. S?aALS- TSPT. :;" eox 870 chapel hill, iuc. WEATHER Warm today, with expected high of 85. Sun rose at 5:04 this morning vf COWARDS H. 111 Who are the cowards on camp us? See editorial column, page 2. VOL. LVII NO. 166 Complete VP) Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1955 Office In Graham Memorial EIGHT PAGES THIS ISSUE hecfor Jirnrrii emon H and id at of 3C 11. . III! 3 J S Wa Sovs e's mm i urn urn i WMnnwiiim ii iiii umiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiii .--" ' " :.',:: - -: " r! . t- ' - f WHO-.-. : . 'i . . : ; ( - j - Cobb rKU r ' t . c i J,JU """iiuiy xor men, Dasement oi wiiicn is snown above, will ication cercmcn.es for the n.-.v dance-hall, leisure-room facilities. Included is a rest room for women, uuucu "y cououe as "tne most tabulous thing about the whole place." Coeds will be at festi vities tonight, guests of Cobb, biggest dorm on the c ampus. Roland Giduz photo. NAACP Off idol's Letter Asks Gray For Assistance By FRED POWLEDGE An official of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People has asked University Presi dent Gordon Gray to "take a strong forthright stand and reverse the act and deed" of the Universi- j tj s refusal to admit three Negro students as undergraduates. The official, C. O. Pearson of Durham, is chairman of the Legal j Redress Committee" of the North r Carolina NAACP, and is legal rep- j reseniative for the three students, ! all graduating seniors at a Durham ! high school. - j Pearson s letter, three pages long, ! was mailed to Consolidated Univer-, s.ty President Gray this week. A . copy of the letter was made availa ble to The Daily Tar Heel yester day. The three students, according to Pearson, are Ralph and Leroy Frasier and John L. Brandon. Pear- son has said he will take his case expected to be enacted into law. to federal court if the University j The bill authorizes the Board of and the Board of Trustees refuses Trustees of the University of North to admit the Negroes. t Carolina, of East Carolina College, Pearson quoted a letter he said 1 of Appalachian State Teachers Col he received from Director of Ad- lege and of West Carolina College missions Rov Armstrong in which ' to issue bonds for " the purpose Armstrong was alleged to have told ' the three students "the trustees of the University have not changed! the policy of admission of Negro j students to the University. Negroes ; are eligible to make application to come to the University for graduate and professional study not offered at a Negro college in North Caro lina. Negroes are not eligible to make application for admission to the undrgraduate divisions of the University." The letter from Armstrong, said Attorney Pearson, "seems to be a studied attempt to be discourteous in referring to the applicants by their first names. I am certain that business correspondence emanating from your institution does not us ually foliow this form." Arm strong's letter, said Pearson, ad dressed the three Negroes as "Dear l,eroy and Ralph (andJohn):" Pearson said he felt Armstrong's "poaition is not only contrary to the law as revealed by the recent cases decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, but also it is not in keeping with the type of j leadership which a great University .should provide for the guidance of its state and community in the de velopment of justice and human relations." The NAACP official said he felt the University's position, as ex pressed in Armstrong's letter, "is ! untenable either upon legal, moral or spiritual grounds. Surely a great Lnivtrsity such as yours will not use its tremendous prestige and influence to spearhead a fight a-ainst citizens of North Carolina ( who are attempting merely to se cure rights and opportunities granted to them by the Constitution of the United States." Pearson said he believed "the great majority of the students are quite willing to accept qualified Negroes as fellow studnets. It isjral functions and activities of each ' .1 JL. - " 'i ' .! M 1 j' j 5 ' fjZ ;JI' I- j ' jkaiasl r "-. i! J " f )r Ian " " '-'-it Dorm Preens liself Tonight ...... interesting to note in this respect policy 0f the Board of Trustees." ithat the thinking of the student; Consolidated University Presi body, the members which are di-i . ., , , . , ,, fr . , . , , , , . 1 dent. Gray said yesterday he had rectly affected, is far ahead of that of the policymakers of the Univer- received the letter. Gray said he sity, assuming that Mr. Armstrong's had not replied. Otherwise, he had .statement does reflect the true.no comment. Dorm Building Bil Is Expected To Pass "The bill authorizing the Boards of Trustees of six slate schools to issue bonds for the purpose of building new dormitories was ap- proved on its seCond reading in the state Senate yesterday. The bill, which was passed by the House of Representatives on May 18, is scheduled to have its third, and final Senate reading Monday night, at which time it is WUNC Picks New Staffers FM WUNC, the University's radio station, has announced staff appointments for the coming year. Seven students have been named to ton iobs. according to Carl Venters, outgoing assistant man ager. The new appointments include, Mis Anne Ryan Thomas, program manager; Arnold Cuibreth, oper- ations manager; Don Patterson, , , chief announcer; Phil Goodman, chief radio cn- gincer Tom Spain, news director; David Stezer continuity d;rector, and Miss Donna Aschcraft, music director. The staffers will take over their Positions next fall when the sta- tion resumes broadcasting Higher Education Board To Coordinate Schools The State Board of Higher Ed ucation, which was legislated into existence by the North Carolina General Assembly Thursday, 1 is the result of a report maae the iegisjalion recommended earlier in the year by the Com mission on Higher Education. The board will "coordinate func tions and financing of all state supported institutions of higher education," according to the act, with powers to determine gene I, show itself off tonight .with ded- of acquiring or constructing" dor mitories. The maximum worth oi the bonds for dorms here may no; exceed $2,000,000, according to the bill. The bill, if passed, will allow the Board of Trustees to "increase Lthe rentals for the facilities fur nished by any existing dormitor ies ... to provide, to the exten necessary, additional funds to li quidate in full any revenue bond'-! issued under this Act." j The bill also calls for an in- j crease m tne appropriations of three of the institutions so tha "such increases in dormitory rent als above present levels . . . which were anticipated for the purposr of decreasing appropriations made for the next biennium may, ac may be necessary, be applied or the interest and principal of re venue bonds" which would be is sued under the bill. The increasr for UNC under the bill would br ?. 1.000 for each year of the next biennium. ! According to Jack Hudson chairman of the Interdormiton Council's Dorm Improvements Council, who apeared before the Council on Student Affairs on Fri- ! day to discuss the new rlorms there are two types of dormr whch will probably be built if the bill is passed. A men's dorm in ttlfk area ot tne iwin aronna j Memorial Hospital and women, ' . two dorms wh1Ch .the Council deeded would pro- bah1v be bllilt with the money. midsftn said the Leeislature ha5 prrhihitor, the building of anv quar(ers for married students with thp money. According to Hudson, lthe men's dorm in the hospital area WOuld house medical, dental pharmacy or public health stu- dents. institution, to determine types of degrees to be awarded by each, to inspect each institution bien nially ... to prescribe -uniform practices and policies to be fol lowed by each institution" and "to make over-all plan for develop ment of a system of higher edu cation." According to the act, the board must prepare biennial reports for the Governor, the General Assem bly and the institutions. For J ob Full Trustee Meet Set For Monday The full Board of Trustees will The Legislature did not approve meet Monday evening to discuss the raise in fees. However, appro the controversial tuition raise rec- priations to the University were ommendation. figured on the basis of increased There is also a strong possibility tuition. Ths makes the increase a that the question of admitting Ne gro students to UNC next fall will be brought up at the meeting. At its last meeting, the Execu- tive Committee of the UNC -Board of Trustees voted to recommend to the full board that it raise the raise the $88,245 asked by the tuition for non-residents. I state Legislature. The Joint Appropriations Com- j ' Chancellor House, in a January mittee of the General Assembly 1 Administration policy report, stat decided on May 6 to increase the j ed any increase in student fees tuition for out-of-staters bv $140 I would make the University "more This would mean that residents of I restricted to the privilege class. North Carolina would have to pay ! "If at Chapel Hill we ever cease "$500 per year tuition. . to be University for all the peo- Scholarship holders, it was de- ; pie," he said, "we will have for fided, would be exempted from feited one of the fundamenta" the increased tuition. 1 ideals of the University." University -.Art Department's Archie Daniels Dies At 72 Archie P. Daniels, 72, well- Daniels had been painting 40 'mown and loved campus person- years had never had an art lesson lity, was found dead yesterday ' John Allcott, head of the Univer ufternoon. j sity Art Dept., said "Archie Dan- Daniels, for the past 16 years j 4S is one of the veIy few Peoplf assistant to the curator 0f Pearson ii the Art Department who can Hall Art Gallery.; went into re- i sJ hi paintings.1'--- - : " -tirement last summer. At the fme "f Daniels, often termed a "primi of his retirement Chancellor ti've painter," was born in Person Robert B. House conferred upon '; Countv. one of seven children. He him the degree of "Honorary irntnn XT' t-v n i 4 n o rf cvc r T-T oil ..,,. ... Art Gallery in recognition of his 15 vcars of devoted service to the Dept. of Art. The Students Budget (EDITOR'S NOTE: Following government budget for 1955-56.) Appropriation Request CAROLINA QUARTERLY Income: $ 787.00 50.00 66C00 125.00 150.00 $1,771.00 Expense: $ 15.00 57.C0 3C0C 50 00 1,440.00 30 00 150.00 $1,722.00 $ 862.00 Student fees 50.00 Fiction contest donation 640 00 Subscriptions 125.00 Cash sales 150.00 Advertising $1,846.00 Total $ 15.00 Supplies 57.00 Postage and box rent 30.00 Yackety Yack space 5000 Prize fiction contest 1,440.00 Printing 30.00 Miscellaneous 225.00 Manuscript fund $1,847.00 Total TOTAL STUDENT FEES $787.00 Time For That Last Minute Cramming Danny Gryder, senior from Biltmore, above, is doing what most UNC students will be engaged in during the next two weeks cram ming. For Gryder it is the last time; for many others, there are more sets of exams ahead to cram for. Jkgmny certainty. - Monday the full board, com posed of over 100 members, ( will have to decide one way or anoth ed. They must either approve of the increase or try another way to IS survived by one sister. Funeral arrangements were not complete ' last niht. Cause of death was not known last night. is last installment in student Y'tiw r''V SUB!L 02 i GM DIRECTOR JIM WALLACE . why not retain the present staff? Reid, Fleishman Find Ag rjeem en t Abo u t 1 L i ef David Reid, student body attny. general, and student Legislator Joel Fleishman settled their case outside of the Honor Council yes terday. Both made statements yester Jay concerning Fleishman's state- nent in Legislature Thursday night that Reid had previously I Rtid's statement said, "I believe told him Jim Turner, first vice- j Joel when he says the matter re jhairman of the Carolinas-Vir- j sidled from a misunderstanding. Uinia Region of the NSA, was left jff the student body president's .1st of NSA convention delegation suggestions because of his oppo sition to Don Fowler during the presidential campaign. Reid said Thursday night suited from both 0f us misinter iHeishman's statement was a "lie," j preting what was said," said and that he planned to take him : Fleishman's statement. After Meet, Letters Following the tempestuous final SP Chairman Bob Harrington Student Legislature meeting! commented in his letter: Thursday night five campus poli- j ticians rushed down to the Tar ileel office and composed letters to the editors. Jim Holmes, recently rejected appointee to the Carolina Forum, i wrote: "The University Party, with the exception of Larry Walker, shock- ed me and hurt me more deeply than any of them realize. I have .vorked , with the Forum, even j though not a member. I am sche- j duled, as publicity director, to go i vith the chairman this summer on ; his speaker-procuring trips. "I am sure that the individual members of the University Party would not have voted the wav they ; did had they not been forced by j Jim Exum, floorleader University Party." of the ' DuPler, Creasy Named Miss & Mr. Alumni Miss Carol Du Pier, from Da-1 symbolize loyalties of the 'good vidson, and Tom Creasy, of Gret na, Va., both seniors, have been named by a special student-faculty committee as "Miss Alumna" and "Mr. Alumnus" of the about-to-graduate class of 1955. Certificates are awarded annu ally by the General Alumni Assn. to the two members of the gradu ating class who in the course of their campus careers best repre sented "those qualities which t tmg X v f -- 'I 4&&i' -iff WU& , rKUt 4 S i before the Honor Council Yesterday, however, -both par ties made statements to the ef fect that Fleishman's statement had been made due to a misnn- derstanding between the two, and ' that the matter would be dropped j outside of the Honor Council 1 1 aiso know how easy it is to ex- aggerate statements when debate becomes heated." "Dave and I have discussed our , conversation, and there is now no ' doubt that the disagreement re-; "I am very upset and disturb ed by the noxious and arbitrary actions that were committed by the University Party majority in the Student Legislature last night. We feel that the UP acted in very bad faith and used very bad judgment in their selfish actions in that body." Referring to what he calls a "very serious partisan attack upon the structure of the Forum," Carolina Forum Chairman Tom Lambeth wrote: "It is true that all the members of the Forum are members of the I SP. We did not realize this until ! Thursday night. It would have made tin difference however . . .! The Forum has always demanded that partisan politics never enter (See LETTERS, page 8) alumna' and the 'good alumnus.' " The two seniors will be honored at the annual Alumni Luncheon to be held on Monday, June 6 in Lenoir Hall and to which all sen iors and their parents are invited. (V . f f ft." Committee members making the 'Everett Kendrick, "Your Univer selections are: Dean Ernest L. j sity;" Bill Oakley, "Your YMCA;" Mackie, Roy Holsten, Miss Lila Ponder, Betty Goodwin, Bill Cal vert, Jackie McCarthy and Ray- morid Taylor, o mm or row Just who will direct Gra ham Memorial next fail will depend on results of a Sunday meeting of the student union's Hoard of Directors. Current GM Director Jim Wallace, whose term ends in Sep tember, told the group yesterday he is "not a candidate for the per manent directorship," although he would accept the post on a tem porary basis. A personnel committee, appoint ed to recommend a temporary di rector, reported it could not make a decision until it interviewed "one other person." Bob Young, chairman of the committee, said four alternatives lay before the board: Hire a new, temporary di rector from outside the Univer sity, retain Wallace and staff, pro mote Asst. Director Jim Mclntyre to temporary director or hire a student or some other person pre sently affiliated with the Univer sity. Young said an extra meeting would be required to decide on the temporary director. After some objections by Joel Fleishman and Ed Yoder, the group agreed to meet Sunday afternoon at 3 o' clock. In making his bid for the post of temporary director, Wallace de clared: "Of all the persons considered for the temporary directorship, I am the only one who is not a can didate for the permanent director, ship . . . Therefore I think it would be the best choice to retain the present staff. This would ensure continuity. I believe that Mr. Mc lntyre and I could make more pro gress than ever before. "I don't think Mr. Mclntyre should be temporary director. This . rlT . 1 .1 L ' W"U1U "J ;vuu u'A uyeiu- uug uii nan Mtui anu uiai a can didate for permanent director ; would be on the inside ... I re ; signed effective this fall because I felt that a new permanent direc j tor would be here ... I predicate my case on my past 22 months 1 service." A budget, totaling 846,290, for the coming year was approved the only change being an addition al S10O "to replace ping pong balls." -30- This morning's issue of The Daily Tar Heel, all eight pages of her, is the last for the spring seme ter. The next issue will be delivered on the first day of classes next fall. The staff hopes your exams aren't too hard and that you have a fine summer. Handbook Staff Is Selected The staff of the 1955 Carolina Handbook was announced ves- terday by Editor-in-Chief Curtiis Daughtry. Assisting Daughtry in adminis trative posts will be Wally Satter field, managing editor; Graham Ramsey, business manager; Le nore Ebeling, executive secretary; Bill Kane, photography editor, and Eddie Crutchfield, advertising manager. Section editors are Charles Mack Johnson, "Student Govern ment;" Wally Satterfield, "Hi There;" Gene Maloney, "Studies;" Ed Crutchfield, "Sports;" Faye Abell, "Carolina Coeds;" Charles Daniels, "Publications;" Jack Lewis, "Home at Carolina;" Ron Oldenburg, "Student Union;" Clyde Alexander, "Chapel Hill;" David Mund3', "Extras at Carolina."

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