PACE TWO THE DAILY TAR HEEL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1953 Spring Election Success Depends On Student Body Now Vice l'usiiltut Don 1 mtailo announced s ji i 1 1, elections lot Apiil i, tin- political Mit and all that it Nihilities will soon In-in siinmciin at I'NC Y would, tluuloio. remind the t ie i touto that the whole of student o.ininent is dependent tntiitlv upon the pai tic ipation ol the indiidua1 student at Carolina. At t lit t ion time, his status as a otei supcHcdcs that ol the poli l i I ntoj tunateh and we .uc no evteption in this tespeit student pai tit ipation in t unpus-w ide elet tnn of the pot has not icathed the jnint ueetlett ol it. The bal lot totiut hat tonsUtcuth fallen I n shmt ol the uuinlet enrolled at the l'nieiit. We sit lv itllv .ind let the other man tin the vot ing it t i a It i ) t ova inueiir at I '.(. pi as stit h a ital tole in the lile of the student that all pi.'.'ilieil vottis shoiihl takr. J 1 1 some wa. an attie p.nt in de leiminin who i to heatl it. To thai end. the ballot !o is.ivail.i l!e loi .,11. Indeed, ajuthv tow. ml major election hecn in the past a Mow to democracy not only on a campus level, but on the national scope as well. And often it makes of non-pai ticipants the loudest critics when polities of new re gimes no against their own. However, the voter is not the only individual to be pleaded with before election time. Candi dates, too, should be reminded of the magnitude of the duties which at companies a successful cam paign, and they should pledge themselves to vvoik at all times lor the betterment of student govern ment and the University. In this respect some oi l ice hold ers fail once they have been in stated by the Mpular vote. Ab sences at legislative sessions are of ten frequent, and news stories tell of special appointments bv the political parties to replace a legis lator resigned from his post. Thus election time brings with it two pioblems which onlv the student both tan correct: () apathy toward participation in the elections, and ( selection of a candidate who will best perform the job for which he is running. In spring elections. io",N. we challenge every student to assume the role expected of him. We May Be Down, But Reds Must Reach Up To Hit Us I he Mostow uewspapet Soviet Kiissi.i Jus taken a look .it the Anient an ctononiv .uid tame up with this stoiv to till it bi.ii.'i- w.tsiiett K'.uleis: I. The uumbei ol liuntv. hoimlcss and uminploved Ameri i.uis is usiiii; i.ipidlv. I he pi.ti tit e of inedit ine h is Ueli mined into .i toldhloodcd li isiihsn in the i'nited Slates and urn housing is 1 u-i i rj, buili not for tin wotkin people but lot the i it li. In tlie Soviet I'nion. things .ne una h bettei nil : neu- bousing soon will be available lor most ol the Soviet titiens still living in I I .1 1 II J ( 1 (pi. II Itts. j. Moie than live million Amei it .ins liv ed on hai itv last thousands were homeless and "million ol people ait' asking themselves. 'How ate we to liver' Well. .ou don't have to pit k up a Momiiw dailv to I ititl that main (ommciits about the I'nited States ate- tine. You can Had the stoi in voin hometown pipei. von can see it on television. iM von can watth it on the movie s 1 (III l'.iil tin (jiuslioii taised in oin mind is. who in Russia tan alloid ilit iiewspipei to lead, who in Riissi.i own a television set to be told about his own country, much less about another, and who in Kiisnu has moiieV euoii 'h to "ii to The Daily Tar Heel The official student publication f th Publication Board of the University of North Carolina, where if is published daily exctpt Sunday, Monday and exam ntion and vacation period? and rum mrr tcrmv Fntered i second class mat ter in the pot office in Chapel Till, N. C, under the Act of March 8. 1870 SuWription rate: mailed. $4 per year, f 2 SO a semester: dHiverrd, $6 a year. $3 50 a icmester. the movies to leant ol bad times in America" 1 in thenuoie, what Soviet work ed would icltise to trade his pit tame ol a salaiv and lack, ol do mestie toiuloit with the avenge Ameiican woikei? 1 he tiuth is that the I'nited States would be ovenun bv the ('ommunist pio letatiat it woikets there could leave the tounttv at their own whims and allotd a tiip to the West. I tononiits books would .ive the Red brethren a t lose look at vurfrffv'' comparisons and show these facts to those not too blind to uad them: the I'nited States wotker has the highest income ol all nations; his piopertv and sav ings lat outie.uh those ol anv single tommy: he works lewer houis ami buvs moie lor his mouev than anv ol his Ionian etpials. , Yet in let cut months we have been plagued bv tlet lining cni plovmciu. some ate wotidetinj; about tht it siisienaiue lor the lutuie, and not all woikeis can al If ii tl the new homes which thev desiie. lut even these lac is don't elevate conditions in Russia above those of the foiled States. Thcie's an old story about not hitting a man when he's down. We ate. in f.itt. down at the pres ent: but the Soviet Russia must still stand putty liih on a pedes tal to sttike even the feet ol our eunentlv pioblein-riddcn nation. CAROLINA CARROUSEL: Dress Habits Used By Coeds To Judge Men By GAIL GODWIN s Last Thursday on page four of the DTH. "Coeds Spoke Out" on what they expected their boy friends to wear. It seems crew necks and back buckles were still a prerequisite before the little bundles of femininity would say "yes" to a date. This proves interesting. When he calls on he phone, does one say, "Er. excuse me please, but what have you got on?" The an swers to this question might be acceptable . . . then, again the young man might not be properly attired at the time he dialed Bet ty Coed's number. The dilemma is somewhat sini pier when he asks her for a date in person. Then she can simply turn him around and look for the back buckle herself! Many cheers have been uttered in homage to the lass from Wins ton Salem vho declared that "A really attractive boy outshines the clothes he wears." and made no specifications except that he "had some on." True, some boys need to mus ter up every bit of neatness, dress consciousness, and money for clothes in order to even appear presentable. If there are any Car olina gentlemen who consider themselves in this category, they would do well to subscribe to every rule set up by Hetty Coed. The best of luck to them in their pursuits in prescribed suits. No real girl could possibly re spect a man whom she could tell, "Now. darling, be sure and wear your brown tweed coat to night." and he would meekly re spond, " Yes, dear." The man who has got what it takes knows when to wear what. He thinks of his own comfort both physical and social. You will usually sec this type wearing dark clothes to a concert, thick sweat ers 'in any color he happens to prefer i on cold days, and blue jeans to romp around in and to study by the fire. The funny thing is. clothes are usually the last thing one notices about such a person. They are too busy looking at the color or the expression in his eyes, the jaunty way he walks, or the way he light a cigarette. They are probably more interested in what he is say ing than whether his tie stripes go up or down. Some girls date boys; others date clothes. If- the girls in the second category ever find them selves running short of dates. I am sure the clothes stores uptown would be more than glad to rent out appropriately dressed dummies for the night. K'litor DOUG EISELE Associate Kditor . FRANK CROWTIIER Managing Editor ALYS VOOIUIEES News Editor PAUL RULE Asst. News Editor ANN FRYE C oed YA t or" "J0AN BROCK Feature Editor MARY M. MASON Sports Editor BELL KING Asst. Sports Editor DAVE WIBLE City Editor BILL KLN'CAID Business Manager JOIIN WIHTAKF.R Advertising Manager FRED KATZLN Subscription Mgr. AVERY THOMAS Librarian GLENDA IWLER KIIT STAFF Whit Whitfield, Curtis Cans, Jorathan Yardlcy, Barry Win ston, Gail Godwin. SPORTS STAFF: Rusty Hammond, Elli ott Cooper, Mac Mahaffy, Jim Purks, Jim Harper. , t Niaht Eidtor PEBLEY BARROW Could Be The Law Needs Suspending Down at the I'nivcvity of (roi;.ia tluv vf come up with a new ineMiiin:4 lor "instruction." That's the- reason j;iven lor the suspension ol six coecis lor )iii;4 on .t Georgia Itch housepaity which became snowbound in the mountains last weekend. "This is not lor punishment." declared Dean ol Women Mrs. Kdith StallinL;s. "It is lor instruc tion. We felt suspension was in their best interests." Well, it looks like punishment to us. And what makes it wron is the fact that Mrs. Stalling said, in a statement. "They are all nice yiils. As lar as wc know they did nothing wron at the party." It was incidentally, chapeioned. The irls were suspended un der a I'niversity rule prohibiting coeds horn attending out-of-town, oil-campus house parties during a s hool cptarter. lint, ollic ials said, they can re-enter in the spring se mester. That leaves us to wonder il per haps the I'niversity ol Georgia should not rewrite some ol its titles. They're obviously almost as old as the rniveisity itself. "Baby, It's Almost As Cold Outside" !Swl; """" " I vb y dp - Oh, Minerva, Lend Us Thine Owl! By FRANK C'KOWTIIER We icH'eived our copy of "The New Republic" today and found, as usual from Gilbert Harrison & emsemble, a rather biting observation this one supposedly from the viewpoint of the Russian children. Although this bit of ban ter may seem almost harmless on . the surface at least one uiiyht think so when viewing the con tinued inactivity in Washington circles, semi-circles, triangles and wreck-tangles we may all learn one of our most bitter lessons from this terse parody. Be sure to follow closely and answer all the questions. IVAN AND NATASHA '"Look. Natasha, look. I can read English." said Ivan. "Look. Ivan. look. look. I can write English," said Natasha. "Look, look, they both said. "We are little Russians but we can read and write English." "You read English very well Ivan. You write English very well, Natasha," said their teacher. "You read and write English as well as American boys and girls. Comrade K r u s h c h e v will be happy." "Does Comrade Krushchev look after American boys and girls too?" asked Natasha. "No, no," said the teacher. "No, no. no. Comrade Krushchev does not look alter the Americans. Not yet." Then who looks after the Amer icans?" asked Natasha. "The Americans have a govern ment." said the teacher. "The government is in Washington. Who can describe the American govern ment ? "I can. I can.' cried Ivan. "It is neo-anti-crypto-proto-fascist." "Very good, Ivan," said the teacher. "That is correct." "The American government is awful stupid," said Natasha. "Awfully stupid." said the teacher. "Why do you say that, Natasha?" "Because it does not make nice schools for American boys and girls to study in." said Natasha. "When Ivan and I grow up. we will be able to read and write English very well. When the A merican children grow up. they will not able to read and write Russian at all.' "Most of them will not even read English very well," said Ivan, laughing. "To say nothing of blueprints." said the teacher. Questions: 1 Why are Ivan and Natasha learning English? 2 Why doesn't the American government build schools? 3 What is a government for? 4 What did the teacher mean by that last crack? Well. 1 am not sure that we can really chide the government for inaction. I mean, they have ben moving around quite actively as of late, what with the FCC investigation, Sherman Adams re fusing to testify by claiming executive privilege, President Ei senhower . "heartlessly" sporting around in Georgia for golf balls and birds in the bush. Vice Presi dent Nixon (not to be, outdone being a sport by addressing ail the sports fans, and Secretary of State Dulles planning a trip which will make Mike Todd look like a piker. And we are told that our school system isn't as bad as the wooly boogers would have us believe. We did learn something from John Dewey, didn"t we? And isn't it wonderful how our parents are enjoying the wonders of life by growing up with their children? Oh joyous days, bliss and plenty. "Dear old dad, how 'bout a twenty?" Sail on, O Ship of State, Sail on. O Union, strong and great Humanity watches us degenerate Because we fail to educate. IXI O. ' S -c J I HOW ABOUT) (HQjJ A30JT EST H I YE vJC'rT 25N tEiCTZ z f -SO DON'T VO'VDRRY ) C -T' SUPPORT THET V UJU-J j Z'. ,N f THAR HAIN'T TH' 1 YORE FAT, ELDERLY WHOLE MOB, EF AH L tfl AM AN I AlNTESTOlANCEO' A I Ll'L HAID BOUTNOREJ f. IS KILT.r.r NOTTHET I EXTREMELY I I ( S S ORE-FOOTED ME BEIN' J PROMISE , V yH-VO' COULDN'T AFFORD ) i WEALTHY Jf y-S?J ILTOtj THISEAGLE o o o CL J5THSKSy BATCAT&-) A p6ufiSr O&0. LA COUP QOS C&W -CZ m&4 2jk9j its r rCr . SEPARATION OF COURTS UPHELD To The Editor: I'believe firmly that the Honor Councils- should remain separate. My reasons' for this conviction are based on direct contact with the Women's Hon or Council as a student who was tried and found guilty by this body. It seems to me that the people most qualified to speak on the revision of the Honor Council system are the' members themselves, and the students who have appeared before them. On this ground I am presenting my views and arg uing for the continued separation -of the Councils. In my opinion there are several valid reasons why separate councils can investigate a case more thoroughly and ultimately arrive at a more just de cision than a mixed council. Most important of all is the fact that a student on trial would feel em barrassment about presenting certain facts to a mixed group. Although some have stated that this argument is senseless, I can assure them from per sonal experience that appearing before Honor Coun cil is difficult without the added obstacle of em barrassment which I am sure students would feel at times before a mixed council. Secondly, I believe separate councils are much more able to understand a case from the per sonal angle. Nothing is more important to a per son on trial than the feeling that the group which will sentence him has every" reason to understand him as a person and to weigh with justice the cause of his action. In separate Councils of men and women there is a basis of understanding be tween the Council and the student on trial a sim ilarity in social rules, codes of behavior, experi ences, and Jrends of thought. This assurance that you will be understood as a person and as a fellow student is vital to the person on trial and essential in forming a just sentence. Separate councils can, I believe, investigate more effectively and sentence more justly because students before them can testi fy without fear and can be assured of complete understanding on the part of the Council in the weighing of their case. I am strongly convinced from my own experi ence that only through separate .Honor Councils can cases continue to be dealt with fairly. To a student who appears before the Council two things are uppermost in his mind the wish to state his case honestly and freely and the hope that hi? case will be handled with true discernment and justice. Under our present system I feel that we have these privileges and I sincerely hope that we may continue to have them. Anonymous WHO IS CROWTHER? To The Editor: Some days ago while glancing over the mat of names on the staff of The Daily Tar Heel. I noticed that directly under the name of the editor appear ed the name Frank Crowther, Associate Editor. Not knowning too much about the intricacies of the pap er, I immediately wondered what the function of the Associate Editor could be. I looked through the paper .for several days for an article announc ing the appointment of Mr. Crowther, yet none came to my attention. There was no official an nouncement, and there was no article in The Dailv ' Tar Heel. While I realize that since you were voted to be editor of our (?) paper by the student body, and that you have the power to make appointments as you choose, I am dubious of such a sudden and unannounced move on your part. I know not wheth ed Mr. Crowther receives payment for whatever services he renders to the "voice of the student body." but I feel that as a member of the student body who supports The Daily Tar Heel I. and others, have the right to know who this person is and what his function may be. The crowning blow came the other day when T noticed that editorial copy had made it impossible Jo include all of the names in the mat. Now. this is easily explainable but it appears to me that the entire sports staff, edit staff, and much of the news staff was omitted while the name Frank Crowther still appeared. I wonder if you could enlighten the students about this question. JOHN R. RUDY. Ill (Ed. Note: Mr. Crcncther's duties are vlict ever the editor specifies. And. it might be added, he is one of the hardest-icorking . nan-paid mem bers of the siaff. He is a junior from Washhiq ton. D. C. That his name followed that of the' editor on the mentioned page is purely coinci dental. For if the edits had been a bit longer. Mr. Crowther's name. too. icould have been drop ped. Until that occurs, his name icill appear as is, upon request of the editor.) LIBEL PROTECTION IS EDS 'INTEGRITY To The Editor: Wholeheartedly I agree with your recent state ment that "freedom of the press is a two-way prop osition." But I am shocked at the means you pro pose to insure a student editor's fulfillment of hi part in the relationship. Even more appalling is the admission of your own lack of integrity. This, in effect, is what your editorial confesses. For. when you write that at present there is a "total absence of any plan to protect an individual student." and when you say that" "the editor holds a powerful stick which can be raised and dropped at his dis cretion, bringing down with it the defamation of character of any individual whom he wishes to at tack," a reader must surely conclude that you either possess no standards of professional behavior or that you presume the right ruthlessly to disregard them. Whence, sir, derives this right to defame? I perhaps am one of the gullible voters who thought the latest election placed in the editor s chair one whose "discretion" would be guided by ethical principles. I believed that the individual student DID have a protection against "detrimental and untrue statements." In my innocence I thought that protection lay in your own sense of honor and responsibility. Naive of me, perhaps, but I have actually argued that moral considerations would deter you from such journalism. Now here you are advocating fear of legal redress as the student's really effective protection. You would make the basis for an editor's conduct purely economic. This, sir, is disillusioning to those who thought the foundation was something more noble. In view of the repeated claim that the recall which "one time succeeded" was sheerly a matter of the former editor's incompetence, I am confused bv vour as sociating that case with an occasion when "ques tions of libel have been raised." CLEMENT CAPADQSE N 3 u V) n U . 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