0 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1' THE DAILY TAR H-EL PAGE F0U3 1 a'lr Heels log ay Foil' i itlliit'Vfr f I -Will ID) (g) f tf Blg'Boiffle ..r MrwmVfllH uiwnriiii II fi'frn I II11 IP"" IT- N t i i - t I f 4 f V or ire jPaul Hornung Shifted Fo Fullback For Irish j ill i i. r -kj Prediction: Notre Dame 20, UNC 13 The dismal '56 football season is fast fading for both Carolina and Notre Dame, two former pigskin powers who meet tomorrow in a battle of the have-nots in South Bend, Ind. Victories have been fey and far between for each school this year, and both the Tar Heels and Fighting Irish are looking toward tomorow's game "with something like a hopeful glint in their eyes. Each would like to salvage something from the '56 grid iron scrapheap, and this looks to both parties like a good oppor tunity. With only two games remaining, Notre Dame and Duke, the Tar Heels would like to fatten their 2-5-1 record a little bit and at the same time eniov a victory over Notre Dame for the first time in his tory. The Irish, on the other hand, have even greater incentive to spur them. Coach Terry Brennan's charges have won only a single i decision this season while losing six games, and after the Tar Heels come Iowa and Southern Cal, two rough customers in anybody's league. THE LONG ROAD DOWN For the Irish, it's been a long rough trip down from the pinnacle of gridiron glory they once held. Ever since the days of Knute Rockne the .name 'Notre Dame' has had a magic quality about it that struck fear into the hearts of rival teams and coaches all over the land. Fighting Irish teams in the past have had their ups and downs, but never have they fallen quite so far. This year's team has taken some quite thorough wallopings including one-sided loss es to Oklahoma, Michigan State and Navy. Their only win came , by a two touchdown margin over Indiana. Several factors have contributed to the downfall of the Fighting Irish. The players are young and inexperienced. Injuries sidelined! key personnel early in the season. And the schedule is a murderous j one, although this' didn't bother Notre Dame teams in the past. The Irish have played good football in spots, and if they ever jell, they will be a tough team to bsat. According to scout Eddie Tcague, they are a hard charging aggressive, squad with the. old 'never-say-die Notre Dame spirit. And you can bet they'll be laying for the Tar Heels. SERIES' MONOPOLIZED BY IRISH - Carolina and Notre Dame have been slugging away at each other ever since the 15H9 inaugral game in- New York. But not once have the Tar Heels emerged victorious. There have been a couple of squeak ers, but most of the games have been routs. Last year in Kenan Stadium, Notre Dame ran their victory , string to 7 with a 27-7 win over the game but outclassed Caro linians. Tomorrow's game will be the eighth and last of the current series, but the two teams will meet again in 1958. ' Ve. think our Tar Heels have at least , an even-chance to beat Kotre Dame tomorrow. They have been playing good sound football since' the Maryjan-d game,, and; last Saturday reached a' peak inthe third, .quarter of the yirginja contest- The outcome of the game to morrow depends aljnost entirely on whether or not they can dlipli- J caie uis penormance. , . ... v , ?, - ; "J The,, edge will go to the team that's fired up the most. -And one thing is certain. Notre Dame will be eager, sharp and ready to play football. They always are, even, in losing, and tomorrow will te no exception.. r . .. i POSSIBLE BUT DOUBTFUL ' I Can Carolina win? Sure. Will they win? We doubt 'it. It'll be close, and enough Tar Heel determination could turn the tide. But we pick Notre Dame 20, Carolina 13. And we hope we're wrong. Elsewhere around the Big Four, Duke is at Wake Forest and State travels to Pen- State. The last one is not too difficult to pick despite State's win over South Carolina last Saturday. It's a long ride up to State College, Pa., and Penn Sate are likely to prove rather un gracious hosts. The Nittany Lions have beaten some good football teams this year, and one of them was Ohio State. Nuffsaid? Penn State 34. State 6. ' There's no doubt who the favorite should be in the Duke - Wake Forest game. The Blue Devils have a strong explosive squad with plenty of manpower, while the Deacs have Bill Barnes and not much else. But there's more to this than appears on the sur face. Wake has a pesky team, one that specializes in rising to the occasion and knocking off the big shots. On top of this they will be playing before a home crowd in friendly surroundings. Whether of not this will be enough to carry -the day remains to be seen. The Deacs have a long way to go before they can match Duke in personnel. We'll stick with the slide rule on this one. Duke 21, Wake Forest 6. 4 1 y t I i y, Heads Up Above is an action photo taken during the W AA volleyball finals Tuesday night. On the left are Carr Dorm team members Joan Willsey (making the shot), Bev Beckert and Pat Anderson. On the right are Tri Delts Donna Hostetler (foreground), Gail Willingham (center), and Pat Brandt. Tri Delt won 56-10. Tri Delts Top Carr To Win Volleyball Title Tri Delt captured the WAA vol leyball title Tuesday night by slaughtering Carr Dorm, 56-10, in a surprisingly one-sided match. Team work was the key to the Tri Delt victory. Outstanding Tri Delt servers included: Diana Ash ley with 15 points, Gail Willing ham with 11 points, Mott Butler with 9 points and Barbara Doar with 8 points. Pat Brandt's power ful spikes also played a large part in the Tri Delt triumph. mith Dorm,. topped Carr Dorm, 36-29, for second place".' Carr could not stop the powerful serve of Eleanor German. Miss German scored 14 points. Smith Dorm was handed its only tournament defeat by" Tri Delt: " - '"r ; : -) i . : . i i il i i. Friday, Bostian .Will Discuss Moreland Case RALEIGH, UP) The chancellor of North Carolina State College said yesterday reports of charges involving the recruiting of basket ball star Jackie Moreland were being made against State two days after he enrolled here Sept. 5. Dr. Carey H. Bostian said the origin of the charges was not known. He announced that he will meet here today with William C. Friday, president of the Consoli dated University of North Caro lina,, of which State Collega is a unit, "to review the situation and decide what steps to take." Bostian said, "We want to learn (rom the NCAA the exact nature of the evidence" that resulted in State being placed on probation for four years in the recruiting of Moreland, 18, widely sought bas ketball prospect of Minden, La. MURALS YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL RESULTS 3:45 Sig Chi defeated Delt Sig, 23-6; Phi Delt won by forfeit over SAH; Phi Gam defeated Chi Psi, 7-6; ATO defeated SAE, 9-3. 4:45: Kap Sig defeated PIKA, 20-7; KA defeated Sig Nu, 12-9; Chi Phi defeated Kap Psi, 4-0; DKE won by forfeit over Thcta Chi. I . i YESTERDAY'S' V .VOLLEYBALL RESULTS; There was only , one Volleyball game player yesterday : Chi Phi defeated i Theta Chi, 2-0. These teams won by forfeit: Winston, Everett-f,1 Bc'ta,5 Graham' aAd Medi cal School. ' ' 3 ' TODAY'S v 'FOOTBALL schedule" :s3:45 Field No. 1, Everett-3 vs. Mangum-2, Field No: 2, Manley vs. Stacy-2; Field No. 3, Law school-1 vs. Duke La.w School; Field No. 4, Joyner vs.'Grimes-2; Field No. 5, Cobb-1 vs. Mangum-1; 4:45 Field No. 1 BVP vs. Alex ander; Field No. 2, Dental School vs. Aycock; Field No. 3, Graham vs Med School-3; Field No. 4, Zeta Psi vs. Phi Gam (W); Field No. 5, SAE vs. SPE (W). Wrestling Finals Set The semi-finals for intramurals wrestling Were, held yesterday in Woollen Gym. The finals will be held Tuesday night at 7:15. Weigh in time will be Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 to3:00 and from 6:30 to 7:00. The finalists will be 130 lbs., Johnson (SAE) vs. Bonner (Beta); 137 lbs., Henderson (SAE) vs. Childs (ATO); 147 lbs., Suddreth (AK Psi) vs. Grubbs (SAE); 157 lbs., Dameron (Kap Sig) vs. Pal mer (DKE); 167 lbs., Atkinson (DKE) vs. Kincey (SAE); 177 lbs., By LARRY CHEEK North Carolina's Tar Heels, primed and ready for battle after last week's decisive win over Vir ginia, leave by plane this after- j noon for South Bend, Ind., and a Saturday afternoon engagement with the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. The Tar Heels, reportedly in top physical condition, will leave Chapel Hill by bus today at 12:30 and are scheduled to depart from Raleigh-Durham Airport one hour later at 1:30. Because of uncertain weather conditions, the team will stay over ih South Bend until Sunday morning before returning. Secret practice sessions behind the canvas have been going on all week long well into the evening- as Coach Jim Tatum and his staff seek to discover the formula for victory tomorrow. The sessions have been long ones, and the lights have been turned on every night. . The game tomorrow has little national significance, for both the Tar Heels and Fighting Irish have slightly tarnished records. Caro lina has won two while losing five and tieing one, and Notre Dame has won one and lost six. Both teams will be depending Tompkoins (SAE) vs. Kouri (Sig Nu); Unlimited, Ward (DKE) vs. Boyette (Pi Gam). heavily on Wphomores. Carolina will have three starters and a num ber of second stringers who are sophs. While Notre Dame also has a number of youngsters in the starting -lineup. xThe Irish have only three letter men to start tomorrow. The are Paul Hornung, fulback; Dick Pen dergast, end; and Jim Morse, half- I back. Hornung was shifted to full back in the first quarter of last week's game with Pittsburgh, and will start in that position to morrow. , Replacing the All - American Hornung at the signal calling slot will be Bob Williams, a sopho more whom UNC scout terms "a better short passer than Hornung." Carter Fights Johnson NEW YORK. & Harold Car ter, rising young heavyweight from Linden, N. takes on sub stitute Young Jack Johnson of Los Angeles tonight in a 10-round match at Madison Square Garden. Johnson is subbing for Bob Baker who was forced off the show due to an attack of grippe. The fight, scheduled for 10 p.m., EST, will be carried on network NBC radio and television. Lovely Tinselly ADVENT CALENDARS 50jr and $1.00 at THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. Open Till 10 P.M "JUDGES. ..HOODS. ..THE SOCIETY SET... PICK-UP GIRLS... THE GOVERNOR... I BUY AND SELL MEM 'ALL! Wonderful Wonderful . CHRISTMAS1 CARDS 40 for $1.00 tit " THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 20S Franklin 'St. Opn iti'll.VdiP.Mj p!"-'-ui 'ii.'"""..iiiiii!iiiiiiii)iii..'n')nnn"' im"":im "H I ' " w 1 1 mil p wmm i - t "This is DREW PEARSON speaking: 'Ths Boss' is csl'a Icid .dynairiits. Pcwsrfsjl inter ests, whese names would amaze ycu, fssvs trie d to prevent yoa from seeing it. I helped expose the story upon which it is based I know this cor ruption did take place. I predict this picture wili create ths year's biggest screen sensation." i GINGER iROGRS ,! M MICHAEL1 REISfNIE?,.. 1 ndSfr pi!jwiH& 11 THE PICTURE THAT VAS TOO HOT FOR KANSAS CITY! ni NOW PLAYING i t tr I A'J Hav You Seen Those Handsome CHRISTMAS CARDS 10 for 25 . at THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 East Franklin Street Booters Leave For Maryland This Morning The varsity soccer team leaves early this morning for College Park, Md. where it will face the defending conference champions, Maryland, on Saturday. Coach Marvin Allen's squad, beaten in its last , two starts by Virginia and Duke, will experience its toughest contest of the year in seeking to obtain revenge for last year's 3-0 defeat in Chapel Hill. The team is expected to arrive in College Park around early af ternoon and coach Allen will send his team through a short scrim mage in preparation for Saturday's contest which will beghi at 10 a.m. In Thursday's practice, Allen shifted left wing Johnny Foster to left inside with Ted Youhanna taking Foster's place at wing. On defense, Ted Smith may break into the starting lineup at left halfback due to his sparkling play in the Duke game and during recent scrimmages. The Maryland game will mark the final contest for the Tar Heels in the 1936 season, and the annual soccer banquet will be held on Monday, Nv- 19 yt (5:3 P . . . . lf,t!! 'Hum nippmrwf I '! r 'll! t - - 1 ! IK s - :icJl i tj.ii,, 1 . jj ' y FR SHAMPOO FOR MEN Formulated for a man's hair and scalp. Conditions while it cleans. 1.25 IN UNBREAKABLE PLASTIC! SHULTON Nw York Toronto as A r (t - V V 4 i v in i i i v 1 CICARETTEC FILTER TIP mm 4 sits I. i mi hi 1 r'A d) I 'vi ff n'xi 1 1 ... AX MM i iMhm ,i "1