THE DAILY Coeds Named (Continued from page 1) Hawley, Katherine Kerr, Eleanor Saunders, and Peggy Pierpont. Nurses: Ann Glenn, Shirley Guenther, Patricia Ball, Sue Folger, Ruth Holmes, Martha Lentz, Marg aret Johnson, Mary Lou Norwood, Mary Ann Keeter, Meredith Ann Buff aloe, Nan Howel, Mary Louise Cameron, and Barbara Hedburg. J Old Books On The Sale Table Are Only 19c each Today. Sharpshoot A Bargain! THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. Open Evenings ! n,Ji i Ull II J in BE READY! when that HOT WEATHER closes in There's No Better Than BENNETT & PACE FOUR DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Domineer ing 6. Live embers 11. Subside 12. Young owl 13. Undershot waterwheel 14. Unbind 15. Unable to hear 16. Gold (Her.) 17. Hops kiln (var.) 18. Apart ments DOWN 1. Company of mu sicians 2. Musical in strument 3: Girl's name 4. Not flexible 5. Affirma tive vote 6. Woo 7. Possess 8. Singing voice 9. Hawaiian wreaths 19. Let it stand (print.) 16. Tree 19. Fate 20. Prosecute judicially 21. Goddess of dawn 24. All correct 25. Two-toed sloth 29. Big 31. Heeds 32. Factor 33. Perform 34. Gathering of neigh bors for work 35. Slant 38. Awing 41. Guido's lowest note 42. Girl's name 46. First Con federate president 48. A Boy Scout group 49. Occurrence 50. A fruit (It.) 51. Tree (W. Afr.) 52. Units of force 8 21 22 23 V7A y2a 29 30 32 3S 38 31 40 4 7 TAR HEEL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1954 tit 4 JMk J V JUDY JACKSON, A JUNIOR Tri-Delt coed from Shreveport, La. was crowned the "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi'' at the annual Sweet heart Ball in Burlington Saturday night. Miss Jackson is shown being crowned by her escort Britt Glenn of Spartanburg, S. d Cornell Wright Photo. . v. 5 4 X v Paramount presents KIRK ELEANOR WILLIAM DOUGLAS-PARKER-BENDiX JllLll WYLER'S wooucnai of SIDNEY KINGSLEY'S Also starring WILLIAM WYLEJi vrt i ii ODONNELL CATHY PHILIP VOROAII ROBERT WYLER SIDNEY KINGSLEY Plus Cartoon News TODAY Way To Keep Cool With BLOCKSIDGE 21. Ovum 22. Coin (Swed.) 23. Coin (Jap.) 26. Seize 27. Part of "to be" 28. Employ 30. Roman ' money 31. Jump 33. Speck 36. Full of life and vigor 37. Betimes 38. Fruit drinks 39. Volcanic rock Yesterday's Answer 40. Birds as a class 43. Kind of chop 44. Stir 45. Simians 47. Those in office 48. Old measure (wool) 16 19 0 25 26 27 28 'A 31 111 36 34 37 41 42 43 44 AS Detective Story7 HiH1 lLTlslTIMHH OID o IOaJn klet RlE 2 aS I K fcj 1 N S fpE NQHOD atTa 221 o JSk iJ3 Eg I PON lDjqQPE fg t'aSlC 0 T LJT R EJTiy F77 sfe-K Ipilpi S"l s ri, iii .Wil , a Baha'i Religion In Discussion Tonight In GM "Baha'i Peace Program, Its Prin ciples, and the Story of Baha'i World Faith," will be the topic of a talk tonight by James F. Ginnent at 7:30 in Graham Memorial's Ro land Parker lounge. "Baha'i is an independent, in ternational religion," explained Walter R. Wooten, campus Baha'i Faith leader and sophomore here. "(The speaker will tell the dra matic story and principles of the Baha'i Faith, and will correlate these principles with current, world-shaping events.' Among topics to be discussed specifically are the "birth of Ba ha'i Faith," and "the Baha'i Pro gram for a World Federal System of Government." Theme of the dis cussion is "Baha'i Principles for World Civilization." Slides will be shown in connec tion with the talk. Students at tending the meeting will be able to ask the speaker questions on th Baha'i faith following the ad dress. WHAT GOES 0M HERE Ring Sales The Grail will sponsor UNC ring sales tomorrow from 10 a.m. till until 4 p.m. Rho Chi Rho Chi Pharmacy Society will sponsor a speech tomorrow night by Dr. C. W. Waller at 8 o'clock in Howell Hall. Orientation (Continued from page 1) will be given out. This booklet is designed to aid the counselor in preparing his meetings with the groups next fall and to provide a general information directory for him. Appointments of the Orientation Committee to sub-committees have been made and these groups are at work on their part of the Orien tation program. The committees are: literature, Ed Yoder and Jim Exum; coed ball, Bev Webb and Babie Dilorio; freshman picnic, Ed McCurry and Patsy Daniels; special events, Dusty Lamson and Gil Ragland; and selection of counselors, Martin Jordan, Bill ITemple, Bob Young, Bob Barlowe, and Rollie Tillman. Winqfield . ( Continued from page 1 ) a reasonable length of time say one week the United States will make war on the Communist dic tatorship which has usurped power in China, and prosecute the war by aerial attack on the radio and railroad communications which are all that hold China together, and continue that attack until the Communist dictatorship is de stroyed." This years officers for the Order are Jim Maynard, president; Harry Pawlik, vice-president .. and Har vey Bradshaw, secretary-treasurer. Dean E. L. Mackie is the order's recorder. CLASSIFIEDS HELP WANTED 8A SECRETARY WANTED General office work. Experienced typist, shorthfMid not necessary but helpful. Apply Herring Motor Finance Co., 400 W. Franklin St. ANNOUNCEMENTS HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN SOME one's birthday? Remember them with a card from Ledbetter Pickard. chg. lxl 1 y - I i-TriiMJ fflra .... Nursing School GeSs $133,493 Aid Gran The UNC School of Nursing $133,493, Elizabeth L. Kemble, dean of the school, announced recently. Covering a four-year period beginning, next July 1, the grant is made by the United States Public Health Service, with the approval of the U. S. Surgeon General. fThe grant will be used to estab lish a project "to study the prob lems and methods involved in in corporating needed aspects of so cial and psychiatric science ' into the program of undergraduate nursing education." Announcement will be made later of appointments to the staff of the project, including a full time social scientist as director, a psychiatrist, a psychiatric nurse, and a public health nurse. Providing better nursing care for patients is the ultimate objec tive of the project, the announce ment stated. ' Experience gained from this study, it said, should result "in the development of a new pattern for collegiate basic nursing which will provide improved integration of mental health aspects of care jn the students' experience and train ing." Among those who have agreed to serve in an advisory capacity during the study period are Dr. Gordon W. Blackwell, director of the Institute for Research in Social Science; Ruth M. Boyles, professor of nursing; Mary V. Cheek, assis tant professor of nursing. Also Dr. William L. Fleming, professor of medicine; Dr. O. Da vid Garvin, local, district health officer; Alice J. Gifford, professor of nursing; Dr. J. Minor Gwynn, professor. of education; Dr. George Ham, head of the Department of Psychiatry; Dean Kemble. Dr. F. Douglas Lawrason, assis tant dean of the School of Medi cine; Dr. Edward G. McGavran, dean of the School of Public Health; Dr. W. W. Pierson, dean of the Graduate School; and Dr. Harvey L. Smith, associate profes sor in the Division of Health Af fairs. Mural Track (Continued from page 3) Hardison, SAE; Joyner, Phi Delt; Byerly, Beta; Barmise, TEP; Reit zel, Theta Chi. Finals: 2 from each heat qualify for finals. 440 Yard Relay Finals: four fastest times place. Heat 1 Theta Chi, Pi Lamb, TEP, Beta, SAE. Heat 2 Phi Delt, DKE, SPE, Zeta, ATO. 880 Yard Relay Finals: four fastest times place. Heatl ATO, SAE, Zeta, DKE. Heat 2 Phi Delt, Beta, TEP, Theta Chi. DORMITORY DIVISION 60 Yard Dash Heat 1 Kusterer, Joyner; Ray, Joyner; Shab, Connor; Smith, Winston; Knighten, Dental School. Heat 2 Barefoot, Joyner; Dia mond; Connor, Gilleland, Old West; Castillyo, Connor. Finals: 3 from each heat qualify for finals. 100 Yard Dash Heat 1 Cain, Old West; Cul breth, Dental School; Castillyo, Connor; Worrell, Joyner; Ray, Joyner. Heat 2 Knighten, Dent. Sch.; Smith, Winston; Shah, Connor; THASS WHY Kl LLED YORE Wednesday Nite AIN'T HE THSSAMfc TO 0, L B I SAY - WORM CHIUB A$ WA$ I TH&yAW LE:Af?NIN' TO A P O G O NAKp UN!?2TH NO MATTk OUICANCp OF Oii J MOW L. " -I. has received a training grant of 30 Students See 'Saucer' At Kure Beach The Daily Tar Heel learned . of , another weekend 'saucer in cident" yesterday afternoon. One near Durham was reported earlier this week.. Phil Scott, a junior pre-dental student from Hillsboro, reported seeing an "amazing astronomi cal phenomenon" while on a Westminster Fellowship retreat bt Kure Beach last Saturday night. " ' Scott reports that there were about 30 persons on the trip who saw what he describes as a "saucer-like object." '"It looked like a comet," he said, "except that it was too short-lived. It was well defined not misty, and was definitely not a shooting star. "It lasted longer and traveled slower, was a brilliant yellowish color, and had a head and tail. We watched it until it seemed to break into two pieces and die out." Love, Joyner. Finals: same as 60 yar dash. 300 Yard Dash Finals only in this event Heinz, Joyner; Kusterer, Joyner; Meaders, Connor; Dodson, Alexan der; Shuford, Joyner; Geisser, Con nor; Elder, Gonnor; Cain, Old West. 3A Mile Run Finals only in this event. Carpenter, Dent. Sch.; Barrin ger, Dent. Sch.; Smith, Alexander; Geisser, Connor; Brunelle, Connor; Lore, Joyner; McGinn Joyner; McCormick Joyner; Waters Old West; Jones Old West. 70 Yard High Hurdles Finals only. Gehan Connor; Devancy, Con nor; Hood, Dent. Sch. 70 Yard Low Hurdles Finals only. Hood, Dent Sch.; Gehan, Con nor; Devancy, Connor; Brunelle, Connor; Mohorn, Joyner; Loves, Joyner; Lore, Joyner. 440 Yard Relay Finals only. Joyner, Connor, Alexander, Dental School. 880 Yard Relay Finals only. Alexander, Connor, Joyner, Old West. Need Money For Something Special . . We will finance, re-finance, or make you a loan on your car. HERRING MOTOR FINANCE, INC. SO THEY'LL HATE AMERICA.? -bilMMl IMlCTC'f FO HAVIM' SUMPTHIM'?' icCKUMMUNIb I.'! THEY TaS WE WICE. 5HM005.?" J V V TO YOO.r.r is Ravioli Night at the RATHSKELLER 90c All You HP VOU ONVO'0ACTWO FALLS OUTEN TWO AUKg- MPUWftSUgACNlN'HlM YOU V, 3 Tarnation Hits Streets Today The April Tarnation, with one em oil niptiirp of Pinup Lilly cnrib- tin p. will be out today, according to Editor Rueben Leonard. The humor magazine, which was j . I 1 4. scheduled to appear yesieraay out couldn't because ot wei ins, iet tnrs a naue of what is titled "The T?ppr " and another of Jacic wea ver's two-page comic strips, this one tagged "Puperman. An aridpd attraction this issue is a book review section. Tarnation reviews such books as "The Pic- SPECIAL! i 1 500 Pair COTTON BABY CORD (without pleats) 3.95 Lt. Blue Lt. Tan Lt. Grey Sensational , . . Daring . . . Thrilling . . . The Intimate and Revealing Story of Women Sharing Love Secrets That Would Shock Even Their Men! WOMEN SHARING Roberto RosselHni's 'Last Times Today" THEY'RE GONE WRONG ff -THE LIKE ONE GREAT BUT-sPa.'- T'GIVE US ALL 50 ARE OUR WE'D STOP A-FIGHTIN EACH OTHER, LONG 4UFF TO SHMOOSf! Graduate Education (The Graduate Education Club will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 in the Rendezvous Room of Gra ham Memorial. The program will fpature a brief business and pro fessional discussion followed by a square dance. tiire of Oscar Wilde," "Milksop's Fairy (Tales," and "The Best Years of Our Wife." BERMAN'S Specials For Wednesday FIELDCREST & CANNON Percale Sheets Double and Single 2.98 go. Other Single Sheets 1.79 Terry Clofh AH Colors $1.00 a yd. Large Group DRESSES Were Up To 6.95 Wednesday Only 5.00 BERMAN'S DEPT. STORE ",,'1, i i LS3 LOVE SECRETS! WHOLE EARTH IS KINDA BIG SHMOO REAPY ALL WE NEEDS, IF OK1LV LET ITSf- Can Eat 1 1 51

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