J "if "yi1 m il if11 jj y k iy y y y y y yr y y yri FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1959 THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE THRfcE r Vick Chemical Co: K' Offers Summer Jobs Vick Chemical Co. is offering sum mer positions fur undergraduate ma'.e students planning careers in advertising, merchandising and sales. A company representative will be on the campus March 4 and .) to intmiew qualified and inter- ted students. Men selected will be assigned to work in one or more northeast, midwest, southwest, central or south rn states under direction of the division Sales Manager and hi staff. Their job will be to sell Vick products to retail outlets. Travel wr.hin the area to be worked will t.e continuous for the 12-week peri l of employment. In addition to the selling work, the men u!l be required to place Vick advertising and point-of-sale dis plays. The salary offered is $200 per Month phis all expenses. These cx-j-ruses include meals, hotel, rooms, i.ir. laundry, valet and tips. A car will be furnished by the company and all expenses paid for its opera tion A Norms of $100 will be given upon viccessful completion of the 12-week program. To qualify for this position the applicant mut have marked abjbty id conceive new and better ways solving problems, above average laulity in oral and written expres sion and the ability to lead and di rect the activities of others as dem u Mrated by leadership in past aeti- V .tics. (;! health and necessary rug- gedness and stamina to perform vigorous physical work and travel are also necessary. Further information may be ob tained and interviews arranged by contacting the Placement Service in 204 Gardner Hall. King Is Named Faculty Of School Of Dentistry Dr. James B. King Jr. of Pitts boro has been appointed to the fa culty of the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. Dr. King, a native of Louisburg, v.as appointed clinical instructor in the Department of Pedodontics. He also will continue his practice in Pittsboro. He received his A. B. degree from UNC and his dental degree was awarded by the University of Pennsylvania. Campus To Get 'Old' Look By JOAN BROCK Some- 1,200 high school "gladia tors" and their lovely ladies will transform the campus into a Roman arena of 700 B.C. when the eighth annual Junior Classical League con vention convenes on Saturday, March 7. ' ' A highlight br the day-long con ference will be a Roman fashion show featuring togas, swords, shields, and laurels. Other events will include special discussion ses sions and Planetarium viewings. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. in Memorial Hall, where the open ing session is set for 10 a.m. Kenan Professor B. . Ullman, chairman of the UNC Classics Department and coordinator for the event, will wel come the students. Paddison Pro fessor Robert J. Getty will address the group. The N. C. Junior Classical League is composed of students of Latin from 30 schools throughout the state. It is a chapter of the nation al Junior Classical League, a daugh ter organization of the American Classical League, which Dr. Ullman headed for 10 years as president. Officers of the organization for 1P57-58 have been Pat Walker of Henderson, president; Scott Sum mers of Morganton, vice-president; David Brunson of Charlotte, secre tary; and Gordon Mattocks of Jack sonville, treasurer. State sponsor for the league is Mrs. Mae C. Satterwhite of Oxford. New state officers will be elected at the close of the conference. ovennq The Un iversiry larrup SOCK HOP TONIGHT The Student Nurses' Association is sponsoring a sock hop tonight from 8 pjaa. to midnight in the Rec Room of the Nurses' Dorm. Admission is 25 cents per person. Refreshments will be served.' Y APPLICATIONS ASKED Students'interested in applying for YMCA executive positions for the next scholastic1 year may submit applications to the Y office no later than Sunday. Interviews for executive positions will be held next week, with elec tions set for March 12. . MISSION CONCLUDES TODAY The Rev. William F. Wellein of the Catholic Mission Center at Wake Forest will concluhe-bis mission at the Chapel of St. Thomas More here today. Services are at 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. .-. - , . . . . ' CAMPUS CHEST MEET TODAY The Campus Chest will meet to day in Roland Parker I and II at 4 p.m. to take pictures and to brief all solicitors, dorm ' captains, sec tion leaders, and fraternity and sor ority solicitors. , NEWMAN CLUB Ambrose L. Cleeg will speak on "The Issues Involved in Electing a Catholic President" at a meeting of the Newman Club Sunday, March 1, at 7 p.m. CAROLINA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP The Carolina Christian Fellowship will convene in the upstairs dining room of Lenoir Hall tonight at 5 p.m. for Us supper meeting. -. The president will address the group. A Bible study conference will be held Saturday in Greensboro from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Transportation for local members will leave Lenoir Hall at 2 p.m, ' - ; t. FREE FLICK "Camille" win he the Free Flick shown tonight in Carroll Hall at 7i30 p.m. and 10 p.m. DR. FILLEY IN NEW YORK Dr. John Filley of the Depart ment of Mental Health is in New York today and Saturday mapping plans for a spring meeting of the National Conference on M e n t a i Health Teaching in Schools of Pub lic Health. 'Letter-Writing' Drive Launched By Panhel A "letter writing campaign" was suggested to members of the Pan- hellenic Council as a means to ; stress the University's financial ! needs to the General Assembly. EASTER (Continued from Pg 1) that the adoption of a revised calen dar could stabilize the date of Eas ter on April 8. That would be only ene day removed from the true an niversary of the Resurrection. So that all adults and school chil dren who desire may see the tri bute to Easter, the program will be given 2G times a week. Additional programs will be presented upon request by large school, civic or religious groups. I ' II II fwc5 m a jX ( th uthor f "Rally Round the Flag. Doy$! "and, 'Barefoot Boy with Chetk.") HUSBANDS, ANYONE? It I n Urn alleged th.it roeds to college for the sole purpose ! finding hti-d-iind.. This of course, an infamous canard, and 1 w ve f iir warning that, small and spongy as I am, aiiytxxly w! :iy u h a dastardly thing when I am around had better U' prepared for a sound thrahing! C.tr! go to college for precisely the same reason a men do: It 1 rouden their horizons, to lengthen their vistas, to drink at f fount of wisdom. Hut if, by pure chance, while a girl in i "d in thew meritorious pursuits, a likely looking husband l'i.M pop into view, why, what's wrong with that? Eh? H.tfn wrong with that? H o question now arises, what should a girl look for in a I ur.d? A great deal haa been written on this subject. Some v ,.,r:uter U most important, some say background, some y npi trance, some say education. All are wrong. H c iii. t irnjortant thingbar none in a husband is health. H.t'iitS iv ! handsome as Apollo and rich as Croesus, what good i- be it h.. jut lies around all day accumulating bedsores? i Tie very first thing to do upon meeting a man U to mak ire be i twund of wind and limb. Before he haa a chance to wi tt-talk you, slap . thermometer in his mouth, roll back hia ryrlid, yank out his tongue, rap his patella, palpate his thorax, ak him to Rtraightcn out a horseshoe with hi Ueth. If Ive fnils thew simple testn, plione for an ambulance and go on to the next prospect. If, however, he turns out to be physically fit, proceed to the wrond mosl important reiuiremcnt in a husband. I refer to a wne of humor. A man who can't take a joke is a man to be avoided. There sr several simple test to find out whether your prospect can tike a joke or not. You ran, for example, iJaeb his tires. Of burn bin "Mad" comitu. Or steal his switchblade. Or turn loose kw Kt rattoou. Or hluiv 1U head. After each of these good-natured pranks, laugh gaUy and hout "April Fool!" If he replies, "Hut this is February nbe Utnth," or something equally churlish, cross him off your ist hiA give thanks you found out in time. Hut if he laughs siiverly and call you "Little minx! put him to the nest test. Find out whether he is kindly. . , The quickest way to ascertain hia kindliness is, of course; to l.)k at the cigarette he smoke. Is it mild? I it element? Is it humane? Does it minister Underly to the psyche? Does it coddle the synapses? Is it a Kod companion? Is it genial? Iait bright and friendly and full of dulcet pleasure from cockcrow t.ll the heart of darkness? U it, in short, Philip Morris? ... If Philip Morris it be, then cla?p the man to your bosom w ith I.oooh of steel, for you may be sure that lie is kindly as a suov mer breeze, kindly as a motliei's kiss, kindry to hia very marrow. And now, having found a man who is kindly and healthy and blessed w ith a sense of humor, the only thing that remain is to make sure he will always earn a handsome living. That, fortu nately, w easy. Jit enroll him in engineering, X9M, Mu lor niter ernokrrt Ih Philip Morrie Company makei'Marl bunt, the cigarette ulth better "makln't." New improved Alter and good rich flavor. 'of pack or dip-top box. A lot to liket STUDENT TIRE SAL No Money Down Up To 6 Months To Pay 8-Hour Factory Method Recapping Service 6:70X15 Sale-$9.95 Plus Tax & Recappable Tire 7:50X14 Sale-$12.95 Plus Tax & Recappable Tire Other Sizes Comparatively Lower $11141- hit Phone 9-2621 For Pickup And Delivery CHAPEL HILL TIRE COMPANY !502 V. Franklin St. Chapel Hill SPRING JUS I Of - I AROUND . .... i THE NER... Gardner's Sunoco Service Introduces The $1.00 CAR WASH This Coupon And $1.00 Entitles You To A I Auto Wet -Wash. This Includes Sweeping Inside of Car, Wiping Dashboard, Soaping I , and Rinsing Exterior, and Washing Floor Mats. 1 All This For Only $1.00 Clip This Coupon And Bring To GARDNER'S SUNOCO I NEED NEW TIRES? We Need Used Recappable Tires 250 Of Them! We Need Used Tires So Badly That We Are Letting Our New Kelly Springfield Tires Go At SACRIFICE PRICES! GARDNER'S SUNOCO PHONE 8-457 401 W. Franklin Sh -:- Chapel Hill COMPLETEOAD. SERVICE.. -ESQ. i . For Safer v i , ... t -Spring Arid summer Driving Get Our Expert Front End Alignment! Correct Front End Alignment Makes Your Driving Safr, More Enjoyable CRABTREE BODY SHOP MAIN ST. CARRBORO with General Motors 5 Quality Service. MOTOR TUNE-UP ic FRONT END ALIGNMENT BRAKE INSPECTION r; SAFETY INSPECTION HARR1SS - CONNERS CHEVROLET, INC. 501 W. Franklin St. Phone 9491 , This. Coupon And $10 Entitles You To SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL . . MARCH 2-7 ONLY $20 Value For Only $10 I Via. O FRONT END ALIGNMENT O MOTOR TUNE-UP O WHEEL BALANCING O ROTATE TIRES U Call 8-460 For Appointment I I I I RegArnoco Gas 29.9 gdl. Clip This Coupon and Bring To CAROINA TIRE SERVICE (Formerly Carolina Motors) 301 E. Main St. Carrboro I ...GET YdUR 11 i i P- SPRING CHECK UP NOW!