t).!t.C. Library S3rlal3 Dspt. Box 870 Chapal Hill, tl.C. WEATHER Mild today with a hih of 7.". Mild Wcdiu sd;iv. SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUE VOL. LXV NO. 101 Offices in Graham Memorial CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1958 Complete . ) Wire Service SIX PAGES THIS ISSUE C3 I1! Jli) TIT! 'mw (Cm i1f ... ,,. . . -, , - , . i , i ,. ... .. nnrrfp. q g o) o) a C S T HI 1 I T- , 4 I S NEWS AND EDITORIAL STAFF Yru reaJ their column-'', now meet the writers. Seated in front are Eii city editor; and Barry Winston, colunnUt. 3 f ?. r. d -n ft-: right, Pebley Barrow, night editor; Stan C!ccV, Parlor 7 pi 1 - - s - - I ': i V - - -, V .'- ' - f st'jns and K incaid, -! left to Maddrey, Eddie Gocdsnan, Davis Young and Charlie Sloan, reporters; An thony Wolff and Curtis Gans, columnists; Ed Rowland and Sarah Ad,sms, reporters. f 8 y . j I ... ' . - i ! , ... 1 H.v . , I - , , . t -"..' K ' ' 'I ' - - - '- (Norm Kantor Photo) J t v- v " I r ; Production Of Daily I or Heel Involves The Work Of Many By DOUG EISELE 1 he Daily Tar Heel. (elel)iatin4 it fOtli ;i!iiiicrsary today, is among the top college newspapers of the country, employing student help to perform a man-sized job in the world of communications. "What goes into the making of that newsparc which is offered six days weekly during the regular shcool years? Who are the people and what do they do who write the thousands of words for ybu daily? Basically, The Daily Tar Heel is like any daily newspaper published by private con cerns or organizations anywhere in the United States. There are no restrictions on it which are not placed against other publications in the '"outside" world. Vet The Daily Tar Heel is unique in thai its editor is elected, pay where it exists is small for the pobs rendered, and many tnanhours of. lite labor daily go into its making. These f?cts, however, do not handicap the purpose of the news paper and its rele in the overall development of the University. It has gained respect comparable to the independent newspaper and parctices a freedom not always found on University campuses. Patterned after dailies, the Tar Heel has as its key employes an editor, managing editor, news editor, sports editor, business and ( if II 1 1 S, ' ;) V ' V DOUG EISELE Editor dter Sixty-Five Years' Publication ditorial Issues Remain Unchanged much. I'.y CM.MM.IC SLOAN ; front page carried a church direc- j practice for a long time, and many Ediiorkd issues don't change i tory. a list of the University Maga- 1 of the funny stories are still kick- zine staff, a directory of Campus ins around todav with onlv slieht Heforo The Tar Heel was a daily, j organizations, two short articles on ; polishing. 05 years ;vo. edkers found tonics ; the newsDaner. and a storv headed advertising managers, a circulation fur thHr cditori.lf .olurnns that have ' "The Legislature Commitee Visit and subsrrintion manager an,l , , , ... ... ' . nthcr n ,nn,in. , n,i. a,,.'"01" noa U1 ine ! ny. ! rentty didn't have the leadership it thoritv vested in these. once wrote nature, the Tar Heel relies on ad-1 editorial on three-man dormitory j the page) banner announcing "Thir vertisements as its chief source of : rooms, an issue that is still vital to i teen Hundred Students Register." FRANK CROWTHER Associate Editor Serving Carolina For 65 Years MARY ALYS VOORHEES JU a . y 1' n i) Kdno r PAUL RULE Neirs Editor ANN FRYE Asst. News Editor v. , 1 7 i ti Y jiiHl Kin WAV "tfftl -' ' ' " " JOAN ERCCK BILL KING Sport.-; F.ditor MARY MOORE MASON Feature Editor No Pjjfos For Coeds Then First UNC Coec When Women ciuafe Recalls Time Wore Veils To Class r.v r.nn uiuti.ky i Can.lma cords. Their presence i, no inivclty. I'.ut. a l.idy with silver hair and sparkling brown ees relates quite liiterelhiu and ainui;i4 sin, u of tune- ulien tlm,u were different. She i Alice Edward .Jones, a r sident of Chapel Hill. In l!()(). she th.- firl coed to receive a fleuree from Carolina 20". She has amazing vitality and a est for living which gives a ring of truth to her statement. "I came from a family .f terrific ( nerg.v !" Talking with her is both an in M)ir;:tion and a pi rind of strength is !rwrd th -ir apreciatiii applause." When the leui-latiire law that wf.inen could tor mt th. university, the I might attend wort', w !iu h n.i Mia i ...-,'.r! the attend t !-..' d tli..t l hey ;.raii:ia'e i.i;,!ui' and were allowed to enter fraternity Fiss Jones proudly states that houses for the first time at stated she was devoted to teaching. She hours. ears. .cai K l ' h..us- v.! n i,v l cat. n ar.d t'.is ining. ller ihih.sophv in lif a challenge, one that declares noth ing impossible when desire is strong and hard work is net shunn ed Al.ce Jo:i"s and Mama Latham came a the lifst two women to re-ister for a degree at the Uni versity and graduated in 1000. I irst Coed (;raduate "I was the first coed to graduate from Carolina only becaus" my name began with J." said Miss .'ones. "I was a lucky person and ,'l -at her to it " ' I'.os didn't like it at all when r. ds began entering the Univer- Ml 7 " she s.-iid. 'Th'v liked us per s,,r iWy. but resented us as mem .iTs of UNC." T.'ien Miss Latham and I gra dual' xl . we were seated behind the facup f in a hidden spot. It n'ver (.(cerr V to the boys or the farultv tha' K shotild ho in the academic l.n.' ;m mareh in as they did at thf cx' T r'w"v Hut. when w" rose to ruene ( w decrees, they greatly senior Mi - .):... in a b' a: lj-l oliic" 1 f pa'-ed r't tin. 1 ,,,1 ro'' nri.i-- fo!" tlVl t ) cince thr-y !.e i off ( uuiau were so few. It mis not until i:K!l th: tf.uiso the first wem-ii n ,. Iiui't Cniil tha! tiu coed enrollmeid increased. h.ou- g them was a pr ' - ni ,e hved re the . ciji'd.i e w e re loiiow Hid Archer ih -itnilory A 1 . . as ine in. places took (.nly men lor and board. In lf:-;L ::." years after tin coeds i-uP-red th? I'm'- cr-i'y. Mo.st room S IP".! they In the days when I was a coed, eiils never appeared on campus without "loves and a veil," said Miss Jones. "We did remove the p.lovcs and lift the veil to take notes in class." Miss Jones received her Bache lor of Philosophy Degree from UNC in 100U. taught at St. Mary's Junior College m uaieign imeu years and returned to UXC where she rec( ived her masters. She was head of the Latin De partments at Winthrop College, Koek Hill. S. C. before going to the American Academy in Rome where she worked a year towards her doctorate. When World War I began, she returned to the United States, and was unable later to go hack and complete her work. Famous I ar Heel Editors Following is a list of a few former Daily Tar Heel editors and journalistic capacities wmv.11 now distinguished in the business tiipv nurs.ued after years at Carolina: 1 r Thomas Wolfe Jonathan Danie'.s Waller Sporman William J. Vccstcndick Famous author who ranks among the all time literary figures of this country. Editor of the Raleigh News and Ob server and press secretary to Presi dent Roosevelt. Professor in the School of Journal ism, now studying at Harvard Uni versity this year. Editorial director of the Long Island Newsday and former Nieman Fellow at Harvard. loved her job, and believes tnat teachers must love to teach in order for students to benefit. shn Hoes not denv that she was what is known as a "stiff" j teacher today. Buf, she recalls, with satisfaction that when the girls she taught transferred to UNC, they were accused by male students of using Latin "ponies." "The boys were quite shocked to find that those girls could actually man Latin without them." she chuckled. Graduation Gown Mis Jones proudly states that wil be worn for the 30th time this June. It has been through quite a fpu; PYfitintt exneriences since it was first worn in 1900. "My great-niece and her brother wore it for graduation exercises the same day," she recalls. "There was quite a bit of confusion as we had to rush it from an 11 P-- graduation in Sweet Briar, Va. and let the hem down for a 6 p.m graduation at UNC. Another dramatic event occurred when two UNC students, whose mothers had both worn the gown, felt that they each had a right to graduate in it. They both graduated the same day and both wore me crown Miss Jones has never been able . 1 51 it Hut i ; to ligure out now iur uiu the gown has a mended tear on one side as a result of that day Miss Jones's graduation gown is presently well preserved. When she ceases to lend it, it has been J bequeathed to the UNC library. income and as the determining foctor in how large each day's issue of the paper will be. Once the latler is determined, it becomes the tashk of the news department to fill the. pages with copy. The normal news release comes to the managing editor for place j.ment in. the paper. Stories picked up by Tar Heel reporters on their "beats" are written by these re porters and then passed on to the managing editor after a close look by the news editor. It is the managing editor who writer headlines, "dummies in the page and decides what storLvs should go in What places in the paper. This post is at the pinnacle of the news department. j Copy is carried from the Tar Heel offices in Graham Memorial to the shop in Carrboro wher type and ads are set in preparing the j paper for its publication. Tress runs are made after midnight, with a total of some 6.502 copies printed daily. This then, it the routine followed by the Tar Heel six days a week for about 30 weeks a year. It costs you about two and one-half cents per day, while the work going in to its publication is measured in terms of experience for those who contribute to it. Primarily, the newspaper caters to students who have an interest in iournalism as a livelihood once "third men" all over the campus. Rack then the dining hall was in Swain. And what some RTVMP majors now affectiona tely call "Swine Hall'. probably picked up In 1919, the year Wolfe was editor, Carolina's basketball game appa- noen renasned m edits wrtnm tne Ine university. memory ot many undergraduates l,30t) Mudents , is trying to retain tdoay. A para- today. I In 1919 The Tar Heei ran a blaz-r ,thp Carolina hAkpthalt tpnm is pv. eellent'-The Washington Post. Would that' we had passed Virginia and A few issues later signs of extra- I r,pnrcptnwn 1 " curricular activities appeared. ' Advertising in that same yew "Nuricas And Fatimas Mingled imay have seemed up to date, but ' With Oratory Open Dialectic Smok-1 today it seems a little wordy. The . ed," announced a single- column. 1 phrasing of the tallowing cigarette its nickname in those days when a three line head. Nuricas y and Fati- l aj seems familiar in form, but the piece of bread was used like an! mas are prefilter tip-irekingsize 1 wording would Tiiss the consumer, early guided missile. " 1 cigarette brands. 1 "Men keep switching from straight The -Tnr Heel didn't pass up the I On-the other side of the page, Turkish figarettiis because they eon- in type of identical size, over a t& in too much Turkish. They eem story of identical length, was a over-rich and h-avy." Becomes A Daily In 1929, under the editorship cf opportunity to comment ou the conditions, and when the chow line moved to Lenoir, the editor followed his target to its new location. The first isue of the paper ap peared on February 23. 1893. The headline declaring "Phi Legislature Debates Legaue of Nations; Sixty seven Men Initiated." Using jokes for filler was common tf V jr- 'J. V St s? i ..1i.-4 V- x leave college. But it also attracts those in other fields of study who have the time and desire to learn what only work on a newspaper can ' offer. What it can teach is largely de pendent upon the individual who exposes himself to it. Walter Spearman, The Tar Heel be came The Daily Tar Heel and con tinued without interruption under that logotype. Spearman is now a professor of Journalism in the UNC J-School. He is studying this year at Harvard on a Fund for Adult Edu cation grant. The Daily Tar Heel has fluctuated in size betwen 4, 6, and 8 columns. Today it is 8 columns high and 21 inches long. But in spite of the changes in page size, and the switch from type set by hand to type set by linotype, the paper has always tried to "Cover the Campus." The rating of its success in this aim lies with the students who read ir. 7 V T SPORTS STAFF Presenting you with last minute coverage of the snorts world are Dave Wible, assistant sports editor; Rusty Ham mond and Elliott Ccoper, sport staffers. (Norm Kantor Photo) r i ifl xi -v V i'A t t I 1 .'"ii i . 3 : J . . - 4 7 iV , i ? ? - , 4 t . r4 V's ' 1 ; i ,sk. .,4 " ' - , - ' f... : " , ' i 'vJimlUiUu Liu THE BUSINESS WORLD-Sitting here are sonti staff members you rare.y near ao-u,. . ..c7 ........ THE BUSINESS W a e fjrst row. Norm Kanforf phofo. th business end of The Daily iar neei. r. - grapher; Fred Katzin, advertising manager- Rush, business staff; Johi fod circulation manager. and Avery Thomas, subscription manager. Back row, Lewis sr; and Syd bhu (Voorhees Photo) ,B",C,' r,cu . . . w.,.k! staff: John Whitaker, business manager; and 5yd inu Rush, business statt; jonn muue., Papeir Has Big Budget The Daily Tar Heel is a business organization that handles $46,000 a year. This amoant of money must be brought in through student fees and advertising to provide for the efficient operation of the newspaper. The single, biggest part of income of the paper is from student fees, which accounts for one-half operat ing budget. Local and national aUVeiLLMUg UllMg 111 licaiijr -ir cent of the money needed. The rest of the income is from subscriptions and special aclverstising. The expenditures of the newspa per are divided among some five big categories and some 11 lesser ones. The biggest chunk of the $46,000. goes for printing costs. These costs run to almost $31,500. Farther down the expense scale is the $7,100 paid all the salaried personnel of The Daily Tar Heel staff. Wire Services The three Associated Press wire service machines cost the paper $1,770. Engraving rental costs run to $1,775. And the fifth big expense item is the telephone and telegraph charges and postage, which takes $1,000 of The Daily Tar Heel budget. These are the biggest items that are taken care of, but hundreds of additional dollars must take care of such things as photography, news features (Peanuts, Pogo, the cross word and the Metro advertising ; service,