BOX 870 CHAFELILL.-K.c. 4J f?n SEQUAL The editor continues hii thoughts on the coed drink ing question. See pg. 2. WEATHER Gear and cooler. Higfr 85; low 69. VOLUME LXII NUMBER 5 CHAPEL HILL, N. C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1953 FOUR PAkta iujaY fo) uti-tun;., a LSFtuu, wmm mm 10) m .:V',. : 5-.' t-i : . S . - i :-r: ; I Jj'-X.,. ' - . - : , . I -".. , ir-"1 - r V" V-'" -r vc-" 1 11111 n 11 mi n -, r " i'iiiTiii iiimi 111 urn -in i " - --" - CAMPUS GREEKS MEET THE FIRE ESCAPE REGULATION Fhi Kcppa Sigma's Esaspe Is Up, Sign Down Fraternity, Sorority uild Approved Fire By Joyce Adams Al xasi au irarerniues ana soro-iuve rities on campus will be able to say to prospective pledges as well as Building Inspector Barch, Our house has approved fire escapes.' A tost oern this wmilf? Tin have! n-Doss!ble becan a cVck onj frVlt:lZ vv. - none of them fcada second xit from the tipper floors as required by law. This check resulted in condemna tion signs being tacked on the front doors of 35 fraternities and soro- larf .TaTinarv. nendins con-? struetion of adequate fire escape j and fire protection measures. j Building Inspector P. L- Burchj said yesterday, "We feel that they j have made pretty good progress since they got the contracts. All " " Contest Opens For All Poets The National Poetry A'sodatioii ; announces the tenth annual c-m- j petition of College Students Poe- j r, i In 1952, some 20,000 manuscripts j were received from almost every j college in the country. f AH manuscripts should be typed ; or printed out before Nov. 5 and ' Rpn to Offices of the AssDciat'on. ; National Poetry Assn 2210 Selby Ave, Los Angeles 34, Calif. Graduate Student Jordan Is Fraternity Counselor L. R. Jordan, graduate student in ;;c,tirm in the Uni-' oau flo-. rr, Qmithfipld. has been vtuaj.i.j- u 7-7 . c-im -nrricnrm Conn- spjojiu juua.- - selor of the &ua-iasx jj-xill q rooming houses in town Alpha Kappa Psi, national profes-; tte state laws sional business administration fra-; TeSBTJ1g fire escapes. The Brock temity. 'well building has put up a new The announcement was made y!metal escape and. the Hill House Ray Woollver, Minneapolis, Minm, -m process f0 constructing National Grand President, and Dr. j one B. O. Miller. Virginia Polytechnic! Althnnrfl students live in many Institute. Mid "East district is com- posed of west Mrginia, virgjuar and North and South Carolina. ' Jordan will work closely chapters in the two Carolinas. j gyp- from compulsory fire es- A past president of Alpha Taa t cape protection, chapter of the fraternity at Chap-j xhe problem in classifying, el HiH, Jordan holds this year the jj0me which takes in a few stu Abernathy Fellowship for Eesearch . dents 3- a private dwelling or a in Southern Industry. Jewish Associations Welcome New Students The Jewish women's assodaion! Yack Space of Chapel Hill and B'nal B'rith AH organizations includnig fra " Foundations at UNC will co-spon- temities and clubs desiring to have sor a reception for all Jewish stn- space in this years Yackety Yack. dents tonight 1 should send a representative as The reception wiU follow the soon as possible to the Yack office usual Friday night worship servic- between 2 and 3 o'clock Monday es which begin at 7:15 pjn. through Friday to sign contracts. J jthe steel escapes are up except in'terniry houses. Jiouses ana uiuae Miauia uc i completed by nest Wednesday. ; TT J -J. 1 3 A 1 t;i4.T i.1 sax" 'lixlu a i S me escape pians uidY.ii up , k for each house. These had to be . f coor- werej Mayor Ed Lanier explained atjiness administration, textHes and ed.t0.Hd f0r Ba SmCeittat time that the town should j accounting. jHe xrutial pnases ot tne wore were have beengoing along pretty well. In addition to erection of metal j reasonably safe and in compliance fire escapes certain changes in ! with the spirit of the State's laws structure of the house, such asr safety." cutting extra doors and windows,! Aveage cost of the fire escapes space i nthis vears Yackety Yack, ' ranged from about S1.000 to 1,100. is also necessary tor an ine escapes to have cement bases and exit signs , put up at strategic locations. inspections on the houses for iiljjlgs w-n have to be made -otb the city can give its final approval. To date only seven houses have been finally inspected and ap- , S proved. These are the Delta Delta j Delta and Alpha Delta Pi sorority I houses and the Delta Psi. Lambda. ! Chi Alpha, Theta Chi, Phi Delta Chi and Delta Kappa Epsilon fra- Fire Escapes Not Pushed In City Dwellings Building Inspector P. L. Burch said yesterday that while most of I the rooming houses in town have jbeen cheeked for preliminary fire I escape hazards, tnere was to oe no j special pushing from the city to V rJ'morefuIly- ; dards set up f or the fraternity and j Buildings with wooden fire es- -'T T . , capes will not nave to nave tnem? , , .r. xu repiacea wun mexai ones uiilu uic;. . , j r, . mstirntifms anri lavmpn , wooden ones Decome unsouna. hoiIses wfcich may have inadequate" esC2peSf these are not covered -m j2W (chapter 69, sec- ition 8) which exempts private,, ' rooming houses has, in effect, re sulted in a different standard of ! fire protection for students living fin fraternity houses from those liv- f ing in private homes. H ouses iue uiuiLus v uic tuuucumo-, j tion signs created a furor am on the Greek letter socieii asked "Why?" after they had lived , th hri. p ;tvnntJ anything being said. ha rrarfp f'rp irf-inrs nf the I tg saw Q tne hOUSes I Carroll Named To Chairmanship Of Ford Foundation Committee Wallace Carroll, executive news j ing committee consists of Dr. John editor of the Winston-Salem Jour-1 Whiting, Harvard; Dr. David Tro-nal-Sentinel has been -named man. Columbia University: Dr. chairman of a visiting committee on a lora t ouncation grant oi; S50.000 to the University Tor a "self-survey of its training and re search programs for the scien tific study of human, behavior" i during" the academic year 1953-54. j The grant, announced early in the summer, was made to the Uni-; versity and four other institutions, ' ine l. mver5.:y oi umcago, iiarvara, the University of Michigan, and Stanford University. 1 T"T ' a T-T 1 ' The institutions win use the funds made available under the : grants to inquire into the status, - problems, needs and desirable de-' velopment of the behavioral sci-f ences and to suggest ways in which resocrces can be utiIi2ed ! faculty committee at each univer-' Isirv. assisted bv a vi;itinP rnrr.mH. - - - '. -- - ; 1 tee mcludms scholars from nthpr institutions and lavmpn At the University of North Caro - Iina Dr. Gordon BlackwelL direc- tor of the Institute for Research in Social Science, will serve as dir ector of the project, which the In stitute will administer, and Dr. James Thompson of the Institute staff wiU serve as executive sec- :retary, In addition to Carroll, the visit- CPU To Meet In Grail Room The Carolina Political Union will discuss "Have the Republicans Kept Their Campaign Promises? at the organization's first meeting of the year in the Grail Room at Graham Memorial Sunday evening o'clock. The question will be discussed by Senators Long and Ferguson on the "American Forum of the Air" Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock Students interested in joining the group will meet with them. Those bewildered students who forget the day of the week, end the streamlined semester system only to find that they're in the wrong class. Never changing profs who still assign lessons for "tomorrow's class." Frank Latin professor defin ing the word "possum" to the delight of his class.. Carolina, State Receive Grant Carolina and N. C State is par ticipating in the $50,000 American Viscose Corporation scholarship and fellowship program this year. Sixteen fellowsinps and 18 j aui-o ucicu i-'j itne corporauon lor srucy in i2 ! and Carolina. " ! "" JX j-cju"" - ; rtq j m,i , pleach m dyeing, agriculture, fores-1 W TH End accoS- Scholarships are in chemistry, . chemics! en?i-nw?rir.? nhvsip?;. hua- program was designed to encour- I age young scienasts, engineers, and business administrators and assist the corporation's general re- jcrmting effort for college trained ; men. Theodore Newcomb, University. of Michigan ana Dr. Komn Williams, r Cornell University. The local committee is headed by Dr. Daniel O. Price, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and members are Profs. Harold A. Bierck, history; F. N. Cleveland, political science; Norman E. Elia- j son, English: J. J. Honigmann, so- j cioiogy ana anmropoiogy; James : . C. Ingram, economics and J. W. j iThibaut, psychology. Dr. ElackwelL t i 1 -V A- uracuate icnooi, anc Eeafl Clifford P. Lyons, Col-1 le?e Arts Sciences, are ex- oicio memoers. Bernard Berelson, director, Behavioral Sciences Division, Ford ; Foundation, said the grants to the iVe ms!ms woum be edi to p2y for released time of; ty members on the commiUee,i costs oi tne visiting committees, . . . . .... ... i secretarial and respsrrh aiflnpp secrenai ina researcn assistance,. travpl End nth tptiw Tho f vp ' travel ana ojier expenses, xne Lve (institutions were selected from a 1 number of applications that were Fonndatinrt The scientific study of factors influencing human behavior is one of the five areas of concentration adopted in 1950 by the trustees of the Foundation. The other four are advancement of peace, demo cratic institutions, economic well being, and education. Positions Open In Government There are several openings for students in the student govern ment. President Bob Gorham announc- teresxea are inviiea 10 go py me student government office and speak to President Gorham. Office hours Monday 3-4:00; Tuesday 2-4:00; Wednesday 3 4:00; Thursday- 2-4:00; and Friday 3-4:00. Coed And Grail Dances Are Big Social Doings Honoring the new coeds and highlighting the first weekend of the school year, the annual Coed EaU win be held from 9 until 12 o'clock tonight in Woollen Gym nasium. - i Music for this grand fialA to the Orientation program will be s furnished by the Duke Ambassa- j dors.. Befreshments will be contri-1 buted by the Dr. Pepper Company. Tickets are on sale at the Y- j court today. To complete the weekend of j festivities will be the Consolidated University Day Dance Saturday night, sponsored by the Grail Dancing to the music of the Caro lina Cavaliers, a band composed of Carolina students, will continue from E:30 until 12 in Woollen Gymnasium. Girls Ported from WC uraiuiuiueuuw i.4-j 4.1 i stags are encouraged to attend. j Tickets for this dance may be . . - --" -.- ,uiii wet, or at me ooor or me 1 75c per couple. Proceeds from the .-ti , r;i SrhnlsrshTTi Funr? n-hi nmr-Hpc ior schoiarshiDS to bs awarded an- nually to de5erving students. The order of dress wiU be in formal for giris, and coat and tie for men. Pictures For Seniors, Law Yackety Yack photos of seniors ; revised policy states in part: J Over 4,000 students are erpect and law students are fcing taken ' Financial need, figured on a ' e io attend this competitive ral today in the basement of Graham variety of factors, is still a mast. 'J" 25 there will be classes on Sat Memorial from 1 to 8 pjn. Honor roll achievement is expect-1 lirdHv and the Coed Eail doesn't Deadline for the Yack pictures ed of all scholarship holders. All j he gin until an hour after the rally, is Friday of next week. Pictures j awards, regardless of academic j 111 case of inclement weather; will be made each day, Monday ! average, are subject to the dis-' the rally will be held in Memorial through Frioay. icretion of the faculty committee , Eall. Rnv -arm wr a x-ri- t -n d revision by the committee. I tie. The distaff side may wear' whatever they please as they wClJJr stood in favor of the "greater! he draped for their pictures. j Students, Jazz Trumpet Switch Riot Into Informal Pep Session A Negro trumpet player called Janior and the cheerleaders last! njhi turned what might have been ' a virtual student riot into an im-1 promtu pep rally in Emerson Sta- j dium. ! Here's how it happened: j Almost 30 of the bovs from lower ; quad were whooping it up in front I of Carr Dorm at about 9:30. They j gradually drifted down to lower! quad and stood in the streets stffl ! yelling. J Fmally, some quick-thinking : student leaders dpririori to 1 1 -imt ; ' MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM F. Dean holds aloft Robert Deane Williams, 2, the grandson he saw for the first time on his arrival at Travis Air Force Ease in California after a flight from Honolulu. Others on Hand to greet the returning Korean War hero included Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, (left) the General's mother; and Mrs. Mildred Dean, (right) his wife. Dean, a Congreisional Medal of Honor winner, spent more than three years in a Red prison camp KEA Telephoto. 1 - .t CHANCELLOR HOUSE . . . trd attend rally Wesleyan Sets New Standards the Consolidated University Stn I CfJt A!j jtot Council and will be broad in JlUUcnT AIQ jeeast over WPTF Raleigh and tape recorded over "Our Best to You." MTDDLETOWV Cnrm Rnt 94 t i ,n,. u : Tb scholarship policy of Wesleyan Universitv has been modified so'fw c,. !thsrf hnu innC .III . mnst mahrtah, hp SVPrJ,CTP ?' old, it was announced by the wes - levan Board of Trustees today. ! ; Although honor roH averages are : a premmary step to the big vn!H cen4. rtw.;nT.a':Consojdatea University week-end. Dowers nave been Even to the scnoiarsnip commiTiee. ine com mittee can now award or renew scholarships to an undersraduie witil less 11132 1515 required ave- ; rage it there are extenuating circumstances. I Special consideration now wfl; oa the ccondition of kT. jbe given to freshmen and sopho-;ers &e of nn- f mores on the theory that n rT3Jne t average msy w 100 nrasn cnrcj the period of adjustment to college, Dean of Faculty John W. Spaeth, flexibility'' of the new policy. the services of a Negro jazz band, j The musicians spurred by the hom man, Junior, had been tourin the campus touting a high school, Junior, with a grin broader than Y Court, led the students into the Stadium. Soon afterwards, cheering squad arrived. Earlier police sounding a siren. Several students i yelled the by word of such meet-! ings "We want panties ' But because of a smU smiling Negro trumnet player chaos was turned . e.s mM: J, Jit miJ'.num . .-- i - . - - - - : r,- " House, Barclay Guests Tonight At Pep Rally Harmonica - playing Chancellor House", the new football team, neir coach George Barclay, the Card Board and the UNC Band wi2 be featured in the first pep rally of the season at 7 o'clock tonight at Emerson Stadium in preparation for the Slate-UNC football game tomorrow. The rally will be held at 7 to night at Emerson Stadium with per sonal appearances of the new team, coach, Cardboard, and UNC bani in preparation for the State-UN C football game Saturday. This joint pep rally with Stat at the Collessium in Raleigh was promoted through the efforts of 7:i3 pjn. with UNC bavins the c..- ; over a loud speaker in Emerson Stadium. tne Carolina pen raliv is bems sponsored by the cheerleaders, headed by Jim Fountain and the : University Club, headed by Jim Calvert. In his first appearance before the student body as head coach, Georce Earclav will vr.n'kp a chnrt Ken Y arbor o ugh will SSV a fpw wnv,s nnn int-rrwiro iha j team a whoe Methodist Church The Young Adult Group of tht Methodist Church wiU hold its j first bi-weekly meeting of the fall ! Tuesday, September 29 at 7:30 p jn. in the Wesley Lounge. The general j theme ior discussion will be "The I Eevelence of the Bible for Modern I Living." Music Professor Here Edits Music Apologia Dr. William Newman, profetaor piano in the University, is an- ! thejthor of an article, "Raads to Mn tgia," in the current issue cf the had driven byisical Understanding An A polo- American Association of University Prof essors' Bulletin. The article is a defense cf the philosophy in his new book on understanding music which is to be published by Harper's November L i i