ij !! c Limn? DEPT. c::.?il HILL, tl, WEATHER vniny and vomewhnt warmer Tim ! i v and Wednesday. Ili'h Tuesday around 1.0 mountains, t.O t j rlsew here. TATUMISM IPs now threatening to creep over student government says the editor on page two. VOL. LXV NO. 34 Complete oft Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1957 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE Queen To Be Named At Dance Who Cjt n' he the lomeconung No 'lit tie the .ill' kno I'l c u II lli-meco:niiu Friil. i in l''i rally. v until the niht of Hop whu It w ill be Woollen Gniu after ,u !i hnvs's dorm ami fraternity I,, s In vn ;isked by GMAR and l'iue's,tv Chit), t -((-sponsors i'l liomeciciun weekend, to nomin a candidate lor tin' (Jucen. Tl court of tin will he picked by a panel ot i judges this Thurs da at I p m in Cirrrard Hall. The r,a:i:e- ol the ten linahsts will be ki pt M-ci'i't until the daiu e. At this tune they will be present ed, and .iltcrwards those at the I'.aue will o'e lor the Homecoming (Jmen. uho will be presented and rrowned at the end oi the danee. Ti e candidates w ill be escorted to the dam e by a member of the dm mi or ira'ermty which is- spoii st.nii'j In - The ipieen and her (mat will also be nresenfed at Sat ihiIh's va-ne. wheie they will be ( (,, ri,. ( ,,n t!i. field by members of Si .ihli.ird and Made. (J'nte a lew dorms and fraternities h,ie nut vet let the committee for tie dance know who 'heir candidate i aecordin-., to Marv Moore Mason, co-chairman ol the Horn -com i mi Mop These h'aiei inties and dorms are 1 1 1 1 1 ies' ci I to inform the draham Memorial Inlormation otfiee im mediately who their candidates are. I ICabinet v S I J r;:.. .T 0 sJ j.pi "target I 1 1 j I j ffi-t I Si 1 ' (not proportioned Y t t 1 Tatum a m is the dead NN i euesil i line or er'nes The follow itc; L-irls have been nominated v,i ,ir Carol Tieslau. I e ' a Theta I'c Caroline Osborne. Knpp.n Alpha. Patsy Poythress. ' m nt l)..i"i Fu'h Hoffman. Joy- ner. Ma-tha I'o'tiine. '''u Psi. Frances DeArmnn. Chi Phi: Colo- nrm Jenkins. Pi Kappa Alpha; Marsha Mi Cord. Delta F)sdoii; and P.e'ty I', ii nes S Anthony Hall. P.esulcs the Hnmeco-mn'4 Dance, numerous activities have been plan red tor the weekend . There will be a parade, containing the Homecom ing leen candidates on Friday af ternoon, that nmht th(re will be a pep rally in Woollen (lyin, On Saturday there will be numer ous hall time activities at the came. Atter the LNinte. there will be re ( option for FN'C alumni in Graham tiional. SCENE OF ROD AND GUN MEET Shown above is the scene of the third annual Rod and Gun Field Meet staged today from 1 to 5:30 p.m. at the Durham Wildlife Club Area. The event is spon sored by the Intramural Dept. In the lewer right-hand corner is Woollen Gym. 7Rod And Gun' Event Set For 2 P.M. Today The third annual co-recreational cover cost of shells and birds in Hini and Gun Field Meet will be j trap shooting. Target rifle entrant held today at 2 p.m. at the Durham j will be charged 40c which wili Wildlife Club Area. (cover cost of the ammunition. Four students may compose a Knlries are expected to exceed ,, uam -n competition. The team the 100 mark in the popular '- j decs not have to represent any door event sponsored by the In- j spt,cil ic organization. Entries will hamurul Department. Archery. bo atccp.e(i at the Wildlife Area trap shooting, target rifle shooting j unti, 2 p m. and baitcastin" are the featured jjt.ntal School will be the defend cvents. inf champion in team competitian. awarded to the Clete Oakley, Sijjma Nu. will do M( A plaque will be teurn winner and individual trop hies to the individual winners in each of the events. A trophy will also be jiiven to the fishing contest. The depart ment wil provide equipment fur all events. The only charge w-ll be in the trap shooting and target rifle. A fee of S3. 25 will be charged tc I defending "his jtom Socialist Lashes At Faubus 'A nation cannot be a nation i without equality of rights for all, ' "six time Socialist Party Presiden- . ! tial candidate Norman Thomas said list night before a packed house in Carroll Hall in the first Carolina forum speech of the year. "I do not consider civil rights j in any of its aspects a sectional j oi regional issue," Thomas added. 1 lie cited cases of interracial fric tion in such cities as New York, Chicago, and Detroit in support of this view. Delving largely with the prob lem of white-Negro conflict in his talk, Thomas said that at an earlier time in American history the doc trine of "separate but equal" might have had its place. But, he felt, in this modern age with its climate of opinion, this doctrine must bo discarded. He said that he has not always been in favor of the Supreme Court's decisions and even at one time in his political career spon i sored a resolution to limit the powers of the Court. He however, : said that it is never right to cfutm tion the decision of the Court, but rather if an honest disagreement should occur the legislative back ground to both the Court and the Court's action should be called in to question. He maintained that the Supreme Court decision involving segrega tion of public schools was right, and that no individual, governor, oi state should take it upon itseif to override the decision. He added that the police power of any state is there necessarily to protect those uhn ahide bv the law, and defend Says Acted n tflOU Rights AO n mm E I n ... Vf l V -t " 7 t . ;i f i a -j-----4i tVmI NORMAN THOMAS IFC Discloses Vote Results The Interfraternity Council yes- , terday announced the election of i Jim Kimzey, representative from ; Sigma Nu, as chairman of the IDC j Court. Kimzey will replace Jerry ; Oppenheimcr, who has held the office for two and a half years. Suspension ! Of Players j Is Studied BY ANN FRYE ! The UNC administration yester ! day upheld Coach Jim Tat urn's sus j pension of three Tar Heel football players and said he has 'jurisdic tion to determine the consequences ot training rule violations." I The Chancellor said that Tatum's responsibility is only to report any possible violation of the Honor ; Code to the Student Government. Tatum can recommend to the j Scholarship Committee that the scholarship held by the student bo discontinued, but the final decis i ion is up to the Committee, accord- ing to Chancellor Aycock. In commenting on the Cobb Dor mitory experiment in which all football players live in that dorm. Chancellor Aycock said the experr ment will be evaluated at the end of the year and its worth will be determined then. jr rl Kt . v i. s, o.' 4, Freshmen, Juniors, Legislators PRIXGLE PIPKIX Around 330 members of the Uni versity Party spent three and a half hours last night nominating student legislature representatives, fresh men, and junior class officers lor the coming election Hemp Leffler won over Jeff Hare and Jim Alford for the nomination of p-esident of the junior class. For vice-president of that class Dick Fraiser beat Wayne Bishop. Bob Barden. and Jim Long. Lilla Seolt was nominated secret ary of the junior class over Sally Gluyas. and Betsy Brinkley. Chuck ! Cushman defeated John Lasley in ' the race of the nomination of trea surer of the junior class. ; Defeating Lynn Armstrong and ', Tiitsy Beams, Sara Arnold won the nomination for social chairman of the junior class. Russell Hollers on run-off ballot defeated Phil Causey for the nom ination of president of the freshman He will present at fast -movine. 1 class. In another run-oit lorn t,vins Chancellor Avcock said the athle" two-hour program of mental, gym-1 was nominated vlce-presidont of the ', Also announced were the elections responsibility, here falls directly i nasties that h-s both delighted and fyesbman, inbis,.j:ace against Jim -lof-Dnmt MeCay aVCtcrk and Oar--- on"'nis shoulders. baffled audienc es throughout the Hoskins. DR. FRANZ POLGAR Polgars Show Is Here Today Franz Polgar. internationally known hypnotist who has thrilled millions with his mystifying antics, will perform his ' Fun With The Mind"' show here tonight. ! The renowed hypnotist will be ; featured in a Memorial Hall pro gram slated to begin at 8 p. m. Student Government officials rett Folger as the court representa tive to the Student Council. McCay. :1 Siomn chi succeeds ATO He- ; yesterday were st udying a petition nresent ative Sandy Sanders. I--- Folger. Zeta Psi. -will replace Chuck Mav of Beta Theta Pi. title in the trap shooting event while John Craw ford, also a Sigma Nu. will be on hand to (attempt to) win the target rifle competition for the second ear in a row. Transportation will be provided tho puniic against those who go for those who do not have rides. a;,ainst the law. Anyone needing a ride is asked to Thomas added that call the Intramural Office. Newly elected members of the , Court are: Wayne Venters, Phi G:.mma Delta, and Folger. Outgoing chairman Oppenheimer expressed his complete satisfaction with the newly elected officers. "1 heartily congratulate the Court and chairman Kimzey." he said, "and 1 1 expect great accomplishments from them. and submitted to the Chancellor's Cab- . - . - .a r inet calling tor investigation ot Daily Tar Heel editorial policy dur ing the recent influenza siege here. The petition reputedly signed Kv onlv eiirht persons was turned United States. Tonight's presentation will be a repeat performance for Polgar. who has amazed former UNC audiences with his versatile feats of hypnosis and trickery which have been view ed by literally millions of persons. Among his frequent cuest ap pearances are those with such rn- er to the top administrative body din and television shows as Arthur Russian Proposal LONDON. Oct. 28 (AP)Soviet communist party leaders rushed t t, urgent conferences in Moscow ' today, informed diplomatic sources disclosed, party Cheif Nikita Khr- ; tishchev was reported calling the ; signaN for announcement of a pol itical shakeup. I While the world speculated a-t-out the future of Marshal Georgi Zhukov, an important change in the Soviet political setup was clearly emerging. World In Brief GM's Slate Activities scheduled for Graham j Union urged the abolishment of I the U. N.'s 12-nation disarmament Y., Oct commission and its 5 nation sub- 23 (AP) The Soviet union pro- j committee, which has neon car.v nosed todav that disarmament talks ing on private talks since 1954. be switched from big power secret Shakeup Reported I'NITF.I) NATION'S, N. meetings to a "little assembly.' public 82-nation In a surprise move, the Soviet Contest Will Feature Guessing Of Yardage A new feature of homecoming number of yards for Carolina will thu year will be a "Ten Yards be declared the winer. Gained" contest, sponsored by the j The $15 gift certificate will be GM All Tournaments and Contests presented the winner after the Committee. j game Saturday at a reception in In this contest the person who Graham Memorial. The presenta comes closest to guessirg the mini- , tion will be made by Nose Jones, ber of yards gained by UNC and a cheerleader during the Charlie Tennessee Saturday will be award- ' Justice era. Petition Denied WASHINGTON. Oct. 28 .? Morton Sobell. convicted with Ethel and Julius Posenberg of atomic espion age, got still another setback from the Supreme court today in his leg" light to get of prison. no man in the course of recent American his tory has taken so much upon him self and destroyed so much good will for America abroad as Gov. Orval Faubus of Arkansas. He emoted a U. N. delegate who said when Sputnik was launched Memorial today include: that it was a pity that Sputnik had to come on the heels of Little ' Rock. So great, Thomas felt, was the effect of the showing of American Thomas went to some length n , inequalities to the world. i held in support of segregation. One disclaim the truth of many beliefs i such belief, he assailed, was the ; Biblical notion of God defining the boundaries of the separate races. He said that despite God's setting the bounds, the Negroes made it to America under white auspices. The belief that intermarriage should be a deterrent to integra- Orientation Committee. 6:30-6:4"i p. m. Grail Room; Debate Squad. 4-6 p. m.. Grail Room: Women's Residence Council, 6: 40-8:43 p. m.. Grail Room; Honor System Com- ON of the University during the meet ing yesterday. In other business before the Cab inet. Chancelor Aycock said th.'t no decision has been reached on whether the football caravan week- i ends will be continued in the fu ture. i Student Body President Sonny ; Evans presented to the Cabinet : three problems to be discussed at the administrative-student levei. 1) Since the honor system of re porting clas absence had proved successful during the flu crisis, Evans requested that the cut sys tem reporting for all regular sick rbsences: flodt'rey Gary Moore. Dave Garro way. Steve and Arlene Francis. His personal appearance displays a breathtaking performance of tele pithy, memory feats and hypnosis. thrilliiiMly presented with wit and humor that add color to his appeal ing shows. Virgil Micrs. Dallas Times Herald columnist, wrote about Dr. Polgar: The show is hilariously funny simply because it makes some of your neighbors do the darndest things." Oilier critics have said of Polgar. "You've got to see him to believe it." Tickets are or. sale at Graham Memorial. YMCA. Carolina Inn. I );.nziger's and at Pace's in Glen Lennox. Student tickets are avail able for SI. air The court rejected without com ment a petition asking that is rev :,... if .,rl trr'jnt s.nhell a re CISC UM.ll " l-.'""- - .... rr-, K.x i . L 4: .....t. .irr 1 1 1 1 nn nv 1 mmui. v nvr force doctrine ana wnai uie n wi.-s u.aU.w felt that intermarriage womu u-i necesarily follow, but that despite legislation to the contrary interra cia! unions, which were of neces sity extra-legal and perhaps cland- estine, had taken place. view of his conviction. STAFF MEETING ed a S15 gift certificate from Mil ton's Clothing Cuboard. Entrants in the contest have been asked to fill out the blank below, giving the predicted num ber of ards for both teams and the number of yards expected 1o l gained by Carolina. In case of a tie, the person who comes closest to guessing the total Entry blanks may be dropped in a designated ballot box at Y-Court or sent through the campus mail to the GM Information Desk. Deadline o ferntries is Friday noon. Chairman of the GMAB Tottrna ments and Contests Committee is Miss Hetty Keece of Lincolnton. The Daily Tar Heel will hold an important staff meeting Wednes day at 2 p. n. All students work ing on the newspaper now or those interested in working on it have been invited to attend this meeting. .2) Evans urged consideration on mission. 4-3:30 p. m.. Roland Parker thp qUCStjon 0f classes being re Lounge No. 1; Yack. 1-7 p. m.. Ro- sum0f after Chirstmas on January land Parker Lounge No. 3: Card- 2 in view of allowing traveling board. 7-8 p. m.. Roland Parker j time f()r peopie living far away. Defa Sigma Pi's Lounge No. 3: Orientation Commit- However, it was stated at the meet j Textile Mill tee 6:30-7:30 p. m.. Woodhouse Con- ing tnai anv calendar adjustment ference Room: AP0. 7:30-9:30 p. m.. would impossible, since each Members ef Delta Sigma P.. na- APO Room. class must meet a minimum of 45 ational. business administration .. fraternity, toured the White Oak times. 3) On the flu crisis. Evans said Krancli of tone -Mills, inc.. in ,u, .i;,inci f ih. nailv T;1r Greensboro last week. This trip whs uiai iiiv ipvMim.Ti .i i.. Names of candidates running for ,nCel had not expresed the opinions the monthly professional tour of the judicial posts in the November 12 j ?nd feelings of the Student Body, fraternity. campus elections must be turned in On the pprogress of the parking A group of .30 fraternity members a.., c..i f ,1,,. Flection Board lor near Kenan Stadium, J. A. Bra- was shown through cotton ware- .iwq,..,.,..,, c.overnment offices ' nch. business manager, told th? houses and through all stages in the cn,paign co-ordinator for the party. Memorial by midnight Cabinet he expecien u imSiu finished in late November. CANDIDATES NAMES DI E Runm'nsr for the nrnimation of secretary of the freshman class. David Griper defeated Joseph Tosii in a run-off. The first run off for the nominn !:cn of the treasurer of the freshman class ended in a tie between Angus Duff and Woody Fordham. On the r.ext ballot Fordham defeated Dull. Pankie Council win the nomination for social cairm in of the freshman cless by acclamation. For a six months sea; in Dorm Men's IV Charlie Gray was nom inated by acclamation as was Dee Donnorummo for a six months seat in Dorm Men s HI. Kent Walker was nominated by acclamation for a year seat in Dorm Men's IV. When Chuck Ross withdrew from, the race for the nomination of mem bers to fill six one year seats in Town Men's I. Dave Biren. Blake LaMar. Chuck Cushman. Graham Clay'or. Tim Stevens, and Charlie Huntington were nominated by ac clamation. For the nomination to a one year seat in Town Men"s II Craven Brewer defeated Bob Burge. Jerry Oppenheimer. Ed Levy. Ben Levy, and Jerry Blumenthal were nminated by acclamation to one year sats in Town Men s III. For two six months seats in this district no nomination was rc-ade. For a one year seat in Town Men's IV 'Victory Village' Fred Harris by a show of hands was nominated over Bill Williams. For the coming campaign John Minter has been appointed publici'y chairman for UP. and Jerry Jones. UP vice-chairman, will serve as in Graham today. process of turning raw cotton into the finished product. HE 'TALKED WITH THE LORD' fnllc HnmP Alter Landina In Bermuda Selection Board TOTAL YARDS CONTEST Total Yds. Gained By Both Teams Total Yds. Gained By Carolina Name Address I Hcrmnd.i todav. said he i causing so much anxiety, which in I eluded a w idespread search during ibis 11 davs at sea in a motorboat. Men's Council Room on the ; llc said )C planned to fly back to Memorial, j the States Wednesday by way 01 New York. The 28-year-old West, sounding fit and cheerful to radio associates who cot the call, said that but for a urged to appear before the board j brokon feodline he could have made for endorsement. The board will ! the voyage on his own "standing on meet from 2 p. m. until 3:30 p. m. j my head." . . . ,, , i. ua i-lo- a in n niK'nrc Unit locked Ills steeiinj; mopviifah CITY N C Dct. ne saia ne nan s.nfi. "" , c.1..ri1c MUMMu-AiJ cu 1, -s. 1 ... .. ... ... ;, . -t.w.i Hut managed to set stretches v tw ioekev Melvin West who with the Lord" as the experimental , searcn somy uu ui u.r ............ ..T-D.se jockey . .., 5 I a k, its initial Navigation, he said .was by radio of four and five hours of sleep by t i. mimen noro n i''"b - regretted The Bipartisan Selection Board will nifet todav and tomorrow in tlx second floor of Graham All men students interested in run- ing for either Men's Honor Council seats or Students Council seats, are 40-hour schedule for the oiw-mues from here to Bemnda. West praised the Coast Guard for effective search methods and really doing a wonderful job." He gave these details of the trip: The first night out, extremely heavv rains forced him to dump triangulation based on a radio signal dropping a sea anchor. from here that guided him, for 400 SUnburn. was very tired and sore, but a good meal aboard the cutter Rockaway miles. ! The fuel line accident came just before he was sighted Sunday. Winds of up to 40 miles an hour caused a gas can to break loose and smash his main tank fuel line. ; fresh water and use its container j West said 35 gallons of gas were hf hailed a ; lost, but lie continued nanu pi o..- to bail. The reason freighter Oct. 21 four days after setting out was to get water and matches. ing methods to keep going. The young father of three children said he got sleep mostly by dozing did wonders. When the cutter arrived at Ber muda. West said, some 5K persons plus newsmen, were waiting on the dock. He commented the trip was "sur prisingly easy" and comfortable, though pretty rough at times." IN THE INFIRMARY Students in the infirmary yes terday included: Misses Ann Rigins. Nancy Greene. Mary Bradley. Carol Goldman. Norma Merchant. Alice Kent. Alice Wahmaim, Nan' y Cleveland. Dorothy Howell, and Messrs Robert Noble. Richard Lee. Emery Burkhart. John Clare. John B. Lewis. William Bunch. Michael Detitsch, James Mac donald. Clayton Dean. William Bailey. Thutmose II. Lawrence Miller James Tyndall. Ilirmnn States. Lloyd Lohr. Harcourt Mor gan. Robert Stanton. Kenneth Brimmer, Ronald Koes. Robert Barnwell. Edward Faulkner. Ro land Evans, Luke Forrest, and James Miller. m.mmmm i