! PACE TWO THE DAILY TAR KEEL The Keepers Of The Light The 1255 Gesersl Assembly, which opens in RaleSgi today, laces a larger list of Imposing p-roblerns this any session sebare the depressi-c.? 5 ears, iforer is the root of mary of the problems. North Carolina Simply daesrt hie enough. That as a! wits. aifsrts. the stile UrJersity. And thn means you. The silence rp at South Building is everybody from President Gray dowa' balding his fcreatb waiting for Goemcr Hodges" budget sessile to morrow ard the release of the Advise ry Budget Commissi en's reeorrrnerdatkris. The big eruestior; Will the Urive:rsity5 reeded expansions ard provenerts. or any part of then be approved? If rot. well he straggSiitg ez& for sewer! nsre year? is crowded- Quarters arid likely with a raise in tallica and feaes. So trays' gathering of tie lawmakers in KaV eight is a historic moment for the Urirersty. The eld dream- of 2 state school "as nearly a; possihle taluk-a free", the visaors of.re-w lirirg ard mark ing space lor cramped campes dae to beooroe rure cramped next year and the year after these ideals will be realised or shattered at the basis of 1 he Assembly. North Carolina's General Fund will plainly stand only so jasci experdirre. The Daily Tar Heel hopes the legislature WEI find time, anil the demands for eas eases and committee meet ings ant.d the pressures cf ether irtpertart iegis ltion. ?c weigh the impeurtarre of the University tie light it sheds oa the state; and that they waj ft-rfude the light should sot te djmced, Tie Moral Dilemma &.The Casual Paths la a batch cf tired sgfy themes thai ushered the old year out the Agriculture Deprtmert'e furing of a capable arrri-Coerreuiaisx as a "security risk" the Peese Committee's report, or the sub ersire" Feed Foueadarior. the march c-f otker ex- Carofina Front. am: you raay hare of the world's missed rlght- It was made is New York by Dr. J. Sober! Op perbeiroer .-six stripped cf official Government trust, has retained bis trterfific gift of analysis. He spoke at Cd!sE.bia's last cetebratiors cf her 2-?ih Arriersary spcia ol the mcrxl .dHer-.r.a that r-?c!ear sderce bas- farcedl spr the -crld, M the !e,:at:c rf mea that is taMrf p'-are ia tie ery iridst of a rr.as?-r-r-.rT:ra:ra.tir: rcrla. This is -srhat he ssii: ... The rsrirs by vbicb the tree ha-r-aa cc;-a".rrity. the naa kar-vrirg raaa, the reisbcr ra-deri:aadlr.g reichbr the schooibry learning pcen, the vtir-ea datscing, the irilviduil rnrios-ly, the ia diTidna3 se-'ase e-f beasty are beiag Mr a dry aad listless. . . Aad the craTerge aad the br-pe: This car. ret be ati ttsj fe We shall haTe a rugged tise of it to keep or rr.:-s cpea .nd ts ieep them. deep, t? keep our s-rase -of heaaty ard rar ability t .aie it,, ar-d nr occasioaal abity tr. see :t, ia piares rea:-r-te arid straaf e ar..c 'uafaa-iiiar; -e &ha3 hare a ragged Lrze cf it ill cf t3 ia belpiag these ardeas ia Kir Tillages, ia keepiag cpea the riiaaifcid, iairicaie, cascai paths, tj keep these C-rjrishiag ia a great, miady srcsrld; but this is. as I see it, the cc-adi-tica cf as: ia this crcsditisa e cia help, because -e 3ove ere iacther. This speech, by the raaa vhr -was. ratH last Jure. the ro-sst dlstiaruisbed f the gsrerarjert's atoriic adassrs. v-as a cieaa coo5 haad vs. the fevered brow c-f -our tirses aad aa elMraert dissert frees the b!fti ier cf progress that is the cera disease.. Dt- Orr-cr-h timer, -wis beJped deise the fc-r-mta icr the v-orfifs destracti-r. has 2 pre-sa-ed the fcmula far its saiatim: a tandrg frcra sre super hichway of irbirsaarity orto the iatri file i-asual paths, -shere aeighbe;r night iader stxad aeighbr. The rdHrial rrudert publicatiDr cf the Pabli caUcrs B:.ard cf the Urrrersiry c,f Nertb Carci-r.a, y" vhere it is published JL . v, X dairy eirept Kcadiy. A Sacred Cow Or A Way Of Living? rd:::,r jklarxgirg Editee FRED P0W1EDGE Ass,-c-te Ed::ers Eus-urss Iwaair TOM SHCEES Spirts r.i.-;-r FRED EABSOrf Nf?? Ed-txr -C:ty Editir ... Ass-iitaat Sports Ed.t:r Assisuaat Basissess Harager EditcJial Assisuari Louis Kraar t t-s ti:a psrir-ds asd rsia t saer terras. Ertered as secard class snarer at the pr?rt office ia Chapel EUL K. C, ra der the Art cf Karab S, 1S7S. Subscript:-: r rates: e ailed, S4 per delrrered, S5 a year, a strcest tr. CEAJ5T J:? KIT2AL.T LOUIS KPAJ1. ED YO-DES Jackie Goridraaa Jerry Eeece Tick Slrtia Jirs ESey Adx-ertisiag Maaa.ce- Cirruii:::.. Mtaaser Suhsrriptj&B Maaager 7ack G.-.fiey . Fhctcgraphers CisraeH Vright, IL B. H r3ey Eerrie Weiss BH2 B:b Feel XLuth Sa-'tca t' v HlI.E THE seasca frr mak irg re.s-rrhutir.as is stiZl upea us, I have oae that tie idea's Hcaor Couacil shoaid make aad keep. As oae of the raxia suardiaa of lie Koaor Systera. the Meas Ccuacil should see to it that the facts, c-eci-aioau ajsd sen leace for each case tried. sre reported to this paper. The Tarape Luiw" provides that the Keas Ccuac:3 do this "geaerally fsra weeks - after the case bas been jriei" But this year the Coun cil rat rr. hers have seen fit to rrlea-e raly oae report. Naturally tie stuceat defead xrts are al-ay? treated arsrry-ro&u-Jy. aad they should be fc-r pritoctka p urposes. But there is ltt!e erruse for the Mea's CcurcJ rot te da its dsty aai repce1 the cashes. Not ely is this tody breaking a lav that It is p!edsd to uph-d, but the Iter's Ccuacil is raissirg the vital chaace it has ta reraiad sta ceats that Carohra bas a work lag Hraor Systera. Appareauly, the Mea's Couacil chairrcaa realises tie purpose -cf repr-rtir.g cases ta studeats. He peart ed it ort wh2 be released the sea: esters scie report. 'With the purp3se -cf iaforra iag the stadeats a'rout the cpera tioa cf the Hcaer Systera aad the activities cf the Mea's Ccca cIL this report is issued. . . the ciah-rcaa declared. THE HONOR Systera is ret a sacred ' cer. scrafthiag st.udf.ats should hold ia ave aad speck f ia hushed teres. S-pp:ec.y. it is 2 ct life ia a c&Uefe v-crZS. that trusts a studeal ec his c-ri ' But hea the electf-d ofiirvlils vh3 help irr-It-rr: the He.a:-r Systera fail to utilize tie ere Tray cf irdcrzairg studeats cf their v-rrk. tie -Rh-ele ideal be-c-craes a farce. Curreatly, the idea prevails or campas thai the Hca-rr CiRiacfl? are srrae rr.y-tc gre-ups that raeet ia a far off place tD cc!e Jut aa. esoteric braad -r just5e-e. This is a false idea, hut the Idea's Ccua cil ia ax irderraiag the carupus cf its v : rk- to this raiscerac-f-ruea. I'ra c: aria red chat the stadeats serriag or the Kea". Cr-ur.-rl are- capabee. scacere tud prtbahy do-iag a good jcb, Cbairraar Herb Ercaae has ajwaj-s "r-ia cepera tire ia disrusiirg tie -srrrrkirts of the grecp. This just g.akes. th-e faiiure cf reprrtia? ra-e? ;u the paper roetre iaexcusacl-e aad less ua-drrstaadah:.. ONE buscaes of ' n r - a? pen icf reoarcirH; cises srrrites rce as nii.-rr odd. TThea the Mess CourcJ read its soli tary report, rust before sichDrl eaded. the spekesaaar fcr the rrc-cp aked thai his rarae a:.t be -used ia the paper. Obrtrjusly, sd rrcdeaf eaj."?y$ beirg the reprrter cf whs was kicked cut rfi" s:h:cl But fsr aa el-erted official a judge to be iasharced of his rffice is regrena- Of cr-urse, the Heianr Coarril rcercbers fca": trjry arocacrg that so rr.acy stsderts cheated xad w -:re ?u.-p:ade Birt this is the j:h for vhjch they were eied" ed. aad the carapus respects then for dxag the J:b well. Adrcurdstraticr raerabers have arked rertatlv that Car Night Editor for tba Fred Eabsta haa studexTs deal bare a ilear coTieej.uion of tie .Ecr-rr System. If ti.s is true, and I tiiak it is. the lack cf racers taadirg has grown ircra th.-e secrecy whech has surrnLaded She Triur; of the courts. If st-udeats are grexg to rea lise that we hai-'e ax Hoaejr Sy teat after the tread-rull cd Qr aertauioTi. the courts are g-rg to have to start makdrg regular repeats. That's The Kind Ve Want-You Can See Just What He's Not Thinking' Reaction Piece. 1 The Eye Of The Horse A Tale Of Two Ex-Amateurs Doris Flee son WASHINGTON who ertered rati&aal politics as eorrplete araate-urs at the same tirae twt years ago are showing ' hsw the great garae iaesltably takes h&ld of those whs tasSe its fruits of prfwer. Ore. Freslceat Eiseahower. is rrw disclosed to have h-er 2ee rurarg his close associates ahrut the recessity of huHdiaf rp at tractive youag GO? Fresideriial pssstbilities for the future. He had his list ready, all either frier d'y G:sra rrs or rr.fu iron the seccrd level of his adrahrus trati tr ials assurcptier cf reroTsl hHity for the Eepuhlicaa future has appeared before ia the still rather geae-rahaed Elsrahwer ccaversuticas about his prcgres sive raoderate philosophy. The a-ew list aaraed people aad is 2 further aad larger step away frera the Presideat's c-riglaa! rotina uhat h-e could serve as a klad cf head e.-f state. . If You Want A Better Job', Just Don't Think l (I K fymr cpoiTr-ed re ccTitJf in T.-c St. Lends Post-Dif-pcr.c& s c Jcrr.er to t'Ke -edir-or jre-TO Ner-CE Ti-ors-aa. rr'K.0, m iir rcrczx rssir to zhis csmzn, p-yniit of civil libffrrfK. The pam- p'nlrt qtesttoTi t..td "S Yen,' TTism A Sercer Job." crd v-zzten hi- PciJ TT. Bcyr.r.yti. m pcrisor cf e57rp-lci'TCCT.,r for So rcn?i-2d:-vrm- ma.y be fvun-d. by rtiyesible eermputy c&uld sw. rie irTTe ef zKe iocd Piace tuItJ. Scrr-ireT ?55 Gard-n-rr HsIL lu disrussiag ar.-dergraduate apathy or p: letiral aad 5:cial cujesticas, a Friaoet&r ru.deat aote-d ia the Pruacetor Alurari "Weekly two serterces frora aa erapiryraert parrphlet issxed by Soror.y-Yartruru Co. which he thr.tgit helped erplaln the rca: ter. I was i0 perrured by those sertere-es that I seat for the pura phkt aad m?w c.uee the eruire paragraph freer which they .are taker: ""Perseral views car cause a lot of urocele. B.eriEraier then t? keep them always corservative. The users" are out. Busiaess be fog what it is. it rturally 2rcks with fisfarsr or the wild eyed n d:ca! or ever the me5erate p."rk Or the -tier hard I thiatt you will fiad very few brjdsess roer whs will attearpt to dirtale She political party of their era plcyees" The' author a p-ErsDrsel offi cer ia the crrrpary assured roe that this parr, phi e-t bad. beer crr culated for soroe years ir aad ort of colleges with applause iiad that sine was the first crii orisra. Of course. Sorcrj-Yacuura has a right tD currulate the paraph "let through ccLlec e plsceraeiat bureaus. The parrphlet repre-s-eats, however, aa obvious effort ts cortrol oplrior by job etra trcih It is., to rcy Triad, surpris iaf that -our colleges aad Eri versuties should sperd larre suras of rrjaaey to hrair sttrderris to tiurk arid -to express their thoughts aad thea racke ar- pr tesf wher a great, crrpe-rarirri waras their uudergraduat.es to keep still ualess titer erhueas are --c-Drserv-atsveJ" That is. I suppose. 5 rearly as p-erssubls a carii-ca copy cf the betHTs. The paragraph I cooted. by the way. is hesded, -Perscaal Views ard fellows a paragrapa oa Persoaal Habits'" wh.cu. a rae-rg e-te r thir.gs. advises a gaircst druukiag too rauch. lie. tier, a yeurg ceCere or high school jt-EcuiCe "Bili art rlriac loo raacb aai aot. tiluk at all eyre pt as ar electroaie raachiae oa -the 3rh. he raay rie. Bet what .win happen lo derr orrracy txr to ef ucatier if this is to be preserted as the road ' to success ? Beceat writers -who have d.iscDvered that corpora tions have acquired a soul of which they give rrerbtable evi dence rcifht ftf further research into the rauure .of that .soul I write as chaimar of the Cri-or for r-ercernti-r So:larf.rr. ik ead of Fahiaa Secirty) hut I write ia snpport of a principle of vital irapcrtaace to all be lievers ia dera:rrary whatever their own pohtical aad ecororric v'i. NCB5LAN THOMAS York City Pse udo-Cc rtservative RICHARD MSFST ASTER In The Amwkn Sch&Iar . Unlike the gertaine conserva tive, the pseado-CDrservatdve he lieves hiraself ts be livirg ir a world ia which he is spied irpor plotted arairst, betrayed, aad t-ery likely destined for total rsir, .. .. He sees his -cws conrtry is b-elrg s weak that it 2s coa srtartly about- to . fall vootcea to suhi-ersioru and yet he feels that at is -so all-powerftd that Zj f&rhrr-f it may experience in geutia tcs way ir the world .for instance, ir the Orient camel pBss.ibly be doe to its lirjtatrnns but must he artri buted to its taring beer des troyed. - . ,: It included Governors Eaaglie of TVaAhirgtor. Hohler cf tis ccrsia aad Craig cf Irdiaaa. pcty Att.e-ra?y Geaeral "illlara P- B-rgers and leputy Secretary of Iefease Aadersoa. It is not suite the list the pro fcssie.aals would draw up ard ix 'sras a failure cf tart oa the Pre sideat's part rot to select for it scene of the raea ir House ard Senate cr vh:-ra he roust reey fer example, Bep. Halle-ck of la diana. vicse pro-Eisenhower leodership of the GO? Hcuse raa ;:.r.ty was brilliant. But the X3 serhDsrf r irtere?L especially with its irr.jlie-atiea that he has ar-oep-ted tie yeie of party leader, will he welcomed everywhere bt ia the ertrerae GO? reght The 5dea itself is soard poli ties. The Presidert has perceiv ed or has h-een rearer fed that few cf ary p:-:tutlal successors io: en arc rag his Cabinet rceracer5 and adrturhsurative heads who are getting teiay"s headlines- They are business r;a not elective office raatereal It was .always possible that ore or mere would prove have tie touch, but acre Tie great sarrer-ess of the El serrerwer atrr.ir.istrtc-rs art tie err.phis.is tr teamw-ork and aet uior along v.th Congress hive core hired to keep dews the per s: r.al puhlicety that attracts poh u : al attertaerL They raay be ra ther generally respected, but characters attract- iee, they are ret iirg warrcta, hate, iauerest and curietsey. Of there all the coreatry r re-bail v knows Secretarx cf Defers w".l:r here. thai is because of his famous hlooroers. iadod ir.g bird dogs and kerrl dcgs, plus the earthy way iz which he responds to crrtucisra. As Harry S. Truraar pr:n-ed. the itsTter rain els ea the capital are censcr- iness bet the people ear 20US seem tc like it Tie ether prcfes-sicaal with great plars is Stephen A. Mitchell retiring Dem ocratic Natl oral Chairraar. Mh-chell is net recurring to pri vate prtice ef law r-ecauf. he is tired cf pitletics; or tee cor trary. -sisetas vi sugar piuacs dance ia his ieai He hopes and expects tD play a leading prt in tiree irupor uart lect: :ns where the power stakes .are aaoorg tie highest ia r. s. poi-tiss. He will act as a bridge be twees tre jreiesilora! poliiciaas and the larbeiy amaierr Aclai Stevenson camp in i& effort S5 reao irate and elect Stevenson Preidoerl in 18S5. He will phurf e emmvuiately intt. the tiree-ay Chicage Mayoralty fight Id help a Sceversoa protege, County Oerfe Pi chard J. Daley, to vic tory. Ia his apare tire, he will vorc oa the candaasry 'A e pies A ilrtchell for Governor 4A ILiuaois, probably in IsfoS. Muntzing Is Man To Watch In '55-Mundy .Dsvld undy Marrdrg Iurtricg 5 the ciro pus maa to watch ia -55.'" My New Years predictiea. circa last Track? givirg. the pref.reiea that he will be the aext presi deat cf the studect body-stlll stands. Chief obstaele in his pith is the -Fleishman Wing"" cf the Studerf Party. The S? pcllece.s are pretty sharp characters, hc-srever and the wrath cf the alraighty Joe! isn't likely to pre vail First, cf course, is the twA thai his direct pariicipaikr ani pTwtr in carcpus pcltir? ceases with his impending venture into the Navy's supply corps. He is also seciikely to have the resi dual irSuerce of the other tws great "SP reparted." Peregar and Co: k. They possessed m ere warmth, if rot more finesse., ia dealing with their friends and foes than has ccrrrafe Joel. Ther left s-omethirg of 2 -leaders kircly light" in their w ate. waereas Fleishraaa's ertra ordin ary poltiral cleverness raij leave some rather ruflled feelags. And i-eel.shrt.aa has also be come socretiirg cf a S? Lahilty. His political adroitness can be matched by no other campus poli tico. Without him, up to this polat, the SP would be ia a bad way. But that same political cle verness is also the SP's great, lability- Rightly or wrongly t -ror. gly. I believe) a great a-era-ber of stud eras are suspicious of -peliticiaas and all their doings." Fleishman, chairrtrr cf the S? aad master raarager that he has come to persoaefy all th-ese real or imaciaed evils. The srients" reactioas to "politico Pleishmaa was almost disaLStrous to the SP ia the fall electioas. Oae of the factors which iriersified the reacts or was liouis Kraar's Tarraterr ar ticle s.a tire flag Flcishruar. Fleesh raaa -sras plastered with the label of an out-and-out politician. 1 would adjudge columnist Eraar to be free of Ulterior rtoti -teen writing his very humorous and very damagmg article: but no Fleishmaa or SP eaemy ceuld have done theer greater harrr. The U? could do wtll in tie spring electie'n hy merely desuri-r-otirg copies of the article. But hack to Kuntricg. The move hy one -wlr.g ef the party to censure him last fall was abortive ard ursuccesriul Should the Fleishman wing try another maneuver lie that one. it could aleaort asrure ll.-ttar.g"; noacinatioa. And while much of the S?'s bickering has centered around the possibility of iMuntzengs caa d:uaty, Murtzlag has managed ts stay -ce.mparat:vely clear of the irtra-party clashes. He dado": have to lead his own defease ea tie ceetstere move He va-. also comparatively clear of tie mio ecverutg h.ch banded SP ieiier Fleeshmaa his seitary ceetat en a S? controlled legislature -Rhea he aspired to the highest elec tive tfdSce tire. that of fpeaitr pro tear. The story cf the great Fieifh-r-ar defeat goes s:meth;r.g li:e ties, arrrrr.rg to cae S? mem ber. He r.elshrrar Just tromiled all over some people ia the cau cus hefcrehard. Only the people he -a-anted ge4 romirateons. 'Veil some cf '"em didn't lie it or.e bit, ho they got together a grot? that co-id control th; legislator? ty swetcierg and rppirg v,Vs. tVtll Joel gets wind of it and calls Not Muctarir.?), the leader of the group, up to his office and they rraie vte iort cf deal. V.'eij, com hv.k and te!lc "em thit it's ail tlL It appears that v.-rr.e of 'em were still pretty jrad though. Trey thowht dirv4 tie yJj zrL'jm, they v,-r.d ior When KuRtzJr.g's ritmimilon d rertly cor. frog's the there tll be vjzuf: f)zy..iion. ( ,a feicticg amh;tioa.s itA dl'iut-i, as as rersaLodeTS f past Uuda, v,i.i clutter the l';rld cf urioru Tr.ity. Et he will get Y.: nuu--tson for a comparativ;Iy iir.0e rc-asor.. The SP'er zrt ;! ar of the poL'tlcal trade -irAi, lAut.v z.r if, the ? arAAi'-: v.ho can win. The txinor'i.T.itt'.y .vj tsvi&Ms Dave Reld i feofi-r iroEt-r,jr.r;tT "for a wh;l, tit Ut ttarted 10 ide With "Iffwy Ell" Coe 0 Tr e J? one tee: i.7-e: t;;Jr . f.iC- B- C.J -T- vsn-'-cv- trctted at a c.'g 2TL"a. 5ri. -ht -ere t'-ri.rz xe - Case's Ca State Coliseum d :e'- itle. t-oeo-rc-s referred to He was artocie-ied to M-e w J-ary 'A'.'.r e:rr..r.g to tv- f the rre o:ou- c : 1. The Horse ai ju-t -ares hen 2 meeeioa 0 lie manas.ment aoproaehed act au---Whatchs coin' in this here it- 7 -rv never ore to he cut tone t -i'am.eeoies, sbcwJ he horw-t ajd simoltareously rv -r-inioa went a The game started prtme.t.y at T.45 for the ToSlt curtain. thowed h-s t-tJt . ay. . . r i 1 ' tttr v t; r va- I : r uert out seat, tv v -r-. t nelte State a 00. en re r.-v Vp fock'th? fourt of the ugh. W.V., ri" '-d the r?fs. too. Th- f i".e f e another State ser.tor accosted us polteiy offense at his cue-tier of wnere ve '-.r -e arranremcats hea we reaped he yc-x let's see ya tkket:" H? J-i' - - - Krrer, cf Duke, is s vrai Old Pro. I TtVrr-f that ooit when 0 r.rts go.r.g to rate Lerry Pothih's Jh.n ' lie s perennial ceb-Ua:e . . . --3 'v r..- ; in the first -half. The refs seem to 1 the only i-er.ie: r -in the vhole of Cage's Caft . . . a d to. 5" annoy the ownership. vhn ti-y taei: M Bet that, again, was liter. . . Lei ve .s Doek-Tar Heels. . . Boserhluth's shets ttart goirs ir'o t're with 8:D3 of tie last period gone. He sirs:? t .' and the great Soph - more Basket-.- .s : h d:wn the glcry roid. The half ends with Bool: shoot- z a ; v "lH to the Tar Heels' slightly v. : de it there a basket ia the house. - .' " Whea play got under way -rein PiV.e 1: 22 to IB P.osie Boseahloth d.?plr;-ed 2 sr.:t fit veyed te rem c : :.asket tl: to buy. l"hHe the refs and the crowd this, Bosle got a. real body -blot it e-i acair. tS"e mate it four time? he has z blocks. This far. Beep-sea d:". ers i:r.'t , well jes? Belmont is reeling the hall so t:'t-f. oicGulre is ctrsiderlag putting Joe r.ee Su".on goes for five through tenter side: but llayer isat cef it all" and : ar.s tosses :just to j rose I eca clehey vlth " Jdorgar xrd Belm-rf ret four of tie list frame, and The M:-l. clear. Even Be-sHey sees it. uni ca the Doe-k, ugh. her :h. Ia The H ease's stall .s a tier.-: ret C:rr. sity Cub matchbotk-ooer. An rr.cr.. . '. tea nailed down the cellar sp:t. e "A : J A " oos ' er. ar t '. 1 r . y heldmg it. and ends up b:r;lr.g ?li er's hurts Yayda m:-r? than B:nr.ie. . . 1: h:t --hea Bonnie plunked tw e in. . . Bosenhiuth's shirt comes out ara.r. . . luisori goes ten yard?, bee:. re 5 -:-.'? hi? bucket a mlrute liter m:-rk? the trn. Tar Heels go ahead. Staters bite Tots us Tar Heels. tl..-!-. The game ends. Us: oe. !;.-: V. uch. :1 The n;chtoip Chart 7 :e r.shlp c : .- cs :'-.. a look in amauement at Case's y Lar..rc 7 Shavlk and l-yer. Then a veriiile Stat -r-hrty named SemraoMtrh moves ma; oet :eil. haerbtr court, that is and v.r.r.-esrta v.r Tallest Kaa t.tle. . . 6 feet -11: CPj ir.;. Case put? a full-court pro- ,--11.35 ef the f.rst stanra. b.t :h: e:t 1 til. Mmueesota named Mencel vho coc-,--tb-ottle and ill Case get was his runt; d eel made boobies cf Case's vaunted -n-f.i Btlsde-rf. of M-r.escta. thinks he is an Art or scmerhmc. and cl.mbs abrard 3 -aker: but the rsf? taurht -a :: -t came ly callrg a foul cn him. Ho role et In Preakress distance before he r.,--. "tcl State's Peud is a eutsv r'.;-. .-- c- t te t i-- --e rre.s-tab.c to sae m.aim.-.a r. a e n.v trunr v;r t-- table ar5 -r -i-r;.-. ... a j . j. ,r i( 3 - - x . 1 y teres first. Pond might have froetureu b ant j.resumao;y may before a:ft-r-a use. . . Blessed ' t r. c LtS ee those v to a o ey saa.. be-comp Bit vv,vs a-j - V-neel tf Case s Castle's FuKU-itv . - te,iht - his mintrns hc-w it ;? den-. n'f " ' Ti;e -",r' .cots a c,-.oi he'.berv tt:ng at his a ss-icred prc.i-t;v, v Hcrse pleads Not Cr.-v .r-r-i r::.-, T - V c.taizatior.. the Pally Tar Heel grt? s vfr - seems reroort . e-c . t v t. it K ' :g a Vi-f-i-sar, Ivks it Ttir a . . . ' ooes not r r-ft tors tto P.:!' W-.-.t ' O'llzre. having rtro thsr. c.-. cc h.- , .-. P'J- - - The Wheel exs eff to &u'.rr:'-z b ' .' ! whe!$ away mkin3 ud . n;aP,0S v.th tteam effect. . . When c.t; -v -cf c rw-r.ts fly. . , State outlucks Mlr.reseta by cctti-r tv-' ' ' (rack at the h,ep v ;v-s "the" .-'-'-7 ir-'i it a final fo4. Tucker of Minr;eeta pick -a back 1 - 1 brA outrides Bolsdorfs rre.(-;: x :c - -I'rtakne Cup. but all thev ;.uAri ;4 . f-.late. ... A great State team, s cret V--.-- t- -a 'ir-hi a!!4he-teams. Gv-d efMei.-t.r.c: urv . ' Y'A somebody just rticb.t -v F- fr:tK,'jelte to Guest's" to the'r-Atnif-frt It - ' n't hurt fhem in the least And now I wonder will Cbclle K -'t e ' i'.'X Treatable seats? Tell 'cm uhat tv fa- ' 1 ymr K-aUng arranrements, Cholle, el''b.,y. . . X : i

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