SATURDAY, JANUARY J1, t3t PA01 fOU t P3 THE DAILY TAR HEEL j J f f 1 J " 7 I Moe Paces Wfh 22; Hees Face SC Tonight i - It looks esiMroit'AablpR' RuppV Kentucky, Wildcatsrwill stays a solid choice as the halldtiY'numbcr !lwarw,cjgaii:on'iriog;1af IWcy" keep winning.. The" Cats closed first in, both the, AT and. UP polls last week with the Tar Heels of Carolina breathing down 'thir, necks in both. . '.v ' . j ' ; Ont pub!kiti6n,.$eortt IHutrttd, givs ,tf nod U Caro lina. In ranking h famr9inally, SI rats-h Tar Hh firtf in th South with 'Kentucky weemd and Auburn third. i Alter seeing the Wildcats' slaughter three opponents, we can't help but believe maybe they deserve that lofty position. Just let them sJip an inch, though, and Carolina will be on top, but quick. The funny thing about it is that both Kentucky and Carolina have a nucleus of untried sophomores, and neither was rated at all highly before the season began. Now, eyes are opening all over the place and both teams roll along like ole roan river. Tht ntxt Ht for Ktntucky com vry toon whtn th CaH tn9l. with Auburn, who it undtftatod this ytar and has a two ytar strwk of 24 farms 9 oing. That might bo tha last straw. The next toughie the Tar Heels face Is next week when disap pointing, but capable, Maryland comes to town. After that, well, there's always State to play again. Stat skiddtd as low as sixth in ont of tho polls and hald onto furth In tho othtr. Th Pack . Is currently playing with, but not against, Carolina In Charlorro. T10 two ttams swap oppononts tonight. Speaking of the next N. C. State-Carolina contest, upcoming on February 18, the final' decision has been made as to where it will be held. After three sites were suggested and much controversy arose, the Athletic Department wisely decided to play the game here in Chapel Hill. Even though Woollen Gym will only hold 4,800, the move was still the right one. Had tho ftmo boon playod in distant Charlotto, or ovon at RaUigh, thtrt would hao boon an immoso transportation for students problom. iron though both placos had offorod 7,000 stu dent tlcktts, tho simpla fact romalns tho studonts could not havo walkad to tht gamo. Tho gamo will bo broadvistd for tho bOnofit of thoto who don't got into tho "Sardino Can". Odd Fact: Kentucky, number 1 team in the nation, isn't even leading Us own conference. The Wildcats were beaten by SEC foe Vandcrbilt,- while Auburn'i unbeaten rifinsmen Ijold the league lead Sports UlustratodV in addition to WndW Tar Haols first placo, had a plcturo and 'articlo on Carolina mlddlo-distano flash Davo Scurlok. ,Tho artklo asks, "Is tho Unitod Statts a So-nd-IUU Track f oworf .urlk .runs today in tho Millroso gsmos in Now York City .against, old rival 'Arnio .SowtH. Ikiore lat nizht'a battle with Clemson, Carolina had compilled $ome amadng statistics: 1 All five starters are averaging in double figures, 2 They lead the league in offense (74 5). 3 They average the Mrscat roint rrrcad (almost 10), 4 York Larese Is putting in exactly. 50 of his shots.. .1 . 1 . Aftor.this wtakand's. doublo haador In Chtrlotto, tho Tar Hol havo only I gamts laft boforo tho ACC Tournamont. 4 of fhtm, howovor aro at homo., , .'" CHARLOTTE Carolina's na tionally second-ranked Tar Heels had everything their own way here last night as they clobbered Clem son. College 60-46 before 7,275 fans in Memorial Coliseum. -ThciTIeels f showed the ; effects of 1 the .jon'a lay-off for exams m their play," but still managed to come through-rwith more than enough for t(ie (Tigers. .- v" ' Doug. Moe, having his best night or lhe . year, paced the Tar Heel attack with 22 points. Harvey Salz was the only other man in double figures, getting 10. George Krajack and Bill Warren each had 13 for Clemson, while Doug Hoffman dumped in 12. After the score was knotted early at 5-5, the Carolinians grabbed a lead they never relinquished the Coming back onto the floor after intermission, Carolina quickly ran the score up and pulled out of dan ger early in the second half. Clem son was in striking distance for the rest of the game, but could never muster a rally sufficient to close the ap.' . .. : - . . The win boosted Carolina's over all season record to a dazzling 1M, and kept their conference mark un beaten at 6-0. It marked the Tar Ieels 5th straight win since losing their only game of the season to Michigan State in the Dixie Classic. Clemson's defeat sunk them to 3-6 in the league and dropped their overall mark to 5-12. Tonight at 7:30 the Tar Heels meet- South Carolina, a team that gave State College a fight last night in the Frosh Win Carolina's Tar Babies edged tho Georgetown Frosh 75-73 on jump shot by guard Don Walsh in the last six seconds. The win advanced the Carolina Frosh to the finals ' of : the Georgetown Invitational Tour nty; they face Bullis Prep to night. The Tar Babies trailed by 30 22 in the first half, but rallied to load 38-33 at intermission, Tho gamo was close all the way. Tho Scoring: Walsh 20, Po test 18, Hudock 16, Hubbard 9, McComb 8, Phillips 4. rest of the night on Laresc's steal and lay-up. Two more steals and sy shots followed giving Carolina a six-point spread. Larcse's jump gave the Heels heir longest lead of the half at 25- 16, but then the Tigers began to whittle away at the enemy margin cutting U to 4 at 28-24. A. late rally led by Lee- Shaffer, Ray Stanley, and Danhy L'ofi pulled the Tar Heels away to a halftime spread of 10 points at 35-25..; , , ; .- University! Volleyball State Outlast Gamecocks 63 - S3 Once again the menitiers of the UNC faculty have emtjrged out of their smoke-filled roonils and have taken their sneakers and headed for Woollen Gym. Why.' The Uni versity Volleyball League is once again in action. ' - The teams have been' set up in the same order as they Avcre during the fall, with the exception of hav ing new captains for the teams and the players have been selected for different teams than . they: were on during theall. By KEN ALYTA CIIARLOTTE W Sixth-ranked North Carolina State led virtually all the way Friday night in scor ing a 63-53 victory over South Car olina in the opening game of an Atlantic Coast Conference basket ball doubleheader. John Richter, 6-8 Wolf pack cen ter, scored 21 points to lead the assault against South Carolina. State was cn top by 13 points at the half with a late flurry after South Carolina had tied the score at 18-all with 5:30, .to go. State retained a .i3-point lead at 52-39 midway of the last half 8 before South Carolina tallipd The teams still number 6 with 8 consecutive nomts to trail bv 5 A rr " piayers to a team, ine new cap-.with five minutes lpft. tains are: 'Pete Mullis, Carl Blyth, Bo Shepard,5 Mike Ronrr&an, Marvin Allen and Henry House. Some of . the special rules state opener of a double header before that play w'ill begin as s;oon as four players are; present, and when a ;ame is in progress and new play ers arrive, 1 they should -be ejected bowing 63-53. Carolina has already defeated both South Carolina and Clemson this . .. ... ... into the eanae after one comnletp season. Last tune out ine neeis r t, u-,rsr,r iu nQmprAk c J 7n-57 in rotation of the team Columbia. in eight games. Pucillo had 16 points and Ste- The Box Then, rebound ace Georee Str- panovich and little Lou Pucillo ! Dial . . . .. Frantz vuiiiunicu lor li points, o oy ine latter, to put State safely ahead for its seventh conference victory N. C. State McGillivrary Stepanovich . Richter . Englehardt Pucillo .. , Hoadlcy 1 McCann i Totals . ; South Carolina Peri col a Luigs;; -y i W. Hudson "i- ' Callahan Lcntz Prater B. Hudson Quick Totals N. C. State South Carolina G 4 4 6 3 6 0 0 23 G 3 2 :3 4 1 5 3 9 0 0 21 F ' 0-1 4-7-9-12 ' 0-2 4-6 0-2 0-0 17-30 13 F P P 4 1 1 0 : 2 ; 1 T 2- 4 00 00 3- 3 0-0 4- 6 2-4 9-9 00 0) 2 1 5 2 3 1 3 9 3 1 T 8 12 21 6 16 0 0 63 T ? 8 A i 11 panovich 12 for the State team that was down to. 10 men. Sophs Niewierowski left school Thursday for what they called personal rea sons. Dickie, ;Rrater was South Caro lina's high scorer with 14 points. . Baseball Meeting Coach Itabb- would like to meet all candidates, that are interested in varsity baseball on Monday, Febru ary 2 at 4:00 in room 304 of Woollen Gym. 14 8 9 0 0 11-17 21 53 34 2963 21 3253 PATBOH1ZE YOUH ADVERTISERS The Box NORTH CAROLINA Shaffer Moe : Kepley Larese Salz Brown Lotz Donohue Crotty Stanley Totals CLEMSON G. Krajack Hoffman Carver Gibbons Warren r Berry E. Krajack Totals G F 4 2-2 7 1 3 4 0 1 0 0 1 8-9 2-4 0-0 2-4 0-0 0-1 2-4 0-0 2-2 T 10 22 4 6 10 0 2 2 0 4 You're Out Of Your Mind. Charlie Brown 21 18-26 16 GO G F 5 3-6 4-5 0-1 0-0 3-4 2-4 0-0. P 3 3 0 3 4 4 1 T 13 10 4 2 13 2 2 17 12-20 18 46 DAILY CROSSWORD Scurlbcic Runs In Millrose Games Today All American Dave' Sc u r lock. North Carolina's S 4 senior speed ster, will meet a long-time rival once again in Saturday's Millrose Games in New York's Madison Square Garden. Scurlock, fresh frcm a fine victory in the Knights of Columbus Games la Boston, will be up against Arnle Sowell. former rittsburjh tar who owns- the world indoor' record time of 1:50 3 In the 830-yard run. An other entry in Saturday's event is Totn Murphy, who edged but Big Dave for the New York A G.. title last season. ' ' ' Itamon Corvlaet4 ' Tar Heel Coach Dale Ranson- is convinced that the Greensboro na live is headed for his biggest sea on in this bis final year. "Dave is a hard worker and a great com petitor," Random begins. "Ho has a lot of confidence in himself. He has developed a strong aversion to losing and I think this will be his best season on the boards both in quality of performance and in com petition." ScurlocK won three major indoor races last year. In addition to the Millrose title, he took firsts in the BAA at Boston and the Chicago Daily News meet. This season Dave nailed down second position in the Sugar Bowl 40, losing out to Olym pic star Glenn Davis, before win ning at Boston. 3 More Meets After Saturday's race, Dave is scheduled to participate in the BAA in- Boston on 'Feb. '7 the Philadel phia Inquirer 'Meet on Feb. 13, the New York AC meet on Feb. 14, the New York K of C. Meet on March and the 'Atlantic Coast Conference Indoor Games here on March 14. CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT: BRANCH STREET; Bedroom, 4 room house at $60 per month. Stove and refrigerator. Available immediately. Call 9-7631 after 7 p.m. 1. Letters 5-Saney 9. liatiMtvr 1L JXcre fat fTecjrtent p!ae 13. Excos 14. Bra&f32t food 18.Ineoma lT.Teyrtbla 15. Prt of to be" tt.Tfc.wor iS.VoraxIcrc3 fish ter tad tha ' IIarUl, author 25. Email c&S 28.Cstrn 27. Exist 28. Star Etate 23. Extend 52. Cat off, ejtcpa S 5. Theater eeats ' S8.X:scap 38. Notoriety 53. Coven 'with feoorfroet 40.Strav beehive ttvtr DOWTT LPcrt f ear 2. 13 jpey 5. SaSora drink . Photoplay cena 8. Wan 6. Ireland (poet.) 7. Mends & Adriatic seaport 10. Contract 11. Storm l.Unit ef work 17. Dagger 19. Irish floral emblem 23. EhelTac fagredlent 21. Sand dime (Great Britain) 22. Charter 23. Metal 24. "Lone t 28. Weight 28. Ab sorbed, aa In thought 50. Eye 51. Jump STll iff! ICIL Ep5s RRklViJTC TC Lg I & R Kt fA HIE Hp L g lffS M IpQj E T 1-31 Yciterdayf kntwr 32. Young eheep 53. German river 54. Mexican dollar 37. Contend fop 'NT PW4 ITTI ' p i? sr -I 1 1 Mtt L-31 IFJfoHUree lALLY THE Bi MANONTME CAMPUS YOU UWULDNT RP A Mnft -jo CJ 1 MI6SBP EV'J?y 'CtPT THS o Tht new Peanuts book waiting for you at is The Intimate Bookshop 205 East Franklin Street Open Till 10 P.M. T T t Y V X T H t SPRING SEMESTER ; Begins FEBRUARY 2, 1959 TOWN CLASSES offers Gregg Shorthand Course (Afternoon) Typewriting Course (Afternoon) tAt Shorthand Speed-building Course (Evening) Complete Secretarial Course (Morning) for full information call or come by TO W!N GLASSES Phone 9-2681 1 1592 E. Franklin Street Chapel Hill (over Sutton's Drug Store) ' MILTON'S LAST CALL TO WINTER Crazy Further Reductions Guaranteed To Smoke Out Your s i . - - Bottom Dollar For Give-A-Vays You Can't Afford To Miss. iltons Clotfiins Cupboarb I" 111 I. U '-"' I""- - ' '."'Mil 11,11111 II. IU. t'i 'in in i .mi m .nii-ni..iiiii.....JiSi...n,i,MWii.iiii.. mJ I ,mmm ""', "" ' mhbm bhJ :::'; sm .. 'j, aMjmuwi','!i'.iwn)'.wmi Ji Waaag: t f '. i V v.V? fulfill j W l- linllf' I 19 ! ; "' ft --3 Yfau dan lighf either eridll Gat satisfying fla vor... So friendly ; - s . i to your NO FLAT FILTERED-OUT FLAVOR I See how Pall Mall's famous length of fine ; tobacco travels and gentles the smoke makes it mild-but does not filter out,: u that satisfying flavor ! :-- '..i&ptfP mrnmrmr-i no dry fi : "SMOKED-OUT" : 0JSSi SS iCSSol 23 UtBp'i? .nio . .. -WKA.-.i "Outstanding.. and they are Mild! HERE'S WHV SMOKE -TRAVELED- THROUGH NE To'TcSTif Ynn cref Pa!l Mall'e n-11 ., , TES BEST . 1 ww iti. 1 an ivinn a f famous length of the finest tobaccos money can buy. 2 natura"y - fme tobaccos! .-,1 V. MIMM

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