THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE THRES Pi, - Low School Win Winter n n rmivcai inioinioir: 26 Matches Scheduled Champion Tennis Team Releases Schedule FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1954 Ill 11 . JL V lit v, n. v o vUx jHsasssSaasss U . . J , n,i , m - iiiiinfiiirtWmiiiminfiM RALPH CASEY Carolina swimming coach - , I Cornell Wright Photo Casey Unhappy About Last Year's Swimmers By John Hussey Straight-faced swimming coach Ralph Casey was somewhat un happy about the showing of his team duringthe past season. The team was the worst one in the past five years of Carolina swim ming seasons. Casey, who never has too much to say about his teams, was es pecially quiet about this one. "We just didn't do very well. Maybe next year it will be better. We'll have the same boys back." If coaches Ed Smyke (Emory), Bump Gabrieson (Georgia), Fred Lanoux (Ga. Tech) or some of the other Southern swimming mentors could hear what Casey said, they would probably either die laugh ing or tear their hair out. The team over which the Carolina coach was lamenting had a rec ord of nine wins and two losses and was generally regarded as one of the top two teams in the South! . This may not be good for Caro-' lina, since this year was the first . time that a Tar Heel team lost a dual meet in five seasons the loss putting an end to 45 consecutive dual meet victories which had been accumulated by swimming teams over, the past seasons. But it is still nothing to cry about. The swimming team of 1953, back in the days of the quarter system, went undefeated in twelve dual meets, took eight out of thir teen first places in the Southern Conference Meet, and placed fifth jn the NCAA, higher than any other Southern team has ever reached before. But from this team Casey lost six menthree of them All-Americans and all of them SC champions. Among these were Buddy Baarckle, sixth backstroker in the nation and current record holder in the 50-yd. butterfly, and PiPhvPiKap Finish Second Clement And, Mebane Get Individual Honors By Dick Barkley . , The AD Pi-1 girls and the Law School boys amassed 53 points last night to capture first place honors in the annual Winter Sports Carnival held in Woollen Gymnasium. They were given large gold trophies for their winning efforts and many outstanding per formers received individual awards for being victorious in their re spective events. Linda Clement and Al Mebane took top honors in the foul shoot ing department, and Walter None man captured the "bait-casting" event. Ann Carlton and Retchie Smith emerged as the leading win ners in the carnival games while Donna BJair was another individ ua winner as she took the "tether ball" title. Pi Phi and Pi Kap Phi finished second in team results with 42 1 points. Alpha Gamma Delta and Alexander took third place with 38 points and Spencer-Zeta Psi finished fourth with 35. Smith and Kap Psi had 34 to take fifth posi tion while Mclver and (Theta Chi was close behind with 33. The summaries: Foul Shooting Team: Smith, and Kap Psi; Individual: Linda Clement and Al Mebane. Table Tennis Nurses-1 and ATO. Bait Casting Team: S.A.E.; In dividual: Walter Noneman (Phi Gam). Box Hockey Law School Shuffle Board Pi Beta Phi and Pi Kappa Phi. Volleyball Spencer and Zete. Tether Ball Team: Pi Phi; In dividual: Donna Blair. Carnival Games Teams: Alpha The Carolina varsity tennis team, leading aspirants for the 1954 At lantic Coast Conference crown, will face .a 26-match' schedule this spring. Coach John Kenfield's Tar' Heels, who last year traveled through 23 matches undefeated and captured the Southern Conference title, open their tough slate on March 31, facing Michigan State here. The match with the Spartans will also open a nine-day home stand for Carolina. This year's schedule again in- . eludes a six-day Northern trip, on which the Tar Heels will face such foes as Williams, Amherst, Harv ard, Wesleyan, Princeton and Maryland. ACC tournament action will take place in Chapel Hill on May 13, 14, and 15. The schedule: March 31, Michigan State here. April 1, Dartmouth, here; 2, Dartmouth, here; 5, Harvard, here 6, Harvard, here; 7, Williams, here; 9, Princeton, here; 10, Princeton, here; 20, N.C. State at Raleigh; 21, Kalamazoo, here; 22, Notre Dame, here; 23, Notre Dame, here; 24, Wake Forest at Wake Forest; 26, Duke at Durham; 28, Rollins, here. May 1, William and Mary at Wil liamsburg, Va.; 3, Williams at Wil liamstown, Mass.; 4, Amherst at Amherst, Mass.; 5, Harvard at Cambridge, Mass.; 6, Wesleyan at Middletown, Conn.; 7, Princeton at Princeton,' N. J.; 8, Maryland at College Park, Md.; 12, Virginia (pending), here; 13-15, Atlantic Coast Conference Tournament, here. DANZIGER'S TODAY'S SPECIAL FRESH SPRING SALAD Cool Refreshing Low Calories 65c Including iced tea or American Coffee CUT UP, TRAY PACKED, LB. 41c I It U LA) fnm O J " n , ! LUJ Donnie Evans, number three man Gam and Alexander; Individual: m the country in the individual j Ann Carlton and Retchie Smith. medley and number seven in the breaststroke. Badminton AD Pi and Law School. Archery Pi Beta Phi and Pi This year, with Warren Heemann (who, by the way, placed sixth in Kap Phi. ! Mixea Keiays uiris j. earns Nurses-3 and Lambda Chi Alpha; the country in the 100-yd. back cfrnV ao n snnhnmnrAV T.arrv Shanonn, Smith Jewell, Pete Hig- Boys' Teams: AD Pi-1 and Law gins, Tommy Gill, Dick Baker, ac"ot- Alex Ray, Pete Dannenbaum, Lee FWS firav McAllister Duke such highly-regarded squads as Widoff, Jack Harden and Bud Wil- Georgia, Bainbridge, and Virginia Hams on the. team, they toppled ,to "msn wun uieir rccoru "j3 "q "p "p Samples of Jones Sau i l i i sage and Franks wil J U vaLjLj be given today (Fri day) and tomorrow at our Chapel Hill stores. JONES SAUSAGE lb 590 JONES FRANKS lb 470 folf whole Tsy 1 T J VSU FRESH GOLDEN BANTAM Repeat of a Sellout! Jusf Received Another Large Shipment of BABY COTTON CORD SLACKS $4.95 Reg. $6.50 Value THE H I N. COLUMBIA ST, AUTOMOBILE LOANS . FINANCING-REFINANCING QUICK CONFIDENTIAL HERRING Motor Finance Co., Inc. 400 W. Franklin St. Phone 80041 M UVJL'I W Book Bargains Galore! USED PAPER DREADFULS 3 for 25c OLD BOOKS from 48c up NEW BARGAINS .$1.00 and up COME A-HUNTING! THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. FRANKLIN ST. OPEN EVENINGS - fV-f L COLUMBIA PICTURES pratMtS I Brett Barbara II 1 n tt f r f5n,n(U ctMfl Play by ROBERTS. KENT Produced by SAM KATZMAN Directed by WILLIAM CASTLE' i fri -w rl I . I AT 1 i mm I j spp i Xrvin All-Purpose Folding J W- Yacht i 'M 70 r j ' ' r-N f J Chair m . ' " Aci MM lK "PRICE11 FOB LAWN ' j4k 1 EllOS ' fl! W S7 PORCH with $10 in f-0C li jfmm 9 PICNICS Golden Tape f; - ?Sfl J t 1954 SPrb,S SaVATapC Sweet Juicy Valencia V. S. No. 1 Yellow j . wkL ? Come Into any Colonial - " 3 1 j V J I - Store and ask for your , - By Ik, 4" FREE copy of the Ne , (V. 1 awlTtA S s 4 5 Sav - A - Tape Catalogue S N jf Ft " If III' " Mp to 50 on 150 na- " J v 'f jgi jPi tionally known premiums. s. S. i "" ' ''jE Kingan's Corned Beef . PILLSBURY'S BEST PLAIN OR SELF-BISING &-ZSr?r? i A iMf Jit f ( :Q V.O f 20-OZ. ri (P I ! 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