fRS DAILY TAR HEEL TUESDAY, APRIL 7. 15 TWO Leadership )n i t n i n 4 I. it winter a ,1 1 up ni nun i inic iiitu (.t. ill. mi Mtinni i.i I. The nilit wis "M .mil the rnt li'incii ucic wealing hoavv r i ii ii. I'.ni i In i. iiih- n tlii mill nihl. and ihcy i.mi'k nil tin ii men n. its and before lii a I'xhii in (. i, ill. mi v.i filled with Mimki . .id i.ilk. Old tuners around, and tin i' .itr num. innldn'i lcineinher when .hi mu h '4nui ei i '4iaeed the hallowed h.ilU nl the Siiidcni I'nion. lint there they !. and ihtA were telling tlio si lulcnts. v . inline ihite in loin limns doin;4 it. about liic t i sii hiidt t. ():k in. ;i Imou-Iu i 1 Kin theie Not man Sniil ii. I Ikii' w.i anoilur time that this editor hi ii nil -mix t wlu n the isitiiu; Committee I ilu lio.iid ol liusiees was silting in the ( h. in clloi s nliiie. The committee was L i;mii; ininot .i I nit.ulo told about this. ( hiiiiiiih4 in!d about that, and Cans told .il.niit the odiei. but the intetest turned gen uine win ii this same Norman Smith spoke about sell- liquidating doimitor tents. They likened beiaiiM' he had the fails, and the u sulu nl iheii listenin; ; ie dear. They are !r.ul lclleded in the Visit im; Committee M p.tit. .uid the haw i nine clearly through in t!ie budci. No longer hae students to ini.illx s( II li( the ir doimitories. and no hinm i do i ! n hae to wony about rising i nn triiis m e.n. 1 he t esponsihility .m. I the unlit must -o to Norman Smith. I hue was anothei imident that the edi tii .u tuiK-mbii. and this was in Raleigh vhui the editoi and the same Norman Smith went to Raleigh lor the winter turning nl ihr lull r.".nd ol I i listers. At the meeting ue a gioup ol U-gislatois. and the editoi b h bU- a uK"en hoin. when he saw Smith t ilkiiu I tin s( pmple whom he had taken the tumble to get know about the I'ni usit budget, as well as about their local piobluns. 1 hese men listened and they talk id with Smith on the basis of equality. And this is the issue the most iniort ant mu in tin ln lion. The issue simply is what man is most i.ipable of i omm;nding the itspnt ol the I'uixusitv. the state and the ii. iimd I his man is Notm.-n Smith. In neas Sm;th is cunetitK being nailed on the uoss of defei red t ush. of mixed Imiik.i .nniitils. and ol thinking that this editor might een be a good editor, although v.. im i.idiial. 1 1 1 1 the uoss is not a real one. lot although Smith has many definite iews nil i.unpiis issues, he is always willing .mil cagu to heat both sides of any bsuc I his kept him fiom inttoiluiing a bill into the Siuduit 1 egislatute this spring conccrn in; the pidui. ' sstun. for he felt alter talk ing witb N.iik y Adams. Hugh Patterson, and Tin kef-V.ife. fli.ii-moic discussion and md w i.i neiess.ux. In the same way. a presi d nt is limited b the romposition of a Stu dent I .rgisl.mii f. so that his ideas have to meet with the ;(proal of the majotity ol the people's i epi esental i es by district. He an eut le.idushiji. but he cannot force any thing down anbo(i s throat. I he ana in which he can make an in dependent and imnoiiani ontribntion is in leptt seining the school. In pooling his know ledge ol the genual rnicrsii situation, m "help better the Cnixesrity intetnalh wh'nh ih. ;iks lo his line work on the Com mitter on State Allans he has a great deal, thiough liason with the administration and thiouglu i otitai ts in the state. 1 he issue is simpK leadership and an in telligent pu. dc view on the broader av pnts ol the rnicrsh. The only uv.n run ning in an oniest for any office is Norman I'.. Smith. XEijc Baity ar eel The of fieiai student publication i the Publication R..r.l of thi- University of North Carolina. -fher H Is published daily pxrrj'l Monday n.l examination period nd scmmrr terms tiittrid a second clas matter in .he office In Chapel Hill. N. C unJcr tin- act of March P IK7D Subscription rates: $4 M per e Keter. S830 pel The Daily Tar Heel ii printed by the Newi Inc.. Carrlxiro, N Kditor CURTIS CANS Manscinji tthtor"! CIIUCK FLlNNEn STAN FISHER WALKER BLANTON liisinrsrr Manager . .. .. Advertising Manager Newi Editor Sports Editor Associate Editor ANTHONY WOLFF Asst. Adv. Manager Asst. News Editor FRED KATZ1N ANNE FRYE riujsTYllAilMOND LEE ARBOCAST ED R IN Ell Assistant Sports Editor ELLIOTT COOPER Circulation Manauer - BOB WALKER Candid tes C omtnent On Issues Platfemis UP Subscription Manager . Chief 1 -hotojjraphers .... Nitht Editor avejiy thomas YillTbrTnkiious peter ness . nancy combes Dorm Women's I Coeds competing for the one l j' ear seat open in Dorm Women I answered the following questions: (1 Do you think class officers have accomplished anything? 2 How do you feet about mixed honor councils? Linda Biser, SP candidate from this district replied: ! '"From what 1 hear of past class oltlcers' achievements. I am in clined to believe there is an in crease of class officer activity this year. The accomplishments are still forthcoming since the projects were of the long term variety, for example the $25,000 scholarship program under the combined el forts of the sophomores, freshman and juniors. The freshman officers have organized a cabinet and have long range plans unOer discussion. "If the students would like to have class officers who unite the ciass in accomplishment, it is the responsibility ol the student voters to elect those whom they deem capable, interested, ami those hav Mifficieiit time to apply themselves ;aid fulfill their office duties. "At present, 1 think a comoina tion of men and women's honor council would pose more problems than it would solve. Most of the women of District 1 feel extra em barrassment would prevent explan i.tions of some situations thereby hindering justice." Anne Terry, UP candidate, stated her answered as follows: "Yes, 1 do think class ollieers have accomplished something this year, and have proven their worth in campus. The position of class of ficer can be neglected an any ol l:ce can be, but this year the class officers have shown that the class olticers are not only holding an important position, but rendering a needed service to their class. "I do not think a mixed honor council would or could prove as ef lective as the separate councils that we now have. I believe wo men are considerably more cap Ule of judging women than men would be. Women are much better fitted to the job. simply because they have liveo uiiuer the women's regulations, ami have certain in sight into cases that men could not possibly have. Similarly it is just as hard for a women to understand a man's case. Simply from this standpoint alone I consider it al mast self evident why a mixed hon or council would not prove as ef fective as the type we now hae. Dorm Women's II Candidates for the one-year legislature seat open in Dorm Wo men's II expressed their views on: 1 How oo you feel about NSA? 2 How do you think editors of Ihe Daily Tar Heel and the Yack ety Yack, as well as the head cheerleader, should be chosen? Naney Baker, UP nominee for this seat, stated: "In my opinion, the National Student Association is an organiza tion about which too little is known in thus campus. In discussing the NSA with several students, I found that few of them actually knew osything at all about the aims and functions of this organization. In the past our student legislature has appropriated $1,270 per year to this organization . . . $l,ooo to send iitu aent council representatives to the annual NSA congress and $155 a year in dues. I believe that the student body should be better in formed as to the use of this much of their money. "A majority of the NSA's aims and functions seem to me to be very worthwhile. However, a great deal of controversy has surrounded a few of the NSA's policies. I be lieve that these' policies should be fully investigated and the results published in The Daily Tar Heel." "As the head cheerleader," she continued, "and editors of The Daily Tar Heel and Yackety Yack represent and serve the campus as a whole, I believe that the men who hold these offices should be elected by the entire student body. I feel that the student body would thus be more willing to back these lead ,ers. However, the candidates for these three offices should be screened by a bi-partisan board and the field narrowed to two or three candidates for office each J ear. "I believe that this would help to inusre highly qualified and ex perienced candidates. "To help remove these offices from partisan politics I would ad vocate that these candidates affil iate with neither political party, but run independently." Betty Jeari Baxter, SP candidate from DW II, answered: "The Daily Tar Heel and the Yackety Yack belong to the stu- -It's A Great Chance To Get In On The Ground Floor" the Senior Class officers have, as always, their job of arranging for the gift from the graduating class to the University and planning the Senior Party. Class officers have always been a part of college life, and they are: very definitely a part of our "Carolina tradition." I feel I. STUDENT UNION We pledge to the student body that we will work toward the immediate ac quisition of new student union on this campus. If alle fforts fail, we promise: to promote interest in a partial self-liquidation plan. II. WOMEN'S DORM REGULATIONS - We ad vocate a more flexible policy toward women's dorm itory regulations. Modification of some regulations which do not involve the Honor Code or Campus there is room for improvement in Code are necessary. We will earnestly promote a the activities of class officers at system of collective late minutes thereby eliminat- UNC, and I believe that this im- jng unnecessary campuses for one or two minute provement will certainly be made, violations in dormitory and sorority houses. We will Yes, 1 think class officers should also promote a lowering of dormitory fines, be on this campus, and I think they . LEGISLATURE REDISTRICTING The have done a great deal of good this views of all students on this campus must be fair-:. year and will continue to qo so in ly represented in the Student Legislature. For this ihe future." reason, tne reaismcung oi lgisiaiuie scia ia AI Walters, UP candidate from this district, stated: also The most important thing is seeing that a new student union is built as soon as possible. "Class officers, up until the very recent past, have accomplished lit tle. The scholarship program re cently initiated by the present class officers is a worthy venture, and if original-minded class offi cers are continually elected in the future, these will prove to be of fices of accomplishment." Tfct-e forest- 1JTHS ViAXMiMSTM "POST dents and are for the students. 1 believe for this reason the students should have a direct voice in who runs these publications. This voice is obtained by the election of the editors. With a Bi-Partisan en dorsement we are supposed to be assured of qualified candidates. "Through voting the student as sumes a responsibility to the pub licatioas and editors. "On the UNC campus student government is advocated, therefore the editors if The Daily Tar heel and the Yackety Yack should be elected. In student government one of the most important things is the tree election of students to posit ions. "The head cheerleader Is a rep lesentative of the students and therefore should be elected. He must have the support of the stu dent body. To get this he must be ceded. Support comes only when the student approves. The majority vote gives this approval and sup port the head cheerleader needs to do the best job possible." Concerning NSA, Miss Baxter raid." 1 am in favor of thus or ganization and its purposes. Through the interaction of repre sentatives from 300 member col leges and universities in the Unit ed States, the voice of the student i.v heard. The NSA is an outlet for this voice. During the year in campus and regional meetings, tl 3 opinions and ideas of the students arc expressed. "The NSA Congress held in the summer and the regional meetings provide a meeting place for camp us leaders to discuss student ac tivities and problems. In this shar ing of opinions, ideas and problems a leader gains information and ideas and solutions. ' But many times what one learns cannot be measured or commuicated. This in tangible information helps the lead er and results in making better campus organizations for us. "NSA. acting as the student representative, presents the stu dent opinion to many organizations. For example, last summer NSA was asked for the student opinion of the Federal Student Loan Bill: "The money appropriated NSA by the Student Legislature should go to pay delegates expenses tc NSA Congress but some of the money should be used to explain NSA to the students. The work of the local committee should be publicized. The student must be aware of NSA and its work. This can be accomplished by a new em phasis on our campus for NSA. "I favor NSA because it is a means of student communication to the world; through it bur student government receives' help and in formation; our leaders have a chance to learn and gain from oth er campus leaders and their exper iences; it is concerned with stu dents as students." Town Men's II Candidates running for the two 1-year seats in Town Men's II re plied to the following: 1) Do you feel the "liberal" cut system adopted last year has been beneficial: 2 Should the fines for campus parking violations go to Student Government or to the Town of Chapel Hill? Jack Lawing, UP candidate from this district, replied: concerning the "liberal" duty system, "Yes, on the whole it has been very bene ficial. However, the dean's list stu dents have been robbed of some in centive by certain instructors who refuse to allow them the former privileges of such students. Per haps this situation could be remed ied and a policy be started where by each student is allowed a min imum number ol cuts, regardless of the individual instructor's opinion. Lawing feels that fines should not go exclusively to either. "Most should go to student government, but a certain amount should go to the town in return for services rendered as by the fire depart ment." Peyton Hawes, the other UP can didate in TM II, said: "During the past year, the theme of the Student Legislature appears to have been liberalism. The Uni versity is based on this principle, but it can be carried to a danger cus point if it is not handled with care. In the case of the revised cut system, I feel that this is a sound step. Likewise I realize that there are members of the Univers ity who are not mature enough to use this freedom wisely. These people are evidently not interested in an education and cutting without discretion will quickly eliminate these people. ' 1 Hawes continued, "The parking problem in Chapel Hill is indeed one of the most serious problems confronting the University, but I personally do not believe the power to alleviate this problem lies with Student Government; therefore, 1 believe that the campus parking lines should be turned over to the. University and put into a fund for constructing parking areas. A stu dent committee should have a voice in working out this problem. I fail to see the justification of the Town of Chapel Hill receiving the fines, since the University polices and en forces the majority of the campus parking areas." " Roy II. Park, Jr., Independent candidate from this area, stated: "Under the -'liberal' cut system, professors may regulate cut rules lo their own teaching styles. I don't believe they have ever been ecsta tic over lecturing to snores, coughs, hangovers, and those said 'wish-1-were-at-the-beach' Saturday morn ing laces. "Physical presence is not mental presence. Quizzes include lecture material. Excessive cutting shows up on marks. As students, most of us know our capabilities and should be out of the supervision stage. This is an 'institution of learning,' not an 'institution of attendance.' "Under this system, we all gain. And a little more slack in the reins won't cause the horse to bolt." Park feels thcl of the 2 choices, fines should go to Student Govern ment. "Through it, the lines could be properly used to further student organization and opportun ity. "But if it doesn't reach back to all the students in some way, there is a third option the University. Fines should then be used for wage payments, improvements, expaas ion and, logically, more accessible parking spaces." Town Men's 111 The questions posed candidates for the seaLs open in Town Men's III were: (1) If in the last extremeity, stu dents were unable to get a student union would you be in favor of a full student self-liquidation plan for a student union? (2) Do you think class officers have accomplished anything? Frank Eagles, UP candidate for one of the three 1-year Legislature seats in this district replied: con cerning a student union, "No! I feel that a student union is needed here at the University but I do not feel that the advantages of this stu dent union would outweigh the dis advantages of the financial burden that would be placed on the indi vidual student. About class officers, Eagles stat ed, "I think that the accomplish ments of the class officers speak for themselves?" Gordon Street, another UP candi date from this district said: "There is a very definite need lor a new and larger student union here on the UNC campus. We need more space in which student or ganizations may carry on their ac tivities. This need is seen in that groups have had to hold their meet ings ,in the TV Room and the Rendezvous Room of Graham Memorial. Even greater is the need lor more recreational facilites on c'ampus lor the students. In com parison to other schools we are far behind here. If in the next few 3 ears, after all other possible means have been thoroughly ex plored, there is no other way, then 1 feel that we should resort to a self-liquidating plan. I realize that this Will work a hardship on the University and the students, but I feel that the need will warrant such a move. "In the past year the question of whether or not to have class of ficers has come to the fore ground several times. The principle argument against them is that they have done nothing to justify the existence of such positions. This argument has been proven untrue this year. The Freshmen Class officers have done fine work in co operation with the Freshman For um and the Orientation Commit tee; the Sophomore and Junior Class officers .have set up a plan for an excellent scholarship; and sential to present an accurate picture .of the in- terest of the campus in that governing body. We sDecificallv have reference to the few number of "I think a new student union is a students wno elected ten delegates from Town Men's most needed facility for the student jy. body. However, 1 ieel that every et- ,v DORMITORIES Through increased sup fort ought to be made so that the ports to the roc, we would strongly advocate and students do not pay for the build- work toward an enlargement of the dormitory social ing themselves. Self-liquidation in program, expansion of the dorm visiting agreement iiself means little, as there are program, the addition of social and physical facili many kinds. I would be in favor of ties in dormitories, and increased dormitory ser some types, but certainly not all. vices, such as janitorial services and more and better vending machines. V. DAILY TAR HEEL We pledge to investi gate a means of removing the election of The Daily Tar Heel editor from partisan politics. VI. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We firmly believe in self autonomy for UNC fraterni ties and sororities. If these private organizations through their governing bodies, the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council, wish to change the system of rush; this should be left to their own prerogative. VIII. NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION We are not convinced that the National Student As- Neal Boden, candidate for the sociation on this campus is representative of the six-months seat in Town Men's III, students here. If this is the case, then we favor answered the above questions by an investigation of the USNSA, its activities on this saying, campus, and the method of selection of representa- "Certainly if there is one urgent tives from UNC lo National congresses and con problem which faces the Carolina ferences- VIII. JUDICIAL SYSTEM ine philosophy ot seperate judicial bodies is not essentially wrong, but can be improved throught the clarification and codification of its functions, prcceedings and juris diction. We firmly oppose the combination of the UNC judicial bodies into a single court to hear all men's and women's cases. We are also opposed to average student would be too great the abolishment of the Interdormitory and Inter to be practicable. The answer fraternity courts. might lie in a partial self-liquidat- ix DATE TICKETS We advocate and wili ing plan. It is hard to say. positively work toward the availibility of reason- "I feel that the class officers in able priced tickets for all atheletic contests, the lower grades serve no essential function and are relatively un- $P ncesssary. However, I feel that Senior Class officers are important and serve a useful purpose and therefore I am lor their continuation." campus it is the need for a larger and more adequate student union. However, 1 don't feel that the adop tion of a full student self-liquidation plan is the answer to the prob lem. The financial burden on the Town Men's IV Questions for the candidates in Town Men's IV were: honor councils? 2) How do you feel about NSA? The Student Party, ever cognizant of the unique role of Student Goevrnment at UNC, and re-affirming the goals and ideals for which it has'fought throught 21 years: namely progressive, clean, bene ficial government for all students of our university, pledges to the electorate the following campaign planks: 1. The party reaffirms a strong and earnest sup nort for full and eomnleto ro-oneration hv student (1) How do you feel about mixed government with the 1FC and fraternities in work ing out a feasible and constructive plan for alleviat ing the problems involved in a system of deferred Don Dotson, SP candidate for one formal rush, of the Legislature seats in this dis- 2. A vigorous campaign to publicize to a much tnct replied: greater degree the transactions, organization, and "I believe that the University is functions of USNSA as an open-forum for student a place where a person should be opinion and training for student government lead preparing realistically for life in ers. our society. Separate courts or 3. Action to establish long- term commissions councils are definitely not realistic judiciary, executive, legislative to study and re preparations. It has been argued commend governmental structural changes leading that men and women live by separ- to more consistent and efficient student government, ate standards in the University and 4. Procurement of two ten-minute parking spac should, therefore, be tried by sep- es m each academic building parking lot for the arate councils. This is a false ana- use students holding consultations with instruc logy. Granted men and women live tor8, by separate standards in the Uni- 5- Continued and ceaseless action for the pro versity. In fact, they live by separ- curement of a new student union, adequate to the ate standards outside the Universi- needs of a rowinS university, ty as well. The fallacy is that, 6- Action modernizing the Co-ed Social Rules by both within the University and out. clearl" removing tne stigma 01 a morals onense r r t T.i !!. side of it, the standards, however separate they may be, are the standards of society as a whole- men and women. An individual of either sex is responsible to society as a whole. A violation oi the Hon or Code or the Campus Code is not merely an offense against the persons of the same sex as the of fender, but an act answerable to the whole student community. "It has been said that the pres ent system encourages confessions and enhances the rehabilitative ability of the councils. What this seems to amount to in most cases is placing the burden of proof on the accused a flagrant violation of justice. As for the 're habilitative ability of these coun cils I haves seen little evidence of any. The methods presently used in our councils more closely resem ble those used by court martial than anything else regardless of the honesty and good intentions of those who support the present sys tem so fervently. "I am unable to comment fully on the National Student Assoda tion. However good, bad, beneficial or detrimental it may be is yet to be be demonstrated. ' Thus far I have seen very little smoke and no fire." from Social Piules violations. 7. Action to make dormitories more livable and individualized: a. Expansion of social facilities, particularly in the Upper Quad where a basement storage room can be converted into a party room for residents of near-by dorms. ' b. Strengthening the Dormitory Council Courts to prevent destruction of property and unreasonable noise. c. More vending machines and "hear-here" booths in dorms. d. Thorough investigation and steps toward improvement of counseling and custodial ser vices. 8. A thorough examination of dormitories, so rorities, fraternities, and Victory Village for possi ble fire hazards, and the elimination of such hazards where they occur. 9. Action toward securing a minimum of at least one cut per class hour in our liberal cut system. 10. Action to improve relations with the town of Chapel Hill: a. Continued co-operation with the Mer chants Association concerning bad cheques, fair prices, and development of student employment opportunities. b. Work with local planning authorities on traffic control, parking facilities, and establish ment of fraternity and sorority courts apart from residential sections. c. Extension of service projects to town peo ple patterned after the successful IFC Greek Week activities. ' 11. The Student Party shall endeavor to create a university atmosphere conductive to the coloni zation of new fraternities and sororities. fc . 4 . iti(Millmi. I;

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