i $ Page Four The Daily Tar Heel Tuesday November 25, 1952 ........l,.i...-H v if" nil News In Brief s (Continued from page 1) v -vr " - ..4 ''i-- -. . f. ht vr ) Hf-'-mm Vm i iinil"l m ni in nrfn'-ii ri tni?n'Mr JOHN FOSTER DUCLES HAS BEEN named Secretary of Slale by Owighl Eisenhower. Dulles, long the Republican voice in the State Department, and architect of the Japanese Peace Treaty, wrote the Republican foreign policy plank in the 1952 platform. He and Ike: are shown above after their conference. NEA Telepholo. 4 s 1 stmiwst$ 1? .f:r:;;:;j.x :-s-xx-:- 1 S J- s - 2 curtain" of bullets while Ameri can night bombers handed the Reds' v surjply system one of the worst blows of the Korean war. The ROKs loosed deadly-accurate rifle and machine-gun fire on some 480 Chinese x fanning out along the slopes of Sniper Ridge in an attempt to surprise South Koreans on Pinpoint Hill. BAGHDAD, Iraq A tough new military-headed government yes terday dissolved all political par ties, closed 12 newspapers and prohibited demonstrations in .the wake of week-end rioting in which at least 11 persons were believed killed and 58 wounded. Frenzied mobs looted and set fire to the office of the U. S. Informa tion Service Sunday, stoned the British Embassy and attacked two police stations. Armored cars and machine gun carriers patrolled Baghdad streets yesterday. -' - ; '-v " ".,-1 " - s 1 ' ' -' i vS v - -:! ' 45 ' . " 1 w 5 J , W S I 1 AN ALL-TIME HIGH was reached in Knoxville when an 18-inch snowfall blanketed this east .Tennessee city. This is what Ave. Viaduct looked like about an hour after the snow felL At least three persons died during the storm. NEA Teelphoto. PRESIDENT-ELECT DWIGHT EISENHOWER announced from his New York office the nomination of three men for his cabinet. Charles E. Wilson (xight). president of General Motors, in Detroit, as Secretary of Defense, and Gov. Douglas McKay (lefl). of Oregon, as Secretry of Interior. NEA Telephoto. t V RUDOLF SLANSKY. former secretary-general of the Czech oslovakian Communist Party will go on trial for treason in Wancrac Prison in Prague, the Czech Radio has announced. Slansky, "haichetman" of the Czech Red Party, fell from grace in Sept. 1951-NEA Telephoto. Applications Due For Fellowships Applications for National Sci ence Foundation Fellowships for next year must be in by January 5t A. K. King, associate dean of the Graduate School, said yester day. Several hundred predoctoral fellowships sponsored by the foundation are open to students who are now seniors. Selections are made solely on the basis of ability. The awards are available in the agricultural, biological, en gineering, , mathematical, medical HI I LI i ; yet. v J' i - ' - " - i f LORRAINE CAROL is first in line to get a job as one of the 14 Copa girls at a new Las Vegas Club. Lorraine, who mis sed getting a job at New York's Copacabana night club last year because she was too late for interview, made certain she would be there on time for this appointment by parking on the doorsteps of the rehearsal stu dio. NEA Telephoto. A?ri2ntiy ;urmsti sanrei Pearson (Continued from page 2) Hanna Co., a Great Lakes ore concern; the Iron Ore Co of Canada and the Industrial Ray on Corp. . . . Though a tough trader, Humphrey once helped give John L. Lewis a record 45-cents-an-hour wage increase, plus welfare fund for the United Mine Workers shortly before the 1948 mpaign year. Some critics said he was trying to swing the miners over to the GQP. and physical sciences. Information and application forms may be obtained in the Graduate School office. Room 202 South Building. (toring CAVID N1YEN 6LYNIS JOHNS TODAY WEDNESDAY V mm m We make large loans on typewriters, watches, guns, clothing, jewelry, musical instruments, and golf sets. FIVE POINTS LOAN CO. At Five Points 339 W. Main St. Durham. N. C. fch" ;M " - I It f H a ill -- ' , I - , - ' f i - iC , I U :v5 V-. ' , X i t- ' -N 5 I , - - ,C ' - In - - -" ,5 .mi.-,.,, i i win n im in M.....wf..di.. . " EMERGENCY ROOMS AND CORRIDORS AT THREE Houston. Texas hospitals overflowed when a streamline train smashed into a crowded city bus, injuring 45 bus passengers. Shown above is a scene at St. Joseph's Infirmary as the injured were brought in for treatment. NEA Telephoto. 1 I -i V , ' TV, - - "fit Vi' , V" n s v V- ,vS 1 f C f ' v r' x"8! A ' i i SOVIET DELEGATE ANDREI GROMYKO. left, talks with Krish na Menon of the Indian delegation at the United Nations. India has formally put before the UN a compromise Korean proposal that would ban the use of force either to repatriate war prisoners or to prevent their return home. NEA Telephoto. Election (Continued from page 1) Plott polled 106 votes and Wagger polled 102 votes, neither enough for a majority. Women in both town and dorm itory districts will vote for two of five girls running for seats on the Women's Honor Council. The coeds are Mary Bumpous, Carolyn Johnson, Mary Kit Meyers, Nan cy Shaw and Peggy Trotter. Men living in Mangum, Grimes, Manley, Ruffin or Joyner may vote either in Mangum or Gerrard HalL Women living in dormitories will vote either in Alderman or Gerrard. Town women will vote either in Graham Memorial or Gerrard. Jerry Cook, chairman of the Elections Board, pointed out the malpractices at the polls and warned students to abide by the elections laws. The malpractices are: 1) No campaign literature of any kind is nermitted within 50 feet of ballot boxes; 2) No person shall campaign for any candidate with in 50 feet of the polls; 3) No sound mechanisms shall be used within hearing distance of polls; 4) No distribution of samples, candy, cigarettes, etc. shall take place within 50 feet of the polls; 5) No candidate shall be poll tender in the district in which he is run ning. Voters should have their iden- t tification cards. They will be stamped with the date by poll tenders. Trustees - CPontinued from page 1) visiting the men. Each student was also urged to pick up a copy of a special brief stating the case against Saturday classes. Other evidence against the extra class day includes a list of 63 students who work on weekends to earn their way through school. Trustee A. Hugh Harris, who came out yesterday against Sat urday classes, agreed with student government leaders that chats with local trustees would help in showing that Saturday classes were not in keeping with student opinion at Carolina. Carolina Grad To Serve Um stead E. L. Rankin, class of 1940, will be the private secretary to the next governor of North Carolina. Governor-Elect William B. Um stead said yesterday that he was "delighted to have the services of this capable young man during my coming administration." Rankin, now a member of the public relations department of Burlington Mills, was secretary to Umstead when he was U. S. Senator four years ago. NSA Unit Plans Meet The Regional Assembly of the National Students Association will be held here February 5 and 6, Regional Chairman Ken Barton said yesterday. Dick Murphy, '51, president of NSA, Avrea Ingram, vice-president of NSA and Al Lowensfein, '49, past president of NSA, will be on hand for the meeting, Bar ton said. The Executive Committee of the Virginia-Carolinas region met in the Capitol building . in Raleigh Friday night and plans were made for assembly. Wanda Lou Philpott, Beckley, W. Va., was selected acting sec retary of the regional at the meeting. WUNC Today's schedule for Carolina's radio station follows: 7 p.m. Sketches in Melody. 7:30 Adventures in Research. 7:45 Famous Belgians. 8 Unusual Tales. . 8:30 Chamber Music Concert. 9:30 Masterworks from France. 10 Local news and coming events. Yack Proofs Students who have not select ed their Yack proofs should come by the Rendezvous Room of Gra ham Memorial between 1 and 5 p.m. or 6 and 8 p.m. today.' There will be no proofs shown tomor row due to the holiday. This ap-! plies to all students whether they have received a post card or not. Pre-Law Meeting There will be a meeting of all pre-law students in room 210 (the court room) of the .Law Building at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 3. A film, "Living Under Law," will be shown. Dean Brandis will ex plain the requirements for ad mission to the Law School and opportunity will be given, to all present to ask any questions they may have. , UP The University Party meets to night in the Grail Room at 8:30 o'clock. Movie SGE, the professional geology fraternity, will present a movie, "10,000 Feet Deep," on Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. in 110 New East. Supper Club The French Supper Club meets tonight at 6 o'clock. Those wish ing to speak French are invited to carry their supper trays to the second floor dining room of Le noir Hall. WGC The Women's Glee Club will meet this afternoon at. 5 o'clock, for a joint rehearsal with the Men's Glee Club. UN The United Nations Committee meets today at 1 p.m. upstairs in Lenoir Halll. All interested in working with this committee are invited to attend this meet ing. TGA The Town Girls Association will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Town Girls Room, second floor of the Y. Members are requested to bring their yearly dues. Plans for the Valkyrie Sing and a Christ mas Dance will be discussed. MYA The Methodist Young Adults will meet with Joel Savell to night at 8 o'clock in the church annex. Newcomers are invited to attend the discussion. Dames ine uental Dames will meet tonight at the front entrance of the Dental School. Dr. J. C. Bra uer, dean of the Dental School, will give a talk and conduct a tour df the school. Publications Board The Publications Board will meet today at 4 o'clock in the VOTE IN TODAY'S RUNOFF CLASSIFIEDS ANNOUNCEMENT COME TO THE UNICORN BOOK Shop It's real BROWSV . . . ! Old Maps. Prints, Engravings. Lithographs. Stamps, Rare Phonograph Records . . . OVER SUTTON'S DRUGSTORE. Charge lxl -Scott- (Continued from page 1) secondary schools and permit ting persons 18 years old to vote. Miss Frankie Finch of Greens boro College was elected presi dent of the Interim Council to succeed Ken Penegar of UNC. Lucius Walker of Shaw Univer sity was elected secretary-treasurer of the council, at the closing session of the assembly. Gene Cook, Fayetteville, and Nancy Home, Norton, Va., were elected by the delegation as Car olina's representatives to the In terim Council. WANTED: FEMALE HELP CAPABLE WOMAN TO CARE FOR 2 children and small apartment. 5tt day w wnue mother works. 161 uanieis. Victory Village. (1-C9490-2) Everything in Outlines and Translations THE BOOK EXCHANGE Five Points Durham, N.' C. .... 5 We Buy Used Books Grail Room. Daily Tar Heel staff appointments and other important business are scheduled. Coeds' Belongings Coeds in last week's Yack beau ty contest staged in Memorial Hall who left personal belongings may obtain them by identifying the articles at the Yackety Yack of fice in Graham Memorial. SGE To Show Movie On Oil Next Monday Sigma Gamma Epsilon, nation al honorary geologic iraternny, will present the movie "10,000 Feet Deep" next Monday night at 8 o'clock in Room 110 New East. The Movie shows the geologic origin of petroleum, the explora tion, discovery and drilling for black gold." It was filmed in the bayou country of lower Louis iana by the geophysical crews of Shell Oil Co. and is technically authentic. During the year, SGE has pre sented a movie on volcanoes, ground water and one on glacera- tion. Dr. G. R. McCarthy, Uni versity professor and geophysi cist who spent the summer in Alaska with the United States Geological Survey, will give an illustrated lecture during the win ter quarter. The movie will be free. The Smartest end Loveliest Christmas Cards Anywhere Are Waiting For You In I THE TIMATE BOOKSHOP 1 you aon i nave a camera for the big holiday week end ahead . . . ?! j 3 1 aop in novv see the XX bk Kodak DuaflBx I ) Its big, brilliant view finder "previews" your pictures, end makes it easy to be urc everyimrtg s right before yov hpot. Good snapshots in black-and-white or color are easy w.tn rnis reflex-type camera. And you get 12 shots per roll; negatives are 2'4x2 Va inches. Only $14.50 here, including Federal Tax FOISTER'S CAMERA STORE, INC.