SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1957 PAGt SIX THE DAILY TAR HEEL Booters In First Meet Tomorrow An untried Carolina soccer team will kick olf the season Monday alumcon ai 3 p rn. when it meets evtrtotiiih Roanoke College on Fetzer Field. . 'the v pemnjj game promises to be one of the toughest matches ' the Tar lie A booters will face all ! year as Koanoke has long proven to be a soccer power in the Mid Dixie conference. l.a.4 ear's game with Roanoke was called jff, but a talented Ito-1 K' I v. ; anoke eleven invaded Chapel Hill in 1955 and defeated Coach Mar vin Allen's squad by a 3-2 count. In seekinj revenge for the 1953 loss. Coach Allen will be relying heavily on a hustling forward line which has been impresive so far during scrimmages. Led by former defense man Ted Smith, the starting lineup will coni-t of Hick Grausmar. at left wins. John Ghanin or Tom Rand at cent r forward. Mike Thompson at ri-.'ht inside and Coleman Barks af rk'ht wing. Iefen-iively, .several pb.ers will make th ir debut in new positions. Jim riattav. a fullbak last y?ar, will play his first game at the vital ,"i!ie position. INir;r th: three fu'lback defen se. Co.T'h Allen will tnin" out Tete Killinier a' ii?ht fullback an'' IV)b Burden at center full b?rk. rvh of whim nl.Tvd i f F ent positions last year. Ted You- r"m. lr, n handb the loft full- t T: k position. At h" ha'fbnl' nA-:,i'ns. Ca Bill Blair r:"M hiHback v i!' work alonsid" Iv C;vrkey. a stalwart at c"'tr- f'iPhaol; t vi- in trvir.- to hold off the kr forw . ' The team he 1 1 i tinnt drill te fnre the wni" Frid.iv bv playing th" frpvhman tm :n a !Omirvitc sTimmaue and t'"-i r Min7 an inter-snuad c:n" t" r:-vt strips cnt the freshrvn 1 0, an' ar v0,i cn a snrM in the :-nuad pame to beat the second team by a 4 1 snore. ... .n i - y W4 5 i erf ' . t iff iv :',. . ? f i i." 1 H ' . S ..,..... Officials Decide On Caravan 1 r T,y KI) ROWLAND Student and administrative offi cials decided Friday to provide busses for a caravan to the Mary land game in College Park Oct. 19. Atending a meeting in the of fice of the Dean of Student Affairs t . ci r . were K:;y Jeiuics mm, abJe o gQ back tQ C()llege Park President 01 me siunem ooay; mcnts will be 'made by the trans portation company. Busses will leave hotels about noon for College Park. Game starts at 1 p.m. Busses will remain to furnish (transportation back to the hotel after the game, then if the occupants desire, they will be avail. IP than $4.50 per room per night. ... i ,;ll r.n fltp ! TT.OrC 11 caravan , :,. h, '0.30 per person will rpmain on sale . Jtsus iv wx ' Oct. 7, through Oct. 16. Prices, with the exception transDnrtation costs, are indefinite yet but of round trip. The University Club will handle acket sales and other arrange- are expected to be no j ments. ; ; Cummings Intercepts Sohpomore quarterback Jack Cummings leaps high in th air to intercept a pass by Clemson quar terback Bill Barbary in the fourth quarter yetterd iy. The play led to the last Carolina touch down. Tar Heel players are Ed Lipski (44) and Fred Swe .lingen (51). Tar Heels Get First Victory (Continued from yage ) hank Howard ped u.vay from him and Carolina taekie Leo Ruvsavage pounced on it. From thtr?, it took the Tar HecLi just ten plays to cross the Clemson g al line aain. Tais time it was halfbacks Jim SJiiMer and Ron Marquette who sliouidered t'i? burden for Caro lina. The two chopped away at t:i? Clemson lino and moved the w" ha n'n'Ti! fidlbnck ball to the six-yard line. Re.d neii went u;i the middle to te .:r an I Dir. Cjker moved it to he 1. Fr:m thtre, Schuler took a luudtff Jrtm R?ed and dived .r;s itlafr's try was no good imI it - as l'J O lor the Tar Heels th 0 3 1 5 It in the half. Tiie 'I ir Heels ca ried the two u.hd - n aJ.a taye off the field i a-: :ie t ier team threj wj i i. r tit r t o: the half. T.u- I aal ' .; tali; s came in the i t:i "uai l i o . .t the beyin-! iiii a:i .1 tlu tith-.r at the end. Number three came on a 13 1 :)oii Cokor, quickly coming in to his o.. n as a halfback, took just Iwo tries to make the .score red HCO. The b g R.'ids.ille half back a nt from tiie 13 to the nine, ihen skirted left end for the score. Kay Biuler missed hi? extra point. It would be impossible to sin- k ut any iiidivirtiul stars lor Sot pushed into a Lays hgers Just Got Beat By BILL KING Clem. :n Coach Frank Howard corner by a the T..r Heels. It was a terrific group of sportswi iters who want- t?a n job from beginning to end .?( lc jcnav -uhat th? h?ck- after vvith die Curo.ina l.ns perfo. :n- vt sU,rday-s 2G 0 Carolina victory. inf n-ta:i;g sh;rt ol great. i . . , 1 !1 tt'l you what the heck, Ho- lae Tar Heels ve.e not ' scar- ' ed" yesterday. They were v ai d answered. -They just beat id wiiii the desir; to prove their i's and thas it." ability and that's exactly what uiey did. 1 The victory was especially i s veet for Tatum because he sa.v j .lis ball club turn form an unc n fident and reserve team to a bold, hard-charging aggregate in a mat ter of jut seven days, j Statistically, the Tar Heels o ,t l did Clemsim in every department. rh:y picked up 207 yards on the : ground and 108 through the air. Frankie Black, head cheerleader; j Frank Inman and Dave Jones. President and Vice-President of the University Club; and Miss Martha ; Decker and Miss Lu Ann Thornton, i rtpreseiV.athes of the Dean of Wom ' en. j Plans were made for 10 to 15 j busses -to eairy J0 to 400 students j to the game. Q.een City Trailways Compar.y of C.iarlotte wili handle J transportation arranomei. s. 1 The itinerary as oatlined to Pres ident Evans by Jack Pharr of Queen C.ty and approved is: Leave Chapel Hill at 3 p.m. Friday. Oct. 13. For the conveni ence of fraternities or other groups clustering se;ar:te busses and those persons having late labs, sev eral busses will not leave until 5 p.m. Travel to Washington. D. C. via Richmond with si.pper and rest tops en roi;e. Tue busses will be at the disposal of tl.eir occupants as to stops. Arrive in Wuhin.. .i about 8 pni. (9 p.m. Washington time), heek into hotel. Ho el arrange- for parties that night and return to the hotel. Sunie busses will leave Washing- on by 5 p.m. to return to Chapel Hill for the convenience of those wishing to study and those . Avho don't want to remain over Satur day night. ' :; Sunday, busses may leave at any time. But all must be away I from Washington by 5 p.m.. '.Washington; time. This will give ample time to attend the Washington Redskins game. 500 Tickets to the game remain on sale to students at the athletic ticket office in Woollen Gym. ' Athletic Business Manager Ver j non Crook said yesterday no tick I ets would be available to stu dents p.fter Wednesday, Oct. 2. They setl for $3.75, Mr. Crook said. V ' Fl .SC HEMINGWAY'S BOLDEST LOVE STORY--THAT NO ONE DARED FILM UNTIL NOV! Oh! That WHIPPLE'S Cob Fctzer Gets Award Robert A. Ft ter. better known as "Coach Dob" stepped on the licld at Kenan Stadium before yesterday's game to recpive the first Service to Sp rts Award pre ..ented by the Atlantic Coast Sport Writers Association. 1 he Award presented fiy the president of the Association Frank Spencer, was given in reco?nita tion of Coach Dob's long and un selfish service to amature spDrts. Coach Dob has coached football at Davidson, N. C. State, and for many ears at Carolina. He is call ed the father of track in the Caro linas, both in the collegiat and amature field. Throughout the South he is known for his promo tion of clean and healthful recreation. The articulate Tiger mentor, ht always sounds like h;'s got a big plug of tobacco in his mouth ; and usually does, recapitulated ' parts of the game quietly and '. came up with the conclusion that Carolina was the better ball club, j i '"Jim's (Tatum) got a good bunch of boys," Howard remarked. 'Their line was lots better than ours and their backs are big and fast. I don't believe this club is i good as the ones he had at Mary i land, but they're a good group." I i ii . a -Auburn's massive line shackled! SK ne woul nave naa favored Tennessee on the ground : his club pass more if the ball had and sprung its own backs loose for ; not ,Ken wet- Howard replied. -I Heel backs were in on the drive ' peated gains todav as the Tigers 'k -n so. ,nu y,u cant uuow as Tatum substituted frequently , defeated the Volunteers 7-0 in a asse whon theiy, hne 15 in -vour with equal effect. Fullback John j Southeastern Conference football j face a11 the t,me " Haywood, Schuler and DeCantis game. Did the GG-0 win over p'resby vvere the big men in the drive. Tennessee, defending conference ' terian help or hurt the Tigers yes Fullback Bob Shupin missed the champion, was one-touchdown fav- terday? "Shucks," Howard said, point after attempt. orite. Hut Auburn, smarting from j "it (idn't make any difference one A 55-yard pass play from sopho- J a humiliating rv-7 lacing by tlie way or the other. The difference more quarterback Jack Cummings Vols last season, got revenge con- j Was the lines. The Tar Heels came to junior end Takey set up viiicinly. in there with more velocity." the final Carolina score with 2:15; - - left in the game. Cummings had j intercepted a Bill Barbary pass! on the Carolina 29 moments ear rienisnn was able to amass but 1 yard pass play from Deed to end 1 7g and 67 respectively. Buddy Payne with 10:50 remain- , , ng. The play climaed a 55 yard ;rivc by Ca olina and was the Auburn Nips Vols, -O n. st time Clemson had yielded - KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. Sept. 23 i.T) .in aerial touchdown since its fin al game in 1955. This time practically all the Tar lier. The tremendous pass by the cagey sophomore signal-caller two plays later from the Carolina 34 to the Clemson la. LP. L. P. Salutes The Tenth Anniversary Of The Long Play Record By Giving The Lowest-Prices Ever At A Giaantic .P. SALE NOT AT 20 OFF - NOT AT 38 OFF BUT AT each Reg. List $3.98 From The South's Largest i n And Most Complete Stock ' L P. if 207 E. Franklin St. 5, "1 NEW! TODAY'S HANDIEST DEODORANT STICK FOR MEN! Complete protection in an unbreakable, push-up case; no foil to fool with; easy to pack; ho-man size. $1 A mist ! '. . . ' YARDLEY OF LONDON, inc. Yardtcy products for Amoric ir eruted i CnfltAd and finished in ttto U.S.A. fram tfe: riglnal Cngliih formultt, combiniaf Imported and domostic ingrediants. 620 Fifth Ava.. N.Y.C MOW DURHAM'S FINEST Rl ALTO Features At 1:45-3:40-5:40 7:35-9:35 "-- . ar t m m . . iS--.' ; ivi-u-ivi s new experience in screen entertainment! . It'1 V,,Zr Umn t w fk mm, t ti- -' 1 GENE KELLY TAMARA TOUMANOVA-IGOR YOUSKEVITCH w coim by TECHNICOLOR Color Cartoon News TOMfi i if 1. 1 r . ." V. v 1 COIOI by Df IUXI OnemaScoPc 1 s .-js t j NOW PLAYING e C . " i'i '' ' i 3 - t - . DARRYL F. ZANUC!', PETER VIERTlL ALSD LATEST NEVS HOURS OF SHOWS 1:00-3:10-5:20-7:30-9:40 i . i : nr r 1 1 ; 1 ! i if !YA$3 ; ; ly i SHE: Does any other beer? HE: What? SHE: Print the ingredients right on the label j. ;. ...the way Budweiser does! ---e