WEATHER Sunny and warmer, with ex Pctd high of 78. RAISE The editors discuss the contem plated raise in fees on p. 2. VOL. LVII NO. 146 Gray Says Students Are Essential As A Group In Survival Of America Speaks At GM Week Meeting President Gordon Gray last night said the students who are now attending and will attend in the future both public and pri vate institutions of higher learn ing "need to be impressed with their future importance as a group in the survival of American so , ciety." A group of only twenty-five stu dents heard President Gray. Speaking to students in , the Main Lounge of Graham Memorial on the topic, "The University and Its Responsibilities," President Gray said the "great bulk" of ever increasing number of col lege and university students "no longer comes from a rural, prov incial America, but, rather, from an urban and semi-urban Ameri ca, across which all the forces of, the modern 20th century world play freely. I believe that it is accurate and fair to say, also," he continued, "that a substantial part of our students come to col lege, not through any particularly strong desire for a college edu cation ..." . President Gray pointed out that this situation ,"is somewhat dif t fercnt from that on which, by and large, higher education in Ameri ca " has developed." He said the country's- universities and colleges have had as one of their main functions in the past to "pierce the provincial coats", of the "re latively small proportion of our young people" who entered such institutions with a "positive de sire" for learning. In pointing out the new function which has been placed on insti tutions ofJ learning, President Gray suggested "we owe this gen eration of x students we are now receiving a measure of stability. . . I do not. refer to the stability of arrested development," he ex plained. "I refer to the stability that proceeds from a feeling on the part of the student that what he is doing is worthwhile, not only to himself, but to the total pic ture of the life in which he lives nd will continue to live. Nor do I refer to a stability in which questions may not be asked and answers sought along any road tha't leads to the source," said President Gray. "We are no longer producing a .relatively small minority, but a Tnajor, measurable component ofour American society," he said. ". . . we are in a real sense cre ating not only the leaders of the future, but the near average man of the futuer. "To put this into quite stark terms, should H-bombs devastate our existing order of things, these people will be a major portion of those who do, or do not, survive and have, or have not, the moral purpose and courage to put the pieces back together." President Gray said that if the colleges and universities be come "convinced" of their new responsibility, he 'believes that they "may be on the road to two objectives. First, we may be able to communicate to the student a sense of moral order, and he to receive it. Second,' said President Gray, "I refer to the communication of an awareness of the fact that survival is once again a relevant issue in American society." Jle explained that he referred not only to the "danger from nuclear weapons," but also "to survival of the personality; of the family and Of the community in a world that Often seriously seems to inter fere with their full development." ' President Gray was speaking in (onnection with Graham Memori al's week of celebration of the 23rd birthday.' - ' Complete GM Slate For Today Here's the schedule for today's Graham Memorial Week events: Tonight at 8 o'clock, a "red hot" Negro combo will hold forth in front of the Student Union building. Students are invited to bring themselves, their dates, Bermuda shorts and blankets. No admission charge. 8 Music and refreshments will be furnished by Graham Memorial. UP Chief Sanders Clarifies Statement By EBBA FREUND A poorly attended University Party meeting last night heard chairman Bill Sanders assert "po litical parties can be clean and constructive." Referring to a statement he made last week that "political par ties are a necessary evil" Sanders went on to say that party quibbles over little things are a "major cause" of student apathy toward student government. "When a political party causes apathy" be continued, "it is evil." All elected .officers should not forget that they "owe allegiance to the students," said Sanders. Honor Report Due Former President Tom Creasy's committe to study improvements in the honor system will be re leased this week, Chairman Scotty Hester announced yesterday. Copies of the report will be available next week at the' stu dent government office, according to Hester. The committee's purpose was to look into possible changes to im Leadership Stirs atent Abilities Rev. Kid der By PEGGY WARD Rev. Maurice Kidder opened the first session of the Leadership Training Program by discussing the stereotypes necessary . for good leaders yesterday. "The first sterotype Spaghetti Leadership can't be pushed, it has to be pulled," said Reverend Kidder. It stays ahead of the fol lowers and beckons them on, he said. This is not always best when it gives the feeling that those who are behind are dead weight The motto for a job is to keep the job bigger than ourselves, said the speaker. "The secret of the quiet operator is to get the job done without concern for where credit for the job is going," Rev. Kidder added. Another sterotype is "Personali ty Leadership" which takes every one into account except those who are to be led, according to Rever end Kidder. The scene has to be set just right t0 do the job, he said. A motto for avoiding ' this stereotype is, "If the learner ean not perform, the instructor has not taught," said Reverend Kidder. Many times we go through the motions and expect success to fol low but this does not always work, he , added. It takes a lot of in dividual work on all potentials, he said. The leaders have to be able to show the men at the bottom how to do the job, and endless patience and concern for the followers is most necessary to make sure that Uhe job gets done, he said. There is no human endeavor or insti tution which does not have a goal, said the speaker. There is no job which is an end- in itself, he added. House Rejects Proposal Giving Yearly Session RALEIGH, April 26 UP) Three votes spelled defeat today as the House rejected a proposed consti tutional amendment to permit an nual General Assembly sessions. UP) Wire Service "The University Party will not forget the most important people in student government at Carolina the students," concluded San ders. Sanders named his appoint ments to committees, but because of the paucity of members at the meeting he decided to wait until next week t oask for approval - of the appointments. : The new members of the legis lative committee, which acts as- a "liaison between the party and legislature," are John Raper, chairman, Jim Exum (party floor leader) and Ed Lippman. prove the Honor System. The three areas covered by the Hester com mittee were: 1. During and after Orienation 2. Mechanics within court system 3. Rehabilitation of suspended students. Other committee members were Walt Joyner, Kendrick Townsend, Ogburn Yates, Charlie Katzenstein, Luther Hodges, and Bill Calvert. Coeds' Mass Meeting, Discussion Groups And Gray Speech End Project's Activities A mass meeting of all women ' Bauman, Ann Herbert, Betsy Good students, small discussion group ! win, meetings and a banquet at which President Gordon Gray will speak are the activities scheduled to wind up this year's Leadership Train ing program today. ; 5 Tickets for the banquet may be purchased by any junior and sen ior women and men students who wish to attend for $1.25. They may be obtained from the Dean of Wo- i men's Office or from Misses Mari lyn Zager, Nancy Whisnant, Bebe DISCUSSION OF LIPPMANN'S BOOK: WUNC-TV provided Monday , night televiewers with an intel lectual jaunt through Walter Lippmann's new book, The Pub lic Philosophy, with four stim ulating professors leading the idea tour. Doctors Alexander Heard, William Poteat, James Godfrey and Lt. Col. Mark Orr led the TV tour, - and the results were stimulating. All these men are popular professors, and one can easily see why from the inter esting manner in which they tossed ideas from the Lipp mann book about. Actually, the affair was a meeting of Pi Sigma Alpha, po litical science fraternity. And as the show began', the tele viewer saw the. four partici pants through rows of the audi ence much in the same man ner of one actually on the scene. Dr. Heard of the Political Science Department pointed out that columnist Lippmann was considerable more than just a columnist, citing other books that the columnist has written on political philosophy. ChAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA, Covering The us Students should report to 308 South Building before April 30 to sign up for preregistration ap pointments. Men interested in working with measuring acreage of all tobacco, cotton and peanuts in North Caro lina should meet today at 3 p.m. in 211 Gardner Hall. A represent ative of the ASC office will be present. t Senior graduation invitations will be distributed today ' on the second floor of the ; Y building irom 9 a.m. to noon. i Seniors may become members of the Alumni Association for $1 for the first year by signing up in Y-court between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. all during this week. Cheerleading practice will con tinue today from 4 -until 6 p.m. " Earl D. McGuire of Danville, Ga., a rising senior,- has been in stalled as hew president of the University Press Club. He suceeds Bill Venable of Mount. Airy. Other officers are Bill Isenhour, Hickory, Vice-president; Barbara Willard, -High Point, ' secretary; Bernie Weiss, Norfolk, ,Va., trea surer, and J. D.-: McRorie, Troy, publicity chairman. Outgoing officers, other than VehabW,JrJa'r'e' Clinton " i Alaarews,' Hickory, vice-president; Hazel Crawford, Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., secretary, and Bill Wright, Shelby, treasurer. Misses Kendrick Townsend, Dot tie Figel, Ruth Jones and Annette Levenson. N0 tickets will be sold at the door. The mass meeting will be held at 4 p.m. in the Library Assembly Room. A skit on parlimentary pro cedure will be given by Miss Babbie ! Dilorio and Lewis Brumfield. The campus men leaders will also be introduced at the meeting. . Camp An Intellectual Jaunt Dr. Godfrey said The Public Philosophy was much "like an artichoke" a book "that should be eaten leaf by - leaf." Then the English history pro fessor began to munch on some of the Lippmann leaves: "A ccording to Lippmann, there has been a Joss of execu tive power . . . and a dangerous overemphasis of public opinion . . . Lippmann sees in the ex ecutive power of the govern ' ment a branch particularly dedicated to allegiance of law." Dr. Godfrey pointed to what Lippmann called a "lost value" government "with some higher view." Lippmann's answer, said Dr. Godfrey, is "a reaffirma tion of dependence on natural law." Philosophy Professor Poteat filled the cameras next, talking about "the exposed nerve of liberal democratic government" on which Lippmann has but his political finger. According to Dr. Poteat, the "exposed nerve" is the fact that while liberalism is "animated by criticism and dissent," certain "practical lim its" restrain this "criticism and WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1955 Foul' onvicre mimiswQ'fio V ; ik'y . "Don't Kick It Around" is the title of the number Miss Bo Bernardin and Tom Gill, above, will play in Thursday and Friday's presentations of "Satan's Saints," to be put on by Sound and Fury, student drama group. Gill and Miss Bernardin, who are the musical's leads, will be supplemented by an all star student cast. Tickets for the show are on sale for 50 cents at Town & Campus, Kemp's, Gra ham Memorial and Y-Court. Show will start at 3:30 both nights, with seniors admitted free to the Thursday performance. Markham photo. Satan's Saints' Grew Flying Toward Deadline By JACKIE GOODMAN The students who attend, the Sound and Fury production of "Satan's Saints" are not expecting what they are going to get in the show, according to members of the cast. The stage crew and some mem bers of the cast were working hard in Memorial Hall yesterday afternoon. Props were being built andpainted for the performances to be given tomorrow and Friday night. dissent." The big trouble, said Dr. Poteat thoughtfully, is that you. can't draw lines in advance as to the limits of criticism and dissent. He compared the "ex posed nerve" to a digestive sys tem that would digest both food and the stomach itself. Lt. Col. Orr pointed to foreign policy as the "Achilles heel of liberalism." He said, "Lippmann thinks that public opinion is wrong about all the time." Lt. Col. Orr said Lippmann said that the influence of liberal democracy is dwindling in the world, and that Lippmann's remedies were a "strong-execu- tive" and a "public philosophy." Lt. Col. Orr, looking worried, asked, "Is that (a strong execu tive) really going to solve the problem? Is that not worse than the disease? Would that not deprive the people of a say so in government?" .He also wondered, "Aren't we already doing something like formulating a public phil osophy?" Dr. Heard said the thing about which Lippmann is con cerned had its origins in "the Offices In Graham Of Nine UN o torn: trc m 'Don'tKick It Around1 Is The Herbert Thorp is crew chief. David Ward is construction chief; with Miss Henri Van Order as prop manager and Miss Bette Bostian handling the costumes. . Miss Carol Ann Lee is assisting Miss Bo Bernardin as director of Sound and Fury's second produc tion of the year. The first dress rehearsal of the show was held last night. The cast yesterday described the show as being ""just a little bit off the Playmakers." mass suffrage movement" and the "enormous increase in eco nomic and sociological diversi fication ' of the country." . He spoke of the need for Vre enlightening the private inter ests to what the public interest is" And then Dr. Heard invited the audience to participate, which it did, although at first reluctantly. ' Dr. . Godfrey observed, after the audience had tossed the Lippmann theories around a bit, "The alarming thing is that he (Lippmann) may be right about the disease and wrong about the cure." And as the thoughtful politi-. cal science students of the fra ternity held a consultation on the cure for liberal democracy, announcer Charles .Kuralt told televiewers what they were listening to and asked them to write the station if they en joyed the program. With that, one of the University's most successful (and most educa tional) programs faded away, but not for long, this reporter hopes. L. K, Memorial C Student ?xsnty is C a Title Business Fair Is Underway The 1955 Business Fair gets under way on campus today. The event, sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity, features exhibits depicting "The Contributions of Transportation to the Development of the South.!' A variety of exhibits, open to the entire campus,' is housed in O. Max Gardner Hall, Hanes Hall and Carroll Hall. One of the featured events of i the exposition will be a demon stration of the new; "speed trap" devices. The demonstration, to be put on by State Highway Patrolmen, will open for inspection a "whammy," an interceptor car, and will give crowds a chance for audience participation through reflex test ing devices. Another of the featured exhi bits is a detailed array of water--color paintings depicting the vari ous locomotive types. On the mechanical side, there is in Hanes .Hall a working lo comotive model, and in Carroll Hall a working "Constellation" type airplane model. The director of exhibits for the two-day affair is Andy Vero. i - v- , ,'' f - - - f 4 J . , 4 f Mr If - - - 1 Seniors Feted With Hogan's Picnic Today The senior class will celebrate another day of Senior Week today with a picnic at Hogan's Lake. The picnic will begin with a parade from the front of Woollen Gym at 3 p.m. Food, soft drinks and prizes will be on tap- for the occasion, ac cording to Rue ben Leonard, publicity chairman. "Sports equipment will be available for all those seniors that would like to impress their dates with their athletic prowess," said Leonard. "All you seniors gram your dates by their Bermuda shorts, cram a bottle in your pocket, and go on out to Hogan's. Music will be fur nished until dark. After dark . . .?" said Leonard. POUR PAGES TODAY Raid: nriciizeQ One Free; Other 4 Appeal By DELAINE BRADSHER Four of the nine University students charged with taking part in panty raid were con victed in Recorder's Court yesterday. One of the students was not prosecuted because of lack of evidence and the other four had their cases transferred to the next term of Orange County Superior Court. The panty raid took place April 19. The nine boys were charged with disturbing the women stu dents and disorderly conduct. Only one pleaded guilty. Bob Brame, Edward Ross and William Latham were found guil ty of both charges and fined $50 and court costs. Brame and La tham appealed and their bond was set at $100. Joseph Bartholomew was found not guilty of disturbing women, but was convicted of disorderly conduct. He was fined $25 and costs. George Eanes, Donald Stray horn, Robert Lynch and Hugh Murray asked for a jury trial and their cases were transferred to the Superior Court. Bond was set at $100 for each of the defend ants. Grady Lee Wells of Charlotte was not prosecuted for lack of evidence. Meanwhile, two student leaders issued a statement in which they criticized the University admin istration for its handling of the incident. The two, Joel Fleishman and Gordon Forester, said they felt South Building "intended to by pass the student courts initially in order that the action of the Recorder's Court might deter fu ture panty raids by punishing these nine boys who, we feel, are no more guilty than some 500 other students who were pres ent." Fleishman and Forester said Chapel Hill Police Chief W. T. Sloan had told them he believed "the big men in South Building had a meeting and decided that these boys were to be tried in Recorder's Court. "You know we have to do what the big men say," Chief Sloan said, according to the two. "I would have been happy for these boys to be tried in student . courts." Fleishman and Forester said "we feel that it is a very bad situation when the University of ficials refuse to trust the respon sibility of the student courts in enforcing discipline on this cam pus and are forced to rely on civil authorities to make a public ex ample of the students accused." Chancellor Robert House, con tacted yesterday, denied telling the police what to do with the nine students. "We couldn't in terfere with civil justice," he said.

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