. t.V..k.J trials Topt. Ddu G70 Chapjl Hill, U.C r ''W?6 nr. WEATHER Sunny nd coolir. N.S.A. Ths issue explained. See Past 2. VOLUME LXVIL NO. 131 Complete (fl Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1959 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE ITl fta r iffl c-n Tf-n sJtsk fTW,, JOr rot! vy r 1 j s i i&m -lis; ) urn w y Senior Class Candidates Speak Out SP Candidates Studmt Party candidates for sen ior cIjss officers outlined several Han for a clavs program in a Matrmcnt released Saturday. Corge Grayson, candidate for prrident and spokesman for the .iher officers, presented a five fold program including the follow 1 1 1 -T ideav "li a top notch graduation speak- r. "2) a meaningful cla$ gift. " ill reduction of senior apathy to- ward campus life. " 4 inculcation of meaning into v inor Djv. and inoro extensive senior plan ! i; n in the preparation of senior I - notions " In additim to Grayson, the oth- ' ir SI' senior rlas officer candi Gray Describes Type Of Student Government A final statement Saturday from Charlie Gray, University Party candidate for president of the stu dent body, described the type stu dent goevrnment he would run f elected. This type student government would mirror the students of all areas of the campus and of both political parties who have been supporting him when they go to the polls to vote Tuesday. Retracing some phases of the current political campaign. Gray said, "During the campaign, both presidential candidates have men- Uioned 'returning student govern ment back to the student.' " Gray explained that he had not meant that statement to imply backward motion of student gov ernment by the present admin- o'jirs are: for vice president. Dave itration. "I have highest regard for the preent administration, es pecially since I have been a part of it. I van-.; secretary. Martha Morgan; I treasurer. John Crotiy. and social c hjinnan, Hunky Jester. Commenti!!;: on his candidacy, (i a) sn sjid. "I should very much ippr- iate opportunity of lend j ,i .; m energy. pat experience arid 1 'peaking ability to this job. I have e x p I o r h d the position q;ui tV'-i -uuhly and have on three oc (a ii-n diMiiwd its functions with U.r i re enl t!aN president." UP Candidates eral plans for the senior ila. of 1!) were presented by University Tarty candidates for en.or clas officers in a statement Saturday. 1 The IT candidates proposed tl) the continuation of the present scholarship award. (2) a class gift to the University which will be use ful. (3) a class weekend with a wfll planned" schedule of activi ties and (4) a class project to be part of the clas weekend. For the class project, the UT candidate have specifically in mind holding a benefit baseball game between two major league teams. The game would be held ,n the spring of 1DG0. Proceeds would be turned over to a reput able charity as selected by the senior rlats at large. The University Party candidates for senior class offices are as fol lows: Wade Smith, presidential candidate; Dick Pattisall, vice pres ident; Cynthia Grant, secretary; Jim Crawford, treasurer, and Marion Hays, social chairman. The candidates said, "We want to try our best to cooperate with our ftilow seniors in making the corning year one that will be long remembered and treasured." KAPPA SIGMA ELECTS Colin Fraier Smith, a rising fen or from Southern Pines, N. C. was ( hosen President of Alpha Mu Chap ter of K3ppa Sigma for the coming year in elections held recently. As sistini? Smith next year will be Ileginakl Fulton Johnston of Con cord. Mass. as Vice President, James William Thompson of Dunn. N. C .s Secretary, Michael Stewart Lan ham of Faycttville, N. C. as Treas i mt, William Carroll Jacobus Jr., Raleigh. N. C. as Grand Master of the Ilitual. Robert Whitworth Cun ningham of Wilson, N. C. as Pledge Trainer, and James Sparger of Mt. A ry, N. C. as Intramural Manager. i meant by my statement that I hope to bring the average Caro lina student much closer to the actual operations of student gov ernment. I believe this is a necessi ty for a representative student government which I hope to be able to give the campus." Talking about deferred rush, i Gray mentioned he was pleased the Faculty Council decided to wait another year before making any decision on the issue. could have been thrown, but felt the students should vote on the qualifications, plans and personal character of the candidates." The UP candidate said student government "must have a presi dent who understands every phase of student government, as well as every phase of campus life." Gray again pledged that he would give the campus a progress ive, realistic and representative student government. Bob Bingham Coordinates Youth Week Several Carolina students will be in charge of the annual Youth Acti vities Week at the University Meth rx'ist Church for .students in the sev enth through the twelfth grades. The days for the program will be A n il 1) 24. Hob Dingham, who is coordinating rlans for Youth Activities Week, said the program is held to provide religi ous inspiration for junior high and high school students. 1 -: y it 4 it i - -vs. i S'"v N V L I r j V $ 'y - : . : :: X . :. .r & j The program will begin Sunday night, April 19, with a movie. The j schedule for the other days of Youth "If I am eletced, this will give j Activities Week will include recrea student government the chance to j tion, supper with a speaker, discus- help the IVQ in improving the pres ent rush system and academic phases of fraternities. If this can be done, I am confident fraterni ties will be allowed to continue with early rush," he said. Gray also stated that the UP executive candidates have attempt ed to conduct a clean campaign and "have succeeded in doing so. We have had much mud that PETITE MUSICALE Suianne Barker, violinist and Emily Kel lam; harpist, will be featured in a Petite Musical program today at 8 p.m. in the Main Lounge of Graham Memorial. Huntington, Carter Endorse Norman Smith UNC Radio Will Carry Rally Excerpts WUNC-FM Radio will broadcast highlights of the Friday night UP- SP political rally Monday night at 11:30. The broadcast can also be heard at 6:45 a.m. in Joyner, Alexander, Connor and Winston dormitories. This special program will include speeches by Charlie Gray and Nor man Smith, UP and SP candidates respectively for student body pres ident. The speech by Davis Young, candidate for editorship of The Daily Tar Heel, will be included in the program. 'This is an experiment in col legiate broadcasting," said Jack Mayo, WUNC student manager. "We are interested in receiving comments from listeners to this special broadcast." This is the first time WUNC has presented such a program to the students on the campus. sion groups and a worship service. The theme, "Chose Christ, Chose Life," will be carried out in the speeches and discussion groups. Speeches during the week will be given by Dr. Bernard Boyd and Mar vin Berry of the UNC Department of Religion. Leading discussion groups will be Chuck Gerke for the seventh grade, Danny Lotz, eight and ninth grades; Webb McCracken, tenth grade; Di ana Johnson, eleventh grade, and Wade Smith, twelfth grade. Harvey Salz and Pete Range will be in charge of recreation. The worship service will be conducted by Peggy Brown, Betsy Fitch and Kermit Sigmon. Monty Milner will also assist in carrying out Youth Activities Week. Advising the UNC students who are in charge of the program are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graham, heads of the youth departments at the Uni versity Methodist Church. Norman B. Smith, Student Party candidate for president of the stu dent body, drew endorsement state ments Saturday from Charlie Hunt ington and Bob Carter. Huntington, who has been acting as campaign adviser to Smith, com mented that the president of the student body, "the most responsi ble position on campus," is charg ed with two major responsibilities. These responsibilities, he said, were: On every question, he must necessarily and infallibly consider Candidates Reminded Of Expenses With election day drawing near Hank Patterson, chairman of the Elections Board, reminded candi dates of their expense account and the student body of ballot counting and of graduate voting. He stated that an itemized des cription of any campaign expenses and expenditures must be turned in to the Elections Board by each candidate on or before 6 p.m. Mon day at the student government of fice in Graham Memorial. "Failure to submit an account of expenditures by Monday at 6 p.m. shall cause a fine of $5 to be levied against the delinquent cand idate," he said. And failure to pay the fine with in 24 hours of its occurence shall result in disqualification. Expense account forms may be obtained in the student government office or from the party chairmen. Patterson also reported that the ballots will be counted Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock on the sec ond floor of Graham Memorial. He urged all students to come to Grah am Memorial and help count votes. Election results will be posted in the main lounge in Graham Memorial. Graduate students are eligible to vote in this election, the chairman said. "Usually grad students are not aware that they may vote in campus elections," he continued. Polls will remain open until 7 p.m. for grad students. Henry Snow Announces As Tar Heel Write-In vinced" Norman Smith embodied the characteristics mentioned. "Norman is fully aware of what the job will entail and I know he is well qualified for the position. "He has worked tirelessly for the students of the University this year. A persual of his work this past year clearly indicates that Norman is a man of accomplishment." Davis Young, candidate for edi A man who will think objective- tor of The Daily Tar Heel, has re ly' is what the University needs, ceived the endorsement for that of- Huntington believes. "The Univers- fice from the Student Partv l " i ity is changing at a, tremendous John Brooks, SP chairman, said SP Endorses Davis Young For Editor what is best for the University at pace. Student government must Saturday the Henry Snow has announced his candidacy in a write-in campaign for the editorship of The Daily Tar Heel. Snow is a pseudonym for seven teen journab'sm and other interested students. The students are running fcr the post as a corporate body under that name. The name was chosen as a single simple name which can be written on the ballot easily and for its legendary signifi cance among journalism students. The Elections Board, in a meeting Friday, rendered an opinion that this candidate would, in all probability, be ineligible. The Elections Board was pondering yesterday whether they could count Henry Snow bal lots. Hank Patterson, chairman of the Elections Board, said that any de cision of the Elections Board could be appealed to the Student Council. At this meeting, Charlie Sloan an nounced Snow's candidacy. The students who have assumed the pseudnym of Henry Snow include Ihurman W. Worthington Jr., Roy L. Lucas, Stan Brennen, James R. Vance, T. Parker Maddrey, Neil F Murphy, J. Stanford Fisher, Char les E. Flinner, Alan D. Resch, John W. Hubbard, George Hord. and Char les Sloan. The students under the name Snow are seeking to produce a college newspaper which is completely in dependent of any party affiliations, according to campaign manager Charles Flinner. Flinner said "Snow is capable of putting out an inde pendent and responsible newspa per." His experience, or the aggre gate of experience among the stu dents running under his name is sufficient to put out the best of col lege newspapers anywhere." "The Daily Tar Heel is a student newspaper and not a political fact sheet," Flinner added. Snow's -platform consists mainly nniinipr,rnpirp i y m mm nin?yi I i ff r large. To do this, he must think ob jectively on every matter confront ing him. Objective thinking is un doubtably the most challenging 1 part of his job. "2. He must then formulate and initiate the action necessary to ac complish the best possible results in light of his decision. To bring about these results, he must do his utmost, as well as lead his as sociates to do likewise in their respective roles." Huntington said he was "con- keep abreast of this progress to Board remain and maintain the role which it has played in the past." made the endorsement, , , , , , , , , ., . aeierrea rusn as an lxuriiismeiu on Bob Carter, president of the Graham Memorial Activities Board, emnhasized that the student body president has an important the Board made the endorsement be our responsibility to endorse the most qualified candidate in the field for the editorship." Brooks further commented that job as a member of the Graham Memorial Board of Directors. in anticipation of possible write-in candidates at the last minute. "Of the possible field that could de velop, we hartily give our support Chi Omegas Honor N. C. Woman Jurist "During the coming years there will be a great need for experience to Davis Young," he said. and wise leadership in the student union area. We are going to have to continue to work toward ac quiring a new union Duiunng ana this necessitates working with the camnus and, in many cases, the state," Carter said. Varied Assemblage To Attend Model UN Students from 13 colleges and eniv ersiiies will represent differ nt nations in a Model United Na t.ons Assembly here April 9, 10 :r.d 11. In addition to guet speakers, the Model Assembly will be con cerned with the discussion of such Usues as: the admission of Red China to the United Nations dis armament and banning of nuclear weapons testing, the Kashmir situ ition, a world police force and Prmanent military force, and in tervention In the Middle East. Sponsoring the Model Assembly i the Collegiate Council for the United Nations. The local Y United Nations Education Committee will Le host to visiting students. The colleges and the countries they will represent in the Model Assembly are as follows: Mary Baldwin College. Australia; Ca tawba College, France; St. Augus tine's College, India; Pembroke College, Indonesia; Sacred Heart College, Iran. Charlotte College, Japan; War ren Wilson ' College, Lebanon; North Carolina College, Liberia; Carver College, Pakistan; Appal achian State Teachers College, the Soviet Union; Wake Forest College, England. Duke University, the United Arab Republic; Duke Woman's Cllcge, Yugoslavia; East Carolina College.T urkey; Davidson College, Greece; Sweetbriar College, Mexi co, and UNC, Hungary, the United States and Nationalist China. Judge Susie Marshall Sharp of Reidsville and UNC coed Joann Darlene Wallace of Durham were honored Friday night with awards presented by the local Chi Omega sorority. The awards were given during their annual Eleusinlan Banquet at the Carolina Inn. Judge Sharp, "scholar, lawyer, judge, administrator," is the reci pient of the North Carolina Disting uished Service Award for Women in 1)59. The Sociology Award, given an nually to the best women student in that field, was presented to Miss Wallace, a senior. Chancellor Emeritus Robert B. House presented the award certifi cate to Judge Sharp, a UNC law graduate who is the only woman to hold a special Superior Court judge's post in North Carolina. The citation stated: "Because her unique accomplishments represent a high elvel of achievement for wom anhood, Susie Marshall Sharp has been selected unanimouusly as the recipient in 1959." Signed by chapter president Decia Jtanette Elder of Siler City and by Chancellor William B. Aycock, the Citation mentioned high points of Judge Sharps career: her admission to the bar in 1928 and practice with her father's firm from 1929 to 1949; her service under three governors as Special Superior Court Judge. It also noted that she is the only - i Fraternity Initiates Professors Two economics professors, Low- JUDGE SUSIE SHARP woman member of the committee for the proposed revision of the North Carolina Constitution, and cemmended Judge Sharp, "who by The person who will do the bet ter job, Carter said, is Smith. "His interest and experience in research ell D. Ashby and Paul N. Guthrie, into student needs and his work have been initiated into the local with the administration, Board of chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, na- Trustces and State Legislature tional professional fraternity in qualify him for the task ahead in business administration. the student union field, as well as Professors Ashby and Guthrie in other areas of student govern- were honored at a dinner follow- nient." mg the initiation ceremonies, held at the Alpha Tau chapter house Faculty members are chosen by vote of the chapter's student mem hers and receive all privileges of full membership. Ceremonies -were conducted by Ed adkins of Wilson, master of ritual for the local chapter Alpha Kappa Psi, the first pro i'essional fraternity in business ad ministration, was founded at New Hank Patterson, chairman of the Y k Universilv in 1904. UNC's Elections Board, said Saturday ine ,,hanfir was chartered in 102s name of Martha Custis had not Laurence Wilson of Mt. Olive is been printed on the ballots for the chapter president m. . i . i . a ' i . t luesaay spring elections oecause Professor Guthrie is chairman nf of a "clerical error. Uho iTwr nonarfmo rxt 1?;. Miss Custis is an independent and a member of the lJNC facult' oirtfiijn nvnc-iAni vi v,x- I since iy-o, men's Athletic Association. the rights of students. "Students are primarily responsible to themselves and their parents for their academic standing, not the university," said Sloan, a spokesman for the group. The other major point the Snow campaign originally tried to make, according to Flinner, is the foolish ness of attempting to elect a com petent editor by popular vote. The Snow campaigners feel that deferred rush is the only real and important issue of the present cam paign. The editorship campaign it ielJ' is a different kind of importance according to the group. "The ability and responsibility of the editor is nd this is the issue of the editor important to the student newspaper ship campaign," said Flinner. He added, "If the students are really interested in a responsible and worthy newspaper they will write the name of Henry Snow on their ballots." '1 DOUG MOE Moe Drops Out Doug Moe, star UNC basketball player, was notified by the adminis tration Saturday that he had been l-opped from school because of "ec jessive class cuts." ' Moe said he had no immediate 3ians for the future. The fi-5 sophomore from Brook lyn, N. Y. was a key player for the Tar Heels as a first year i..an last winter and a potential All-America candidate. He participated in all 25 games the Tar Heels played in compiling their 20-5 record early in the sea son won a starting berth. He led the team in rebounds with 179 and in free throws with 104 in 1G4 at tempts. He had a .400 shooting aver age from the floor and finished with 316 points and a 12.6 average. Moe's high wras 32 points in the game with Duke at Durham when he led a rally to bring the Tar Heels Irom behind with an 39-80 victory. Honor Council Hands Down Patterson Recognizes Printing Error Patterson said she contacted the Elections Board about her candida- her sincerity and personal integrity cy after reading in the newspaper Businessman To Be Honored Monday Night in her chosen field has promoted the cause of justice.' G. M. SLATE Activities scheduled for Graham Memorial today include the fol lowing: Petite Musicales, 8 p.m.. Main Lounge; Elections Boarl, all day, Roland Parker III; Cosmopolitan Club, 4-C p.m., Rendezvous Room. that there was only one candidate for WAA president. When she notified the Board, the balltos had been printed. Miss Custis also told the Elec tions Board she had submitted a petition of her candidacy. Patter son said her petition could not be located. He said Miss Custis name has been stamped on the ballots un der the name of the other candi date for WAA president, Catherine Bolton. He is noted for his work as a labor relations mediator For nine years he taught economics and sociology at Randolph Macon Woman's College, and during World War n he worked for gov ernment agencies in labor and wage stabilization. Professor Ashby, on the faculty here since 1947, has done studies on tax revenues on the national economy. Before coming to Chapel Hill he worked for the Minnesota Resources Commission and for Navy and Air Force research agencies, and taught at the Uni versities of Texas and Wisconsin. During 1953-54 he studied at Har vard and MTT as a faculty fellow of the Fund for the Advancement of Education. Delta Sigma Pi business fratern ity will honor their Outstanding Young Businessman of North Car olina for 1958 at a special banquet Monday. The Delta Sigs scanned the state with the help of 128 Junior Chambers of Commerces and se lected the young man who they be lieved to be the most outstanding ing business for the year 1958. He will be honored by the fra ternity Monday at 7 p.m. in the Carolina Inn ballroom. The speaker for the banquet will be George R, Herbert, president of the Research Triangle Institute. Members of the fraternity, facul ty members and officers of the University and special guests wi! attend. MODEL ASSEMBLY There will be an important meet ing of the Parliamentarians of the United Nations model assem bly at 4 p.m. Monday in the Y. Bill Schneider, Ed Levy, Curtis Cans, Gary Greer and John Brooks have been asked to be present. Suspensions The Men's Honor Council placed three students on indefinite su spension and one student on indefi nite probation for collaboration and cheating on a ceolocv quiz last month. n Three other students, who were questioned concerning the incident, were acquited. The council, in action taken dur ing a period between March 5 and pril 2, also placed a student on indefinite probation for keeping a car illegally on campus and im properly using a parking sticker. Another student was indefinitely suspended lor cheating on a geolo gy final exam. Charges were dropped against two boys who had been brought before the council for cheating on summer school English final xam. Two boys were found not guilty jf cheating on a math quiz. One student was placed in in definite suspension for stealing and selling a book to another stu dent. Another student was acquited jf the same charge. The report of action taken by the Men's Honor Council was re leased Friday by Angus Duff, clerk of the council. Council chairman is Hugh Patterson. Press Club To Hear John R. Riley The UXC Press Club will hear a talk on the public relations field in journalism, elect new officers and discuss the annual awards banquet a their 7:33 p.m. meeting Monday. John R. Riley, director of pub licity for the Carolina Power and Light Company, will deliver the fea tured talk of the evening at the home of Dean and Mrs. Norvil Neil Luxon. Riley is a former UNC journalism graduate and teacher. Other businesses at the Press Club will be election of new officers and discussion of the annual awards ban quet and softball game. Club members may get rides to the dean's house by coming to By num at 7:15 p.m. Monday.

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