NOVEMBER 13, 1956 THE DAILY TAR NEIL page thti j History Dept. Faculty Attend Historical Meet Faculty members and graduates of the UNC Dept. of History will play an important part in the an nual meeting of the Southern His torical Assn. to be held Thursday through Saturday at the Washing ton tuke Hotel in Durham. ...James W. Patton, curator of the Southern Historical Collection of tke UNC Library and formerly a member of the UNC History Dept., will take office as president of the Association and deliver his presi dential address Friday night. Prof James L. Godfrey will de liver a paper, "The Labor Govern ment and the Independence' of India," on Thursday. WENTWOfcTH & SLOAN JEWELERS PRESENT THE "WORLD'S FINEST CLASS RING" - v. (By JOHN ROBERTS MFG. CO.) STERLING SILVER 10K GOLD ' Medium Weight ., Heavy Weight Extra Heavy Weight Plus 10 Fed. Excise Tax $5.00 Deposit Balance C.O.D. 167 E. FRANKLIN ST. ir5 FOR HEAL! SULTRY 5C5NE WITH THE HOUSE-PARTY QUEEN She sat next to roe on the train that day . :- - And a wave of perfume wafted my way A dangerous scent that is called "I'm Bad! Deliberately made to drive men mad. I tried to think thoughts that were pure and good I did the very best that I could! But alas, that perfume was stronger than I " I gave her a kiss . . . and got a black eye! If kissing strangers has its dangers, in smoking at least enjoy the real thing, the big, big pleasure of a Chesterfield King! Big size, big flavor, smoother all the way because it's packed more smoothly by Accu.Eey. Like your pleasure big? A ChasterfUt- King ha Ivrythtng ! DAILY CROSSWORDr ACROSS 1. Persian title 5. Hastened 9. Nuclei of starch grain 10. Duration 11. The bishop of Rome 12. Typ of -pastry 14. Ardent labbr.) IV British colony (Afr.) 16. Peers,' T collectively 19. Smallest 5. Platform 6. Cone-bear ing tree 7. Arabian chieftain S. Long for 11. Father 12. Process of food as- " similatiod' 13. Variant ' ofhi's- 15. Follower of Adolf Hitler 17. Anglo- Saxon serf atate (abbr.) IS. Uprising 2d. Edict 21. Poem J 23. Noxioul 25. Incite 27. Formal diplomatic agreement 30. Baby's word 31. Mountain ranges 32. People devoid of pigmenta- tion 35. Pronoun 3ft. Young girl 37. Mast 39. Woody plant 40. Spirit 41. Winglike 42. Poker stake DOWN 1. Coasts 2. Ripened fruit of the rose 3.. Malt "beverage 4. Exclamation Indian Librarian Library Staff For The Reference Librarian for the National Library of India, Janar dan M. Kanitkar, has recently join ed the UNC library staff for a three months visit. Kanitkar is here to study American library methods and to bwing information on Indian libraries. The UNC Library was one of II in the United States choosen by the International Relations Com-' mitte of the American Library As sociation to receive Indian Libra rians now in this country. When asked in what phase of the library program he was most $23.00 $27.00 $29.00 $3f.OO i -:- PHONE 9 3331 by Chester Field D Uw rm Tfc- c 21. Measure ire rfr (Heb 22. Term of 24. Metallic rocks. 25. First man Bib.) 26. Juice of the urn bully tree 37. Male 28. Mexican dish . descendant 29. River (Eur.) 3S. Place 31. Scon! 40. South 33. Whirl America 34. Notion (abbr.) rOi i ' I -1 m All I r tnT A Ij4 riiP. '',p': 'IPr iTt?' Xrr tr 'rf T 24 --- iiizizfziil n " " . """"" 37 3 y2z. 222 . 4U Joins UNC 3 Months - interested while here at UNC, Kanitkar replied, "I have recently been given the task bX setting up a library at our new Indian Insti tute of Public Administration in New Delhi; therefore every phase of library work is important to me.' Then he continued, "Usually a new school collects. piles of books and then calls in professional librarians when these books be come unmanageable." "This time we are going to make a proper be ginning and start our library as it should be." he said. 'By studying your present pre- cedures and their development, we hope to have a very effective library program at our new school and to avoid the mistakes that you probably made along the way." he said. He explained that he came to UNC because it has one of th oldest state university libraries in the country and also because of its Institute of Government. In speaking of Indian libraries in general, Kanitkar stated that at present they are rather limited. He added that in the second 5 year plan, which goes into efect next year, provisions are being made for establishing a library in each district. The books in these libraries will be in the language of the people of the , particular district and mo bile units will circulate them throughout the region. In concluding he added, "Of course this program will be handi capped by our poor roads, but we are working on those too. All of these problems are interrelated and must be solved together." UNC Public Health Staffers Present Papers At Meeting : Six members of the faculty; of the University School of Public Health are presenting papers this week at the i 84th annual meeting of the American. , Public Health Association. ' ; The meeting is being held in Atlantic City, N. J.' this week. Ap proximately 8.000 participants are attending from throughout the United States and Canada. The theme for this year's meet Office Of Student Activities Realeases Schedule For Week According to the Office of Stu: dent Actovities, the following events wlil take place on campus during this coming week; ? At 8 p.m. today, Lillian Piber nik will give a piano recital in Hill Hall. The varsity soccer team will travel to Duke for a game in the afternoon. "Androcles and the Lion," the latest Playm'akers production opens Wednesday evening. The play will run through Sunday, Nov. 18. Nightly performances will be staged at 8:30 p.m. The School of Education will hold its annual convocation Thurs day in Gerrard Hall from 3-5 p.m. CLASSIFIEDS WANTED: THOSE AMBITIOUS Scholars who burn out them selves and the midnight oil to try our crazy cuisine and - go away recharged. Cafe Mouza op n 24 hours. ' Why Pay High Prices? I've Hold Them Down Since July, '55 ASK YQUR BUDDY! ' -"". mmi m m mm I V At A- 1 r r PeT , CjS rL.iAL -up ana ESSO GAS Cash YES! Cash Reg. 29.9 H.T.32.9 Plus ' Bring This Ad And Get 1 Cent Off Per Gal. Gasf 5 Cents; Per Qt. Oil ? WHERE ? At The Students' Friend WHIPPLE'S ESSO SERVICE .."m-? if LILIAN . . plays Chest (Continued from Page One) ceives 60 of total Campus Chest contributions. , . Also included in the Campus Chest Drive are the Goettinger Exchange, 20; Care, 13; Can cer, 7. ' ' The Campus Chest Drive was first slated ' to run from Nov. 4 10, but beeause the goal was not met, the drive was extended through Thursday, Nov. 15, Miss Aldridge said. In a final plea for funds to meet this year's goal, Miss Al dridge said. "Can we as students neglect this student's responsibili ty .in student to tudent aid in giving to these worthy causes? If you cannot afford to give money, ,if even a nickle is beyond your capabilities, then have you clothes or books that you don't need or want? Cant you afford not to give a hickel?" : ' ' ' ing is ' How, Are "VVe Doing in Public Health??; . : ' UNC men presenting . papers wilt be D?. Varfield( Gar son and Dr. Joseph Por tnoy of the -Dept. of Experimental 1 Medicincr- Drr Roger Howell, Dept. of Mental Health; Dr. Bernard G. Green- berg, Dept. of Biostatistics; Dr. Charles Cameron, Dept. of Public Health Administration; and Dr. John Cassel, Dept.. of Epidemi ology. In conjunction with the program, Archibald Henderson 'will lecture on the subject, "George Bernard Shaw Man of the Century'.' at 8 p.m. . " The Freshman soccer team will travel to .Duke for an afternoon game. i "M," a GMAB tree flick will be shown in Carroll Hall at 8 p.m. Thursday. A dance will be held Friday night. The Campus Chest Dance starting at 8 p.m. will be held in Woollen Gymnasium. There will be a rehearsal for "Esther Wake" from 7:30-11 p.m. in Memorial Hall Friday evening. 'Two varsity teams will travel away from campus this Saturday. The soccer team goes to play the Terps in Maryland while the foot ball squad goes the other direction ta face the "Fighting Irish' at Notre Dame. . Monday the varstiy cross country teamwill participate in the ACC meet at Charlottesville, Va.j ' i ru-aao ?i.uu p, us Dep. ESSO GAS Cash - V PIBERNIK here tonight Miss Lilian Pibernik Is Guest Pianist Tonight Miss Lilian Pibernik, pianist, will be presented in a concert of Hun garian folk music in Hill Hall to day at 8 p.m. -, Her recital is the fifth of UNC's Dept. of Music regular Tuesday evening series concerts, which are open to the public free of. charge. Miss Pibernikr3 program will in clude Bartak's Suite Opus 14, four pieces from Kodaly's "Zongora Muszika," Schubert's Sonata in A Major and- Bach's Toccata in D Major. "- Elections (Continued from Page 1) will be located at the intersec tion of Mason Farm and Pittsbdro Roads. Another box will be locat ed at the intersection of Daniels Rd., Bagley Dr., Jackson Circle, and Mason Farm Rd. "Women s Dormitory District 1 All women living in University- owned buildings, which are not sorority houses. Voting in. each dorm. ' . . Women's Town District 1 All women students not living in' University-owned buildings, and wom en residing in sorority houses. Voting in Gerrard Hall. . . Students may vote only in their respective voting places. ' ' v Any student who is unable to vote at the proper polling place because of internment in the In firmary, absence from Chapel Hill, or any other reason approved by the Elections Board, will be al lowed to vote. ; Run-offs will be held Nov. 20. A run-off will be held if, for an office to which there is to be only one candidate elected, no one can didate receives a majority of votes cast for the office. If candidates for two or more offices (constituting a group) are t to be selected, and there are more candidates for election than there are offices, then the majority shall be ascertained by dividing the total vote cast for all of such The Junior if 1 A 6 t r'F See It For Yourself At ' The Intimate Bookshop 205 E. Franklin Sr. ' Open Till 10 P.M. DENTAL DAMES The Dental Dames will meet in the Assembly Room of the Library today at 8 p.m. Dr, G. B. Johnson will speak on 'The Crisis in Our Public School Education." SQUARE DANCE CLUB The Square Dance Club will meet today in the Women's Gym at 7 p. m. jew mem Ders nave ueeu in vited to attend. - 'H MODERN DANCE CLUB The Modern Dance iClub will meet Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the dance studio of the Wromens Gym. N , . , . ..." EDUCATION WIVES Education Wives will , meet to day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. George Shephard. Wives of gra duate stulents. in education nave leen invited to attend. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY j The Elisha Mitchell Scientific So ciety will meet today at 7:30 p.m.1 in 206 Phillips. The program will include discussions by J. L. Ixvia and J. C. .Morrow. CHEMISTRY CLUB The' Chemistry Club will hold its regular meeting tonight : at 7:S0 in room 207 Venable' Hall." Dr. Vir gil Mann will be the speaker. WUNC-TV. - '.-'V ";.. Today's schedule for, WUNC-TV, the University's educational tele vision station, -channel 4: 12:45 Music. . ; . , 1:00 Today on Farm. '. 1:30 Music in Ah.' ; 2:00 Science and Nature. 2:30 Sign Off. V - 5:44 Sign On. i 5:45 Music : 6:00 Magic Lantern 6:15 Sports Clinic. 6:30 News. , 6:45 Sports.: ,:. 7:00 Books and People. - 7:15 Bible Course. ' 8:00 Dr. Shivers.7 ; 8:45 State Governjmcnt. " 9:30 Musical Forjs' 8:45 State Govertrment. 9:30 Musical Forms. 10)0 Final Edition: ; . 10.05 Sign" Off:; v ;?'- wunuc i WUNC, the University's educa tional FM statiori: J ""7:00 Intermezzo f;v . " 7:15 Over the Back Fence 7:30 Vistas of Israel ' ,' 7:45 Variations of a Theatre .... - - 4 i ineme ' : ' 8:00 Hill Hall Concert 10:00 News ' " ! 10:15 Evening Masterwork 11:30 Sign Off , PHYSICS COLOQUlk I A joint Duke-UNC Physics Col loquium will be held oi Wednes- candidates by the njimber of posi tions to be filled, and then divid ing by two. Any excess of thi3 number will be a majority. The candidates who ma be; in such run-off will be determined by the j number of seats to le filled in the i i uiruxi. a ' ut rvcij ap:o vdi iucit may be two candidates. . , y ' . 1 Sensation ro,r Pictures. t SPLE.DiD GIFT. ONLY r 150 " X r u mversiry tomou day, Nov. 14, at 3 p.m. on the Duke University campus. 5 1 John Blatt from Australia will speak on "The Theory of Liquid Helium. Dr. Blatt is a professor at the University" of Sj'dney. " .' - ' UNIVERSITY CLUB l; The University Club will meet tonight at 7:30 on the second floor of the Y It is very important that all representatives and other in terested persons are present, for the meeting is concerned with plans for the Notre Dame game, club officials said. . ; - hello young campus : ' ' lovers:' ?."; Come see lis for" the. Privacy of our "Dark Room" and some real swinging ' ' : PIZZA '. That is guarafiteedrto make you Fall in love all oyer again. ' CAFE MOUZA" i OPEN 74 HOURS 9 gea :o" lilt A- r rrA i't v('i iV. 4 f w A 'I ; .. Of; court.. "Most everyone does often: Because a fewv moments over ice-cold Coca-Cola refresh you so. It'i sparkling with natural goodness, , . pure nd wholesome and naturally friendly to your figure. Feel like having a Coke? tOTHID UNDER AUTHOHTV m is I' . .. S5. Hi MM: i i JOHN M MECK B i i n ii . ; .1 .-Till R E C N E W ' B R E C K C R E ME R I N S E Breck Creni Rinse, a new preparation, is used after the shampoo to add softness and manageabUity to your hair. It gives the hair lustre and body without leaving an oily appearance. .'Hair that has a tendency to tanule is made easy . to 'comb and arrange by use of Breck Creme Rinse. It-is helpful in the care of permanent wavw' and; In the prevention of dry, brittle hair. Brick Creme Kinst 8 oz. 11. 00 plus lax. i (3 a r Cosmetic Dept. Phone 9-8781 US OUR CONVENIENT. LAY-A WAY PLAN WESLEY CHOIR "The Wesley Choir will hold i;s regular rehearsal today from 7 to S p.m. at the University Methodist Church. ALTER YOUR CLOTHES to the IVY LOOK Drop by today and let us show you what proper altera tions can do for your outdated wardrobe. Come in early for your holiday alterations. PETE e lasior 135V2 E. Franklin St. a lk- j N. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY 3 '"ii.i, ,t 1 1 T I.,. H H HECK " INC Mi K 0 n ft tiff 3

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