FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1915 THf DAILY TAR HOL PACE TWO The Car They Save May Be Your Own The civil war is over, for awhile at least. Stu dent government and the University administra tion, leaving their clash over the treatment of panty-raiders, have put their heads together in an effort that may well prevent the Trustees from banning student autos. Much in the manner 'of their early warnings about Saturday classes, the Board of Trustees have been complaining about student cars, saying some thing must be done to regulate them. Each year, as in the case" of Saturday classes, the Trustees have worded their student car objections a bit stronger. - Finally, the Trustee Visiting Committee, in its latest report, said firmly that regulation of cars must be improved; it went on to suggest that the University adminisraion "consider seriously the question of possession of automobiles by under graduates, particularly those living on or near the campus." Now, to .prevent an even stronger Trustee action, the administration has made auto regis tration compulsory. At the same time, the stu dent's privilege to keep a car on campus has been given solid backing by the administration. Student President Don Fowler, to help en sure the privilege of keeping cars is not revoked, has apointed a Traffic Committee to work with the administration. Anarently, President Fowler agrees with Dean Frod Weaver when- the dean says that restricting student cars "is not seen as fitting into the pat tern of the traditional relationship between this University and its students." The Daily Tar Heel commends President Fow ler for his foresight in this matter. It is heartening to see him working to maintain- "the traditional relationship between . this University and its stu dents," a pattern ot cooperation when students agree and objection when they do not agree with the administration. V f' This Traffic Committee can show the Trustees and the administration that students can accept the responsibility inherent in the right to drive cars in Chapel Hill."" The Best Laid Plans Of Animals And Men Karl Marx would walk from the movie "Animal Farm" with tears in his eyes. Behind the antics of Snowball, the ropcine dictator, and Napoleon, the noble horse and all the rest of the creatures Mr. Orwell designed a pile-drivine exDression of pessimism. "Animal Farm" is the last testi mony of a man's bitterness when the hopeful de generates. Mr. Orwell, early so sympathetic with the 'aims' of the Soviet Revolution, later so profoundly dis illusioned, steered between the attitudes we hold orthodox. Gorky warned from the first gunshot that the movement had intolerable aspects. But few, and Orwell was not among them at first, could see, the immediate worth of Gorky's warn ings. Mr. Orwell lived to see his best hopes of Marx ism put to ashes. He 'wrote two novels centered about these burnt up hopes 1984 and Animal Farm and the last dark sentence of Animal Farm pinpoints them best. The pigs got the upper hand and the other creatures looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but al ready it was impossible to say which was which. Drew Pearson reports that Senator Bricker has other motives for his amendment to limit Presidential treaty-making power than "fear of excessive executive power." The migratory game bird treaty between the United States and Cana di entails certain restrictions on his duck-hunt-ing. The blurred distinction between pig and man can be seen elsewhere than in the pages of Ani mal, Farm The noblest experiments, as Mr. Or well would have us see, can fall to the greed of the human animal. - , Carolina Front DOWN ON ANIMAL f ARM: The Ugly Head Of Crime-2B: In Retrospect After The Pigs Who Comes Ne xf? J. A. C. Dunn i f V ? -i LAST TUESDAY'S TRIAL of the nine boys apprehended by ing the panty raid revealed to us three rath er important things which ,ve think it :olumn. A'orth while to etail in this To begin with we were struck by the calmness and assurance of all the students who took the stand. Without ex ception they were fairly young men, correspondingly inexperienc ed, all presumably strangers to direct participation in a legal tri al; nd yet none of them "clutched" when he testified, none of them either lost control or froze. Each student, whether he was a wit ness or a defendant, told his story, answered questions, explained de tails quite calmly and clearly. We admire them' for this. TO BE SURE, the atmosphere of informality in the court was fortunately in their favor. People wandered in and out, there was a gentle hum of behind-the-hand conversation through the room, the overhead fans turned ' slowly and lackadaisically; the police men, when they testified, were not harsh or vindictive, and in deed, in the cases of the boys who defended themselves, we got the distinct impression that the officers who testified were mak ing a definite effort to help the defendant when he questioned them; and above all, the court room was filled almost completely with UNC students who stood be hind the nine boys in their pre dicament, who actually hissed one of the judge's decisions, and who laughed appreciatively at frequent intervals never at but always with the student witness. But all the same, a court of law is a fairly serious place, and. the conduct of the students who show ed up to either defend themselves or testify seems to point up to us the fact that people are usually at their best in an emergency. Ebba Freund Louis de Rochement's movie . "Animal Farm," based on the book by 1984 author George Or well, is one' of the most frighten ing movies made in recent years. More bitter than 1984, "Animal Farm" is a cruel satire on totali tarianism born out of revolution. The petrified helplessness of the "peasant" animals in face of the inevitable rise of the rule of the power-mad pigs is perhaps the most significant point the movie makes. In this animal fable, Orwell and de Rochement are satirizing man's inhumanity to man. The bitterness of the satire is com parable to Swift's "A Modest Pro , posal" in which he proposed that tthe poverty and population pro blems of the Irish be settled by cannibalism. The plot of "Animal Farm" is terrifying in its simplicity. The animals, stage a revolution 1 to over-thow their human master, who has continually maltreated them. After he has been ousted, the animals are equal. "The pigs, who spearheaded the revolution, also set up the machinery for peace. Snowball, the leader, en visions an educated farm with fewer workdays brought about a 1 by power from a windmill. But or his hair singed off, but m me Napoleon, a big gray glutton of very next panel he returns, com- lthv. In a pig, ousis aiiuwuan wuu wiiii vicicy wnuic the aid of a gestapo of ferocious hounds, takes over Animal Fram. The windmill is built, but all the benefits of the electic power go to the. pigs .who have moved into Jones' house. Animal Farm now becomes a society where "All animals are equal, but some ani mals are more equal than - other animals." Finally, as they had done be?ore, the animals rise up against tyranny and cast out the pigs. Although the end- is Tri umphant and Glorious, one can- i W Trnini i -ill Ait r ir i i i in riim.ii ,! .... A- Wtt Bailp Car )eel The official student publication of the Publi cations Board of the University of North Carolina, where it is published daily except Monday X and examination and zk a- . vacation periods and summer terms. Enter- ' ru TtJSin H ed as second class ; ; c?Pt( l S mat!er at the st of- wtCiV. 1 A fice' in ChaDel Hill m C, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Sub scription rates: mail ed. S4 per year, $2.50 a semester; delivered, $6 a year, $3.50 a se- THE SECOND OUTSTANDING characteristic of the trials was that whereas the nine defendants were termed as being "So and so versus the State of North Carolina," cur--iously enough not one of them ap peared to have any attitude of either bitterness toward the court or of contrition for what he had done. Every boy gave us the im pression that he felt (a) he had done nothing particularly wrong in joining a panty raid, and par adoxically (b) despite this fact he felt no anger at the law for put ting him through all the trouble and anxiety of a trial. They seem ed to assume that a panty raid was something that one joined as a matter of course, as ,a simple evening's entertainment, and the fact that the police (or the admin istration) questioned the propri ety of this entertainment consti tuted a conundrum of youth to be carefully made clear to a rather staid older generation. And at the same time, those nine boys seemed to realize that the law was not trying-them out of spite. i 0 yl"V; V.'vr -:T-'f-' A utrtth frt 44fl i "door , in'j.Wuot' " mester. Editors .... Managing Editor ED YODER, LOUIS KRAAR FRED POWLEDGE Business Manager TOM SHORES Sports Editor : BUZZ MERRITT Associate Editor News Editor J. A. C. DUNN Jackie Goodman Advertising Manager 11 Circulation Manager Subscription Manager Assistant Business Manager Dick Sir kin Jim Kiley Jack Godley Bill Bob Peel Night editor for this issue -Eddie Crutchfield AND THAT POINT of a court of law's being a serious place brings up our third observation: insofar as the conduct of the spec tators was concerned, their ap preciation of the situation seemed to grow with each succeeding case. The first two defendants were treated more as a game than any- , thing else; but beginning with the third panty raider the spectators who jammed the courtroom until there was not even standing room in the rear began to realize that those trials were no game; that the students who requested jury trial would go on record as having been judged in a criminal court, and that those who stood trial then and there in Recorder's Court were being fined $50 and costs; undergraduates were watching other undergraduates be touched (quite hard) by the long arm of the law. We think it sobered them some, what. We could be wrong, but we think so. They icon the day . . . ; not help but wonder: After the pigs, who. next? Part of the effectiveness of the movie comes from the use of the cartoon media. A "willing sus pension of disbelief" is easier to come by in a cartoon because, fantasy is so removed from re ality that it does not try our prejudices and attitudes.' We v have become accustomed to cartoons in which nobody ever really gets hurt. The villainous cat may get his head bashed in these cartoons there is an easy feeling of fellowship between the villain and the hero, between the chased and the chaser. Because of this, in spite of their cruelty, these Hollywood cartoons never frighten an audience. Animal Farm, in spite of its fantastic nature is frightening; characters are killed and they stay killed. The cruelties inflict ed by the pigs causes real suf fering. The chase scene, which in most cartoons is a source for much low comedy, is horrible because it is a serious chase in which the dogs persue their vic tim in order to kill him. This absence of comedy in a media form which we have come to ex pect slapstick makes the satire doubly horrifying. Perhaps the only - complaint about Animal Farm is that some times it makes its point so ob vious that the movie becomes propoganda. This is especially true of the ending, which seems to have been tacked on by some mccarthyism-minded committee in order to show that the right way (the American way) always tri umphs. The point that Animal Farm makes is that most of the time the pigs are in power. 'What Do You Hear?' 6y) Time For A Start (St. Louis Poet -Dispatch) Most of the Southern states' arguments in the Supreme Court school segregation case appear to be aimed not at carrying out the Court's opinuSn in an orderly way but at postponing as long as possible the day when the south ern states face up to the opin ion. We do not believe that these arguments represent the true feelings of a majority of respon sible Southerners. In our opin ion they represent the vague foreboding of politicians who are afraid to take any other attitude on the subject than the conven tional one they have taken in, the past. The people of the southern states are loyal Amricans and we are confident that the great majority of them" want to be have like Loyal Americans. They will carry out the terms of the school segregation decision if their politicians give them a chance and if the problem is not complicated by extremist be havior on either side. , It is essential, however that the Supreme Court Fix a definite date for the beginning and com pletion of action to end segre gation. There should be no doubt in anybody's mind as to what the Court's mandate is whatever ted in carrying out that man time and flexibility are permit date. Other litigants before the Court do not claim the right to de cide for themselves whether to obey the Court's decisions. There is on reason why school districts which have , been practicing seg regation should enjoy such a pri vilege. As loyal citizens of a con stitutional government, the peo ple of these districts have an un questioned responsibility to obey the Court. The only question is how they are to do so. One simple and fair rule would be to decree that, beginning with the next schbol term, all , new students' entering elementary or high school must be unsegre gated. Local districts would have the option, of course, of apply ing the rule to other students if they wished; but at least all first-graders and all high school freshmen entering school this year and hereafter would do so, without racial discrimination. This would certainly be grad ual. Roughly it would mean that elementary schools would end segregation over a period of six t0 eight years, and high schools over two to four years. Missouri has shown that a much faster pace is possible. We suspect that many southern dist icts, once they got into it, would volun tarily speed up their progress. The essential thing is to make a start. , QUOTE, UNQUOTE Poverty is the parent of revol ution and crime. Aristotle, Pol itics, Book II ' The familiar story, that, on see. ing the evil-doers taken to the place of execution, he. was wont to exclaim: "But for the Grace of God there goes John Brad ford," is a universal tradition which has-overcome the lapse of time. Parker ' Society edition, The Writings of 3ohn Bradford You may charge me with mur deror want of sensf (We are all of us weak at tinfies): But the slightest approach to George Leads Administration To Sanity Doris Fleeson This country has taken a long step forward in the search for ways to ease the tensions in For mosa. The new position was first stated by Senator George of Georgia. It became official pol icy when accepted and amplified by Secretary of State Dulles at a dramatic press conference. President Eisenhower was, of course, the catalyst He has the power to decide and he has done, so. - Briefly stated, the American position now is that we are will ing to talk to the Chinese Reds about peace and even to agree to a cease-fire without the Chin "ese Nationalists' presence or per mission. We shall not ask either side to give up its stated goals but we are asking that they re nounce the use of force to ach ieve them. ' INCOMMUNICADO AT DUCK ISLAND . Mr. Dulles in effect repudi ated cautious positions taken in his name last week end by the State Department. He explained he was incommunicado at his Duck Island retreat so was not consulted on that statement. The President was at his Get tysbu g Farm. He will doubtless be asked at his press conference what part he played both then and now. - In their absence, Senator Geo rge, to all intents and purposes, played the role of Secretary of State. The Chairman of the Sen ate Foreign Relations Committee explored the possibilities of Red China's seeming change of front and called on his own country to think and act anew in the cause of peace. , BROKE THE CAST George's achievement was that he broke the cast into which U. S. policy had been hardening. He was able to do it because his own party which controls Con gress will follow him, and the President's party, even its right wing, does not really wish to con test him and knows he is very nearly invulnerable to criticism. It is the second time he has bronken ground for a new and more flexible foreign opilcy. It was George who called for the Four Power talks desired by our European allies. Standing on the solid ground of Senator George's prestige, the President has is sued . that Call. From the standpoint of do mestic politics," thg new Admin istration move is of intense in terest. Up to now, at high cost, the White House has avoided a break with the right led by Senators Knowland and Bridges. Reporters raced from the Dul les interview to the Capitol ' to catch the explosions. For a while none came. Senators are quick to seize upon political oppor tunities of all kinds; they are . ? J- v I t a false pretense wa-' never among my crimes Lewjs Carroll, The Hunting of the jSnark, Fit. the Fourth ) .- . Senator George normally more deliberate when the real issues come along. All sense this one's importance and they were taking their time. 'YOU CAN'T DO THAT' i Senator Bridges finally said in effect: you can't dQ that. Sen ator Knowland had indicated his apprehensions .in a New York speech Monday when he sarcas tically called, for a partition of the China mainland between the Nationalists and the Commun ists. Chiang's supporters will be heard from. It will be - an en ormous strain on the GOP, fam ily tie. But Senator George and his colleagues believe he ex presses the real will of the American people and the Presi dent seems to share their con fidence. It is certainly the issue on which the next Presidential elet tion will be fought, regardless of who the nominees are. - Y-Court Comer Rueben Leonard ON TUESDAY afternoon of this week, the Chapel Hill Recorder's Court drove the shaft ofj justice into four University students. Never, in the history of that court, has such a flagrant display of injus tice been seen. ? Nine men were to have been tried; one was freed because of lack of evidence, four were con victd on this same lack of evidence, and four more, seeing the handwriting on the wall, asked for a jury trial. - Now when I say there was a lack of evidence I do not mean that the boys involved were not in the panty party; my point is that most of the laws in Chapel Hill 'are so archaic that they have no place in modern times. For example: there is a city ordinance that prohobits dramatic presentations in Chapel Hill. THERE HAS been much discussion, pro and con, concerning the Administration's position in the trial of the students arrested during the harmless raid. A Chapel Hill lawyer seemed to be convinced that the Administration did have something to. do with the trial and convictions. "The University does not like panty raids. The Administration does not like panty raids. Chancel lor House does" not like panty raids. Judge William S. Stewart convicted the panty rafders. The judge is Chancellor House's son-in-law." said the lawyer. WHEN BILL Latham had finished his testimony Tuesday afternoon, it seemed evident that he would be acquitted. His testimony had beena very good one, not the kind that sways juries, but, neverthe less, one that included politeness and respect for both the prosecuting attorney and the judge. He seemed to give his account of what went on before he was arrested in a straight-from-the-shouldc rjand honest manner. After Bill had called his one witness to the stand and the judge had heard the testimony by the witness, the spectators settled back in their seats and waited for the verdict of not guilty. Judge Stewart "meditated a few moments, lookfd rather hesitatingly off into space and said, "Guilfy." Hisses and boos filled the courtroom as we made our exit. DON'T TURN your back department. A reporter who chatted with one of Junius Scales' comrades at the Greensboro trial ended his conversation with "Glad to have met you." "You won't be," retorted the primary-colored comrade. That's the way it goes. Little did the reporter realize that he will be one of the first ones to be sickled when the Commies take over. NELL BATTLE-AX Lewis's column in the Ra leigh News and Observer is hysterical. She criticises Chapel Hill and the University at rather frequent intervals. Latest barb thrown by Nellie at our se rene community concerned the Russian flag found flying atop our flagpole. "But I can't understand why they took the Soviet flag down. Doesnt it belong there 'neath the (Red) oaks of our old Chapel Hill?" said Nell. You had better be glad it doesn't belong thBe, Nellie old girl; if it did we might be inclined tQ XiO a witch to bum at the foot of the pole. SINCE WITCH-IIUNTING seems to dominate the column today, we might as well burn one more. "The political je ne sais quoi" who's letter ap peared in Tuesday's paper criticizing me for un covering political dirt is really "that old proverbial kettle." Now, I didn't pay any attention to most2 of the letter, but one little paragraph got underlay skin. ? ': The writer of the letter questioned my righfto call anyone "lewd-mouthed" considering that 1 am a former editor of Tarnation. I question the writer's right to question my rights when I think of the time that I printed the dirtiest story of the year in the Tarnation a story that- "political je ne sais quoi" had written. Ah, such is life. NORWOOD BRYAN, ex-legislalive finance chair man, stormed up to me after Saturday's column had criticized the manner in which the budget had been handled. "You haven't got your facts straight," he said, "The Daily Tar. Heel did not take a cut of $5 000 just $3,000." "And furthermore," he said, "the $3,000 was cut from what they asked for, not from their last year's budget." According to Norwood, the DTK's actual budget was only chopped $GG9. IN THE Spring a young "man's fancy turns , to zoology. Yesterday morning's Zoology I class was sched uled to witness two movies. The first flick was to deal with endocrine and second one with reproduc tion. As the students watched endocrine dance mer rily on the screen little did they realize what vvas fimSv lhem- Whe" the endocrine film was finally over, the instructor switched on the lights f,Zunhda T lm' r et the projector- -iJhcdih; hghts back off and started the projector. Much'to the amazement of the students and instructor ti e ITeTAXZ5 Tn Utled ,,RPuction bui in stead Methods of Contraception." Everybody Welcome Raleigh News And Observer Hill, read as follows- Car,,na' 8t Ch3P1 ParfmintT r '' gradUate Student the De 5m wiU l t h.!cCS' Univey of North Caro- rSrUnbtlT me PrblefflS in MinSmun, Va riance Unbiased Estimation" at the Statistics Col loquium on Monday, May 2 lm Tn i i v. . tain basi o ' 5- To eliicidate cer- tfon he will JLCnneCted WUh UIbiaed ti" f unctfons of tt n a Special se of estimating nonln a,d the Pois variance used in f USS the PriiPle of in- Hotelhn. pLl T COnntions by Fisher, relat ton'wiS inhn nd its n. TheTeeUng'T SS 4:00 Monday." m 206 Ph"Ps Hall at dence that tho c- nd hent is new evi- selves. mmjnical'ns them to anyUdy but them-