A WEATHER Fair today, partly cloudy and continued warm. Expected high 85; low, 55. VOL. LVII No. 11 University Painter Undoes Weekend's Doin rut i ' , UNIVERSITY PAINTER S. W. Clark is shown yesterday re moving the black paint smeared on the statue of Confederate Sol dier, in front of Graham Memorial. .The job was a hard one, safd Painter Clark, since some of the paint had worked its way into pores in the statue's base. Another picture of the weekend's de f struction on page four. R. B .Henley Photo. While State UNC A group of cousins from "Cow Gollege" (N. C. State to frosh), evi- i dently foreseeing ultimate defeat ' at the hands of the Tar Heels in j Kenan Stadium on Saturday after noon evidently left their mark on ! the UNC campus the night before. Three noticeable acts of vanda lism were reported; if there were others, they went unnoticed. "Silent Sam," the confederate monument next to Graham Memor ial, was splashed with black paint and a beef bottle was attached to his rifle sling. Then, to top the evening off, the initials "N-C-S" were burned into the grass on the lawn of the planetarium building. Director of Operations J. S. Ben nett, who is in charge of grounds, declined to comment on the inci dent. Only Two Arrests In spite of the fact that 22,000 people attended the Carolina-State football game, only two students were arrested Saturday night. One student was arrested for drunken driving while the other made the grave error of parking in front of a fire hydrant. fThe Chapel Hill Police were happy to note that, there was not one stu dent picked up at the football game for drunkeness, and they also reported that they did not see any student intoxicated. Mo Action Yet On 1FC-DTH Disagreement 'l The Inter-Fraternity Council met last night but did not consid er again the question of whether to" allow The Daily Tar Heel to cov er its meetings. ' -The reason for the Council's fail ure to consider the question again last night was the sparse attend ance at the meeting, according to Ed McCurry, IFC vice presrident. The IFC voted last week to keep its meetings secret. Since then it has been suggested that the Coun cil might be willing to have a re porter at its regular meetings if it could retain the right of calling i - a secret executive session to con sider matters which it did not want : reported. McCurry indicated that the IFC will probably 'consider the matter i at its meeting next Monday night. Chess Meetinq ' The Chess Club will hold its first meeting of the year to night at 8 o'clock in Roland Par ker rooms 1 and 2 of Graham Memorial. Plans for tourna ments and other activities will be discussed and a rapid transit tournament will be held for all these who would like to partici pate. There will also be instruc tion for beginners and interest ed advanced players. .All are cordially invited. . :.. I L Bit ' Beat State, t " '-- J 7 . Vandalized UNC If 7- A 1 -4 v 4 I Student Pieter Hogaboom re moves a Schlitz bottle (empty) from the sling of The Confeder ate Soldier's (Silent Sam's) ever ready rifle. The bottle, along with quite a quantity of black paint, appeared on Sam after last weekend's Carolina-State game. Pieter hastened to tell reporters that he didn't put the bottle up there. R. B. Henley Photo. Assistantship Grants Are Obtainable Graduate students or secondary teachers of French and German may now attain Fulbright assist ship awards which will enable them to study in France and Ger many with maintenance and inci dental expenses paid. The persons selected need only instruct conver sational English in the institutes of the countries involved. The selections, to be based on academic achievement, knowledge of the country's language in which the annlicants study and physical Jan. 15, 1955. Applicants may ap der the auspices of the Institute of International Education in asso ciation with the French and Ger man Ministries of Education. A joint board of American, French and German educators will announce the nominees, who in turn will be given a Fulbright grant, z. - Complete W Wire Service . South Buildinger Charlie Ber nard getting stung by bee in Y Court. ' Two boys hitchhiking home on Raleigh Road, one playing "Home, Sweet Home" on har monica. ' SP Delays Committee Findings By RUTH DALTON A committee report was .begun and then- abruptly stopped when it was learned that a member of The Daily Tar Heel reporting staff was present at the meeting of the Student Party last night. - David Reid, vice chairman, who presided in the absence of Chair man Joel Fleishman, called on Charles Wolf for a report on the committee appointed at the SP meeting last week to investigate or formulate plans for introducing a bill in the Legislature which would prevent executive sessions from being closed to the press. The committee was organized af ter iThe Daily Tar Heel was barred from an IFC meeting. Wolf start ed by commenting that members of the newspaper staff had come running to the SP last Monday night for the party to take action. At this point, Wolf asked if a mem ber of The Daily Tar Heel staff were present, and upon receiving an affirmative answer, he stated that he had no report to make. After some discussion a motion was. passed to give the committee another week in which to formu late its report. Wolf also presented the pro gram for the evening by giving his conception of the most pressing problems on the campus which the SP should try to remedy. Among these were a means of improving or changing fraternity rushing, integration of student gov ernment, the introduction of a civ il service system into student gov ernment and investigation of cur rent social problems on campus. Wolf also passed out copies of some 86 problems of varying im- portance which he thought that the party snould consider during tne year. Chuck May was elected unani mously to fill the vacancy of Dorm Men's 5 in the Legislature. The Yackety-Yack office will CflHPUS W W I w i 5 p. m. for the purpose of signing contracts for pages in the '55 yearbook. The contracts must be signed by representatives of organizations wanting the pages. On North Carolina Public CPU D U r rl 1 J i' S 1 f J vV - rt Yi --. , , . . - j f rs- ' ' - - Im .am '".wwlLi, i.M,a-..,i,.,..,ii -,, , hi.t , r,r ,, ,.,.,ii mn ,. ' ,,i,t,r . irnT, i,-, iiWnnir.infm iiiimi . n . in uraini'irnii i.i.-nn- , ini- . .ilvlaigSjL -...- -""'" MEMBERS OF the Carolina Political Union and their visitors are shewn Sunday night at their meeting. Seated from left to right around the table are Pebbly Barrow, David Mundy Tommy Bennett, Bob Harrington, Jim Turner, an unidentified visitor, Edwin B. Jeffress, Jim Doar eid Norwood Bryan. The two in the foreground are unidentified. Bennett is chairman of the organization, and -Bryan acted as judge for Sunday's question, "Resolved: Thftt the Supreme Court decision on segregation will have an adverse effect on the public school system of North Carolina." Cornell Wright Photo CHAPEL HILL, N. C, A T,M' I ? C" ,jl ArtM- 1 ''if JOHN LARKINS . . chairman of the commission For Maryland Game: Classless The University Administration has granted an official holiday for Saturday, Oct. 16, so the student body may attend the UNC-Mary-lahd game at College Park, Md. Tom Creasy, president of the stu dent body, said yesterday "Last May I submitted the petition for the caravan weekend to Chancellor House, and along with his favor able recommendation the petition was handed over to the schedule committee. One week later, on May 19, I received a letter from Dean C. H. Holman in which he said, 'It is the decision of the com-! mittee that a holiday should be granted for Oct. 1. No classes will Decides I UNCs Bleu Film Series Tickets On Sale Tickets are now on sale for the fall film series, which will begin Graham Memorial Activities Board Oct. 7 and runs through Jan. 13. The season ticket is $2 and may!,, " , -' ter Pickard or in Y Court during!"1" J"" . next week. No individual admisJ sions will be sold. All the movies!' lc,lUM;u will be shown in Carroll Hall on Dec-. 16" alternate Thursdays at 8 p. m. Beginning next Thursday, "Diary of a Country Priest," a French film, will be shown. On Oct. 21, "Burlesque on Carmen," U. S., and 'Renoir to Picasso," French, will be the double-feature. Nov. 4 will be the date for the Yack Contract Signing be open this week between 2 and Schools: iscussqs mtBgrofion TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1954 LEROY MARTIN he asked the question about rents GORDON GRAY . . . "it will not be , necessary" Saturday considered a football holiday. Please note that as a. scheduled holiday the customary absence reg ulation effecting absences, before and after a holiday will be in ef fect':" - Creasy further stated "A caravan weekend is something we have all looked forward to for several years. I am happy it could be made pos sible this year. Head Cheerleader Jim Fountain has done a tremen dous job getting the weekend or- j ganized. At present both Jim and j University Club Chairman Bob Lit- aker are busy arranging transpor- o t i r r r rocoruo J rn-e onrl oil the necessary details of the week-'i American "Camille" and Nov. 18 j for "Destry Rides Again," another American film. n r o tcT: u c. . on ine same dui ine itussian mo- Another American film, "Bomb shell," will be shown on Jan. 6. The last film in the fall series will j e ine storm vvnmn, Jrencn, j on Jan. 13. j All the foreign films will either ! have English sound dubbed in or ' will have sub-titles. Business manager for the Yack, Tom Spain, said yesterday that' all societies and organizations which had not paid for their pages in last year's Yack would not be eligible for pages this year. Con tracts for these organizations may be signed on payment of last year's bill. Offices In Graham Memorial v 2- ? - ft '''J AHA I, I ' ? ROBERT B. HOUSE submitted UNC's request ntca The State's Advisory Budffet Commission met with Govt ernor William B. U instead in Raleigh yesterday to begin de ciding what recommendations it will make to the legislature concerning the University's budget-request for the next bi enniuni. - It has been hinted that the commission will consider also Phi Inaugural Slated Tonight The Assembly of the Philanthro pic Literary Society will officially begin its one-hundred and fifty sixth year with inaugural ceremon ies tonight at 8 o'clock- in the Phi Hall on the fourth floor of New East. Dr. I. G. Greer, executive vice president of the Business Founda- tionhere at the University, will de-. livpr the inauenral addrerss. Dr. I peef f wldely k"own throughout pi UlCSbUr cIL .fipiJdldtllldll Oldie Teachers College and superintend- ent of the Baptist Orphanage at Oxford. He came here to head an office set up to foster the growth of the School of Business Adminis tration. Dr. Greer will speak on college citizenship. Mr. Claude HTeague, business manager of the 1 TTnivprQiiv will introduce Dr. Greer. Officers to be inaugurated this year are: Speaker, Lewis Brum field, a junior from Yadkinville; Speaker Pro Tern, Richard Iobst, Danville, Va.; Parliamentarian, Wade Matthews, Winston-Salem; Sergeant-at-arms, Frank Warren, Clerk, Harry Whitlock, Baltimore, Md.; Carolina Forum Representa tive, Bill Porterfield, Goldsboro, and Treasurer, James Duvall." s Effects f J )y . i EDWARD K. GRAHAM . . . don't raise the fees mnuHmossflOGD whether to recommend to the "leg islature a raise in tuition and dor mitory fees. The possibility of increased fees came up at a meeting of the com- ! mission two weeks ago during which Consolidated ' University Vice President W. D. Carmichael told commission members he would ask them to join him in requesting the legislature to pass an act al lowing the University to .build dorr mitories with loans to be repaid from rentals. Commission member LeRoy Mar- tin asked State College Chancel- lor Carey Bostian what would be . .rr, . v. . , the effect on his student body if fees were increased. Bostian ; an swered that an increase would "de prive many youths of an oppor tunity to obtain technical train ing." Since then ? Bostian, Prersident Gordon Gray and Chancellor Ed ward K. Graham of Woman's Col lege have come out against a raise in student fees. John Larkins of Raleigh is com mission chairman. The commis sion will meet with Umstead again today. The legislature will convene Jan. 5 and consider the commission's recommendations. It usually fol lows the recommendations in mak ing appropriations. What the commission decides to recommend will not be made pub lic until the legislature convenes. Gray, Chancellor Robert B. House of Carolina, Graham and Bostian met with the commission earlier this month to ask appro priations 'for the 1955-7 biennium. Gray asked for an increase in his general administration budget from $79,207 this year to $129,263 for the first year of the next bi ennium and $188,255 for the sec ond year. . . ' ' Gray also asked for $15,000 for the new office of business manager-treasurer and secretary. House requested an increase in the maintenance budget for the University at Chrpel Hill of $905 044 for 1955-56 and one of $867, 738 for 1956-57. The University at Chapel Hill requested $1,603,500 to build a new pharmacy building and remodel Howell Hall for occupancy by the School of Journalism. Other requested appropriations for permanent improvements were an addition to, and remodeling of, Peabody Hall: $735,000; dormitory for men, including dining room and kitchen: $1,000,000, and an addi tion to the physics building: $760, 000. The Advisory Budget Commis sion makes its recommendations to the legislature each biennium to a book called "The Budget." The book lists expenditures for the last biennium, requests for the new biennium, and the commission's recommendations as to how much of the requested appropriations should be made. The book includes similar data on all state departments, institu tions and agencies to which appro priations are made. BOIL The editor wants t oboil a thief. See p. 2. FOUR PAGES TODAY CARY BOSTIAN and don't deprive our youth GOV. W. B UMSTEAD ... official chief of the commission IDC Prexy 'Very Pleased' with Weekend "I am very pleased with the visit ing in the dormitories over the week-end. All the reports that I have received are quite favorable," Manning Muntzing, president of the Interdormitory Council, said yesterday. Muntzing had warned dorm resi dents prior to the week-end that students "must be on their toes" so that "we can expect visiting on other game days to follow." As to how much the plan was used by students, Muntzing said "The few dorms that I observed were busily engaged with enter taining their guests.'V The president of the IDC said "I feel that the advisors did a tremendous job of making every one feel at home. As soon as the officers are elected, they will as sume this responsibility with the assistance of the advisors. Ifm sure they will do an equally fine job. Not only have the advisors done a good job, but the entire roll of residents, I feel, have re sponded to the new privileges. "Some dorms not having a TV set used record players or radios, belonging to the residents for the enjoyment of the guests. Such gestures as this anil the residents' making a special effort to keep the social rooms clean show the fine way in which the residents in the dorms have responded to the visiting agreement." Roy Holsten of the Office of Stu dent Affairs said on Sept. 22 that the present agreement was for football season only and may or may not be the first step in a per manent plan. Di Senate The Dialectic Senate will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in Di Hall, third floor, New West. Eev Webb will introduce the bill of the evening, which provides that men should be allowed to consume al coholic beverages at parties with coeds, as long as the coeds do not participate. Lynn Chandler will preside in the, absence of the President, Jo el Fleishman. Guests are invited to attend and participate in the debate, with the regular five minute limitation on speaking time. X - s" i Today