4v rr PACE TV0 fRB DAILY 1 TAR Rift si 41 SUNDAY, MAY J, 5 tt 1 1 ' 1 t House - Roof Foundation )lrlort are cum-nt that a special House sub ommitte has divUUd a;;in.st recommending that ti-st he fawn wtcian teachers as part of a rating strm. Well, that's good news. Such tests would have tn worse than a waste of time, in that they'd !t be of value in rating the experienced teachers, hu' actually mi,:ht low ate some of the very best ot the teachers iuhv in the ranks. The committee is reported to be on the much surer ami sou.;dei ground of recommending that such su!)jcct natter tests Ik- used to judge how muih Thcv te.irhers may have learned in college. Thus juch tist; would test not only the prospective tuiluT, but a'..o the institution. Many educators feel that such testing should be done well before the would be teacher has finish ed college. Some suggest that the testing take place alter a student has had two and a half years of ci .lejje T hat would give on idea as to the student's prop'tts before the student does any practice teach Ji g If the tets wire to be given Iff ore any practice tcaihihr: i dune, there would be little doubt that the State Department of I'uolic Instruction could see t it lhat prhate teacher training institutions partmpate if they ;ire not now giving such tests. Kcr. the practice teaching is done under Depart mtnt regulations, and the tests could be made a pre reju;sjte fur stub practne teaching. Th.j development on the testing problem, com ing on the heels of the Senate resolution advocat ing a raie fur teachers, Indicates that the legi-.lv tirs are making headway in the movement to pro u!e fiiily adequate pay laies for teachers. The Str.ate pay raise resulutun wai signfd by L'5 m?n, exactly halt the Senate. And word is that a similar ujchiti ,n i- winning many sigiurs in the House. (J nee the Ui-Litus mahe up their minds to provide adequately tor all education, the big job cf th.s esioii wib be done. The hi,; thing which t lie legislators must rem ember in nuking provision for education is that all education nuM be provided for. It would be enseleH to provide for good foundation education in the public m hools, without providing for equally g.-l hi her t duration in our colleges. A hoii'e without a foundation won't stand. But, a house without a roof can't be lived in, either, regardless of how gjod its foundation, may be. RUigh Timts Oh Hellas' I mm all irjMitu t lit Sound ami Fury pro dm lion ( "Oh Hcll.is" is living up to its lulltiu. Wt lir.u muIi .'".IjtTtivi's as colorful, himioKMis ami sew lu-inc; attached to the show. As a ni.ttUi of f.ut. wv even went last ni'lit and had a niav,nf ii ent time. And, Tony Wolll liked it hMi. So. ii n "ft the message, we'te just try ing to tell oii that this is a must for your evening's entet tainment, as tonight is the last ni-ht of its three day run. We sttonly surest that you go the hell to "Oh I In Lis." we mean go the heck to "Oh Hellas.- The official studeat publication ih the PublicaUon Hoard of the University of North Carolina. -There ft U published daily except Monday and examination period j ind fcummtf term. Cntertd second dam matter in ihe pot office in Chapel Mill, N. C. under the art of March 8 1870. SubucnptloD rates: $4 50 per se muter, Jtf.30 per fear The Daily Tar Heel is printed by the News Inc., Carrboro, N. C. Editor i i. I t ' ; Nile of tt yntvrfMijr , ! in -.jftuary it 'i I ' ' , . ----- DAVIS B. YOUNG isoci-le FAlitor FRANK CROWTHFJl Managing Kditors . CHUCK ROSS RON SHUMATE liusines Manager WALKER BlJVNTON Advertising Manager News Ivditor Review Editor Asst. News alitor . Eport Editor Feature Falitor FRED KATZIN ANN FRYE . ANTHONY WOLFF ED RLNER FJXIOTT COOI'ER MARYXLTclslfvOWLETTE sst. Adv. Manager . LEE ARBOGAST Circulation Manager Subscription Manager . Failures Of The World The following Is a letter from b formerly well-known writer to Malcolm Cowley and which the latter included in his essay, THE LITERARY SITUATION. It stands as an interesting document of a writer in frustration and discour aged to the point of exhaustion. "I sing the failures of the world, those who wanted-to-be but never -became. The Hemingways and Faulkners do not need my .song because the glory of the world is theirs. Neither do the Kalkaa and Stervdhals need it any longer; the songs of others rose over their graves. I sing of the forever obscure, the iaiiures in perpetum, through the eventual doom. 1 sing of girls with thick ankles who wanted to be ballet dancers, of potentially great sing ers who had a permanent frog in their throat. 1 do not sing of evaders like Casanova who all alter dd escape from the Leads, but of the countless others who never got away, of those who found a pin in the corner of their ceil, and who, after thirty years of digging wiih the pin, broke out into the open to ee a guard wait ing lor them. "1 am tiying to think of the nost obscure pe.son who ever lived, let's say a Chinese child who ttood in the hot alternoon of July 9, 1546, ano watched a l.zard ciawling over the very same spot v. here tour centuries later a Chi nei.e tidier ws killed with a bul let from a lille made in Biide poit USA. I imagine this child at that moment ot his, and daring this moment of mine I sing of him. I think of all the jobs never gotten, letters never received, bocks never published, pa.ntings never sold, telephone rings never heard, hepes never fulfilled, dreams never realized; I have a song for all of them, while I breathe the air that doesn't sur round them and see the earth that doesn't cover them. I think of muscles unflexed, conception un conceived, high resolves unre solved; i not only think of them. I feel them, 1 experience them, and being past the moou of lrus tration 1 sublimate them into a song. But even that is a failure, a flop; It deserves the bird, a tomato in the lace. 1 have no voice. I don't sing very well." yfeV you. see, she SLidn't thitJc she Was speZ ZWe?S 3 very opoa. cLipionuj uruy c j Music Review BOB WALKER AVERY THOMAS urear. so naAzrallv lie said that te otaid resist to ck psyefhnz. c report The University Chorus, conduct ed by Wilton Mason, gave its Spring concert in Hill Hall, Tues day evening. The program re flected the good taste of Dr. Ma- View & Preview Anthony Wolff SOUND AND FURY: "OH, HELLAS!' I'hotugraphers BILL BRINKHOUS PETER NESS jf $sr i " Ly kS:1' .'11 For those who take the long view, and look on Sound and Fury as a continuing feature of Caro lina life, this is a time for loud hosannas. After two, son. The opening pieces Vexilla lean years, when the Sound and Fury productions regis and 0 sacrum convivium of seemed impossibly chiidisn exersisea in nouse parry Pergolesi, sung a capella by the humor, we are being treated to a full-fledged play. Chorus, were interpreted with feel- IIeld over through tonight.) ing. However, one could have Authors Lew J. Hardee and Carl Bridgers owe asked for a more full bass section an obvious debt to Aristophanes, and their apology to give body and depth to the per- t0 him in small print on the posters around campus formance. Good dynamic contrast 0nly fair. They have borrowed the plot of Yysistrata, was evident in the Thomson Al- taking choice scenes from the popular translations leluia, particularly in the parallel with only slight alteration if any. It is certainly harmonies of the women's parts, not harsh criticism to note that the book of "Oh, Of the entire program, this was Hellas!" is best when it sticks closest to its source, the most enthusiastically rendered The Myrrhina-Kinesias bedroom-type farce and the selection. choral chastity oath stand out as examples. The Faure Requiem was the fo- When Messrs. Hardee and Bridgers strike off cal point of the concert. Here on their own they often lose their way, and the particular mention can be made of comedy becomes rather labored and sometimes the soloists, the conductor, and of simple-minded. With the ancient Greek as their the accompanist, all of whom had guide, it is hard to understand why the authors al- an enthusiasm greater than that lowed the play to stray as much as they did ol the chorus itself. Rebecca Car- Lysistrata is time-tested stuff, and since the loca h warmth. Joel Carter adaptors were willing to let Aristopnanes prevail to the extent that tney am teven to me exieni i blindly adopting a line about "flaying a skinned dog" without heeding the fact that the reference is to a lost play by a minor B.C. playwright), they might well have followed his example in construc tion and comedy technique. Carolina Looking Back By Senior P. W. Carlton Georgia Letter tSight Editor NANCY COMBES When at last a graduating senior emerges tri umphant from the flurry of finals and grades, pen cils and blue books and attempts to take stock of his situation, . he suddenly finds himself in the rather ignominious positoin of out-going ex-student. He is a "has been,", so to speak, no longer connect ed with, the,; university.- This is upsetting. The sen ior feels" a twr Kilty atvbeing'oh cairipm-at all. His feelings are mixed. There is, to be sure, a glow of triumph at having achieved the baccalau reate degree, but the feeling of relief at being "through" is not so evident as is a rending, sighing loneliness at being separated from the place he has grown to love. The shock of having his roots cut away at one fell June swoop is, to say the least, dis- From "The Technique," Georgia concerting. Institute of Technology: He wonders where he'll be next June, what he'll To the Editor: be doing, why? These thoughts, conducive to sui- 1 am one of those professors cide, prompt the graduate to leave his little covert who requires seniors taking my under Joyner eaves, with its wonderful view of courses to attend class. the tennis courts, and to set forth upon a walk Much of what students ought to through campus. Of course, it is a time for in- get from a course is derived from trospection and retrospection. the impact of classroom experi- The senior recalls wonderful evenings spent ence. In my courses on govern- lounging along these brick walks in lower quad, ment and constitutional law, for He hears again the sounds of singing as boisterous example, we deal with numerous lower classmen sound off in a rousing version of controversial issues, and what goes "Ray Jeffrey's body lies mouldrin' in the grave", on in the classroom should be and more quietly, "In the evening by the moonlight, something more than a mere re- The sounds reflect from the brick faces of the citation of facts. It should be a dorms and float gently across the arboretum, presentation, exchange and dis- A smile lights our friend's face as he remem- cussion of ideas. bers evenings beneath the trees, on the benches, or The cold facts are In the book, in the paths, his physiological set altered by the If the teacher Is just going to be presence of female companionship. The night a fact giver, then there is little sounds, crickets, leaves whispering, the little water point in having him around. Teach- course tinkling, the crunch of sand beneath feet, ers should begin where the book Occasionally a face is visible in the glow of a leaves off. and they should occupy ciSrette lighter. Little wisps of conversation and a realm especially reserved for luiet lau8hter filter through the branches. Nature the spoken word. listens and learns on spring nights in the arbore- Unfortunately, neither I nor my tum' colleagues always succeed in mak- The stately pile of the botany building looms ing the class room as profitable ahead. The senior peers almost fondly at the second and dynamic a place as it ought floor ixatin8 uPn a certain window from which to be. But if we succeed students he nas mrsely watched many spring afternoons may get a great deal that simply slip by' ' He ima8ines his binocular microscope cannot be measured in any exam- crouching there on its pedestal, beckoning slyly for inaiion. the student to explore the little world below. No No one denies for a moment that : some non-attending students can pass examinations with flying col ors. But most examinations are dull tools for measuring what stu dents get out of the classroom part of the course, particularly so cial science courses. Nobody knows this better than the students them selves, and teachers are also acute ly aware of it. A non-attending student may pass examinations with grade of "A," yet not have received that which he might have gotten had he been present In class. Examin ations have their severe limita tion. It a teacher is trying to offer students something during class periods which is beyond the reach of an examination, then I firmly hold that he is justified in making the attendance record a part of the grading process. Robert S. Lorch Assistant Professor Dept. of Social Sciences more of that, not now, ruminates the lone figure below and passes on. The ghosts appear with startling regularity now. A geology professor-materializes and lectures nasal ly upon-a topic discontinued, in 1957., The senior blinks the -apparition away, and hears the voice! of his highly 'inebriated classmates as they salute the Carr. women while e reroute, from' Tempo. i HeJJo ;'th$'r.e Cartfpmebtl cut'- girts, all that! i boo' and ' we can't get in." ' Of course the inevitable compus cop appears and quiet resumes. The doomed , man passes in Y court, peering at the blank faces of Gerrard and Old West across the . street. Rank upon rank of ethereal visitors clamber for attention, lounging on bences, gibbering in groups, slouching agaiilsl door frames, reclining upon the fossilized marine animales which comprise the rear steps of South building. The classes of '56, '57, '58 are all there, leering and chuckling, carrying on their usual in tercourse with ever present girls who assume the coed slouch and hang out their listerine grins, empty but agreeably polite. The senior wonders where they all are now, what they're doing, how they feel. Dejected, he plods off toward Silent Sam. Dear old Sam, the object of student wrath and indignity for better than 100 years, stands stolidly upon his tarnished pedestal, scrupulously refusing to meet the eyes of passers by, unruffled by his new coats of blue or green or red paint and by the lingerie displays which frequently dorn his rifle barrel. No sound has he made in the history of the school, much to the chagrin of some few saintly coeds who wished to prove a point. Sam offers no fatherly advice, so our doomed man salutes gravely, then ambles lamely on; but soon he will no longer wear "the nighted look of death". For Carolina, with its many buildings and peo ple and happenings, is not a physical entity. Rather it is an idea, a concept of the individual, meaning something different to everyone that graduates here. Carolina has existed and will always exist in the minds of thousands of individuals, carried by its sons to the four corners of this strife-torn earth. No one ever really has to leave Carolina, nor can it leave us, for thoughts are. as eternal as the one supreme mind which fashioned our transient bodies and unconquerable souls. In a world of changing values, it is indeed with gratitude that we, th; class of 1959, can look to our memories of UNC as a constant, a beacon from which to set our course for better things. nes sang wit performed the bass-baritone solos wiih full and rich tone; and, as always, it is a pleasure to hear him perform. Glenn Watkins took the role of accompanist in the work, blending completely wiih chorus and soloists, never distinct- As it is, however, the play is burdened with ly overemphasizing the part which several rather static and unnecessary scenes. Un was assigned to the organ. Wiit. n fortunately, two of them come at the very begin Mason conducted the group with ning, and everything that fellows, including a good euergy, good taste, and thorough- deal of joyous humor, suffers from the lame open ly reliable and thoughiful musici- ing. anship. Oi no pait was he unaware Thg ghow pickg up scmewhere around the middle as he cue-i-in the orgmst, the q the first act when it finaliy ccmes up with Aris- solcists, and the chorus. tophanes prologue. From then on things are gen- The conceit gave evidence of erally better, rising to hilarious heights in the hard work on the part of all of Aristophanic scenes, and slowing down a bit in the the performers. And, as a whole, original sections. it had extremely moving mo- -A student production of a major effort such ments particularly in the Alleluia as oh, Hellas!" must necessarily spread the talent of Thomson, and in the Kyrie, the pretty thin and hope to make up for the lack with Libera me, and the in Paradisum enthusiasm. For the most part, they succeed, with the aid of several, performances which add to th? general enthusiasm some talent and poise. First, Sue Corden as Lampito, queen of Spartan women, built like an Amazon and able and willing to subdue all men in sight (en masse!) She comes across with enough gusto to bring Aristophanes' humor to life. of the Faure Requiem. Gayle A. Henrolte Spectrum? Letter to the editor of our very own Tar Heel: There seems to be, among "world affairs" at Carolina, some thing of a rumble between two Jane Newsome's Lysistrata is most fetching, al though it could be stronger. She has poise and voice enough, however, to compensate for the slightness of her characterization. The running love-game between Calomka Nancy campus booklets. This is ho cause Aubrey) and Demetrious (Bill Monell) is consistent for alarm, as human beings have ly amusing. Miss Aubrey's characterization is ex- a tendency to quibble, but what cellent and appealing, and Mr. Monell brings to the is the matter of consequence? Pos- show its only good male voice and a great deal of sibly the question is out of order, poise. since quibbling may be an end in , t . , . 4. . 4. t . l lie ucm single scene in me snuw me teasing seduction of Kinesias by Myrrhina features Jane Durham, and Wally Graham in some excellent foolery. itelf. Name-calling can be fun it sometimes leads to war and other tnriiling things but it can also become rather a bore, especially ii we run out of new and dvnam- i Otherwise, enthusiasm has to suffice, and in ic names. I think it is wise to many places it does. There are times, however, avoid boredom. Boredom could as in the first scenes, where the scarcity of talent lead to apathy, and everybody and the lack of material combine to produce some knows that's bad. embarrasing moments, i I don't see an overwhelming Joel Fleischman's direction is particularly no amount of virtue in goading the table in the Peking the crowd scenes. The songs Quarterly and the Spectrum to self- are blocked less successfully, perhaps because the justification.' The material they crude amplification in Memorial Hall creates im print should be able to do that, possible difficulties. Many of the comic devices Since they apparently don't wish Lampito's setting-up exercises and Kinesias' flying to affiliate or be identified with rush for tne mattress, for example are most in one another, let them exist as two een;ous individual magazines. Let the peo ple come, and buy one of each, To add still more wonders to the list it is only and say "how nice," or something necessary to mention Lew Hardee's music (conduct like that. On the other hand, if ed with aplomb by Gene Strassler). Several of the we want to take sides-competi- melodies would suilce in any ieague. The lyrics, tive resourcefulness is next to L . ., f4 . 4. . ny can rsnugers, are uiien nut up iu men accompaniment. godliness let the people sit down and write beautiful things to sub mit to the magazine of their choice. C3 JUSTTUlNKfHAe- L! BRGuON.SLWAY SOME POOR 6lf?L COILL AAARwY.TCJU. 4 . i . V 31 THEN SHEtt BE 6TUCK COlTH YOU FOR TME RT OF HER LIFE TRAPPED! DOOMED!. OK, IF THERE WEBE ONLY SOME (L)AY TO (UARN WR IT A nice parody of the caryatides on the porch of the Erechtheum in John Sneden's major set oc casions the first well-deserved laugh of the even ing. Throughout, his flexible designs set the light some of the quips I have seen , . . ... . ... . ,, 5 M . key of the show without sacrificing all the monu mental symmetry of Greek architecture. Clara Mack's costumes are fetching on the fetching girls Nancy Gammon who wore them, with one major exception: the girl have a hard enough time being sexy in the dance numbers, and the conservatism of the brief outfits only make it more ludicrous. The men's costumes are good, though somewhat monotonous. Gracious, it's almost slanderous, (and even lieard) about the two editors and their fellow-workers. ffil!JARE! BEWARE! cxP C -4 V O 2 BSWOLP. R.SA. TOSS'S OWL TSVIWTO IlkCM WIS P2TCRIMKST TO PWUKS ,A P03'wiTH MY HyPN0Sl5 SYSTEM '-WW miW r w w W 9 m UK6 THAT TUT A(T LIKE A 00 & f - II Ml! sua ACT UKB A vua ACT U ' t k fJW I : "yh that j77TT rifl ' ; ' TT ' v Am o o o Unfortunately, Tony Millili's choreography is ob scured by the dismal attempts at ballet. Perhaps such ambitious stuff should be omitted from future productions, at least until there are people able to carry it off. There's nothing worse than inept bal let. Whatever the faults of this production, one fac tor suffices to extenuate them all: "Oh, Hellas!" raises Sound and Fury to the level of genuine adult theatre, and sets up a standard which can be im proved upon in future years. Everyone connected with this production deserves credit 'or the initial breakthrough. Future students whv involve them selves in the excitement of Sound and Fury pro ductions will have this to look back on as the be ginning of a tradition and a beginning for real progress. "Oh, Hellas!" ... oh, hope! (Such bathos from a supposedly cynical critic is due to the novel ty of this sort of ingenuity and worthwhile en thusiasm on this campus). 4 2 hi prof in ser.l AI 1 mill erf p:t ing err 2 mi - ir.c tly mci U-c i I J