2 MHgpaimiBt FACf TWO TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1957 THE DAILY TAR HEEL hkjtfc ijrtt1 VWU Better Schools Ca mpaigner Has Just A One-Sided View The Daily Tar Heel is sorry to see that Gov. F lodges has named Holt McPherson, a High Point newspaper editor,, to the chairmanship ot' a North Carolina Citizens' Committee for Better Schools. Mc Pherson. Tar Heels will "'remember, headed a similar committee, also appointed by the governor, which advocated the eventual destruc tion "ot the state's school system. It was McPherson who headed a committee favoring passage of the "Pearsall Plan, which provides for private schools in case of racial, educational 'integration. 'Want To Know; How It Ends?' C ' ' V v ... - . '- 5 'f -" It appears unlikely that the Cit izens.' Committee for Better Schools could make much progress when it is guided by a man who guided the Pearsall Plan. . The Pearsall Plan, yet to reach its final test in court, is a t reach- ri uin u.nim i 11 1111 education system this r o vears . or state has of this newspaper and. very few editors of other papers, opposed the Pearsall Plan for obvious rea sons. But McPherson, himself a news paperman, led a campaign to make the plan an act. He succeeded. Now the governor of this state -has named McPherson to another lost because of his "deep interest in public education, and in the welfare of our children." McPherson's interest in educa tion is undeniable. But we and many other North Carolinians dis agree totally with his fdeas about welfare of children. For Campus He I e vision: - -1 1 i - '' 'X. - cd ; v ; r . - 1 . - - . V t ;4' c - ( : f - o..G t to & Xrf . r Congrats! ' editor Mcpherson . . . the irroug job . . luiilt up.. It ;4ies politicians .and labble-rousers a chance to shut down Our public schools in the face of "'intoleYable" situations, name Jv. attemjits at Xcjto entrance. Sceral proniinent .North :Cai liniaus who doiv't want integration opposed the Pearall . Plan. They feared thelplan because, :t)tey s;ud, it would plac e the ; state's , school sstem in Jeopardy. ! : ' .: : ; , Those wlu) believe no harm will come fro 111 ra'cial'iiteuratioiV fin iie schools. including the. editors The Consolidated University's educational television s t a t i o n", VVCT has grown .up a great deal in two vears. ' When it started, it threatened to flood the air with attempts to college-type Jackie Gleasonvision. Hut after it suffered a severe bud ret cut and askance looks from some imjortan people in the state, 11 started oeing wnat it was namer F.ducational television. : 1 -U SOMEBODY'S MISINFORMED: in Some Erroneous Rumors Righted iiiitmiiiiiiinii.Mi 1 . t .... 1 : I , Clarke. Jones 1 Coin atulations and two candles to the folks in Swain' Hall who. are turning out a "digest big Hall ible,' colorful, educational product: .fQf ; the future: More houfs,inioreT inHi terest, more education. ; A sports, editor )t a new nearby 1 1 1 ( weeks. ' Many " student Blasts From Wrong Corner .,v, . "r' .. Ui 'mv'B-s r, These, qolumns; touched 'off a sDaDer Saturday devoted in ri se'eret reader-Interest -m.The Daily ' Hjj ti : . j . ( 4 . 1 i , ,i -i ' . . . ,.t. . w. . ,. .. .... cooti-Qversy, wnicn iasieut im 1 . :iuii a: column sironaiv aeruvinK ; rar mp :LS"at an tsji-i mf low . '. 1 1 1 r t '"rumors Football Coach JimlTat- ". amoilgv students becaos?" of .its .. .. ill 1 " 1 ' 1 tt:ii 1 's i a a . J; mi - I.' i-!um n"livave "'" I . 'siasleiui. eaoriai pwicy 'M V pWing 'their views' on the sub- Jack' Horner, sports editoj-i 6f "Sources cfdSe tb 1he; student . ject, so;meUms;in complete- dis- ....Thf Durham Morning Herald, publication sav dne oTtWeMpapers ' agreement "with the 6riginal art- iou euiiurs uas ex1' 1 1 wrote regardless" of '"what boasted that " icles. A Durham sportswf iter has fired from his corner a few rounds of ammunition at The Daily Tar Heel. To keep the record straight, we'll remind those who read these editorials about the newspaper's jiolicv. The sportswr'iter is named Jack Homer. From his corner of the Durham Morning Herald he has written several things .about this newspaper which are highly imagi native, lint one thing he mention" ed deserves 'comment. " "lt general knowledge,' writes Horner, The Daily Tar Heel The Daily Tar Heel The official jtudent publicatioir'of tbe Publications Board of the University of North Carolina, where it Is published daily except Monday and examinatiot nrf vacation periods and summer terms fcntered as second class matter in thi post office in Chapel Hill, N. C, undei h- Act oi March 8. 1870. Subscription rates: mailed, $4 per year,; $2.50 a semes tn", deuveivii. $6 a year, S350 a lemer ter. fcMitor FRED POWXEDGE Managing Editor CHARLIE SLOAN News Editor NANCY HILL Business Manager BILL BOB PLEL Sports Editor 'LAItRY CHEEK Subscription Manager Dale Staley Fred Katzin Advertising ManSger : Circulation Manager : Charlie Holt NEWS STAFF Clarke Jones, Ray Link er, Joan Moore. Pringle Pipkin.'Anne Drake, Edith MacKinnon, Wally. Kuralt, Mary Alys Voorhees, Graham Snyder, Billy Barnes, Neil, Bass, Gary Nichols, Page Bernstein", Peg Humphrey, Phyllit Maultsbyt' Ben Taylor ' BUSINESS STAFF Rosa Moore Johnny Whitakcr, Dick Leavitt, Dick Sirkin. SPORTS STAFF: Bill King, Jim Purks, I Jimmy Harper, Dave wioie, cnaney Howson. ' ' Night Editor Proof Reader :: - Night News Editor Cortland Edwards ' Manley Springs Fred Powledge DOES NOT (capitals his) speak for the student body in its editorr ial blasts at (head football Coach Jim) Tat inn." Horner appears to be uncover ing one of The Daily Tar Heel's darkest secrets. In truth, however, it is a fact that is broadcast by this newspaper quite often. We'll broadcast it again. It would be foolish to claim (and Horner claims this quite of ten) to represent the opinion of any sizeable group of people. It would be strictly Idiotic to claim to represent the opinions of al most 7,000. students students are much to individualistic, too wide spread in their heritages and their beliefs to all think the same thing. For that reason, The Daily Tar Heel has for a long time insisted that its editorials (the things in this column) do not can' not re flect the feelings ot the whole stu dent body. They reflect the opions only of the editor of this newspa per, a student elected in spring elections. Because the editor is never as sure as Horner obviously is that he is dead right on all issues, the rest of this page and the rest of this newspaper is thrown complete ly open to any and all students who wish to present their opin ions. Those opinions must meet only three requirements: 1. They must be signed and written legibly. 2. They must not be libelous. 3. They must not be lewd, ob scene, or in bad taste. They can be in the orm of let ters, columns, poetry or artwork. They do not have to agree w itlr anyone the editor or anyone else on the face of this earth. This, we believe, Brother Horn er should learn before Jie starts any more crusades. Most things even more circulation in Chapel Hill for the Morning Herald are worth a little investigation. time 'soon v. . Horner writes' Tatum Will not only; stay at Carolina but will "stick around until his mission (to build a winning team here) has been accomplished before he.'ll give another thought to ac cepting another coaching posi tion." He says "To pick up and move now, he would be a quitter, Ta tum is no quitter. He'll get the job done." Horner's denial in itself is per fectly alL right with us. He's got a right to his opinion. But the concern of this article lies in four paragraphs of his column in which he has printed some questionable statements about The Daily Tar Heel. Speaking of some "anti-Tatum factions still on the campus," he says "It's general knowledge The Daily Tar Heel DOES NOT ('c) L'il Abner Vsrl"" noi'ar '"'tnA fVi o r0f TTi 11 ;!?'How stupid' cart youth be?" We take issUe with these state ments. . . , . . ,. In the first place, The Daily Tar Heel's editorial policy cer tainly does not mirror student opinion. Nor should it. The space in the left two columns of the editorial page in each paper is for the editor's opinion, not the opinion of the student body. 'source of the statement,;'. .. one . of the;; paper's top editors has boasted that he'll make it so ' hot for Tatum that he (Tatum) f;will wish he had never seen Chapel Hill." No editor here has nor will make such a boast without hav ing sound reason to. But if Tatum deserves it, we'd like to see things made hot for ' Students wishing 'to express .Tatum. After all, what is the true opinions have practically the 'function of a university? Is it to rest of the paper in which to do educate people or is it. to pro so. Especially do they have the ' vide big-time athletics, all-win-opportunity on editorial page , Viing teams.' etc? We much pre-' columns .other than those , re- fer the former question. ' served for the editor. ; ., How stupid can youth be? About .reader interest. We That's a good question. It might think he's wrong. Just from pur,, be answered before too long if own obs?rvations, reader inter- . ..Tatum stays here and his brand est seems to be generally toward, of . athletics pulls down the aca the other end. One student here, demic standards as it did at for instance, wrote a series of , Maryland. YOU Said It: Newspaper's Coverage Criticized By Reader Editor: ; "tZSrUqTHj For some months now I have been an avid reader of The Daily Tar Heel. My morning cup of coffee at Lenoir has become a hapjjy ritual, enchanced greatly by the news of University life at Chapel Hill. Unfortunately my only other experience with college newspaper has been with the Harvard Crimson," a stuffy newspaper that limits itself to international and na tional news, discussion of college policy, art and literary criticism and the like. They don't even have a "Campus Scene" column and they refuse to reprint articles from other (Boston) newspapers. You can.. I suppose, understand why it is that I enjoy reading The 'Tar Heel. Although you never pretend to have any serious opinions or write any original copy, your newspaper accurately reflects thp temDer and interests of the student body. If your Editor: . , . paper seems childish, it is because the students are Would the students be so kind usually pretty childish. If you concern yourselves a 1 . . 1 a P it i T TXT" 14- f Can A Woman Be President? to- answer these following ques tions for me? Would you be in favor of a woman' running for President or Vice President of the United States in 1960? with the social and athletic functions at UNC, it is because these are the overwhelming interests of the students for whom you write. be President some day, where does that leave ' our American girls, Must they be deprived of that dream? speak ; for" - the': student hody iin columns recently expressing! fiis : its editorial blasts 'atv Tatum 1,f views' ore religion: 'As a. matter of fact J it s no. ' : 1 ; 5 y ou read or hear to, the contrary he'll make It so hot for Tatuia, . e third pa ragraph. , . : -Sunny Jim' won't move - again Jtny ' ; ; that" ; he- iTtituni) will wish .he trt; th It is possible, of course, that there are some students at UNC whose interests and tastes are fcica p.1 i yjj . not represented in The Daily Tar Heel, but alter of two women for President and all, a college newspaper is not an organ to corn Vice President" in 1960, what municate the views of a minority of the student two women in the United States body. In fact The Tar Heel undoubtedly gives a would you pick and why? consistent and adequate coverage of thfe college af Do you think that we have fairs of interest to the vast majority of students and any women brave and smart this is all a college newspaper can be expected to enough to be President or Vice do. President of the U.S.? Any at Qr ifnot an equally important function he University of North Caro- f f a newgpaper (any Newspaper) to bring to light . . . ..and discuss issues relavant to its readers? If so, The governor of our state made TT . . nrmina its . . . . .., then the 'Tar Heel is surely not periorming us a statement recently that it's the . lllxr dream of every American boy to 1U,1U""' a" " -i---- In its attempt to be informative. The, Tar Heel has become more a bulletin board than a news paper. In fact The Daily Tar Heel would more s A r nnllir nut tr I ujcaini logically ana iar more et-onusiucany Please help me find the answ- orcfWhiiP nnroose if it were placed each day (ex- ers to these questions. I will ap- cept 3,fonday of course) on the bulletin board in V preciate it very much and can court ,be reached at this address. Thank ,i ' The 'Tar Heel, thus far. has never taken a con sistent and effective stand on any issue, it nas, u is true, mentioned that there are issues and even named the men who are dealing with them (usually Bob Young and Sonny Evans and their committees), but this nothing but description, no analysis. If you are stuck for issues, can I mention a few: the parking problem, many obvious viola tions of the academic and personal privileges that students in other colleges enjoy, the apparent dif ficulties with the "Honor System," high 'prices of ,...-t. , n .Monitor v" ! - ' all luxury-goods in Chapel Hill.. deferential treat-' . :"t'":. I., , j" ment of athletes, the relative .lack, of cultural stim 'JT'lVti il Tf ulation (Fats Domino and Montovani don't quite . uAicbrnrf nd Jkeep One s self-,mMsure..up) you .could mention integration in. respect nowadays, the 1 Abomuj- " , , '. . , . tj,. Ptp ' ' -vi 'df j'U''thie'sool'system,.theilacH of .study, space, exc. - able" Snowman provides a needed ""out'' tor zotldgists- with- a bVrit t M All colleges have problems and UNC is far from The elusive man-animal bf, the l0 bring these issues to light, analyze' them, and ' Himalaya's has'l turned .up; again nff er useful opinions about them, "'despite the determined 'attempts.1 ' . ' ? f?,n 1 ' of several recent scientific "ex-" ' In the future I will be hesitant about allowing peditions to push him' into the my share of The 'Tar Heel's budget to be taken realm of mythology. An Ameri- from the matriculation fee. It seems a waste, of can-Australian group of explor- money. Although it would ruin my breakfast, 1 ers and researchists has an- would be willing to x race over to Y court every nounced that it will start tramp- morning to read "Campus Scene." At present the ing around the rafters of the roof most constructive thing The Daily Tar Heel could of the world next spring in the do is to disband. Frank Pesek 2041 Yonka St. Detroit 34 Mich. A New Kind Of Unicorn The Christian Science hope of sighting the Yeti, as the Sherpa guides call him. Several Sherpas claim to have seen the Yeti at the abominably close range of from 10 to 25 yards. But none of the impressive expeditions that have set forth to find him has met him or had a chance so far to photograph him. So. bear or man or iape whatever he is the Yeti remains Sheldon F. Gardner More Comment On Clothing Perhaps VOU will see some worth in thi writ- ains . - - a mysterious figure with just F y a wno iJeienas dressing enough evidence of reality to 1 ," make him a legitimate target for grown men bent on scientific research. By Al Capp HAVG McCALL Tt MARRY rSnnrrrAi ir ..... . - . vwni.wgo wjuyw - V K OEST FLEW TMET IQCOO wEDDlN' DRESS IN FUM PARIS FO' VO'. HOMEV BABV-HAPPV? mi- ( SHORE, SHE'S HAPPV.' A SHE KEELI21ES MARRVIN' YO'ViLL MAKE ALL HER ( DEAR NEIGHBORS RICH ! V A, Pogo By Walt Kelly I certainly admire your defensive spunk. It's a trait some of your feminine friends would do well to cultivate. You did make a few statements in your bit of journalism which, I admit, had a lot of the truth in them. I wonder if you noticed a paragraph under "Youth Deserves a Chance" which is per tinate to our situation? "Tight levis, long hair and the other para phanalia reformers concentrate on are only extentions of the independent personlities of the individual, and really don't make a kid a criminal." Although I am a member of the brogan set, I do manage to get my hair cropped closely about every two weeks. However if you'll sup ply your name and phone number, I may be persuaded t listen to a personal lecture on the advantages of the shave-a-day habit. Surely I will not have to go to Duke for such informa tion. , Jack S-rt " ' -r '7 m hi i tM6. am mm a m a -j - ii i i An Accu scfior Editor: Dear Cort, I'm much in favor of movie reviews in The Daily Tar Heel, but in the future would you please plagiarize from another magazine. I subscribe to Time. Thanks a bunch, A Fan t ; Nam withheld by rcqimt.