T T -Z ?? 1 T- WEATHER Cloudy and cold with 52 high today. Yester day's high. 51; low. 40. VOLUME LXI NUMBER 50 CHAPEL HILL. N. C TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1S52 FOUR PAGES TODAY . . . . - ' . - . ti , rtL oil i- ff rf iff duty - rWSF . -M t - - unoff Wagger, Plott Hold The Key To Legislature Woman's Council Seat-s Also Slated To Be Elected By Louis Kraar The Student Party and Uni versity Party will square off again today in the campus political arena to fight for a legislative majority as run off candidates Gerry Wagger (UP) and Frank Plott (SP) vie for votes in Men's Dormitory Dis trict IV. Student Party legislators num ber 25, including two double en dorsed and one independent can didate who lean toward SP, while UP has 24 legislators' counting five double endorsed candidates who are UP inclined. Today's political clash between Plott and Wagger will decide whe ther SP has a legislative majority or whether both parties will have the same number of legislators. If Plott wins, SP will have a majority of two and if Wagger wins, UP will have the same num ber as its opposition. Residents of Mangum, Manly, Emerson Stadium, Joyner, Grimes and Ruf fin Dormitories will make the decision. As expected, both candidates have been given an extra push by their respective parties. Wagger (UP) is a senior from High Point. He has served on the Committee -to ..investigate nrpsidential appointments and the Committee to appear before Chancellor House to request so cial dorm rooms. He said yester day, "As an incumbent legislator, I would like to thank those who have supported me this past year I have always voted the way I wanted to in the Legislature and will continue to do so if reelect ed." Plott (SP) is a freshman from Charlotte. He attended Central High School and was active in the band, orchestra, and dramatics ctoup. Plott plans to study law. He stated yesterday, "In addition to the fact that I've pledged full support of the Student Party m the comine Legislature session feel that this particular race holds the kev to the balance of power. It is important for it would break the deadlock and provide the op- nnrtunitv to really accomplish something in the Legislature." In the elections last Tuesday (See ELECTION, page 4) Jaycee President Speaks Tonight J. B. Brame, president of the North 'Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce, will speak to the membership, pledges, and invited guests of Alpha Kappa Psi, national professional fraternity in business administration, ims eve nine at 7:33 P. M- Durham. Brame has bPen head of the North Caro lina Junior Chamber for the past year. The young ww""" " nessman is not only head of the Brame Specialty Company but also travels extensively while administering Jaycee policies. He will address local business administration students on the necessity of taking an active part in community affairs as well as business activities. East And West Thanks to a responsive stu dent body, iniernational stu dents here will be able to ride to the North Carolina homes in which they're going to spend the Thanksgiving holidays. However, yesterday came a plea from the Y for two more rides. Rides are needed for two people lo Asheville and one to. Clinton. Contact the Y if you are interested in a Good Turn for the day. CD JaCS i., r CARMAN NAHM IS PICTURED nigni on ine xioor of her room, dead of poisoning. Yesieraay. police announced the arrest of Yackeiy Yack beauty Virginia Wil son in connection with the murder. Neither the "dead" Miss Nahm nor the "suspected" Miss Wilson had any worries, however, as it's all staged for a mock trial. Daily Tar Heel photo by Cornell Wright. Yack Coed Beauty urder Suspect is M Police yesterday announced the arrest of newly elected Yack beauty Virginia Wilson as the suspected murderer of Carman Nahm. Miss Wilson was taken into custody last night while she was having dinner at the Chi Omega Sorority House on West Frank lin Street. ' The arrest resulted from in vestigation of circumstances surrounding the recent poison ing of Miss Nahm. Police, co operating with Phi Alpha Del ta legal fraternity in staging its annual mock trial, said Miss Wilson, who was on permanent probation, was due to appear before the Woman's Council last Friday because of charges made by Miss Nahm, chairman. Tes timony by Miss Nahm prob ably would have meant expul sion from the University. Police ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska Search crews sty mied by bad weather, hoped yes terday that a faint radio signal came from a big transport be lieved down with 52 servicemen :n Alaska's "Graveyard of air planes." The Air Force C-124 Globemaster vanished Sunday while it was attempting to land through heavy fog and wind af ter a flight from McChord Air Force Base, Wash. Search craft battled high winds and poor wea ther Sunday and returned to their bases Sunday night with negative results. NEW YORK President-elect Pkpnhower scheduled a heavy list of appointments yesterday, in eluding a visit to United Nations headquarters here, as he put the finishing touches on preparations for his visit to Korea. Callers at his Commodore Hotel headquar ters here during the day will in clude two men who have figured in speculation for posts in the new cabinet Ezra T. Benson of Utah, mentioned prominently for secretary of agriculture, and John Minor Wisdom, GOP national comitteeman from Louisiana. TrNTTTED NATIONS, N. .Y. The most serious diplomatic rift between Britain and the U. S. in vears continued unabated yester- day despite eiiorxs uy other countries to close the v,.o rav-long harmony moves were expected, but diplomats held little hope for them. The two great allies split far apart when the tt c tified British Foreign Sec retary Anthony Eden that it could . arront a Britisn-DacK-eu ian compromise plan for ending xrronn prisoner of war dead lock unless the proposal was sub stantially amended. SEOUL Alert South Korean shattered a Chinese at- X e forming near Sniper 1 ,ja with an "iron Ridge yt. (See NEWS IN BRIEF, page 4) ' :. IM QUIET 1 odav "Mill ,1 n. as police found her Thursday also said the suspect had at tempted to make purchases of poison. Solicitor Harry Faggart of PAD said that other "conclu sive" evidence was in his hands, but declined to comment fur ther on the nature of the evi dence. Miss Wilson refused to make any statement before consult ing her attorney, Roger Hend rix. Hendrix was unavailable immediate following the arrest. The suspect was released under bond pending a hearing before the grand jury. Miss Nahm was found by her roommate lying on the floor of her room last Thursday night. Worried dorm .... residents soon were reassured, however, that it was only the legal fratern ity's staged incident for its an nual mock triaL Gov. Scott Gets Praise In SSL Bill By Jody Levey Daily Tar Heel News Editor RALEIGH, Nov. 24 Carolina delegates Bob Pace and Dale Hy on introduced a resolution com mending Gov. W. Kerr Scott that was carried Dy both houses of the State Student Legislature Sat urday. The resolution was adopted as one of the last orders of business as delegates from 25 Tar Heel colleges wound up their three day mock legislature. Praising - Scott, the resolution urged him "to seek election to the United States Senate in 1954." Other bills passed in the as sembly include measures for new salary schedule for publi school teachers in North Carolina. introduced by Julian Mason, UNC the admission of Alaska as state; a uniform married law for the nation: driver education in . (See SCOTT, page 4) Jesus Christ Only A Just A Lot Of Fuss, Weigle Says Of Ruckus On New Bible Special to The Daily Tar Heel NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 24 The scholar who directed preparation of the new Bible said today that Rev. M. L Hux of Rocky Mount, N. C. was making an unnecessary fuss ov er only one word in the scrip tures. Dr. Luther A. Weigle, dean emeritus of the Yale University Divinity School, said the mem bers and minister of the Tem ple Baptist Church at Rocky Mount actually were "hollering over a mistake made in the old edition of the Bible and correct ed in the new one. Dr. Weigle recently spoke at the University of North Carolina. See Trustees Over Holidays, Norton Urges Personal Contact Might Be Helpful For 'Big Push' The fight against Saturday clas ses was renewed yesterday as stu dent government officials plan ned what President Ham Horton termed "the big push over the Thanksgiving holidays. 'We want to wage a quiet, per sonal, man - to - man campaign which in-the long run will be more effective." said Horton in outlining the campaign. The plan, which is being moni tored by student government of ficials is this: Over the Thanksgiving holidays every student should plan to pay visit or write a letter to the trustee in his locality. Before do ing this, the student should check by Horton's office in Graham Me morial and tell workers there which Trustee he plans to see. In this way, all the Trustees will be seen and not too many students will go to any one. A detailed file on each Trustee, the number of students who are going to see him, and the Trus tee's reactions are going to be kept. Horton emphasized the impor tance of tact and politeness when (See TRUSTEES, page 4) Last Chance Tomorrow is the last day stu dents may preregister for the Winter Quarter. Green forms must be turned in the office at Archer House, before students leave for the Thanksgiving holidays. THE COEDS HAD THEIR DAY il it il.'U-rV'f . :i r; 1 ? - " 1 I - - i-Jiy-- Lf r to catch any men, they did snare a photographer. Seated at back, left to right, are Anne Mackie. Chapel Hill, who won the prize for the best Wolf Girl costume, and Susan Fink, Chapel Hill, who showed up in a sack. In the center is Mary Lowrey, Atlanta, who won the prize for the best Daisy Mae costume. This picture was taken at the Naval Armory where a Sadie Hawkins dance was held. Daily Tar Heel photo by Man? Rev. Hux has attacked the new Revised Standard Version of the Bible as denying the deity of Jesus Christ and His virgin birth. The minister, speaking at a mass meeting of 100 people pro testing the new Bible, said, "I hope God Almighty will use this wedge (the Bible) to split the churches and separate the rem nants of the Godfearing people from the modernists." In explaining what he called the denial of Christ's deity, Rev. Hux pointed out that the "rule of the translators" in the new version is that "thee" and "thou" are used only in refer ring to God. He said that pro- 2nd II trustee Against fra HJay xJt Mass Another member of the Trus tee Executive Committee, As sistant Commissioner of Agricul ture A. Hugh Harris, joined stu dents yesterday in protest against Saturday classes at the Univer sity. "I'm not only against Saturday classes at Carolina," Harris said in a telephone interview yester day, "but oppose them at State ! too." Harris, who was unable to at- Cuts To Cost $2.50 Each For Holiday If you're thinking about cut ting class before or after the Thanksgiving holidays, you bet ter reconsider. At least, that's the word from Central Records Office. For each class cut taken to morrow, the day before Thanks giving, students will be requir ed to pay $2.50. The same ap plies for cuts taken on Monday, the day holidays officially end. There is one consolation, how ever. " The maximum fine for cutting classes before or after holidays is $7.50. Even if you cut both days, you won't be fined over $7.50. The fine for holiday cuts is a standard policy for undergradu ates who are absent before and after holidays. Instructors are required to call the roll, Central Records officials said. Officials added one more note. Deans of the various schools will not accept excuses for flat tires, broken-down cars, and missed trains or planes. Friday, and while this trio failed Cornell Wright. nouns, such as "you" and "your" which refer to mere men, are used in reference to Christ. He said that this indicates "Jesus Christ is a man and not God incarnated." The minister claimed that the basic difference in the two Bibles can be illustrated by a passage in Isaiah. He stated that the translators have eliminated the virgin birth from the Re vised. Standard Version by re placing the word "virgin" with "young woman." "If the translators' version is true, Jesus Christ is a mere man born of a woman. If Jesus Christ is just a man, we might as well throw our Bibles away," he said. Hugh Harris, Agriculture Official, Joins With Umstead And Students tend the meeting of the Execu tive Committee earlier this month at which Saturday classes was voted, said he called President Gordon Gray to offer his vote by proxy against the extra class day. 'Please be assured that I will continue this attitude and will never weaken on my stand in this connection. Should you have the opportunity, I will be glad for you to inform the officials of your student organization of my feel ings," he declared in a letter to Watts A. Scott, a disabled vet eran friend who attends the Uni versity. Scott, who has a wife and two children, is one of the many stu dents here who depends upon out side work to finance his educa tion. He was one of the first to air his protests on the wire re cordings made by student govern c Oomincf I" D ec. 2 For Speech Secretary of Army Frank Ken Penegar, chairman of the yesterday. Pace will speak m Memorial Hall at 9 p.m. following a Dear Holds First Meet With Paper Editor Walt Dear held his first staff meeting yesterday since win ning the job to head the campus daily paper in last week's elec tion. In a short talk to the staff, Dear lauded the "good job" done by the Interim Editorial Board which filled in after Editor Barry Farber left in October. The board was composed of Manasine Editor Rolfe Neill and Associate Editors Sue Burress and Bev Baylor, with the girls doing the preponderance of the actual editorial work. Dear said putting out The Daily Tar Heel -was a "team job and when one member of the team fails it reflects on all of us." He said he hoped the full staff would continue to work under him. ! Also present at the meeting were several students who res j ponded to the editor's call for new staffers. Today's is Dear's first issue since being elected. Wilson Visits Texas, Talks Of Money "You can't pay and keep a top- notch faculty with only pleasant atmosphere," UNC Vice-president Logan Wilson told a Daily Texan reporter last week at Austin, Tex. The president-elect of the Uni versity of Texas, on a two-day orientation trip, said that "Feed ing his family is more important to a professor than any sense of I loyalty to a university. In discussing low salaries of University of Texas professors, Wilson said, "Professors resign ev ery day from low pay at small colleges as well as large univer sities." But the University of Tex as should at least be able to com pete with salaries of other uni versities, he said. A full professor's salary aTex- as ranks 13th from the top when compared with other universities in the United States. Associate and assistant professors' salaries are 15th from the top and in structors' salaries rank 11th, the I Texas campus daily said. ment officials. "Please be assured that I am first, last and always opposed to a five and one-half day week for any of our State educational in stitutions and will continue to register my protest if and when I have the opportunity, Harris as serted. He concluded, "It is my humble opinion that the adoption of a five and one-half day week is set ting our great University back at least twenty-five years. We have a most progressive administration at the University now, and in my opinion, a move of this kind would be tragic both to person nel and students." J. W. Umstead, brother of the governor-elect and local insurance agent, is the other Executive Committee member who has come out against Saturday classes. Pace Jr. will speak here Dec. 2, Carolina Forum announced - dinner at the Carolina Inn. After the address there will be a ques tion and answer period. The Army secretary was ap pointed by President Truman in 1950. He entered the Army in 1942 as a second lieutenant and in four years rose to the rank of major. ie now holds a reserve commission as lieutenant colonel in the air force. In his career Pace has served as director of the Bureau of the Budget, Chairman of the Defense Ministers Conference of NATO, executive assistant to the Post master General and special as sistant to the Attorney General. A native of Little Rock, Ark., ' Pace is a graduate of Princeton University and of the Harvard Law School. The 40-year-old Army secretary has received honorary degrees from Princeton, the University of Louisville, Syracuse University, the University of Arkansas, Tem ple University and Dartmouth College. Following the address Tuesday night there will be a reception in Graham Memorial. 7 'i FRANK PACE JR. Picture Pica The Yackely Yack left a note on the managing editor's door yesterday. It follows: "Corky, the snapshot ed is crying his eyes out for just a cute picture of you for the snap shot pages of the 'S3 Yack. Turn them in at the Yack office, please, please, please!!!