tj.U.C. Library Carlals Dept. Box 870 COED RULES The editor doesn't like the new rules. See page 2. ess WEATHER Mild today, with some chance of showers. VOL. LXV NO. 139 Complete iff) Wire Service FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE Offices in Graham Memorial CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1958 oT w 1) Sin Women- Leaders Comment On Rules Five coed lenders expressed vary- , ii.i: views on the Women's Hesi ! dt nee Council rules for freshmen Monday. i Miss Connie Bernstein, past stu dent legislature member; Miss Su- ' sanne Monsteller, editor of the Coed Handbook; Miss Dot Pressly, sec retary of the student body; Miss Martha Wilkinson. CP candidate for, student body secretary, and Miss I.ibby McCord. Women's Residence Council Representative, were amonu the croup commontinn on the new lules. Mi-s Pressly saw need for rules tin -. but thought they were out if place at Carolina. "I think the rules that hac been suesled should be modilied so that t!ey arc in keeping the over-all philoso phy at Carolina,' she stated. ' II I wcic under such rtih's as h.,e been passed by the ro;n, ii 1 in sine that it would build up a r! .tm ri'M'iilnii n: in me toward upper classmen." stated Miss Bern stem She added that it the freshmen entering the diversity a: o suppost d t he of a huher caliber, based on lather standards' for cniorint,'. then ?he are mature enough to uo by the same rules as others. Nurses lake Kulcs Forty nut of I'ilt.v-tite freshman nutsi'H t'xpressetl their desire to see the rules put into ellect. The results tame alter an informal (nil was taken Tuesday afternoon. In common: in on putting tiesh- 40th Birthday Celebration Set By Play makers The Carolina Playmakers have is sued an open inviUd u.n to all pet sons who hr:ve worked with the yjoup to at.vrd their fortieth an niversary reunion dinner, to be held at the Chapel Hill Country Club on May 3. at f:(0 p. m. Interest in the dinner has been l-i'Ji annum the former members of the organization and more than 7") persons are expected to attend. Arnold the Playmakers to return to the campus for the eent are Joan than Daniels and Bernice Kelly Har ris, nioted novelist; Hichard Adler. famou-i for "Pajama (lame"; and Kenmt Hunter. whose outdoor dramas are soon each summer in Carolina and Tennessee. Reservations for the dinner may t o made by calling the Department o' Dramatic Art. R-7t:il. Kcserva t.oiis are $1 o. IN THE INFIRMARY men into one dorm Miss Bernstein said "This is discrimination against them." Miss Mosteller pointed out that there was a need for some fresh men rules in order to adjust to col lege life. "Bring turned loose could be confusing and also hurt the enter ing freshmen individually," she said. Her main objection to the new tides closed study in particular, was that it would limit freshmen women's activities in campus activi ties. (See Rl'LKS, Page 3) Award Winner To Ba Chosen By Committee T. e -innual J;mo Craige Gray Me nu rial Award presentation will be I eld Sand y. April 21) at A M) p.m. in the Main Lanugo of Graham Me morial. Tins award is presented annually by Beta Chi chapter of Kappa Delta Sorority m memory of Jane Craige i (ray. who was initiated as an alum ni in 1 !.) The award recognizes that member of the .Junior Class who has pi oven herself most out standing in character, leadership and scholarship. F.ach year this junior woman's' name engraved on the award plague to be kept in the Kappa Delta house and the official announcement will be in the commencement program. 1 There will be a selection commit tee composed of Dr. Katherinc Car michael. Dean of Women and Chair- , man of the Selections Committee; Assistant to the Dean of Students, j Bay .Jefferies; retiring president of ;l,e student body. Sonny Evans; re- ' tiring chaiiman of the Women's Honor Council. Kit Whitehurst; re tiring chairman of Women's Orien tation. Mary Jane Fischer substitut ing for Susan Mayhue; Dean of Awards. Dr. F.rnest Mackie; Per sonnel Advisor to Women, Miss Luanne Thornton. The former Miss Jane Boydeii Craige of Winston-Salem. Mr. Gray attended the National Cathedral Academy in Washington and gra duated from Vassar with honors. In Chapel Hill, she was active in the organization of the school Art Guild. Newcomers Club, Colonial Dames and was organizing presi dent of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. The chapter will hold a reception in honor of the award winner im mediatelv after her selection. At I . : 1 . S-V . ... . . . - ; ;. v-. . . .- . i i . i.-. Hi ' ::;,. ' . - - '; v ; vtm"' $ : A i 7 I ii iJ i l! n II iPn Fl n Tn) JL IfVI . M SWDiH WWW Ir.lnSTO Dorm Women Goldsmith 161; By BILL KINCAID j Goldsmith 98; Don Furtado, Student . Party Furtado 245, candidate, won the student body j Town Women: Furtado 29, Gold presidency by a narrow margin cf I smith 70; Town Men I: Furtado 94 votes in Tuesday's runoff elec tion. iic ucitnicu -vi viuiu3iiiii.ii, uni versity Party candidate, by receiv ing 1268 votes to Goldsmith's 1174. Voting by districts was: Dorm Men's I: Furtado 132, Goldsmith 98; Dorm Men's IP Furtado 218, Goldsmith 138; Dorm Men's III: Furtado 133, Goldsmith 82; Dorm Men's IV: 10, Goldsmith 94; Town Men' II: Furtado 66, Goldsmith 210; Town Men III: Furtado 58, Gold smith 68; Town Men Fv: Furtado 7, Goldsmith 11; Infirmary: Fur tado 12, Goldsmith 7. Furtado, in a post election state ment to The Daily Tar Heel, said: "Nothing that I can say .could ever express my appreciation to the stu dents of Carolina. I can only prom- their confidence. person to lead them for the com- "My sincere thanks go to all of j ing year. I have always thought those people who have so unself ishly devoted long hours of their time to helping me. "This has been a long and hard fought campaign. The great re spect that the campus has for A! Goldsmith is evidenced by the support which he gained. This next year is going to be a difficult one most highly of Don, and although we differ on many political views I count him as one of my closest friends. "I think the campus is now aware of the many problems which must be faced. I sincerely hope that Don will adapt some of the plans and ideas I pushed in my campaign as I feel they have much Furtado 234, Goldsmith 144: ise that in the coming year I will Dorm Men's V: Furtado 133, attempt to prove myself worthy of for student government, and I know that I can depend on his merit. able assistance." "I thank all the students who Goldsmith, in a final statement voted for me both on the first of said: "The students of Carolina i April and today. I hope they will have today chosen an outstanding all rally around our new president . and help him as he faces this most DON FURTADO SP Candidate Wins Templeton's Ability Overcomes Darkness Men Term Coed Rules 'Unjust' DTH Poll Shows difficult job." Bv Kl'SSKI.L KICK Take a beginning piano student, tlindfold him, put him before a piano keyboard. and tell him to learn the instrument well enough to perform with the New York Phil harmonic Orchestra. When the piano student accomplished this feat, he can say that he has equaled Alec Templeton. Templeton was blind at birth and has never seen a piano key or any The Student Entertainment Com mittee will present Alee Temple ton tomorrow night ft 8 in Me morial Hall. Admission is free on presentation of ID Cards. Student wives will be charged one dollar and others two dollars. listens to him perform, it is difficult to comprehend that this man has never seen a single sheet of music. ' Templeton's supreme musicianship is a triumph of genius over incredi ble handicaps. Alec Templeton is '. not only a classical pianist, but also one of the most tasteful im provisors in the American jazz field. Ik is one of the very few who are associated with both the classics and jazz. His inspired "jamming" in in formal all-night sessions have really been out of this world. Born in England, he is one of the first of his nation to get into American jazz. Nearly 90rf of the undergraduate j lc wed to us-e his or her own discretoin male population seems to feel that . as to how to study at night." the new coed rules are unjust. This j Another commented: "Why must was revealed by a Daily Tar Heel there be changes when freshman poll taken yesterday in seven dormi- girls have behaved, as well as any tories and four fraternities. j others? Also the rules tend to in- 94r; of the male population felt i hibit "reality testing-' and social that the rules needed changing, 4r; j development. They tend to imply did not know whether the rules were i just or unjust. 432 people returned polls out of 6G3 that were sent out for a 71 r; average return. Most criticized were rules concern 1 ing closed study halls, lights out j tegulations, and earlier closing hours; however there was a good i deal of opposition to weekend rules j and segregation of dormitories, j Among the men. there seemed to be tittle sentiment for the new rules and some expressed the desire that the present rules be abolished. Commentaries ranged from the pro fane to a statement like the follow ing: "Such rules are typical of One Act Plays By Students Open Friday Three new one act plays by stu- A more full, breakdown of the poll dents in the Department of Dra will be released this Weekend, after matic Art will be seen Friday and that the girls have to be looked af- j ter, constantly watched and that they are inherently evil." 1 which the poll will be turned over to the Women's Residence Council for consideration. Local AED Chapter Hosting Convention Alec Templeton by way of radio and television. These two entertain ment mediums have brought out his wonderful charm and wit. If He plays the piano with an ease ' Templeton should give up tne piano, and skill which equals the great- he could surely become a success est artists in the profession. As as a comedian. other object. Today he is one of the foremost concert pianists, hav ing played with the principal symphonies of the world. Millions of people have listened to j those instituted in Victorian days. If a person cannot live with his or her elders, how can one ever hope to become a more rounded person. Forcing one to study has never worked out.' that I know of." "I went to a strict prep school. A person of college age should be al- The local chapter of Alpha Ep silon Delta, national jprs-medical and pre-dental honorary society, is sponsoring a state-wide pre-med and pre-dental convention in con junction with the annual state Al pha Epsilon Delta convention this Saturday. The sessions have been planned so as to be most beneficial to all pre-professional students in the state. The program will consist of a Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in The Play makers Theatre. "The Dangers of Great Litera ture," by Gabrielle Boepke, heads the bill. The play, directed by Page Williams, is a comedy on the : Paris-Helen-Meneleus theme. Fea tured in the cast are John Sneden j as Melvin, Lore Schuller as Helen, and Chuck Tomlinscn as Perry. Special music for the show will bs played by Taylor Williams. The setting is designed by Millard Mc Donald. The second play is a folk fan- entitled "Mossell and the SPOTLIGHTS AND FOOTLIGHTS Featured in a Saturday morning j panel discussion on "Pre-profes-j sional Education as Training f or Life" will be four educators: Dr. i Robert Cordell, department of sur- pprv at the Bowman School of i tasv Medicine; Dr. Nathan Womack. i Laurel Bush," by George H. Hill, professor of surgery at the UNC directed by Lew Goldstein. In the Medical School; Dr. William De-: cast are Barbara Dixon as Mossell. meritt, assistant dean of the UNC Dorothy Walters as Lenore, John Dental School, and Dr. Kenneth Whitty as Mr. Sileno and Ronald Penrod. assistant dean of the Duke Belk as Curly. Settings are by Medical School. chuck Tomlinson. The afternoon session will be The final play is "The Freudian morning session in the auditorium j ne(I in lhe clinical Auditorium of Years," by Ken Callendar, the of Hill Hall, and an afternoon ses- j the hospital, and will feature short I stor' of zn ultra-modern family, sion in the clinical auditorium of taks by a mecjicai ancj a dental directed by Lucy Ann Dunlap. The student describing life in medical i Players are Harvey Knox as waiao, and dental schools. ! Pat Simmons as Sophia, Betty Pranb w Farrpll .Tr nresideet , Rhodes as Margaret, David Feter- of the local chapter, stresses that this convention is open to all in- the North Carolina Memorial Hos pital Fleece, Valkyries Have Big Night By DAVIS YOUNG seats at precisely the moment the , tension mount as the hooded fig- Cvmbals clang, the crowd stiis cymbals clanged and escorted from j ures wound their way through the tories, sororities and fraternities. Acting as Mistress of Ceremonies sen as Henry, Kay Rogers as Han nah, and Jim Potter as Gus. The terested students on this campus set is designed by David Small. as well as any wish to attend. others who might Admission to the plays is free and the public is cordially invited. this time she will be presented with and"tvvo hooded figures start down Memorial to the sound of tremen-1 audience looking for some one else ! was Dot Pressley a member ot tne a silver card trav with her name engraved on it Students in the infirmitry yester d.iv includi'd: Misses Tin bn i Vaiigh;in, Ciinn Ivn Allrne Alston, Siimlra Kruetue. Jt-rri I.assiter and Sus.ui Sander and Jamri Sinclair. Mie h.H'l ;iens, A!-x Decker, Clwirlcs Patmhtridnc, John Coleseott. John ny Iteece. Cl.uide llardison. Char les Sheets. William Lewis. Doug las Mc( "all. Joe Craig. Clifton PaderUk. John Dalton. Herbert Itentley. Robert Schrrlvrr. Donald Gottschalk and William I'.rowning. . . v-i- - r i r i : the aisles cf Memorial Hall to the : dous ovations. who filled the qualifications ior ; values. 1)1 UXIlvl - ollll icvt ii win , iiivj pwi'vu a v - - the highest honorary for membership ' Biggest Laughs Professional IFC Elects New Officers The Professional Interfraterntiy Council has elected officers for tho year lDf85f. Dave Vcasey, Delta Sigma Pi, will serve as president. Others elected were: vice president, Don Deaton, Theta Delta Chi; secretary, Whitaker Moose. Kappa Psi; and : treasurer, Don Pugh, Alpha Kappa i Psi. tune ti,n '-Thi t!ino' n thoir soats their names and hometowns i Those tapped wav to tappin- thirteen new mem-! were read. It was then explained ' on Monday night included Charles j The Sigma Nu fraternity gave bers into the Order of the Golden to the audience just what field i Ashford. Wayne Bishop, Jean j the crowd many of its biggest each one had excelled in, which j Pierre Boissavit, John brooKs ana j laugos oi me eveuu.s .. i Herman Godwin. i n roll skit. luangum uorm am a Also: Robin Hinson, Jesse Wei- j takeoff on Lee's surrendering to i mar Jones, Rolaad (Buddy) Payne, j Grant. They ended their act by Fleece. Located in Monday night's audi-j made him eligible ence were the tappees all totally i ship. for member- unaware of their extreme fortune. They were scattered through the audience and many were hard for the two hooded Fleeccmen t") reach. However, true to Fleece tradi tion, the new initiates were all grabbed and pulled from their Tension Mounts The packed house seemed to love the "cloak and dagger" in volved with the initiation and sig naled their approval without hesi tation as each new Fleece mem ber was selected. And then they would settle back and watch the Harvey Peck, Clifton Hunter Till- j having the crowd join them in a man John Whitaker. John Whitty I rousing chorus of 'Dixie." and Jan Philip Schinhan. Following the annual public ap pearance of the Golden Fleece was the annual Valkyrie Sing. It featured musical acts from dormi- The.Tri Delts, all dressed in black with white gloves, gave two beautiful renditions of old Negro spirituals which enabled them to (See SING, Page 3) Bridge Results Jap Memory teamed with Dr. George Doak of Chapel Hill to win second place in Monday night's ' bridge game at Graham Memorial. The only other students to place in east-west competition were Al Alexander and Bill Greene, who placed third. Mrs. C. P. Richmond , and Roy L. Smith took first place. . The April master point game is scheduled for next week. The director announced that re newals of memberships were due : and urged student bridge players j to renew their expired member- j ships. He invited those who are i not members to join. fM SLATE The following activities are scheduled for today at Graham Memorial: GMAB, 4-6 p.m., Grail Room; Women's Orientation Council, 4-6 p. m., Roland Parker Lounge I; Kappa, 7-9 p.m., Roland Parker Lounge II; Orientation Council Interviews, 7-10 p. m., W'oodhouse Conference Room; Polls Commit tee, 4:30-5:30 p. m., Roland Par ker Lounge II; Carolina Forum, 4-5 p. m., W'oodhouse Conference Room; Pan Hellenic Council, 5-6 p. m., W'oodhouse Conference Room. i .0 St u.i " W mm SMITH DORM f : $ r- it. i i i - If i i I -'J-A i a .71 u If - ) . J : ,-r. . , i'i"-.- a A CRIMES ST. ANTHONY HALL . . . and they sang and they danced and they wore funny clothes ALPHA DELTA PI Photos by Norman Kantor