U.rl.C. Library Socials Dept. Box 070 j:ha9lUill, K.C WEATHER Fir ;nl only llghtly warmer ( Vf. Monday, partly cloudy and a little warmer. EDITORSHIP A discussion of how that top Daily Tar Heel post is filled is topic of editorial on page 2. VOL. LXV NO. 75 Offices in Graham Memorial CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1958 Complete Wire Service FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE news in "WW 7 33 ejyosi .V. VI rieit h ace Traffic : WASHINGTON. J. 'Hi. V i.tce traffic out of tin Cape Can averal. Fla., missiles tot center jiiy become heavy with Vanguard recltt lv tl;' end of March. This piospet t was raised in a v . tniiM.t tt d iy by Dr. John I. Ila.en, direc .or ol 1 e I'. S. Scieii tun o.irll.U' project Vanguard, who sr. ul t!. Ijuiuliin' of a 2ll-j-pound b.by moon i; siill pla.uied lor U-nh. A sp..l t-. uuu at Vjm'uuid head coarteis brie suid about lour pre limm ty iet l'irliu's l l'"' threc st rocket are kchedtled befo. e t! e nu.jtir 1 uiuu'liiii in March. Pre cut indications are that it will be tht eud of the second week in J-mury at least belore Vanguard j scientists tiy aain to launch a :nlete test rocket r;t ri in.4 a 3 'ipound sphere in i.s nose. They have been -ttiu rerdy lor a sec ond ut.empt stht e their til st itK kei blew u lec. C. : ' 7 I i & n? H lllJO o DQDDDDDGj I s n r? a s til . V- A rennan hits oz. i o Pace i or Hee Win Sen h li.iiiic;! Ey BILL KING :i lorwnitl 1'c'U' runn.in tliopin'd in i)o'nls ;m;l down i '2 ri'lxn'iids to iliin in about tin1 onlv excite- UK ill o a !i ip'css Wake I'oieM leant to the ti ne of 71 ISA V ilie eeiiin ia .t nilit as his Tar 1 let 1 ni nes d-vned riiennan's point total was his all-tinu hih. topping the 7 in- (oh'(1 against Dnke in the I)iie Ckissii'. and Ins le hiiiihI piodm tion was on!v three oil the v( hool reeotd held I .ennie Kosi nl).ntli at ' East-West Pact l,')!H.V Jan. 4 - I'rinie MuO.Millan proposed to t,i;.fit an r.a-t-NVest oon-ac.gres.sioii ...c: and ieiimn a summit meet inn 1 I. ie Both have been ur'.ed re- ' lej!edly by the Soi(t Union. .NcMdljii declared in a nation-; v iiV broadcast thai Ilntain is re.nly te ue;o;late either within or out s,tf the L'uited Nations to test the ! smreti y of Uussla's current peace ' oifoiisive, I "We could start by a solemn pact I ( I non a.'rt ssion." the Prime Min-i-trr dec I J red. "This has been done before. It would do no harm. It nii'hr do t'i,,,d." WHERE DID HE CG? The Vake Fore t playar seems a litt'e befuddled as Carclina's Harvey Sail drives around him. Saltz hit C points against Wake Forest. (Photo by Spoon) Banquet, Reception Set After Abba Eban Talk It Wis Ill'IIN Tar 1 Iee!s ran u ai the hi! i . ;;7 ilie linal int no contest .1 t! from the veiv he-'innin' as 1111 . 11 a ( 1 1 1 1 1 k 1 -7 lean anti nun uumiies. ini , 1 and continued to add insult 10 injir.y in minims. ! - ViJk 'Security Mania' 1 WASHINGTON, JAN. - ..V - The f inoofiitic Ibgtst said loilay the l'..V4 "wcurity m;aiia" of Vice Pres itleut Ni.on. the late Sen. McCarthy ilt-Wist and others helped 'o de stury the morale of tJie nation's .k ntists and retarded many si ion- tine programs. Ttie democratic National Commit '.te's pub'j ation, lu an article, "Niviin and Pals vs. the Scientists." "aid : "Tbeie is liale doubt that one ot tie reasons many of our scientific programs have been retarded is the f:ct that the handling ot such men ins Ir. OpiHiihelmer and Dr. Con ci.nj, and ttie attacks on such v erraieiit research cen:ets as Fori Monmouth N.J. caused a deaior ;liation of the scientific conunun it which in turn had a disastrous ellect on our whole scientific re search and development program." Venezuela VATICAN CITY. Jan. 3 J" - A v.tll informed source todjy predict- f.SVe X MVS HRIEFS. jxuje .?) A b.-iii(ii't i't Carolina Inn a: I .1 ieccj)tion at (Irjiham Memorial have been plannei! in coin ;ioa with the visit of Israeli Ambassador Abba r.lan Wednesday. Mban will deliver a speech in 11.11 Hall at 8 p.m. Wednesday. The ban c;ucl for the Arr.bassador will be iield ;it B.lin at Carolina Inn. Afler his speech, a reception i i 'iriiha.n Memorial has been scheduled. The Carolina Forum is sponsoring his speech. F!ban Iwcanie ambassadiH lo the Coiled Stales in September, l'.fii'. v.hile at the same time retaiuim; his fun tion as chiel I-iat l U !. .a to the United Nations His xh;ical work in Israel lie:.n 12 years ao when lie went to .iera salem as liai-on otlu-er of Allied . Ieadiuarters with (lie Jewish popu lation. Khan's task was to ei.lisi I participation of Jewish volunteers , in special missions on behall of the j Allied fortes in the Near Has; and , Kurope. 1 Later, he became chief risipif'M a' the Middle Cast Arab Ceaier in .lerusale.n. During this period. Khan traveled widely in the eountr.es ol tie Near Hast, frequently lertun.'ii i'i Hebrew and Arabic to .lew s:. ai.d Arab at'dienees and contrihrt in to journals wri'ten in Ijmi-i lanmnmes. After World War II. Khan served with the Jewish Agency in Jeru salem. In 1!H7 he participated on the stall of the Jewish At'ency which secured the vote of the General Assembly of the I mted Nations to set i p the state of Israel. 1! pea re-. 1 bel'oi 1 a UN com- M.tee in 1!U: to plead the case for !'s ailm.i s-di to tin Unittd !s ; t!s Nations. Ambas -a pre autieaci a diplomat ;r of Mid. lias been r Kban has achieved in the L'.atcd Stales as an orator aid a schol- I lie I' istcrn affairs. He i'.artkd l-.onorarv decrees bv the Jewisli Titeoloirir.l Seminarv (.) Anieriea. I Jo.--ton University and the University of .Marx land. UMC Freshman Being Charged In Cobb Case There- was a .sharp c aatra.st be tween the Dearon loam last niht and th: one whicii put 0:1 a tjrii' I'ic t'arcH'-day periormance in ihr Dixie C a.-.-.v- Lis; wc. k. 'i h.' l Ik'j'.s' ofiori. in l;ut, wa-, sl'ally tarin hed by tlu .sla.-V.si'i piay 1.1 : l!v Deacons. 1 1 In shart. Wake Forost coukin". buy a bask t and had little morc sac-cess jrabbini reb unds against th- tall, talented Tar Heels who threw up an impeJnabl;, defense that ha ! the visitors as jittery , as Nervous Norl us by the time ; th? second half beyan. ; ! ' Hits From Everywhere ' j Drennan was hitting from all ; earners on his deadly jump shot. I He took only 16 shots from the 1 , floor and hit 12. He was good for j eight cf nine from the charity I line. Lee Shaffer and Tommy Kearr.s followed Brennan with 13 and 10 points respectively. Ol'n I Broadway and George Kichie had ' nine each for Wake Forest. i From the floor, the Tar Heels j were good for a o ti percentage ; whilr- the Deacs could muster but l'i man c aarge. 1 with 11 eoiitieetien !:; M. Onlwa fram Chapel C bb Dormitorv C.ll io;c:-. I h a UNC frrsh- Hill. has been maheio'.is mischief with vandalism in according to lo- f.SVe TAR UKEIS. payc 4) a , 1 e v c.i-.r- ; a i vi vi e a 1 Or t : wdl b .1 t!i" c'i irg in Tue dav morning ar K UiM t A i; s'-u-'al ') h r a-rt r- r.-l I ineidetit occarred ! v e v hen a party for nr- Ts turned into ike box was destroy-r-rords .v(ro stolen - ol vandalism were given a hearing WF Bowers Broadway Budd Calloway Carr Cox Fi.rte Green Mitchell teenrder's Court , 0;!om ! Bitchie 1 wjoyins Newspaper Hearing Set I utals '!'; reeeiv-e e ' list ru -live criti-j Brennan ci-ms far t!ie improvement of anv ' Shaffer of Tie Dailv Tar Heel is !r; IN THE INFIRMARY Students ia Hie Infirmary es Urd') included: Misses llopr Sparger, l.ulj Sue Bllrntine and Keverly Ann Kent uud Kajmond Sndlh, Jue Filer, .Mason Morrin. Wudr Lefler. David !iavle. Julian Smith, Walter Slater, Milburn Gibbs, Dewey Johnswii, William Krlgman and Charles Campbell. GM't Slate Ttie folio" loj activities are Mheduled for Graham Memorial twday: KpUcupal Church, S:4 a. in., ItendfTuus Koom; Friends, II a.m., Grail Itoom; Student Par ty AdvUory Hoard, 9:30-10:30 p.m.. WtMtdbouir Conferrncr Itoom. Tbf following activities are Mheduled (or Graham Memorial Mnday: GM H, 4 p.m. . (Jrail llHni; (irall, 9-1 1 p.m., (irail Koom; Dance Committee, 7-K p.m., Grail Koom; Studeut Par ti, 7-9:30 p.m., Kolaod Parker I; Stadeut Parly, 7-9:30 p.m... Kol aud Parker I ; I KG, 2-3 p.m.. Mo4tdhvtse Cooferfoce Kiom; IVtC, 7-1 pan., WtKKlliouse Con lereute KMm; Traffic Commit tee, S-19 p.m., Council Itoom; Hride Club, 7-11 p.m., Itendev at Raaiu, Kepley the rairpo-e of two hearings set j Kearns If l!i-' Newspaper K: search Com- . f"i"-n;n':ham tritte!' The i rst ii'-arirg will be ; tnnley h"ld Tttes;!av from 4 to 7 p m. l.otz :a n-ilan-l I'rk'T II. A second '"-otiv i n'l' heaving has b 'en scheduled Scarry I a- Jan. 115. at 2 p.m.. in R land Pnole Park -r II. j Totals "HE G 0 3 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 15 G 12 () 4 9 1 0 0 0 0 24 BOX F 0 2 3 5 2 i 0 0 1- 1 2- 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 5 7 15-29 F 89 fi-12 1-1 ?-r 11 0 0 0 0 3 5 n 0 f 0 23-34 P 0 2 4 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 5 5 25 P 3 3 2 3 4 o o 0 0 0 20 T 0 f) 4 4 7 2 3 0 0 0 9 7 45 T 1 i 3'"! j 17 j 1 I 10 ; Public !i2t:ith laminar Set A seminar on radia i nn and public health will be held at the Ue.C Sch ol of Public Health Jan. 27 29. This is the fourth annual meet ing of this kind and is b.ing con ducted by the UNC School of Public Health and the N. C State Board of Health. ; The State Board of Health has recently put into effect a radio-! logical program under the direc tion of Dr. William Jeck. Also, it was rec:ntly announced that the UNC Sella 1 of Pablie Health, was establishing a program to train North Carolina health , workers to meet the health prob j lems of living in the atomic age. I This program, which will get underway this month, was made 1 possible by a grant from the At ' omic Knirgv Commission. V.- Sfc JWt,' f " AND AWAY WE GO Pete Brennan (35) taps the ball away with a fingers-length edge over the palm cf Wendell Carr (45). Brennan showed the same dominance of controlling the ball under the backbosrds by reaping in 22 rebounds. (Photo by Spoon) Speaks Jan. 12 Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt's Visit Here Now in Final Stages Of Planning Taking part in the seminar will be J. S. Ameen. N. C. State Board of HeaU'i; Dr. D.naid Ii. Chad wick. Public Helath Service, Washington, D. C; Kmil T. Chan lett. UNC School of Public Health; Dr. George O. Doak. UNC School of Pub ic Health; Dr. Lena D. Freedman. UNC School of Pub lic IUalth; Dr. Marvin L. C.ran strom, UNC School of Public Health; John C. Lumsden, N. C. State B ard of Health; Dr. Daniel A. Okun. UNC Sehool of Public Health; Dr. Wil liam. N. C. State Board of Health; Aaron P. Sanders, Duke Univers-itv; ' Dr. Paul K. Shacrin. UMC De 3 partment of Phvsies: E. Jack ' Story, N. C. State College ar.d R'clui'-d L. Witcofski, Baptist Hns 71 pital, Winston Salem. Mrs. Elennor Roosevelt's vis t ; here Jan. 12 is in t!ie final stages of planning, according to an an nouncement yesterday by Bill Sugg, chairman of the UNC Collegiate Council for the United Nations Com- ' mittee. Tae CCUN and the Orange County , i cl apt or of the American Association ' for fie United Nations are jointly : sponsoring Mrs. Roosevelt's visit. ' Mrs. Roosevelt's public adores; i n Jan. 12 is the highlight of a con ference being sponsored by the lo cal CCUN. Tae conference is being 1 eld for representatives from 37 eelieges and universities in the sta'e in a move lo organize CCUN organizations on other North Caro lina campases. In a letter to the 3 colleges and universities. Sugg explained that the local CCUN Committee was interested in seeing other CCUN i rganizations formed in North Caro lina because the United Nations is the caily organization at tins time that co. Id achiev e world peace. j Tee CCUN was set up as an edu- !c;tional organization to promote an eialersumding ol the United Na- 1 tious and the rela'ionship of the I'ni'ed S'atc s to tle UN. The travciirg seetetary for the ! CCUN. Miss Connie Carrie, will meet tonelit wi'h members of lo cal CCUN' committee to map out details for the conference. In a letter from Mrs. Roosevelt's secretary recently, the tentative' schedule for her sched le here was confirmed. The p blic address which will be carried bv WL'XC rnriio and VC.VC-TV. has been set I. r Sen t n. 12. at !! p.m. in V; nvri d Hall. arld'"ion. M- s. R ose elt will a press conference at 2 p.m. 12 and vv 11 meet with CCUN : tr-s n 2:45 p.m. the same In '(Id Jar.. clc dav Symphony Orchestra O? UNC Conducts Poli Peanuts Is Entertaining Even At The South Pole PIG-PEN !! aders of "Peanuts." the popu l 'i comic strip that appears in The Daily Tar IUel. will be glad to knuw that Charlie Brown. Lucy. Sehroe.ler. I. mils. Snoopy the dog. and all the ot'ne'- little people in Charles M. Schul's pen-and-ink world ere d in j theii bit with the U. S. Nav v 's tai l host -south station in the icy wastes of the Antarctic cunt inent . This is attested b Rolla Crick, SCHROEDER leporter on the Oregon Journal, who recently roiuir.ed from a Navy sponsored visit to Antarctica. On what was intended to be an "overnight" flight to the Amundsen. Scott Station, within a few hundred yards of what the scientists have determined to be the South Pole, the plane broke down and couldn't be tepaired in the -(50 degree lempera t tilt's, so "Bud" Crick found himself marooned for 21 days with the 13 men of Hi is most remote colony. In the huts, on bulletins boards or anyw here 'w ithin shelter w here a thumbtack or nail would hold. Crick found dippings of "Peanuts" comic strips tacked up. One of the men had brought a considerable number of them in with them, and "intioned" them out, one each day. for the others to enjoy. Of all the reading matter pic tures, books and magazines that these men have for entertainment. "Peanuts"" was the favorite, and the subject matter of the strips was an unfailing topic of talk. A few days after his return to 'the main base. Crick was told that the supply of "Peanuts" strips at 1 the- polar, colony was running cm;, and he reported this to the Oregon Journal. Fred McNeil, executive news edi tor, wrote to United Feature Syn dicate, which distributes the comic strip, pointing out that the 18-man SNOOPY ; LINUS 1 colony will be on duty in the .tough : est weather spot on the globe until : December, 11153, tarrying on ob Iservations of great importance to i the International Geophysical Year. New, weekly proof-sheets of the "Peanuts" strips are being air- j mailed, to Se.n Francisco.' thence j flown to Antarctica and then to the South Pole station, to be posted on the bulletin boards at the rate of c ue a day by the "Oificcr-in-Charge ol Peanuts," for the duration of j the colony's existence. By BILL FREE We live in the era of tae public opinion poll. We Americans are vitally interested in the tastes and opinions of our neighbors and fel low citizens. In almost every news paper ar. 1 magazine we find th- results of surveys indicating A merica's favorite tooth past", movie star, political candidate, or televi'Men show. Statistics tell ii our habits in every phae of life. In keeping with this spirit 0: irouirv aMtt ourselves the N'rt'i Ca-"!:na Svmphrny has made a pell rf -its o'vp; to dctornvn N'f'h Caiolina's favorite symph r. ic music. BoHots were sent to members o' the North Carolina Svmphonv in v'-ints narts of the State, asking them to vote for their favorite eompositicn. The primary reason for Ihe p' il is to prov ide information to gu'ni 1 Dr. Benjamin Svvalin, Symphony director, in the selection of future 1 programs, but the survey is also j it'ieresting from another stan:!- point. 1 Thirty-five composers and b i eompositirns a,-e represented ie. results. From the noint cf time. these range from old masters such j as Handel, who was born in 1635. to crmtemporai ies like Leroy An , ders n. who is still producing hi j nrt popular music. ! The music is eciia"v v,ri"l m tr-- and twe. From the svmphon i ic vvrks ef Beethoven a"f' B-ahp'-i" the music eomedv rf Si2m'"i ' . Romberg, all types are n-eser'- t" niano works of Cenin. vil'7"; i ff croc-s. h( morlfrr p-rh'm "o" ! f S'belius. iazz rhvfhms of C,"- : ch"-!-,,5 Rhinsod' in Rb"1. pvoie j I melodies of Rimsky-KorsaVov's I Sch?hedazade. folk tones o- Liszt's I Hungarian Rhonsodics. and th? I spiritual reverence cf Schubert's ! Ave Maria. This vanev does not siP'fy 1 few isolated ooirVs. Of th" p dorks desisnated, -56 received a r. am her of vates so similar as t !!'' . e their vv; le-pread popular: t . When one Symphony cr com poser do"s stand oat from the res', it is usually in terras of concen trated popularity, not is la ted su.; pe.rt. The nntstan ,:ng rW;re is perennial favorite. Beethoven. SI of the nine Beethoven Symphorres were name i. as w as his (' nee-to No. 5 in Fb major. The Fifth Sym phony received the largest nun bo. ,(' -r -es of any ccmposition de- T- -eh iop t Tt-ethovan Ts haikovsky ar. l B-a'M-ns received -j s' y' Fir; h ' and S'xth S' mnbon:e; ,....r, : 1 (U-, I r,-, r. t rOr-1 1 ; enmnsit ir-n ,-nd B-h'mtis' Fi--t Qv'l)-n. ro-'-.i.prl s-"inv V'OtpS. Sr-rrnd mis? n-mular compos; ti( n was Dvorak's New World Sym phanv. Other works receiving mi-tz-ik v tes are Franck's D mi r r Symph' nv, Beethoven's Ninth Cv,lV"'- l ;'?:'s- TTnrva"iyn Rhap sodies. Schubert's Unfinished Svn 'T' S-o!t!is' Fip.landia. th St-aitss Wa'tzs. and Rossini's Wil-T'-e nrs"ion of Siboliu8. ?57 is MTi'riir n js Jf. ;n; contemporary composer who is represented by four or more con-pe-siti;n in ihe poll. North Caro lina seems to add her second t. the world-wide nomlnatien of Si'v eiius as tc moot significent mod ern master. Th" er!y ctum- cc mnosers li -1-ing fc-ur or mare compositions are R.-.'O h-i'-nn. Brahms. . Tschaikovsky an'i Li-zt. The results of this id a-e 1 compliment to tue divet-'v riri tuo l-nnw'ods'e fo the lit erature of music demonstrated -v the people of Nnr'h Carbna It is re -asunnT proof, that te neo'e f the S0P a f rfiinnrfl ffv l's"' -nr' rsts-fo i t ,,:'to p : r " . "f S''m"r"P;e "-"isir find s-m" of the greatest music ever written.

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