5 U.tt.C Library Ssfials Dept. WEATHER Chance of rain .with an expected high of 60. ' ' BATTLE Bienniel biceps-beating isn't necessary. Ses editorial, page 2. 1 L - V . V ! v -v v..- -..-. wi VOL. LVII NO. 120 Complete tP) Wir Serricc CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MARCH 22, 1957 Office in Gratyam Memorial SIX PAGES THIS ISSUE news m OS 9 0(5S3 pens ay; 1 i p r -A- . -A - ' J '! I i 1 ; I : - : I I "V' ' "N jfr I I E I . ' H .hi :-f JW: 4L .14! I 1 1 I I X. I-T II I II liC . I J XI . I II II II Fair CI3 From i no ov. Hodgesr By BOB HIGH The highest-ranking University of Vrth Carolina basketball fan in this .state will be the featured speak er today at the fifth Business Fair being held here Jn Carroll Hall. -u-. feixires an ex.peciea wu persons on 1 Industry in North Carolina." nr' a 1 i 1 lue meme oi ins exposition win j be, "What North Carolina Can Do v... Mr: Industry." !f.w' Fair. , sponsored by Alpha Kapa Psi professional business fra ternity and the School of Business Administration, will have three sem inars today starting at 1 p.m. Exhibits will be shewn at 12:30 end during the intermission of each Capus M. Waynick, past direc- j the state where they interviewed j experts for detailed study a Brit pem'.nar. The exhibits are sponsor- tor of the Governor's Small Indus- j the Governor, Waynick and other in- j pr0p0sai for pronation con ed by the various industries in tries Plan, High Point, will make chvstrial executives; reported Rat- j struction of an Iraq Iran Turkey .orth Carolina. j the introduction of the Governor led ?e. I pipeline bv making an American-! Speakers appearing today besides after opening remarks. Waynick will "The concept of the fair this year, Rritic, .;. thn ' Gov. Hodges include G. F. Al- bright and Walter W. Harper, both o. uie Dept. of conservation and tend the official welcome to the cusinessmen alike for its educa- j g Blocked out in principle pos Development in Raleigh. Albright participating persons and visitors. : tion of such a exposition gain," ! moves to establish interna- will head the seminar on "Develop- "Through this fair we hope to ! (See FAIR, Page 4) .' Lin,i , r .1,. r,if f DUE TO SATURDAY CLASSES: Evans Cites Problems In Recreation At UNC Saturday classes have given risei to serious recreaticnaS problems at UNC. aecordine to Sonnv Evans.! Student Party candidate for presi dent of the student body. He pointed out the present student jinion building, Graham .Memorial. wasj built in the 1939's and is not adequate to meet the needs of a greatly enlarged student body. ; te reskient ol the etudent body should push the drive for a new stadent union building, he said. . u auiuvii. , v.... auviuv. crease "funds used for the benefit "As a member of the Board of tem. Sloan said he would have a of Victory Village residents. Id Directors I have been interested in correspondent for the1 paper in the past these activities have in-1 tne drive for a new student union.' e3cn dorm. The correspondent luded children's programs and I am aware of the importance of would probably be the dorm news bridge lessons for residents of the this largest single item in our stu- paper editor or a person appoint VOlage. , dent government budget and as ed bv the dorm president because Thi3 program should become a president I would seek to see that 0f ms interest lrt writing, part of GM's . yearly activities, he we finally achieve the completion of Thp ctrinT,r" would forward ?aid. PROBLEM Since 1933 when the trustees in-j ftituted Saturday classes at Ca-j ronna, we campus nas been faced vitha serious problem of providing a recreaUonal program adequate for a growing student hoay- The best center for such development is Graham Memorial which is sitll boused in the wing of the building originally begun in 1932. a new student union building is x. .... . u f will be so cramped that its effec- ... ... . . .1 tiveness will contihue to be serious- . .. .t . . , . ly limited, he said. "'In the past few months the Board of Directors of GM succeed-' ed in obtaining administration ap- fiuvai vi xx uiitc iu j -. 4X 41 vv union building through a direct ap- Legislature evised Constitution By H-JOOST P0LAK ) April 2nd. Favorable action on the newly Other action by the body inqlud revised constitution, appropriations ed the introduction for future con of money, and a bit of urging di- sideration of a bill recommending reeled at the University Traffic that the Graham Memorial authori Cemmittee composed the legisla- ties purchase and install a color live action of the Student Legisla- television set and a . bill which ture's meeting last night. - would e-'lablish a permanent Both a resolution to accept ths foreign exchange student commit- cut down constitution and a bloc tee. ' ' , of 21 junior-sized bills pertaining Resignations from the Legisla to the revised standard were pass- tore were tendered by Represent ed without dissent. tative Sylvia Phillips and the Organizations acquiring subsidiza- body's clerk, Miss Kathy LeGrande. iicn from the body were the De- Two new appointments were bate Squad, which received $145 made that of Ben van Woltz as to finance ' its impending trip to new chairman of the Rules "Corn Wins ton-Sal em . to participate in mittee by acclamation of the Leg the ACC debate tournament; the islature, and David Evans as a new Carolina Quarterly, which got $375. representative and the UNC Graduate Club. The reading of a letter from N In a:r3ution passed unani- mously the University Traffic Com- mittee was urged to amend its rules to allow residents of Town Men's HI to tark in the Morehead Planetarium lot on election day, raent of Small Industries ' In North Carolina," while Harper is a speak on the "Attraction of New Indus try into North Carolina." ' ' , Heading the third seminar this 'afternoon will 'be James S. Cunrie, n ; . 7 ; iearen in niueign. iurne uts.-; cuss -Proposed State Tax Revisions 1 t . tt x a. 1 t j a : 1 1 cna us iiieci on uie inausinu ue velopment of North Carolina." . Inau4liys viewul f-'j nUl be presented by Ben Smith cf the Black Panther Co., Sanford; Jack Worsham, Southern Plasms ; Engineering. Greensboro; Carl E. j Uiass, Talon, Inc., Dallas, Texas; -nd Truman H Afford Charles nd Truman II. Safford, Charles , ifllow Bob Ratledge, president of i. 11 T" 1 Tk A.1 1 ! J A, i the Alpha Kappa Psi, who will ex- propriation of the 1959 North Caro- lina General Assembly. The admin- Juration's approval is based on tlw? board's pledge to present a detail- ed outline of the building its faci - lities and programming. "It will be the job of students ind the president of the student body, who is chairman of the Board iof Directors, to push the develop1 ;nent and presentation of this pro- posal . before the meetings of the next , Advisory Budget Commission year," he said. INTERESTED rw!, - , a union building and union program 1 t Ml m . v.nicn v.iu compare tavoraoiy witn that of State and WC." Evans said. "1 am also interested in seeing tna um extend itself further Into another field of its work-wopera- tion with Victory Village officials.' The hundreds of people who live :n Victory Village pay student fee- but do not find time to take part in many of the GMAB-sponsored activities." he said. of its funds in arranging, activities r : u.i.t , -1 . .1 irT 1 dents of the viDege. T . . . ., . , , -j . ? I believe that funs made avai- . ... , t . sponsoring bridge lessons for resi-j lable for such projects should be" increased and that Victory Village programs should become a definite aii ui -uitr vx.fr&Lj jtai i.y atuvi' ties," he said. Approves new Chancellor William Aycock thanking the body for their recent expression of confidence in him, and voicing his trust in the LegL. - lature completed the business of the meeting. ers; present the ways in which North Carolina is striving' to encourage both the internal arid external indus trial growth of the state. We be lieve that we have set uo a worth- while program and one which ihould make businessmen aware , cf the poientiaKties of our state." Rtlrt r to better familiarize both the pub- lv and fartnrc nf inHnsHv with thA Governor's smaU industries pro- the profitabie establishment or extension of inriustries ,in North Can)Una . spokesman stated fa order to obtain landing 1 ers 3 d dlsplays- a student i commi ttee went to RaJ ei gh , Greens- bora, Durham and other cities in' i - . i . is one which "has been commended by educators and North Carolina Sloan Proposes 'Positive Plans' At IDC Meeting Charlie Sloan, candidate or ed- itor of The Daily Tar Heel, an nounced Wednesday night what he term3d "two positive plans',' for j the improvement of the paper, I ' . . V Speakin at the IDC meeting, PPe having a -stringer- r. oeuer coverage 01 dormitory news, and a system of relating World news to the camp- us through faculty members who know somethlng-of what the news ' topic is about. j explaining his "stringer sys t the aper all news of int?rest gUch ajJ sociaj eyents and intra. murals and wouU write occasional coiumns isl . . ,1 He would ajso report on other . items of interest on dorm incidents nA Anr.m 1if , crtm. nt u1,.eaci-lf,nc I 111 l0 lUiVJ VIA M fci k-'N- O-iU good editorial page copy," said 0, slQan gaid dom correspon. m. . . . oon rofflllar VAWllt n VU1U 11UV aVm . , . . , . , iUnt. take a story, and would know that it was nis Job to take all news to The Daily Tar Heel. . 4. . - But this "stringer" system, . (See SLOAN, Page 4) " ; jq rftj!Q STUDENTS MERCHANTS TOGETHER: First Students Day Observed Here Today will be the first "Stu- dents' Day of Values" in Chapel Hill. ' Students' Day" has been set up to bring the students and mer chants of Chapel Hill and Carr boro together," said Ken Clark, one 'of the backers of the event. . Chapel Hill and Carrboro mer chant., who display banners in their window-' will be participating in the "bargain day." "Plans are now in the works for another obstrvance. of "Stu dents' Day", next fall,, said Bob Young, president of the student - body . "I hope this one will be a great success." . - COOPERATIVE "'Students' Day' has taken the time of many persons to plan this yfUL lil Uioo. uuy, oaiu i uuug. jLiii; merchants have been most coop erative in thta experimental en deavor. "The success of this particular day's program will determine whether or not they are held in the future," Young said. 1 "Next, fall," Young said, "there j will' be a 'Students' Day and a blanket, across-the-board discount . 1 Two Chiefs Confer, . TUCKER'S TOWN, ,Bermuda (AP) President Eisenhower and Prime Minister Macmillan were reported tonight to have reaciied La "gratifying measure of agree- ment'on future moves solving crucial 'Middle East problems . in cluding the Suez Canal issue, y Later it was learned that the two government chiefs had; ' 1. Discussed with considerable accord steps which may have; to b? taken when the present ie gctiations of U.N. Secretary Gen eral Dag Ilammarskjold wth Egypt's President Nasser over pay-1 ments of Suez tolls either succeed fir fai, - 1 9 PpfoT.,.0,i tn a nmmitt 'ftf " guaranteeing permanent freedom of 0jj jQW to assure free passage of all ships into th? Gulf of Aqaba. Resort may be made to the world court or other international agency. 1 4. Considered a formula for solving the immediate problem of the Gaza Strip by getting UNEF troops stationed at key , points on both sides of the Israeli-Gaza bcrder and fixing U."N. responsi bility for security inside the strip with Egypt retaining civilian ad ministration. Israelis, Arabs Clash TEL AVIV (AP)--Israel aid today its troops clashed with Arab forces on the frontiers of both Sy- ria and Jordan. 'An-' armv headquarter spwkew- man said the latest incident in a' series of Israeli border clashes ' this week was a one-hour gun battle between Israel and Jordan forces on the northern frontier. He said an Israeli patrol inter cepted "a unit of Jordan legion naires while entering Israeli ter ritory northeast of Megiddo." The spokesman said that as the Israeli patrol approached the ' scene, automatic weapons and rifle fire opened up from Jordan positions across the frontier. , unaer mis cover, ine joraan- jail iVfttvmiun vowautu uav.iv "vv , . , - ituiunu, lilt; apurv. caiiiaji uiviui.u. He said the exchange lasted an hour but there were no Israeli casualties. Megiddo is about 25 miles southeast of Haifa. 4 PARIS (AP) A Paris Leftist paper reported today France will provide air cover for Israel if ....... ... . u.. hostilities break out again be tween Israel and Egypt. The report was neither denied, nor confirmed by French officials in Paris. to all students by all members of the Merchants' Assn." . . ... Young said that to him, this w.as 1 1 f j j j 1 BOB hopes 5 ' S;-S;::Y:;Y iYYY ' . - v "",sw1 Y-,.;YY , ' Y"Y;:'" - ' - : . - " ' ' - ' i. 4 ' ' ' - ' ! , - Y. ' ' ! 1 ' 1 ' f n . I j thanks to the merchants partici- the ideal "bargain day," for stu- be the. first time that a program pating and he hoped that the pro dents who shop with the local mar- of this type has ever been attempt- gram would prove to be of value chants. He expounded further that ed. y to many individual students. ' n o tot- line r s Spring Swing Star . Don Shirley, pictured above, and his trio will play here today to open sophomore "Spring Swing" weekend festivities. The concert today will be held in Memorial Hall from 4-6:30 p.m. Tickets are $1 and may be purchased at Graham Memorial, the "Y" and Kemp's. ---.- AT SPRING SWING FESTIVITIES Shirley Trio In Memorial Don-Shirley's iazz trio "will ush- etin thc Sophomore-IDC's Spring Swing Festivities in Memorial alx trom 4-t:dU p.m. today. Jazz pianist Shirley will be ac companied by Daivd Moore and Kenneth Fricker on bass and drums. Following the concert, the Duke Ambassadors will provide music for a campus-wid? dance to be held from 8-11 Gymnasium. p.m. in Woollen Concert tickets are available for j $1 stag or drag at Graham Memor-! ial, the "Y" and Kemp's. Sopho mores will be admitted. Miss Barbara Prago and Pee Wee Batten will entertain during the concert intermission. Two gift certficates will likewise be award- ed to ticket holders at this time Included in the sslections to be I fied that he must take the tests featured by the trio are "I Can't and who has not done so has been Get Started", "Autumn Leaves", j asked t& attend on one of the "Sometimes I'm Happy", and nights. Failure to do so will re "Tenderly". suit in a $2 fine, according to an IDC President Sonny Hallford announcement from the General pointed out that the concert time Ccllege. the student body was very fortun- ate in receiving the benefits that I. ' - . . . . . . have been assured, since tnis is lo r 535 jssj 1 '" r,'5 ... ffr?wTi r 1 - YOUNG for success n ' ; -i Mm Will De molina V, ; Will Play Hal I Today was changed so not to conflict with Fri game. X iT'i "Ifcnii -nrr rfav nihf. wtfaTi,cr"y xvrij-canna is corn- "I would like to encourage all to attend what I feel will be a most enjoyable concert." Hallford , said. Er.glish Proficiency Test To Run Three More Days English proficiency tests will be given at 7 p.m.Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday in 106 Hanes Hall. All students in the General Col lege wha have completed Eng lish 2 are required to take the examination before they are to be admitted into the upper colleges. Any student who has been noti- "The Merchants As.n. has been , most entnusiastic in us endorse- I . .f Jt iJ -. 1 nnl ment 01 me iuea, aim m.j ic I tnai 11 nas iremenaous puiem-ai Rvalue to both the students and to themselves," the president report- ed. The student body head went on to express thanks to the persons who have been most responsible for ' recognition for his industrious ef fort in fcrrming the achievement - of the set-up. "Don' Furtado has been chair man of the Student Committee and he and his group, Wayne Ven ters, Bob Jones and Betty Carolyn Huffman, have done an outstand ing job in the amount of time that they have had to work," Young went on to say. SINCERE THANKS In concluding, Young hoped that all students wrould take ad vantage of the valuer that would be offered. He also said that he wished to express his sincere Feels Better Prepared' For Committee Service Frank Crouther Thursday resigned from the r.ue lor editorship of .The Daily Tar Heel. Crowther -dropped ottt of the rare in order to devote more time to the Carolina Symposium, he said. Listed as his reasons for leaving the campaign were lack of experience in "the mechanics of journalism" as opposed to "knowledge of symposium procedures." . .. 'Crowther said the decision was Max Gardner Award Will Be Given Tonight Tht winner of the annual Oliver Max Gardner Award will be an nounced here tonight. I The award, created by the will of the late Governor Gardner, goes each year, "to that member of the faculty of the Consolidated University of North Carolina, who, during the current scholastic year, has made the greatest con tribution to the welfare of the hu man race." The award carries a cash grant from the annual income of a $25, 000 trust fund. The winner of the award will be named at a banquet to be held at Lenoir Hall at 6:30 p.m. Rep resentatives of all three branches of the Consolidated University will JS-PEP- in wmwiiuaieo uiu I A. ITM . - " 1 A. 1 T posed of the University at Chap- el Hill, the Woman's College at Greensboro and N. C. State Col lege in Italeigh. The presentation of the award which is in the form of a citation, will be made by former Lieuten-1 ani governor H. v. layior. uu . ... . -. President William C. F'riday will preside at the dinner. The prin cipal speech of the evening will be given by Governor Luther H. Hodges. Taylor is chairman of the Gardner Award Committee of the UNC Board of Trustees. The ihvecsticr. -sill be delivered hu (ha Pp. Ramiifl W AfnT.ir Hi , . , . ..... , , rector of student activities. Music , . - . for the program will be furnished u.. u t ri,.A.p!(i -.. h,, 1 jy cue uuivcidiL vnui u ujiu.- , the direction of Dr. Wilton Mas- on of the UNC Music Dept. . v IDC Discusses Mail Service, Dorm Standings j Discussion of slow mail service and dormitory standing in intra-; ber of job whic'i will necessari murals were part of IDC business ly command most of my extra during a meeting Wednesday , curricular time would have to be night. I spent in association with the Sym- jr'aui uarr. cnairman ot tne special committc . investigating mail service, said he had talked to the postmaster about the late delivery of mail in district five (Battle - Vance - Pettigrew dormi tory) especially. He said the postmaster was un able to distribute mail everywhere early in the day because there was not enough help. To solve the problem, the postmaster had asked for a substation on the campus, but had been refused by the administration. INTRAMURALS Jimmy Womble, chairman of the IDC intramurals committee, an nounced that Everett lead with 388 points; Battle-Vance-Pettigrew was second with 340.8; Joyner third with 338.8. He said he was trying to get plaques or certifi cates to be rewards for winning teams and to be kept in the dorm social rooms. Sonny Hallford, IDC president, said the names of all candidates for dorm presidents and vice-presidents must be submitted to him by today. The IDC will have its election Wednesday, April 3. vote mposmm made with "certainty determina tion and purposefulness . . . after making another appraisal of my past experience and weighing my capabilities with my basic in terests . . ." "I feel that the Symposium Is more attuned to my capacity," he stated. Crowther expressed thanks to the people aiding in his campaign. He said, "I hope they will not feelI have let them down; I trust that I will render a service of an other kind in which I may per form more competently and for which I consider myself better prepared." Of the editorship. Crowther said, "I certainly do not minimize the importance and singular sig- J f ,' 1 4L 1 1 1 FRANK CROWTHER . .withdraws from race ! nifieance of The Daily Tar Heel land still stand behind everything have proposed in my platform, . . ' KiU maintaining that the payer should , , reflect a more coherent picture of the University's life." Crowthrr said of his plans for the Symposium, '"I have been com paring, last year's publications and general information concerning the Symposium while trying to formulate and correlate some of my own ideas which I think relev ant andpossibly worthy of consid eration lor ihe 1958 presentation. "In reviewing these facts, I ; realize that, to perform the cali- 1 posium Committee and therein functioning in any assigned ca pacity. " Games To Be On TV North Carolina's bid for th NCAA bask-hall championship will bt carried en at least two TV stations in this state. Greens boro and Charlotte have an nounced plans to carry the gam es Friday and Saturday. IN THE INFIRMARY Stwdents in the Infirmary yes terday Included: Misses Anita Edwards, Frances Plyler and Bruce Morton, Rob ert Paine, Francis James, San ford Thomson, Benton Beard, Roy Cashion, David Collins, Reid Brawley, Tate . Robertson, Nor man Draper, Bobby Deaver, Claude Harris, Richard Eaton, William Courie, Stephen Bialek, Charles Northcutt, Harvey Jones, Thomas Saboski, Charles Davis, Joe Brown and John Amy.

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