14 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE TH3E3 YRC To Meet Tonight At 7 The Young Republicans Club will meet today at 7 p.m. in Ro land Parker Lounge 2 in Graham Memorial. nym'Z ZZZ EAT, DKINK, AND BE MARRIED ( )n a recent tour of seven million American colleges, I was struck by., two outstanding facts: first, the great number of students who smoke Philip Morris ; and second, the great number of students who are married. The first phenomenon the vast multitude of Philip Morris smokers comes as no surprise, for what could be more intelligent than to smoke Philip Morris? After all, pleasure is what you smoke for, and pleasure is what Philip Morris delivers. Try one. Light up and see for yourself Or, if you like, don't light up. Just take a Philip Morris, unlighted, and puff a couple of times. Get that wonderful flavor? You bet you do! Even with out lighting you can taste Philip Morris's fine natural tobacco. Also, you can make your package of Philip Morris last practically forever. No, I say, it was not the great number of Philip Morris smokers that astounded me; it was the great number of married students. Latest statistics show that at some coeducational colleges, the proportion of married undergraduates runs as high as twenty per cent! And, what is even more startling, fully one-quarter of these marriages have been blessed with issue! Now, to the young campus couple who are parents for the first time, the baby is likely to be a source of con siderable worry. Therefore, let me devote today's column to a few helpful hints on the care of babies. First of all, we will take up the matter of diet. In the past, babies were raised largely on table scrap's. This, however, was outlawed by the Smoot-Hawley Act, and today babies are fed a scientific formula consisting of dextrose, maltose, distilled water, evaporated milk, and a twist of lemon peel. After eating, the baby tends to grow sleepy. A lullaby is very useful to help it fall asleep. In case you don't know7 any lullabies, make one up. For example : ' Go to sleep, my little infant, . , Goo-yoo moo-moo poo-poo binfant. A baby sleeps best on its stomach, so place it that way in its crib. Then to make sure it will not turn itself over during the night, lay a soft but fairly heavy object on its back another baby, for instance.. So. as j-ou see raising a baby is no great problem. All you need is a little patience and a lot of love. Also diapers, rompers, soakers, crib, mattress, sheets, bumpers, blankets, high chair, diapers, talcum, baby oil, fish liver oil, paregoric, diapers, safety pins, cotton, cotton covered toothpicks, bottles, diapers, nipples, diapers, bottle brushes, booties, diapers, nighties, wrappers, diapers, rattles, teething rings, pacifiers", diapers, and unlimited funds. Max Shulman. JCl IT hen Uaby is fast asleep the Utile angel! uhy not relax and give yourself a treat? With Philip Morris, of eorrisl Made in long size and regular by the sponsors of this column. DAILY ACROSS 1. Women like these 6. Lamp light slang) - 10. Think 11. Long-eard rodent 12. Disembarks 13. Put forth effort. 15. Coin (Swed.) 16. Coiii (Jap.) 18. Chinese measure 19. River (Pol.) 20. Time . between periods 23. Lettuce (U. S.) 24. Cord 25. Claw 28. Grade (in school) 29. Coin (Anc. Gr.) SO. Sloths 31. Talks glibly 33. Mineral spring: it. Man's nickname 17. Large tub 38. Faucet 39. Snake deity (Haiti) 42. Merits 44. Christmas song 15. River (Fr.) 16. Greek letters .47. Backs of necks DOWN' 1. Performs alone (avn.) CROSSWORD 2. Armadillo 3. Fabric from flax 4. Extremity 5. Instruction period 6. City (Behj.) 7. Slack 8. Anger 9. King Arthur's seer (poss.) 14. Eras 17. Half ems 21. Building additions 22. Narrow inlet (gtol.) 23. Young horse At the meeting there will be a discussion of the state conven tion and plans will be made con cerning the picture for the Yack ety Yack. (Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cheek," etc.) 25 Semi precious stone mollusk Fate Reser- voir Constel- 26. 27. 28. 30. 32. 33 34. lation Sins ' Razor strap Velvetlike fabric Projecting ends of churfches 1211 Yttr4jr' Aaawcr 40. Witty sayings 41. Girl's nickname 43. Excla mation 35 w'aTp j o, 1 vluicjclvl Q;Ut j e sX.f? TTcik EiLLF?Fgp fclP' effigl jtIaIs s If: 1 t it r w r r ' w i: 1 iziiiTiii!:! is a a7 W WL f " The Daily Tar Heel s Holiday Flide Service The following people need rides, or cap give rides, to distant points over the Christmas holidays. If you have a car, are headed for one of the points listed and need riders, contact these people. If you want a ride to oile of the places listed at the end, contact the folks who have cars and need riders. RIDES WANTED Stuart Sheby, Law School, 3 3013 or 8-0931 New York. Ethan Tolman, 207 Ruffin, 8 9146 Miami, Fla. Kenneth Chi-Kun Yang, 203 W. Franklin St., 9-2471 Taipei, For mosa. Shirley Anderson, 302 Kenan, 8 9076 Rocky Mount. Bill Adcock, 303 Mangum, 8 9183 Knoxville, Tenn. Marion Harris, 309 Spencer, 8- 9104 Engelhard or Washington,! N. C. Howard Kahn, 108 Alexander, 8 9107 Baltimore, Md. Harold Stessel, 211 Stacy, 8-9031 New York City or Westchester. Sara Humphrey, Pi Phi House 8-9096 Washington, D. C. ' Carolina Hume, Pi Phi House, 3-9096 Washington, D. C. ' John Gauntlet!, 8-9154 Chi cago. Al Iliggins, 309 Connor, 3-9154 New York. Prisciila Roetzel, 106 Kenan, 8 9172 Trenton or Newark, N. J. or New York. THE RULES If you want to get yoXir nami on either of these lists, drop by The Daily Tar Heel' newsroom, second floor of Graham Mem orial, or mail your name, address telephone number and destina tion to The Daily Tar Heel, Box 1080, Chapel Hill. The lists wikl run as long as there are stu dents who need rides or riders. Leonard Killian, 309 Alexander, 8-9105 Albuquerque, N. M. Beatrice Rodriguez, 305 Kenan, 8-9076 New York. Ana Maria Ortiz, Kenan New York. Helen Duke, 407A E. Franklin, 8-1273 New York. Lynwood Thompson, 5 Battle, 8 917J New York To Chapel lull after Christmas. Marjorie McMahan, Carr, 8-9105 Charlotte. Richard Alexander, 313 Ruffin 3-9182 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. John Dale, 210 Connor, 8-9178 Asheville or Knoxville. Buddy Clark, Theta Chi 8-9123 Atlanta, Ga. Angela Aeosta, 218 Kenan Baltimore.- Covering The Campus COMMUNITY CHURCH The Community Church of Chap el Hill will have its annual Christ mas Music Service Sunday at 11 a.m. in Hill Music Hall. The choir, under the direction of Gene Strass ler, will perform "The Midnight Mass' by Marc-Antoine Charpen tier. The public has been invited. CANTERBURY CLUB ' The Canterbury Club will hold its annual Christmas open house at the Parish House on Friday from 9 to 12 p.m. Carols will be sung around the decorated tree and dancing will be featured. All stu dents have been invited. STUDENT WIVES The Student Wives Club will hold a covered dish Christmas par ty Saturday at 6 p.m. according to Pat Howard, secretary of the club. Husbands, wives, and children have been invited to come and bring a covered dish to the party, which will be give at the Victory Village Nursery. W.A.A. BASKETBALL CLUB All women interested in joining the Basketball Club have been urged to sign up in the Women's gym before the Christmas holi days. The club will meet once a week on the day preferred by those who sign up. W.A.A. TENNIS All participants in the tennis tournament have been urged to play their matches immediately so the tournament may be completed before the holidays. CHARLOTTE CAROLINA CLUB The Charlotte Carolina Club will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. today in 105 Gardner. Officers will be elected and plans will be made for a dance to be held in Char lofte on Dec. 27. BABY SITTING SERVICE Should interest warrant "the few -f s, . Lisa Rehor, 224 Kenan New York City. " Joel A. Snow, 1 Pettigrew, 89174 St. Petersburg, Fla. Owen Lelarid, 108 Connor, 83155 Charleston, S. C. Jerry ' Chichester, 215 Aycock, 8-9126 Macon, Ga. Sue Rexrode, 321 Mclver, 8-9134 Roanoke, Va. Bill Ilenshaw, 202 Alexander, 8-9107 Knoxville, Tenn. aS w , ' RIDERS WANTED Thomas L. Gillette, 303 Alumr.i Bldg., 8-8462 Kansas City, Mo. Warren D. C. Miller Washington. David L. Heck, 33 Davie Circle, 9-2786 to Shelby, Ohio, via il'. Airy and Charleston, W. Va., leav ing Dec. 22.. Brad Seasholes, 215 Caldwell, 9 7688 to Syracuse, N. Y. Susan Inman, 303 Smith, 8-913S to Vermont, western Mass., Conn and N. Y. ' - - Chuck Federspicl, 8-6433 or 9 2382 to central Michigan. R. E. Berry, 106 Whitehead, 8 9066 to Laurel, Miss. " v Ed Kiser, 315 Alexander, 3-9105 to Laurinburg via Sanf ord 'and Aberdeen. - - 'S- Fred Katz, 903L Ext. 571 ,lo Washington, D. C. Bryce Johnson, State College, Raleigh, TEmple 29363 to Idaho, Dick Potthoff, 216 Connor, 8 9178 to Jacksonville, Fla. Louis- Lefkowitz,- TEP House, 8-9007 to New -York via New Jer sey Turnpike " and Garden State Parkway. '. : ' Fred To Attend Meeting In Chicago This Week Herbert Fred, Director TUNC Bands, will attend the Biennial Meeting of the National Assn. of College Band Directors to be held in Chicago, today through Satur day. Fred will serve as chairman of the assn.'s southern division and as a member of the convention's steering and hospitality commit tees. baby sitting service conducted durig home football games at Vic tory Village community center will be extended for the home basketball games, according to of ficials of the nursery. Those in terested have been asked to call either 9-2316 or 8-0177. : GMAB CHRISTMAS DANCE Graham Memorial ' Activities Board is sponsoring a Christmas dance Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m. in the Rendezvous Room. WUNC , Today's schedule for WUNC, the University's FM radio station: 7:00 Spirit -of Christmas 7:15 Chalkdust - 7:30 Cosmopolitan Interview ' 7:45 Fench Press Review 8:00 Christmas Is Coming 8:30 Folk Music of theoWrld 9:00 Listen America 4 9:30 Governors Press Confer "; , ence J0:00 News 10:15 Evening Masterwork 11:30 Sign Off . WUNC-TV Today's schedule for WUNC-TV, the University's educational tele vision station: " 12:45 Music 1:00 Today on Farm 1:30 Music in View 2:00 Medicine "2:30 Sign Off 5:45 Music 6:00 Magic Lantern 6:15 Sports Clinic 6:30 News fe:45 Sports 7:00 Garden All j 7:15 Bible Course 8:00 Dr. vShivcrs ff 8:43 State Government $:30 Lecture Hall H):00 Final Edition 10:05 Sign Off i , H it i WngJer's Special Pick 1 L rt : r unewinq vjuiti VI Special Price Hi-C Party Punch'-.. 33c Blended Vacuum Packed f, . a fn a Ann Page Assorted Jetlys Is ! u I Chicken of the Sea Tuna 6&nz- 30c Nestie's Chocolate Morsels p 23c Uncle Ben's Converted Rice'pg- 17cp2: 30c Strietmann Zesta Crackers bo 27c Clorox Bleach & Super-Right" Ueavy Western ?. Grain Fed FULL TRIMMED I I i "Super-Right" Heavy "r r fCap'n Jolin's Precooked Fish Sticks Star Canned Armour's Hams . cbn "SUPER-RIGHT" PURE FROZEN S 0 6. 33c Lemon 2 can. 5 C Orange cans 3c Tangerine 2 ca i L,o Rahv Umas 10-Ox. Pkg- t Wi ' .. io Ox. "Kg i AaP Broccoli - 4 SS 45c i orange Juice2 - j4- r3 fo) (m Dulcny Sliced Peaches - 23c FROZEN, Dulany Candied Yams ... p 27c Jewel Shortening . 25c nb 75c Jewel Oil Bot. 32c & 63c Lux Toilet Soap 2 ilk 17c Lux Toilet Soap ... 2 2:2 25c Lifebuoy Soap 3 bS 28c Lifebuoy Soap BBth 14c Swan White Soap S? 15c Swan Soap Regular 9c PFTan Early and Siiop Assorted Natural Box of 20 CO- 5c Pkgs -7L, Warwick l Lb CI AD Car, P .WJ fa pare o) UAHILLA BCTRACT i Jane Parker Cherry Pies Jane Parker OVER 23's FRUITS & NUTS lVi-Lb. CI 3C 3 Lb. Cake Cake tpi.J l?7c 31c Celery "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY MEATS n Western Beef Porterhouse 20c Swift's BAGOiJ 52-75 PORK rn l.Lb. Roll O Dial Soap m Bars 25c , ! s- . ! : : .-: t J . Slices of A&P Chocolate Covered Each Box O IMITATION ANN PAGE Each Pie 39c Fruit Cakes f 5lced t f Sliced Chopped Beef C7 CC Lb P&Oj Cake S3 85 f Sa,'sbufy Steaks 39c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Crisp Fresh SU!k 19c Pears " Crisp Golden Fresh Juicy Florida Fresh Large .Sijze .Rresh- Juicy THIS PRICE INCLUDES CUTTING AND WRAPPING TO YOUR SPECIFICATION Club or Lb. Premium l-Lb. Pkg. O T GREEN 7 PEAS Thermo 91 Dolls of All flatioos Ka S 1 .2oi Lcaihcr Holster Gun Scls . Set 3.C3i GE Photo Flash Bulbs c&" 5i20: Stainless Steel Kixing Bonl Sols . 53.;0 Cannon Bath Torcl Sets . . . SI.C3 Pastel Colored Sofa La Prices This Ad Effective Through Sat., Decern (x-r 8i5 STORE ADDRESS 210 W. Dial Soap 2 Bars 35C 1? Oz Jar 1 : j 6-Oz I Full n fu Pound lV'.JTJC I Box 84 I 80 Bottle 15c .. TJTT? 7 fit T7 A nrC V l : Beef . 45c Pork 45c 17c Bosc 2-Lb Bag 8-Lb Bag c 8-Lb. L I Z 4a tO CO LB. AVG. Lb. i , f Kraft Caramels sVg 35c Green Giant 16-Oz. Cans Allsweet MARGARINE 1 Lb. Pks. 28c Franklin St. Simple Simon MINCE ME VI 33c :'8; 49c i n n

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