J " A vfT f I 0 fm. WEATHER 1 CARPETBAGGER Editor associates with. See pg o Fair and warm. Rain Wednesday. ! 1 VOL. LVII, NO. 193 Complete (H Wire Sermee CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1957 Office in Graham Memorial EIGHT PAGES THIS ISSUE if ) j i tl TIT 1 4. V ill: 1 ."V . " XV i - - y New, Just One More Thinq It sounds simple according to Sante. Photographer Sante Forlane gives student models Mebane Pritchtt, Ed Suttrn, and Sarah van Weyk last1 minute instructions. Under the sizzling Carolina sun shine by the steps cf Kenan dorm, Glamour Magazine took pictures for their August issue. ! R vucnae Humor "The art of clunking" will be expounded as a .basic principle in the forthcoming campus humor magazine, recently elected Editor Bill Michael said yesterday. "We intend to illustrate the ad vantages of complacency through this philosophy," Michael said, adding that he would lambast and lampoon such publications as The ! Daily Tar Heel which are misin- i formed on the subject. j Michael pointed out that he and hi staff would attempt to make of the,, riew humur nugdzine, which will r place the financially dis solved Tarnation, a "subtle, dia bolical, witty and (we hope) sol vent publication." '; Michael was named Friday to the top position of the new pub licaticn with Maniey M. Springs, who was appointed business man aer. The editorial, writing and business -',aff Have as yet not been named. An invitation to all persons in- tercsted in working on the mag- -lonor Council Suspends Two Two cases of suspension have resulted from action taken by Men's Honcr C:uncil during the past month. According to a report released yesterday by 'Men's Honor Coun- cil chairman Gccrge Ragsdale, one student' has been suspended for cheating on several Naval Science quizzes, lying to his instructor and later to th? Council. He was su spended until February, 1953, Another student has been su- spended for stealing-food from a local eating establishment. He readilv admitted li's guilt to tne v -Ji 1 " Some Watch And Some Work Yesterday when the YackeryYacks came, the truck backed up tc the rear of Graham Memorial and those poof boys who were the first in line really worked for their yearbooks as they had to help unload the transfer truck. Even some of the people in line didn't tel it was worth the effort, . . , , V, 5i W 1 AS eieases 9 liosopny azine was issued yesterday by both Michael ' and Springs. The editor and business manager will meet ir Roland- Parker 1 at 4 p.m. today with all persons interejted in work ing with them. Reiterating his interest in see ing the -magazine "grow in size ana siaiure so inai 11 mi2nt some day comniand a positicequal to, if not above' s"ah magazines as l ,e '"".nu l n,wun. ti e zu1A Voodo, the Williams Purple Cow Sand the Yate Record," , Michael said that he was firt and fore- most concerned with making it . "prirtable." He urged the student body ts "bear with us in this venture, and above all to BUY the magazine." Business Manager Springs added his support to this comment and remarked further that 'Svith the help of a capable and industrious staff, I am .-ure we can publish a financially as well'as humorously successful magazine." Council and was suspended until ! February of next year. Ragsdale also reported that the Council has had several other cases which merited indefinite probation because bf the fact that the students involved turned thcmseve5 in to the Council. The Honor Council Chairman in cluded in his report remarks con cerning the work of the Council , ever the past year. He emphasized the "fact that personal honor is put to a severe test during exams. . ' . ... . ..' and I hope that each student on this campus shall meet that test and pass it because l Deneve eacn Z, i i is i . - ' i 5 is 4 - a. What Is This About? Read If And Find Out By WALT SCHRUNTEK In a few short weeks, the offices of The Daily Tar Heel will be invaded by coeds bent on the ea-y task (some diink) of publishing a newspaper. Women, asserting an increasing drive for equality a"nd then some ir a "Man's World" (pardon the misnomer, please) will avail them selves of an opportunity to soil manicured hands with snarled type writer ribbon and smudges of printers ink. They will come to the task before them dedicated knowing futl well that they can and will put out a better paper than their .mis guided and inefficient predecessors. . ' They will come filled with confidence that they can reorganize the apparent confusion of publishing a newspaper. They will bring order to chaos. x , Their heads will be swirling with ideas for improvement and their crusade will approach magnificance for they come to save j-urnal: vn! Indeed, the Summer Quarterly will be an instrument whereby a new and fresh approach to journalism can be expected. The highly efficient female will prove her worth she will show the doubters. Our coed newspaperwoman may enter a closer, more profound re lationship with the reading public, bringing it those intimate and sig nificant insights as 13 why Pres. Friday's wife wore blue at the Hio lory Banquet Sunday when Mrs. William Aycock dressed in aqua--narinc. ' , She may lash out editorially for the necessity of painting South Building a deeper orange next year, reasoning that the trees are ex pected to bloom a paler green according to prominent biologists from our own Botany Department. She may (occasionally) ace some need to take a stern measure to the summer school crowd which is notorious for its beach-party attitude, arguing apathy and sheer laziness (tch, tch). She may (and some of us shudder at this thought) decide to estab lish character in the unkept, untidy offices of the Tar Heel. Flower- j filled va-es,. pictures artistically hung and white-frill curtains would hardly be inconceivable innovations to the feminine mind. She may do these and more (space limits further conjecture on i the subject) but we who leave these offices to return again the fall, leave respecting and admiring her nevertheless. We leave with some apprehension too, lest these efficient young women do prove their superior worth lest their crusade does- succeed. We go in fear (some of us) for our jobs, for what if they do suc ceed? What if they do save journalism and raise it from the "bed of inefficiency in which it has rested so complacently?" What if, after all, we have been wrong these many years? What calamity. What disillusionment. What fantasy . . . What rot. Miss Still The PercyX". Weeks Award, presented annually" to the most outstanding graduating senior. student, was given to Miss Mar- ' jorie Still of Hillsboro. Sunday evening. Dr. Jan P. Schinhan. her music ; professor, presented the award j during' a dinner at the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house. j The award, began in 1949 by Delta Chapter of Sigma Phi Ep- silon, is a memorial to Percy C. Weeks, a Sig Ep who was killed r of us is more than capable. It would be a terrible thing, indeed,1 to mar a fine year with a scr- ious mistake now.". Ragsdale stated that "student government has reached heights not heretofore attained. The cheat- ing ring is gone, and I hope, for good. We have purged ourselves of that which cannot exist side-by-side with honesty. Cases have been fewer this year." In speaking of the Honor Sys tern, Ragsdale said he thinks that . . -. . .... it u possible tnat "we shall nave very few Honor System violations i during exams, if any. l ncneve ' h -i ,,Jtt&j0.1.vj(fl--'. . .v. . . v . . ? .11 --f - - " ' 1 . r:A v . ' I May I Have Your ID Card? The Yacks were given out inside the Rendeivous Room yesterday while the students filed past the open windows on the side of GM. Shown above is an eager student who is coming through the win dow. For what? Maybe the girl, ' Is Honored in an automobile accident on .er Years Day of 1949. Miss Still is an extremely tal- enled pianist, having appeared as soloist with the North Carolina 'Symphony Orchestra. She has giv- en several recitals at UNC and will, present another one May 26. As winner of the Percy C. Weeks Award, Miss Still received a check for 25 dollars and had her name engraved on the Weeks cup which is displayed in -Hill Hall. Students that the spirit of honest conduct is throbing within the heart of the student body, and I believe ' gula,' but it was still good theatre that those aspects of personal in- j The first play, "Hello From Ber frif,, shall nAntimip to command , tha." was the weaker of the two. ( the actions of us all, until the temptations which surround exams -O'' 1 v ------- shall be put aside in defeat at the hand of honesty itself. Free Flick Graham Memorial will sponsor one more free flick before the i ..i : Unii ena oi tne spring semia, 24, at 7:30 and 10 p.m. in Car- ron nan. - 0 A" V,i w V. - t4 n o n vjtai LI LI jJ .-- 1 Jackie Aldridge . . Miss Alumna Joy Earp Wins Lee Cup Miss Joy Frances Earp of Ral-1 been president of Carr Dormitory, eigh was named the most outstand- ! chairman of vespers for the YWCA, ing senior woman at UNC Sun- j a member of the Independent Wo day when she was awarded the j men's Council, vice chairman of Irene F. Lee cup at ceremonies ' the rules committee of Women's held in Spencer Hall. The award, first made in 1955, is given by Mrs. Irene F. Lee of Chapel Hill, who was the first hos tess of Cornelia Phillips Spencer Hall. Chancellor Robert B. House" made the presentation. is annually awarded The cup ) to the coed who is "judged out- standing in initiative, cooperation, Hadervhipr character, Industry perserverance, ideals; judgment, dependability and scholarship." Miss Earp attended the Hugh Morson High School and the Peace Junior College in Raleigh where she was active in student affairs. Since coming to UNC she has Review: Two Williams' One-Act Plays In GM By ANTHONY WOLFF The Sunday evening production o two Tennessee Williams one-acteri by the Petites Dramatiques was nc- ; up to their debut produc tion of Cali &nd the blame for its faults lies both with the author and the production I The play itself is Williams at hi.- mcst depressing: it .concerns a tu jerculer prostitute who dotes on the memory of her first seducer. It is a pitiless piece of playwriting: Berth: l as no redeeming features to make 5er a sympathetic character. Like .n manv Wil!'nm' srprit ipus: clip " is a drab and revolting piece oi Coeds Aren't Really Scared By A COED One by one stragglers gather ed at Graham Memorial until ' there was a congenial mob of UNC i-tudents, yelling and wav- . ing arms about and not always their own arms. Annuals were to be given out at 3 p.m. but the mob came at 2 p.m.. ...... - Coeds shied away from the so called Carolina gentlemen for a change. Most of them just stood . at safe distances on the Plane tarium step or inside Graham. Memorial. The men had a great time, however. They were big enough to battle through human ob-f'-jIes and come out smiling with nice, thick, paper cover eu Yacks. Meanwhile coeds ob served their techniques envious ly. Feminine initiative finally . came through, though, when the coeds trapped well-meaning mas culine friends into going to get their annuals for them. nfmcp .-::- :. ' v " I I 5 - i h A.LLJ Bob Young . Mr. Alumnus Residence Council, a mem ber of j the' Orientation planning board, a member of Valkyries and Valky rie Sing chairman. Chairman of the selection com mittee for the award was Miss Katharine Carmichael, 'Dean of Women who was assisted Dy a committee made up of Ray Jef- feries, assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs and four student members.: j Miss Penn Anthony, represent- j ing the Panhellenic Council; Miss Carol Jones, representing the Wo- men's Residence Council; Ed Sut-1 ton, fjr the Golden Fleece; and Bill McLean for the Order of the Grail. arbage, and, as usual. Williams has 10 hope for her. Whatever the merits of the play, t is a problem in direction and in ctirg. The latter chore was handled one too well by Lloyd Skinner. In n attempt to avoid the overpower ng and unbearable unpleasantness l the play, he burlesqued several f the lines: ho got his laughs, but n getting them he violated Wil iam's .regrettable intention. Miss Nancy Stephens, as Bertha. layed her role ver'. convincingly (see, REVIEW, page 7) f DKE, The Outstanding Fraternity On Campus Zeb Weaver, president of Delta Kappa Epsilon, receives the first Robert B. House award presenttd to the most outstanding fraternity on campus by the person honored with the naming of the trophy, Chancellor R. B. House. The trophy will be kept for a year and then will be awarded agin. After eight years, the fraternity winning the trophy the most times will retain it. The award was presented last Monday night at a special banquet honoring the winning frat. Fn r Y ! Both The Selectee Senior Miss Jean. J. "JarkiV: Aldrid-i- and Rob-it I. To!'" ' r)lln, have been named "Wfiss Alumna" and "Mi. Ahunnus )1 this year's graduating ( lass. Thev will receixe cevtilicatcs of award at the annual alumni luncheon to he held here June ",. The huuhenn will he attended by alumni, seniors and their parents. The University' Cieneral Alumni Asn. annu illy pe i : sents award certificates to th. Same Time In Library For Exams The L. Round Wilson Library announced yesterday that normal opening and closing hours will be maintained during the next two weeks of final examinations. Special hours will be observed Saturday for the convenience of those who wish tj use library fa citilies the announcement indi cated. Saturday, the doors will open at 7:45 a.m. and close at 10:45 p.m. During the interim period be tween the spring and summer ses sions the following schedule will be .. observed: Sat., June 1, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sun., June 2 2-5 p.mr; j Monday. j June inroun b, dbp.m.; ano i Friday- June 7, 7:45 a.m. to It j p m- , GM'S SLATE Orientation Committee, 4-6 p.m., Grail Room; Humor Maga zine, 4-6 p.m., Roland Parker Lounge No. 1; University Party 7-11 p.m., Roland Parker Lounge Nos. 1 and 2; Dance Class, 6:30- 8 p.m., Rendezvous Room; A. P.O., 7-9 p.m., A. P.O. Room. Graham Memorial will observe its jusual hours through exams until June 3. It will be closed June 4 and 5; opening again at 9 p.m. on June 6, and remain ing open through both sessions of summer school. I Last Issue l With today's issue. The Daily Tar Heel discontinues ' publica tion until Sept. 13. The editor 1 and entire staff wish the student body success on final examina tions. We look forward to serv i ing you again next year. 4 , - 1 ' 'r - ;v v. ' yj v ' o Am ill j i i 1 1 1 1 ! ; ; Vwr-J Li U Li lJ lj Li two members of the crriduatin class who in the course of their campus careers best represented "those qualities which symbulie loyalties of the 'good alumna' an i the 'good alumnus'." Miss Aldridge and Young has served this year as secretary and president of the student b dy. They pian to be married to each other in Augu.t. Young said of the award, "It is the most rewarding thing that could happen to us. especially since we plan to make u a per manent 'Mr. and Mrs.' " Miss Aldridge. an Engli.-h edu cation major from Winston-Salem, is a member of the Valkyries, highest women's honorary, and the Order of the O'.d Weil. Her activities here have included mem bership in Alpha damma Delta sorority, of which she was presi dent of her pledge c!a.-s. mem bership on the Women's 11 r or Council Student Legislature, stu dent body presidents cabinet, Yackety Yack beauty court, and the Chape I HiJI .siu.'n! c.nr.rrnl tee to pl;Ti the inaiiguration of President William C. Friday. She served this ye;?r as chair man of Campus Chest and a mem ber of the orientation committee. (see ALDRIDGE, 7) Bird Watcher's Meeting Frfclay P.y JOHN lOSTLH SIMIAN The first inci tin;; of t ie I!ir! Watcher's Society will meet in the Ccker Arboretum on Friday a.ter iijn Mav 32. 'I'ii s will )v an organ izational meeting to elect n't'kcrs Mid committee heads lot- the v-iu-r.:f yt :sr. All these ;x ;;'e i;;?e.TMe-:l ii joining the siviit. will !e on-.- Hered at t'lis time also. The ;i!i pose o.' this or.' in: itioii t.) wal.h hints and ncthin; e'.-e Seme people have been under th irrnesicn tha tsibveisive mite have been underfoot in the ;a-t. bit this is not true. Meeting time w ;'I !e at 4,r,ij l'lcase be prompt. f' 7 ? FTP '- -'-h , t-V'Mjryry''iti. m-w ltmm, . v itft 0n .r.. e . -r t -

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