' Bizness . T'uther day I wuz settin' out on the front porch of that there fraternity club I belong to jest sorta settin' there and takin' it easylike when I got to thirikin' a little bit. Now that I is in my last year up here at the state university, it's interestin' to look back on them three hell-raisin' years and decide jest what's handed me the most trouble in this here book learnin' other then that there hell-raisin' which I done mentioned previously. Well, sir, right quick I comes up with the answer. I ain't been guided right! 'Course everybody's always moanin' 'bout them dumb pro fessors theys got or the pitiful subjects theys takin' and all that stuff,1 but that's jest natural anyways. When you git right down to it, I reckon you can git 'bout as good a dose of book learnin' right here at the uni versity as you can git any wheres. But gittin' back to this here guidin' business I feels I been gyped! What us students needs is somebody to take us over in the corner soon's we comes here our first year and tell us all 'bout the subjects we can git. Some kinda system so's we could look at the whole dang set-up and git advised as to what's best. Sorta like the discussions we usta git into back home at the general store with our feet propped up on the wood stove and all. The only advisin' I got my first two years here wuz five minutes each quarter with some man up in South Buildin'; and I had to wait in line plumb near a hour to git that! And then he never told me nuthin'. Why, hell-fire, I flunked freshman math two times before I finally found out I coulda taken that there language the Romans usta talk and git the same credit. I'm purty good at that foreign talk, too, even though I don't git this here American too easy. 'Course once you gits around to your third year here and gits into what you're gonna major in, you sometimes git a little down-to-earth advisin' but then it's too late. And half the time you ain't learin what yoti started out to learn anyways. Jest yesterday I wuz talkin' to Ernie Hawfield. Ernie first came to the university to learn to be a doctor. He startin his sixth year now and he's takin' a overload this quarter: Com merce 31, geography 38, English 2, embryology 103, and phys. ed. 5. Ernie's hopin' to git his de gree in meterology in March. Now you know damn well that boy ain't been guided right! I been told theys got 'bout 700 professors learnin' us students here. Why not give each one of them professors some advisin' to do, instead of jest a few like theys got now? That way each one would only have 'bout ten of us students to guide and could take the time to guide 'em right. Sorta neighborly advisin', you know. So's you could set down and find out real easy about all this book learnin' you gotta git without gittin' upset and all. Kinda slow-like, you know maybe 'bout two tobaccy chaws worth! get us. This news cheeied my thirsty traveling companions, but I was roundly cursed for forgetting to bring any chasers back with me. "Let's all go up to the store and get some chasers," I sug gested, refusing to set off alone again. But the side of the road not being an ideal place to leave a car parked, all four of us put our shoulders to the wheel, or the FordJ if you prefer, and be gan pushing it slowly up the hill. For the first time I really appreciated the fact that Henry made his heaps light back in '39. The rest of the story is anti climatic. Andy and Punchy Grimes, a Daily Tar Heel staffer then and now, finally arrived and towed us to Wilmington be hind Punchy's car. The rope only broke six or seven times on the way. I had to leave the car in Wil mington until the following week to get it fixed. When I went back the next weekend to pick it up the garage offered me $25 for the scrap metal. I was glad to get it. "Why Yes-ln s Drew Pearson ; i The Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON It's an iron ic twist of fate that the first Supreme Court vacancy Pres ident Eisenhower will have to fill will probably be that of an ardent new dealer, Justice Fe lix Frankfurter. Day after tomorrow, Frank Editor: I take it upon myself to point out one of the places where the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees has consid ered the wrong question in re gard to Saturday classes. First: Let us, In theory, con cede that they are right in their assumption that a goodly num ber of Carolina students are im maturely galavanting around the country on weekends wast ing both their time and money and states'. (Although. I person ally refuse to concede to such an assumption.) If this Is true, how can the Executive Committee conclude that keeping this infantile stu dent group an extra half a day in class per week will mature them to the point that they will spend a fruitful weekend in Chapel Hill studying? My opin ion (for what little it is worth) is that this measure instead of producing gratifying work on the part of the misfits will, at best, simply contain their infan tile carousings to a smaller area and probably just delay them 24 hours. In contrast to this consider the injustice done to the much greater number of serious, hard working, mature students who Express Yourself E5gaasasa2-s3 WMA i m oit HgfZE live Asj&l, P C $ARP A6 A OL' FCC ZXPZFr, IP ) EATING AT iCOVi POOP lite -v Jf W Vte rs: UKBIO HEAE HOW THAT RSEICY TAS -J&rrAll OVEK I eee Vt S - Y WgU-,ITWONT j ! 6NUCK UP AN' GUV YOU A ATSSf If rIeee Is GUPPZH- I le&.JfdZS HAPPEN A-GMtl J ' JIMKS; W'" TTSlI I ff-SAY.VTHAT J OH, NO DOG-S I VCHJ-RE RIGHT.? J I'M SURE.--N I WHAR VO'GOiN; V YO"-9 - - UP.FCOME: JPpYASSUH.r ) HAM OF VOURS FTCHER WOU-DtfT HOPE VOUr" AH'M SHORE UI'L ABNER? WAITIW' FTf f OUT, "W?-7 r-l HAS GOTTEN O SLUG NOBODV . VISIT DID rf YO'LL FIND HIM DIDWT VO' IV ME'?- M YOKUMrir WWTM LrAV kikjda bent. over th' head ) garson M a difp-rumt J remember )?s c'mom Ch srmwM A xsssjt&y idhJr iMry 88iQ flit w jn sf? B,, iP3l.!iIs Sr:i ' if n'W- As X Jn ...W MV1V - - , i - - I J I l,.i- r-- 1 t tv r -Fact - I've Been Ready furter has the right to retire on full salary, having then reached the age of . 70. And since Frank furter was one of the early Roo sevelt men who proposed that Supreme Court justices should get off the bench at that age, it would be consistent for him use this time on the week ends to a profitable end studying, pursuing serious extra-curricu-lars, or visiting home once or twice a quarter to relieve the tension of their studies. The greatest injustice will be done to those students strug gling to get through school on limited finances who count heavily on the weekends for the time to earn all or part of their way. These students, who may also work through the week and use the weekends to study, are the ones who will receive the worst beating because of this Saturday class ruling. The one full day which has been theirs to earn their way will be taken away from them. Some will be unable to continue in school I won't say all because these are the type of students and men who can rise to meet most dif ficulties. Now we see the question that the Executive Committee should have considered. Is it fair to make the road more difficult for some worthwhile students just to ensure that a few worth less ones will get to sit a few extra hours in class with du bious returns for the time ex pended? Andrew J. Lavin MfiO. WT V Hill KTSI. rri For 20 Years" to do so. However, a strange thing has happened to Justice Frankfurter. Though he's accused by Repub- 1 lican critics of being an archi tect of the new deal and the man who's inspired the Acheson policies, actually he's become a strong Eisenhower man. Gradually he's drifted away from the Truman administra tion, now has few friends left high up in government except the Secretary of State. Mean while, some of his old friends, such as Jack HcCloy, former High Commissioner for Ger many, and Kenneth Royall, for mer Secretary of War, have be come. Ike's strongest backers. And with McCloy slated high on the list to be Secretary of State, Frankfurter may end up being just as close to the State Department under the Eisen hower administration as during the Truman administration. Though Frankfurter could re tire from the Supreme Court this week, private betting among the jurists is that he won't. Probably he'll remain on until after Jan. 20, when Eisenhower could appoint his successor unless he wants to make a va cancy for his old friend and stu dent, Dean Acheson. If so, he'll resign before January, giving Truman a chance to give Ache son an interim appointment. Those who have talked to the President-elect about cabinet posts come away with the dis tinct impression that he is not going to appoint John Foster Dulles as Secretary of State, and that this all-important post is more likely to go to Paul Hoffman, the Marshall Plan ad ministrator, or John J. McCloy, former High Commissioner to Germany. Both are extremely -Walt Dear- Over The Hi Do students count? Do faculty count? Do the considered opin ions of our Consolidated Univer sity president and our energetic Chancellor count? I gttess not, but why not? I don't know. In spite of a sur vey showing that we do stick around on weekends and that we use our weekends to good advantage, despite known and intelligent dissent from every one involved, the trustee execu tive committee has decided for Saturday classes. This is pow er, strict and unadulterated legal, but is it fair, is it con structive? Will it be the best way of making us thinkers and citizens? Shall we be better stu dents, men. and women with more well-rounded personalities because of a one-shot three hour extra? No. It won't and can't. It may decrease enrollment, it may make Saturday night a real hell, it may cramp studying, and it may ruin the essence of the quarter system concentrat ed instruction with a weekend for absorption. You're mad. I'm mad. We're concerned. But gripes at the house, in Lenoir, or in the so cial room won't take away Sat urday classes. Strong-willed, immediate action of the con structive variety will make a difference. Do this if you don't want weekend classes: 1. Write to your parents. Ask them to write trustees. 2. Wire Gov. Scott. He is chairman of the Board of Trus tees. 3. Sign the petitions circu lated. 4. Attend mass meetings. 5. Express yourself to the faculty, administration, and others concerned. I'm a senior. I'm not going to be here in September, 1953. But I sense with indignation what Saturday classes will mean. Seniors as well as other students should voice their complaints. The big thing about this school has been that student and faculty opinion have always rated. Right now, our opinion and the opinion of our teachers is nothing. Make your say count now. able, with competent know-how in foreign affairs. While Dulles also has a rich foreign-affairs background, Eis enhower doesn't seem quite comfortable with him. Their re lationship is similar to that of Truman and Jimmie Byrnes, who was so aggressive and had so much know-how that he sometimes overshadowed his boss. Paul Hoffman, on the other hand, has been taken back into the full favor of the Eisenhower smile. For a time Hoffman was on the outs. One of the original Ike-rooters and chairman of the citizens for Eisenhower commit tee, Hoffman soured a bit when the General embraced McCarthy and ell the other isolationists. But toward the end ' he flew back from California and came out strong for Eisenhower. Jack McCloy probably has the best of all backgrounds to be Secretary of State. He served as assistant Secretary of War un der FDR, then head of the world bank, then took over the tough job of administering Germany, knows his European onions thoroughly. 1! ! 11 fdfsw : ; "'" I' i ii -- f