SATURDAY, MAY 21. THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE TWO Tiey Only Serve VJho Stay & Vote Carolina Front Somerset Beat Us All To The Gather round, younger statesmen, and you shall hear the tale of how students govern themselves when they have a government. The rules are simple. If a legislator op- HraV Elit r;rp h T-if-.i. and vots against it: if he supports it. he does the opposite. Such are the ground rules. Cut Thursday night the majority o stu rt nt legislators 'decided, since they opposed, a resolution urging the University to admit X2to students, the best thing to do was J. A. C. Dunn v.'a i.u! ei; heed ed on by Student Party Floor McFJrov and University Party r Jim Exum. a'l but 20 legislators No one denies the Legislature's right to cliar'ee with any measure presented to it, but walking out on its obligation to govern is r:!exrusab!e. The students who walked out instf-ad of standing up for what they believ ed riihr betrayed those who elected them. Thev walked out on their dutv, and it's dis- Regardless of the merits of this particular rt -h'tion, the two leaders of this mass leg exodui McEIroy and Exum have no rig'or tr hold office. Since they walked out fry t!:ev obligation, why should they be al I ro hold a position of honor and re- r.o wri the ranks of younger statesmen have :: f .r cowards. Time For Light In The GM Situation Members of the GM Board of Directors went to yesterdav's meeting expecting to hear a recommendation for someone to fill the temporarv directorship of the student union. Instead, the personnel committee, appoint ed ten dr-vs ao by President Fowler, 3sked the committee for a one-da v extension. The committee said it xvished to interview anoth er applicant for the position. The committee offered, in The Daily Tar Heel's opinion, verv shaky grounds for not having made a choice. The extension means another meet ing of the Board at a time when student" members will be pressed with preparation for exams. At the same time, present Director Jim V.'ailace made clear his candidacy to continue in the position until the permanent director can be appointed. He is not, he said, a candi date for the permanent directorship. The Daily Tar Heel is on record for Mr. albce's retention as temporary director. We stiii are. He ha- .-wed excellently in the po sition ovr the t.;t two years, and we see no J -s on why he should not be kept un til the l j-he -chosen permanent director takes Does the Board's personnel committee ob ject to the retention of Mr. Wallace? If so, it should draw up a bill of particulars why he should not stay on. Graham Memorial is a student un:on. The students on the personnel committee are charged with recommending on the ba.sL of experience of the applicants, their capability, and practicality. The selection of the tempo rary and permanent directors xvhoever they may be is a matter of concern to all students who pay fees to finance GM. By no means should such selection be made 'in shadewy circumstances by a select group. All are in volved; all should have a voice: and the deci sion should be up to the Board. rhe m otter so far has been shrouded in arncss. It is time for light. Wot Bath; Wax Jtt The official student publication of the Publi trons Eoard of the University of North Carolina where it is published C!V daiy except Monday f jj and examination and T " J vacation periods and ca w r j summer terms. Enter- f ('hnnfJ Hilt A ed as second claa ; Sferf c-t.'vrriy ; i fce m chapel Hill, N. I E , -"' C-, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Sub scription rates: mail ed. $4 per year, $2.50 a semester; delivered, iS a year, $3.50 a semester. .rotors ED YODER, LOUIS KEAAR Managing Editor FRED P0WLEDG2 Business Manager TOM SHORES A-.-'.ciute Editor J. A. C. DUNN Sports Editor BUZZ MERRJTT JACIelE GOODMAN Advertising Manager Circulation Manager Subscription Manager Assistant Business Manager Photographer Librarijn . Dick Sirkin Jim Kiley Jack Godley Bill Bob Peel Boyd en Henley Pat Oliver Neil Eass, Don Strayhorn, IF SOMERSET MAUGHAM hadn't been so greedy a- to use "The Summing- Up" as 2 title, we would grab it ours elf (rreed- ... Uj) ar.d shoot s '"""- I into the s iieading in -oldface type. - f t i -tcwever. Mr. lSham hav- 1 aS already " . -aken the nber- --y the best we "wa go now is I ... NEVA'S STAEF Ebba Freur.J, Lois Owen, Jack Wiescl BUSINESS STAFF Joan Metz, Caxol-n Nelson. Bill Thompson SPORTS STAFF Al Korschun, Dave Lieberman, Nigbt Editor for this issue Jack Wiesel illigitematum non carborundum! i I Remember Chapel Hill Dr. Howell's Fine Grapes admit that we are using his title as a base for tt, the last col umn, which we Intend as a sort of September-May sum-Tuxig up. AS FAR AS student govern ment is concerned, we have spent the majority of the year scoff ing politely at what the report ers so grandly call "the so ions and wondering when titled dignitaries would see the light and stop piddling around trying to convince everyone includes themselves that the tasks they were engaged in were horribly important. But we changed cur mind a few weeks ago as a re sult of a conversation we had during the entirety of which we remained on the listening end. and as a result of which we saw student govt ent in a new light. Student legislaters often took rather juvenile like little chil dren pretending to put out a three-alarm fire with a garden hose. Bui -this is not actually th case. The "solons" are trying to do something worthwhile, some thing they really believe in. something that will make their mark on campus in a bc-neficial way. We feel inclined to laugh at them from time to time; but simultaneously we admire them. OUR RECOLLECTION- OF L.rr, Hie '.! year is a series of confused images involving blessed sleep, grisly study, fresh men with a buzz on. broken glass in the corridors, snowballs (one or two with stones in them), un told quantities of noise (most of it unwelcome), a few pleasant parties, and a complete absence of any feeling of being able to make a heme out of cn?"s ro-m. We are sorry if this dashes cold water in the face of higher pow ers who envision dorm life as being something more sublime than the above, but let us bite the bullet. Not all cake has ic ing, in fact some of it is down right stale. THE CAROLPA PLAYMAK ERS, WUNC, ditto TV, The Tar Heel, the Carolina Quarterly, Tarnation, the Yackety-Vacfc. the UNC Symphony Orchestra, and all the other purveyors of the arts, have led &5 far as we can tell, fairly normal lives during the past nine months. Sometimes up, sometimes down, always tha criticism and the praise coming from completely different quar ters, always the questions of money and staff, always well, need we go on? Need we say that these activities ae usually com petent but not dynamic, occa sionally brilliant and outstand ing, and that the difference be tween mere competence and brilliance is, most of the time, a difference of opinion? THE ADMINISTRATION BAF FLES us. We have nothing tr say about them because, like women's, their inner workings are a province into which our understanding has not yet penetrated. THIS is by no means a complete summary. Let us just say that it has been a good year: that for some reasons we afe glad it is not the last, and that for other reasons we wissi it were. Unless the Army suddenly develops an insatiable craving for 97-poun 1 weaklings, we shall reUim in the fail. If anyone discovers gold during the summer, we wish they would let us know first. We can always be reached through The DTH. - By Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. When I was a student at Chapel HUE Dr. G. Ver non Howell, a football hero of an earlier era, was Dean of the School of Pharmacy. Like so many cf the members of the faculty of that day, Dr. Howell was an institution in himself. It was customary at that time for all the students to congregate at the Post Office about noon to get their mail,' which was brought into Chapel Hill by Captain Smith. 's little train. On a date near the end cf a summer session, a fellow student? whom I shall call Bill Blank, met me at tha Pot Office and moaned what he assumed to be his impending fata in this wis. 'I stayed at ?e summer school for the purpose of passing off a course and qualifying for my de gree. Fm afraid I'm going to be shipped before getting my degree because of an event which oc curred last night. I visited Dr. Howell's grape ar bor just behind his house for the purpose of stealing some grapes. As I was engaged in this act. Dr. How ell came out his back door. I forthwith fled the premises. After I arrieved at my room. I discovered that several letters addressed to me had fallen from my pocket. I am satisfied that I dropped those let ters under Dr. Howell's grape arbor, that they will be found there, and that I will be shipped for steal ing Dr. Howell's grapes." . Just as Bill made this confession to ma, I observed Dr. Howell -coming directly toward us. When he - reached as, Dr. Howell sto pped and made this state ment to Bill: "Mr. Blank, somebody came to my pre mises last night to steal some of my grapes. I dis covered this morning that before' he attempted to perpetrate ths theft on me, he had stolen some cor respondence from you." Thereupon. Dr. Howell reached into his pocket and pulled out several letters addressed to Bkil with a statement to the effect that he had found them thai morning under his grape arbor. Dr. Howell thereupon delivered the letters to Bill, who was too dumbfounded even to thank him for so doing. Dr. Howell then turned away and walked eff about five steps. He suddenly turned around. looked et Bill, and said: "By the way, Mr. Blank, if you like grapes, come down to my place and set some. I have some mighty fine grapes." This was not the only occasion on which Dr. Ver non Howell disclosed that he possessed the thing w'-ch Solomon craved above ail else an under standing heart. Unswing In Foreign Affairs By Dens Fleeson WASHINGTON President Eisenhower is going to get a chance to do all that he thinks Lest to push that upswing in foreign affairs about which he spoke last week. There is very definitely a feeling in Washington that a de cisive moment has been reached in the struggle against Commun ist imperialism which has been the deminant factor in foreign policy since World War 11 end ed. It is true that not everybody shares President Eisenhower's optimism that the Reds have reached a high water mark from' which they are bound to recede. The President's good fortune ii that the pessimists are largely included in his own party. They are led by Senate Leader Know land, who inherited the Taft mantle by motion of the late Senator himself. But Senator Knowland is Minority, not Ma jority, Leader and he is not wholly sympathetic to the mi nority within the minority that he commands. VEAK WING The result is that the GOP vided. In contrast, the Dem right wing is weakened and di ocratic majority of the Senate pathetic to the President's ef forts to return to normal dip lomatic negotiations in the Far East. Politically the President could not be in a better position. He commands a majority on for eign policy so long as he sticks to the anti-war thesis. Even the Republicans who view his pres ent optimism with alarm realize thai he is their party's principle asset and wish him to run again next year. They cannot possibly wage an all-out fight against him: it is too risky a proposition. The Democrats are scarcely less unhappy about the situation in which they find themselves. They have won almost every election since 1952 and they boast of a collection of vigorous, young articulate leaders. TRUTH They say with truth that had President Truman and his Sec retary of State, Dean Acheson, proposed negotiations with Red Chiiia and made a pen pal of Soviet Taxshai Zhukov, the Republi-ans would have talked of jiT-peachment. Never theless. Derfocrats have never favored a sor-2.Hed hard policy in Asia nor' been ready to risk another world war in order nd House is unified and syra- put Chiang Kai-shel bad to on the Chinese mainland. President Eisenhower is doing what they would have wanted a Democratic President to do and so they are supporting him. The Democratic leadership of Congress is preparing to end the session in mid-July, earlier if possible. This means that the President will be in almost un disputed control of American policy during the last half of this year. His political critics can speak up. of course, but it will not be the same thing as having the floor of the Senate or House with the press galleries hanging on every word. It is of course a great chal lenge to the President. He can hardly influence the course of events unless he is on hand, watching for opportunities and quick to exploit openings. In other years he has seized upon the Congressional adjourn ment as a vacation period. He has remained out of Washington for weeks at a time and his Cabinet has emulated him. But the diplomatic campaign indi cated by his own comments re quires as much and as concen trated a leadership as the mili tary offensive by which he achieved the reputation which mt him in the White House. 'Hey Maybe A Parking Place' Over The Hill Charles Dunn HAPPY (?) ENDING: The end of the semester is almost here First thing: you know, well all he snowed under with ex2ms, then when they are over the shouting begins, and the dream ef summer's vacation becomes a reality. Some will take off for the beach and the sunburned, others will head for home or distant places to settle down to a summertime job, and a lot will be right back up here digging into the books again during the hot summer days that are bound to come, (and sipping cool beer on the hot summer nights J. But this semester will be a bygone; something to look bac on with mixed emotions and wonderings of if there will ever be another one L.e ih GOOD IDEA: A professor agreed to cancel his last 3 o'clock class, providing of its members spend that hour study ing for the final in the library. He added that he would be in his office at that hour, mainly because his children woke him up at 5:30, and there was no place besides his office for him to go at that time of the morning- Santa Claus Popular Nov LENIOR HALL: Three fellows were "sitting at a table. One got the wild idea that he would like to get married. He looked around, saw a table with three pretty coeds sitting around it, and strolled over to occupy the vacant chair. The modern-day Casanova asked one of the coeds to marry him, she replied that she was awful busy "with exams and all," but agreed to try- and find time for the wedding the following afternoon. But they couldn't agree on the time. The coed called the whole thing off, until the boy told her about the big two-carat ting he had back at the room. Her in terest was aroused again, but fell flat when she found the "carat"' he was talking about was of the vegetable variety. But this story must have a happy ending, so Casanova ap peared stumped for a moment, but quickly sized up the situ ation, proposed to another one of the girls at the table, and starting walking her home to talk over arrangements. TRITE BUT TRUE: A coed held her friends spellbound while she told them of this fel low wh0 had taken a bottle in one hand, her in the other and headed straight for the bed. A moment later the speil was broken when she slipped up and let it be known that the fellow was only a baby, she was the baby's sitter, and the bottled contained only milk. VIA DUKE: Carolina gentle man bragging about how true little Duke coed is t0 him on way to Durham, finds his girl "studying"' with a tali, dark friend from West Campus . . . Another Dukester, who earlier had talked of what a dull sem ester this had been from the so cial standpoint, swapping ex periences that she had at the Louis Armstrong concert and the Les Brown dance . . . Fellow thinking very bright spotlight was a full moon. C'EST FENT: This column brings to end "Over the Hill" for this semester. It has been a lot of fun. Here's wishing everybody a very pleasant sum mer vacation. Stewart Alscp fXfiTE: Joseph AUop hi ji r Wmci ;-o- ;: by mrnvTk in the from en informal rnemorrinAu-z Stewart Alsop, brm-gUg him v.p uo . Washingtcn scene) . WASHING TON S i n c e you left, d:rn has been sounding more and more , phonograph record. Over and ou oracles ask the same three question: . Will Adlai ran? Will Ike beat over again, the oracles answer tnen Yes. Yes. This 'performance tertis Vj a notcny. So does the performance en Capit jority Leader Lyndon Johnson is r. most thoroughly professional Co-gre- 1 iz ot cur r times. But that's just ho legislation through so quickly and qui body notices, or even cares very r.:c There has not been a single good 1 this session began. Sometimes one ca nig a certain nostalgia for the late J Carthy. McCarthy, incidentally, is S3 trace that its hard to believe that he ing the headlines when you left for a; But the dizzying chopping and chrr..; foreign front have more than made u dullness at home, that is if yon prefer tedium. If you had come straisht h---k mesa about five or s"x weeks ago. y found the country in the rip; of a troT scare. It was only about that long ago th Carney was talking about "war by A'c; he was merely voicing the most wido'v cial view, and had the bad luck to 1 e ur by our profession. Now the Far Eastern crisis, which y -ably, has suddenly disappeared fro - v the way McCarthy has. Presumably it : as presumably McCarthy i. B::t a- ir. is considered tactless t? men'i'T. i's When Chou En-lai rath-T ct. Ic.-cor.d;.-. ed that he was willing to ta'k to u. or dent and Secretary- Dulles tarter rrr. ;; ; fusion) replied that we were willing everybody sighed with relief and said. " " over." It isn't really over a: all. of c"-i-o. a you may point out, in your tactl--- vr. concerned seemed to have agreed th 0 policy for dealing with the Asia croi. to pretend that it isn't there any rr. any other policy, I have been unaolo t what it is. ' 3.1 , V LENOIR ENCORE: Coed com menting on tough piece of ham: "They must have made this pig do push-ups." Another student (this one male) adding: "The only reason they put so much gravy on this piece of meat is to cover up the gristle." Now the talk is a-I of r most instantaneous trans 1 peace talk has been 2 At first, after the Russians ';cj agreed to tne meeting a all concerned were very cau::;v. Fr-: dent and Mr. Dulles on down, there warnings against expecting miracles. Eo irrepressible, hopeful noises have beg from the warners themselves a- frn i.uas time who pretrr.d to be believe in Santa Cla-.ts. hut rcai'v Of rnnrta tV, """"i" tatiuaue tnoreoi. 1 o v." whose opinions you resrect s"ec.i'--that the Soviets may be genuinTlv anx a European settlement which th,- We could accept. too d o ; The Russians have c?r!a?n?v surprisirg wav. The surprises vr -surprise cf the Austrian tre:;v tn surprise cf a Russian visa for' mvse" weeks after we had been j . in "Pravda." " ' But the Russians also sprang a--with the overflying of Moscow ?t.-f. May Day. This could well bV t- -single event that has occurred '-Ve usual these days, the Pentagon tried 1 and clav rinTi tha , : ... e CS..S. r. ... v uperation Candor") T?-,f ccme out. and their rA-.T-;. a iuiiy mature and remar'?''!' --t ueiense ?vsten i fay.ui. maturing strategic jet air f- ers for air ,,,-.t' .- - .uciii;- so mat So;e unquestionably bomb targets in t return to base. " we. id t: .'e. w The Moscow oversights knocked into a , hat ad our defense plans-Secretarv I Wilson himself, von r.-.K.. ' year ago that So'viet war prearatt oetensive. But again, it is considered -c'-sporting to mention such things. " ' " I was in the Senate gallerv te o"-- -' -Symington of Missouri made a'shW'"' ntin?.Ut th2t -e "may have i'i trol of the air." sn.i ii, .. v a report Hp 6 meanin of the Mosco,. overii He misht mst Si 1 nioon, or extolling the virtues of North Dakota V Who got the after h'"- a babble of general indifference. It i 'r-nc popular, these days, to believe ,n -neaper too, of course. Anyway, welcome To

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