SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1953 Symposium (Cntn,uv,l frcn Page i) outstanding minds in the fields of In ;i M.tUmcnt of his which appear- Politics, diplomacy, finance and sci- ii mnitly on the back of the of- j cnt'. fr a week of lectures and Symposium brochure he said, j minars. The names of the parti- we expect broad participation in;l''Pan,s will be announced in the ti 'm- activities. "Symposium Week), i Tuesday edition of the Daily Tar by students, faculty and citizens in , "pc'- vhat we hope will be a most' I$otl Geer and Hallford wished to stimulating series of experiences." i express their collective thanks to all I'nder the direction of Geer and j tllose People, both faculty and stu li.illlon!, the l!."8 Symposium willjt,onts. who have worked so hard to try and focus the interest of the ! tlate- Special mention should also be crienry on the lireat issue of the given to President William C. Fri t;:ius"Survival.'" j day. Chancellor William B. Aycock, In doing this, the Symposium is 1)can James L. Godfrey. Sam Ma-l-rm-Mig to Chapel Hil many of the P'11- James Wallace. William Mack- - . . ', ie. William Powell. Miss Anne Queen " j and Dean Katherine Carmichael. Collcctomania Don't ever tell them we said so, but collectors are a queer set of fish. There's a certain madness that cne breathes in with the dust of old books that is out of this world. The feel of old bindings, the glitter of worn gold letters, the knowledge that one holds in one's hand the very book that the author himself may have casually lifted from a pile at the binder's these odd things intoxicate like wine. Collector's shelves reflect a va riety of tastes, but wherever you go, the chaps who have found the joy of owning the very best copy of the books in their field form a sturdy and loyal brotherhood. Maybe you're the stuff collec tors re made of. If so, you have many a happy day ahead of you. Come over and spend a leisurely half hour in our old book corner. Better men than you have discovered a rich per sonal satisfaction in just such a spot. THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. Open Till 10 P.M. iiimamties lecture Prof. Norman Eliason of the De partment of English will deliver a faculty Humanities lecture at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Room 106 Carroll Hall. FREE LECTURE ENTITLED: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: 'The Divine Solution To Every Human Problem By JULES CERN, C. S. Of New York City Member of the Board of Lecture ship of The Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. Thursday, Feb. 27 8 p m. The Playmakers Theatre Chapel Hill, N. C. EAST CAMERON AVENUE ON THE CAMPUS RESERVED SEAT I Iff thit i the first Christian Sci rnce lecture you have attended, Iwe will save a irat for you in the auditorium until ten minute I before the lecture. Jut present this coupon to any usher at the door. - A? WHAT TO WEAR ON THE SATELLITE M'KNK: It is almost zrohour at Los Hismuth. On stape are ("apt. Carruthers, the man in charge of the launching of the satellite, and Manfred Faust us S:ort, the man who will ride th- satellite. ( arr: Well, Sport, this it, .sort; Keal gas. Cap. I'm almost flying already. How do I look? ( Vjrr: You could wear cat-Rtit and lemon-peels, and who v.ou!d w the wiser? Sport: Wake up, Cap. What about that crowd at Mt. Palo mar with that big, spooky tel. seope? Got to look spiff for them. ( arr: That shirt's a beaut. Hut, where's the rest of your luae? Spurt: Who nf-eds more? This shirt U a Van Heusen Vantage shirt. It's one of those all cotton, drip-dry numbers that never needs ironing. Carr: What a discovery! But how will you wash it up there? Sjort: In the rain, man, in the rain. Caltt: And how will you dry it? Sport: in the sun, man, in the sun. Carr: Well, it's zero minus one. Sport, youH be gone for ever. (SOUND OF WHOOSH ING). He's gone. EPILOGUE: The scene is the observatory at Mt. Palomar. Scientist: Man, he's reai gone. Just look at that Van Heusen Vantage shirt. Yes, in outer space, or right here on terra firma, no drip-dry discovery ranks with Van Heusen Vantage shirts. The tariff? Only $a. THE DAILY TAR HEIL PAGE THREE SOCIET $ Joan Brock, Editor Y Kappa Psi's Honor Pledges The Kappa Psi Pledge class was the guest of honor at a cabin party at Hocnig's and a banquet and formal dance at the Carolina Inn last weekend. Music for the cabin party was furnished by the Hot Nuts combo, while the Five Dimensions added gaiety to the formal affart. Regent Hugh Hinton presented the Pledge Class and their spon sors in the figure at the Carolina Inn after which the pledges join ed in singing the fraternity's traditional "Kappa Tsi Sweetheart" song. Guests at the banquet included several members of the school of Pharmacy faculty, as well as alumni. Phi Delts Party Last Saturday night the Phi Delts partied with the SAEs fol lowing the German's dance. Doug Clark's combo from Chapel Hill provided music for the occasion as the two fraternities danced to the latest hits. Sunday afternoon the Phi Delts were again in a partying mood and Doug Clark was on hand to continue the festivities. SAEs Entertain Dates Friday night the SAEs began the German's activities by enter taining their dates al the house. On Saturday night they entertained the Phi Delts at the house and danced to the music of Doug Clark's combo. An enjoyable evening was evident as the two fraternities joined in a "rock and roll" part,-. DU Elects Officers James Harry Menzel of Southern Pines, has been elected presi dent of Delta Upsilon social fraternity. Other officers chosen in the group's annual election Wednesday night were Jim Vance, vice president; Guy Ellis, recording secretary; Don Howard, trea surer; Don Gray, alumni secretary and Charlie Sloan, corresponding secretary. ir j? - - . ki v - " - -r. - a s '-' Tickets To Duke Game The athletic business office has announced the tickets for the Carolina-Duke game oat Durham Friday are available at the Wool len Gym ticket office for $2.50 PETITES MUSICALES Paul Doktor, concert violist, right, and Rafael Puyana, harpsichordist, will appear in a joint recital present ed in Gerrard Hall March 5 at 8 p.m. The two artists are being pre sented by Petites Musicales of GMAB. Illinois Coltege of Optometry announces that applications for ad mission to its classes beginning September 8, 1958 are now boing received. 3-year course of professional study leading to the degree. Doctor of pptometry Requirements for Entrance 2 years (60 sem. hours or equiva lent qtr. hours) in specified liberal arts and sciences. Write for bulletin to: REGISTRAR Illinois College of Optometry, 3245 Michigan Ave., Chicago 16, Illinois. SERVE YOURSELF Covering The Campus FACULTY CLUB Paul A. Johnston, director of the N. C. Department of Administra tion in Raleigh, will address a UNC Faculty Club luncheon at 1 p.m. Tuesday in Carolina Inn. He will speak on "Policy and Ad ministrative Decisions." DENTAL DAMES The Dental Dames club will meet j Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Victory ! Village Community Center. I ! Officers will be nominated and a vote will be taken on a constitu tion for the organization. Tlie meeting will be followed by a social hour. CANTERBURY CLU ! All students have been invited by the Canterbury Club to the group's supper meeting today at 6 p.m. preceding tonight's service in the Intercontinental Faith Missiles" ; Preaching Mission. i Refreshments will be served fol lowing the Preaching Mission pro mam. COMOl'OLITAN CLUB The Cosmopolitan Club will meet I today at 4 p.m. in the Library As j scmbly Room. j The program is entitled '"South America," and students from that ' part of the world will present fea . tures of their own countries. ! The public has been invited. mm m s Statistics Colloquium The Statistics Colloquium will meet Monday at 4 p.m. in Room 206 Phillips Hall. Speaker for the public meeting will be Junjiro Ogawa. Graduate Club The Graduate Club will hold of ficer elections at its meeting Mon day at 6 p.m. in the upstairs din ing room of Lenoir Hall. All'grad students are considered members and are eligible to attend and vote in the elections. 12 r EVERY SUNDAY 5:30-7:30 P.M. At The RAN GH HOU SE HOME OF CHOICE HICKORY-SMOKED CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS 3r AAWW-tr. -WT wasm. 3 y- mm v . .0 , .... . . . Sis' CHARLTON YUL ANNE HE5T0N BRYNNER- BWCTER COWARD G YVONNt ROBINSON DE CARLO PAGET jom DEREK SIR CEDRIC H1NA MARTH HARDWlCKt- TOCH SCOTT juofiH ANDERSON -wkxhj PRICE MATINEES DAILY 2 PJA. DOORS OPEN 1:15 ADULTS 90c CHILDREN 50c COLLEGE STUDENTS 85c EVENING DOORS OPEN 6:15 SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. ADULTS $1.25 CHILDREN 50c COLLEGE STUDENTS 85c NOW PLAYING Morning Matinee Saturday 10 P.M. DOORS OPEN 9:15 ADULTS 75c CHILDREN 50c You are invited to attend THE LENTEN PREACHING MISSION FEBRUARY 23, 24, 25 of The Epfscopal Student Congregation INTER -CONTINENTAL FAITH MISSILES The Rev. Gordon Charlton Overseas Department of the National Council of the Episcopal Church Four Sermons Sunday, February 23, 11:00 A.M. BLUEPRINTS FOR ICFM SundayFebruary 23, 7:30 P.M. LAUNCHING THE EPISCOPAL MISSILE - -i Monday, February 24, 7:30 P.M. BLASTING THE BARRIERS Tuesday, February 25, 7:30 P.M. ORBITS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL NOW PLAYING I he hapei of the Cross (Next to the Morehead Planetarium) CLASSIFIEDS WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN BY the hour, day or week. Reason able. Nancy's Day Nursery. Phone 7-1638. (1-1107-9)' THREE GREAT BUYS! RCA 4 specd portable victrola 16"x24" mirror perfect condition Foamex by Firestone delux, foam-rubber, inncrspring mattress practically i new call Bob, Perry, 89027 any- l time gracias. where there's life ...there's "Budweiser. KINO OF DECRS A:,l,3,....3M,..NC..OMI..KrwrK.inOANr.r.rJ ,g ttWea Ptii vJv'sSi i -fJr - it n 3. fMSDE AN OBSERVATORY ATTACKED 70 A LEADING UNIVERSITY SOME ARE TRAVELLING 10 MILLION MILES AN HOUR! f V' 15 m. ' H 1 ;.Ml if. s j I f PROFESSOR, v 4 V HOW CAN YOU ST ! POSSIBLY PTELL? r THIS SPECTROSCOPE ACTS LIKE A FILTER. IT SEPARATES THE LIGHT WAVES TELLS US HOW FAST STARS ARE MOVING. OUR KNOWLEDGE OF SPACE DEPENDS TO A LARGE r-r1 E .. .T9j DEGREE ON THIS j IN FORMATION J U5 THE FILTER ON A CIGARETTE IS IMPORTANT, TOO. THATS WHY I SMOKE VICEROYS. ' VICEROY GIVES YOU MORE OF WHAT YOU CHANGE, TO A FILTER FOR! YOUSEE, VICEROY HAS MORE THAN OnCOO FILTER TRAPS. THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS MORE THAN OTHER LEADING BRANDS! "71 MORE TASTETOO. REALLY SMOOTH J ESTVICEROY'S RICH MELLOW PERFECTION BY r THE VICEROY - : v rrr vr a LujhtOne! Discover.. VICEROY GIVES YOU; MORE OF WHAT YOU CHANGE TO A SIITCD CAD I to ii:i,l..r.y1i.J r I