4 Vrw U.!!.C. Library Ssriaia Dept. Box 870 Chapsl Hill, N.C. HENDERSON ... A concession of victory which we hope is premature, see pue 2. WEATHER In" Forjrrt ymir tweaier VOLUME LXVII, NO. 167 Complete Vf) Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1959 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE -J r- V rr ol Hi H a ti hvn lie m enr n ' emails Joe Friedberg 'Not Council Deliberates rvne-nun jury Thursday night ::d .Uh Fii.dberg "not guilty" . i'..v.r!,: worthles chocks and of i i K.ibcr atiru in the pa.-ssing of i itli'.t'NS clucks. The t ao hour trial including an t . ar of deliberation by the jury marked hy a lengthy discus n ii !!. term "collaboration." I Ilv tK r Council, headed by Hugh jot: ruirmu.iu; 'Flick Time!' Is wi.n t I if lorv! now before the once aJin taken from i f If ,md vupej of their four innr.wi. (!u -i i 'l'iml ilinn rf tiivt .inn t.ii.illv broken open. Exams are al- ir.ut upon us ami this, of course, r;ifu:K that the local theaters will br.r.j- back all the old flicks and v ..:ch the gate receipts rise to al mivvt ppvwar levels. The Daily Tar Hfl will close up operations with the Tuesday morning paper. Good l.utk, and happy Abies. IFC Court Announced; Chairman P.e-Elected The If C Court for 1959-CO wa3 cled last Thursday night. Grey was re-elected chairman and .Joe Alexander was elected new Nrk. Mi rr.Jers of this court are Steve Girard. Tate Robertson, Jim Rouse, Marshall Happer and Garrett Fol der. These men are also members i f the IFC. The court handles all fraternity tolations. NC Editorial Writers Hold Conference The program for the 10th annual N C. FvUlitorial Writers Conference, May 22 and 23, will include an ad difss by Gforge R. Herbert, presi- fnt of the N. C. Research Tri angle, at a luncheon meeting Sat nrday. North Carolina newspaper edi t ts also will hear Max Frcedman f the Manchester Guardian, At r-rney General Malcolm Seawell, France. Gray Patton, Watts Hill. Jr. John Larkins. Dallas Herring an I Professors Ienoir Wright and l.oren MacKinney. A highlight of the annual con f'Tence is the erlitorial critique wtim writing craftsmanship is ap I raised. This time a "committee of xjfrts of consumer's panel will Ml ' What I Head-and Don't Read - on ih Flitorial Fage." These mhos are Mrs. Fatton, author of "C.hx1 Morning. Miss Dove." Kenan Frofetvor of History MacKinney, and I rof. Wright of Woman's Col lege, who is an Knijlish faculty rrrmlier. Ihf opening session of the edi t' rs i!l be Friday at 8 p.m. in Car roll Hall whin Seawell will join llt preventative Hill. N. C. National Committeeman Irklns and State Fdncation Board Chairman Herring ui a dneussion, "North Carolina 1 .iMik.H Ahead." The panel will an wrr questions of the editors. Cecil Frince of the Charlotte Nrws is Chairman of the confer- i nee. Holley Mack Bell of the Greensboro Daily News is program chairman W.alter Spearman of chapel Hill is secretary. James B ) Rush, executive news editor of the Winston Salem Journal and Sf ntinel. will introduce Herbert on Patterson, defined collaboration as "to aid. encourage, support or countenance t permit) the passing o? worthless checks, which is in direct conflict to the laws of our .state and nation and also in con flict with the Honor Code upon which student behavior Ls based." After the Honor Council's presen tation of this definition, Friedberg said that by this definition he did permit the other boy to cash the worthless checks. Later, after Danny Sheehan had testified, Friedberg stated that he didn't stop the boy who cashed the bad checks, but, at the same time, didn't permit him to do so. Friedberg and his counselors were called in to the trial preced ing Friedberg's so that they might question a local policeman, because the policeman had to leave before hriedberg's trial came up. The po liceman testified that Friedberg's preuom testimony that the ori ginal charge in court in Hillsboro had been reduced from forgery, which is a felony and involves a prison term and loss of citizenship, to pacing worthless checks, which i.s a misdemeanor and involves a lesser sentence. Friedberg's law jcr later bore this testimony out further. The lawyer said that he recom mended to Friedberg that he (Friedberg) not plead guilty to any charges, because the lawyer fel that there was no evidence against him. However, Friedberg did plead guilty to passing worthless checks because of his desire to protect the other defendants from losing their citizenship in case they were con vie ted on tne telony cnarge; and because of the seriousness of the al ternative charge of the felony. Another witness for the defense testified that he felt that "Joe was doing the other two a favor by pleading guilty to the misdemean or " The boy who cashed the worth ies checks had allegedly signed Friedberg's name to them. Some mention had been made, in a ride from Y-court to downtown Chapel Hill that Friedberg's name would be used on the check. However, Friedberg testified that "in show ing disgust" he felt that he was disparaging the other boy from cjshing the checks. Friedberg also testified that the other boy owed him some money, No amount was named. Sheehan fctated that the boy owed Friedberg 'about twice as much as he owed him." lie also said that the "tone of voice" has a lot to do with what's said. He referred here to the statement made by Friedberg in the car on the way to the bank. Another witness testified that he didn't think what Friedberg said in the car was consent for his (Fried berg's name to be used. After the jury completed its deli beration, and the defense, the Coun cil and the members of the Attor ney Geaneral's staff were called back into the room Patterson read the jury's decision. Patterson then Donate Books! The VM-YWCA Ls asking students to donate books to send to schools, colleges, libraries, and individuals in Asian countries. The "Books for Asian Students" drive Ls a project of the Asia Foun dation and is sponsored locally by the International Relations Commit tee of the YM-YWCA. Standard text books published after 1945 and books by such stand ard authors as Dickens, Haw thorne, Conrad, Faulkner, Heming way and Steinbeck are requested. INFIRMARY Students in the infirmary yester day included: Eugenia Forbes McArver, Wil liam Henry Watkins, Ralph Waldo Commings, Yulan McLeod Wash burn, Johnnie Fredric Spott, Frank Wilkins Carper, Howard Grady Mc Allister, Charles Farris Himes, Wil liam Murchison Monroe, Mulcer Adron Morgan, Karl Eugene Bos tian. Franklin McGehee Jones, Rob ert Gray Merritt, Alphonso James Early and William Carroll Jacobus Jr. Guilty' 1 Hour urged Friedberg to "use more dis- crction in h.s actions in the fu- ture. Nutcracker In Memorial f crry i. -.1.. AtiAii I i H .-4 , Pictured above are three members of the cast of the "Nutcracker Suite" Ballet to be presented by the Area Ballet Company tonight at 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall. This is the .first presentation of this par ticular billet company on the UNC campus as well as the first presentation of the "Nutcracker Suite" here. The "Nutcracker Suite" Ballet will be presented tonight in Me morial Hall at 8 p.m. The program is sponsored by the Chapel Hill Music Club. No admission will be charged. It will be the first appearance of the Area Ballet Company on the UNC carrpus. The ballet company is composed of both profesional and ncn-profe..sional dancers within commuting distance of the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area. The Area Ballet Company i.s un der the direction ot John R. Leh man of Raleigh. Lehman also did the choreography for the "Nut Graduating Marshals Are Eight rs-"- jH -Ml mm i fa. -.liAV sr. v- COMMENCEMENT MARSHALS Shown (left to right) are Sophie Martin, Charlie Wilson, Sandra Trotman, Wade Smith, Nancy Awbrey, and Erwin Fuller. These rising seniors will participate in the 165th commencement exercises, in the capacity of marshals. Not present when the picture was taken, were Jenny Elder and Ralph Currmings. By ROBERT F. NEAL Eight rising seniors have been named marshals for the 165th Com mencement exercises which will be gin Saturday, May 30, and continue through Monday, June 1. Wade Smith of Albemarle 'will be the chief marshal. The other marsh als are Sophie Martin of Chapel Hill, Sandra Trotman of West Orange, N. J., Nancy Awbrey of Dalton, Ga., Jenny Elder of Siler City, Ralph Cummings of New Del hi. India, Erwin Fuller of Louis burg, and Charles Wilson of Asb3-ville. President Intention f. Suite' Presented Hall At 8 4Vv r .7 1 f 7. cracker Suite" Ballet. He is known for his dancing and teaching as well as choreography. The "Nutcracker" Ballet was well received by an audience at the only other showing of the new ballet company's work on April 25 at the Meredith College Auditorium in Ra leigh. The Area Ballet Company Ls the first step toward a permanent bal le. for North Carolina. Members of the cast include dancers of all ages from Raleigh, Wake Forest, Chapel Hill, and oth er nearby locations. .Mrs. Barbara Bounds of Chapel A Rising Seniors " t " " I ! ! ...... f . , , i ... .. i " I 11 r i f I ... . t a J a .-a k w- I .... ', vjS;:i u I - iMW The chief duties of the marshals are to help organize and serve as leaders in the various phases of the commencement program. Among the functions that the marshals will take part in will be the Baccalaurate Sermon, which will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morning in Memorial Auditorium. Immediately following the ser mon they will welcome parents and visitors at a Dutch luncheon that will be held in Lenoir Hall. On Monday morning they will be host at the 11 o'clock luncheon to Charlie Gray Announces lo 5ign Open Trial Bill Tonight m f : A - ' N Mvf-i'V. ' ? V - 1 Hill, a well known ballet teacher, will dance the part of Pierrette in the ballet. Others appearing in the ballet from Chapel Hill include Beverly Morgan as Clara, Rusty Chambers as f ranz, Judy nmmons as Mane Doll and Bobbii Bounds as Choco late. Other cast members are Robert Williams, Bill Brannan, R. Nelson Lambe, Joan Vine, Gail Braun, Stephen Grey, Mary Swan, Susan Fisher, Valorie Deibler, Marshall Maclssac, Sue Cheek, Carol Cham bers, Jeff Sharp and Deedee Whit ney. Photo by Peter Ness he held under the Davie Poplar and the Alumni luncheon that will be held at 12:30. Following the buffet dinner at the planetarium at 5 o'clock they will proceed to the Bell Tower, where they will prepare to lead the candidates for different degrees to their places in Kenan Stadium. Each year the president of the rising senior class automatically be comes the chief marshal and he in turn chooses the other seven from the junior class according to their achievements and merits. By DAVE JOxNES Student Body President Charlie Gray announced his intention to sign the "Open Trial" bill in an ad dress to the Student Legislature at Thursday night's session. Gray came to the session with two prepared speeches, one his veto mesage, to be used in the event that the bill did not undergo any modifi cation by the Legislature, the other Closed Judical Trials Studied By Council Closed judicial trials and convic tions of defendants by a non-unanimous jury is being studied by the Student Council. When two students appealed the constitutionality of these laws of judicial procedure, the council de cided to make a further investiga tion before reaching a decision. Joe Warner, clerk of the Student Council, said Friday that the coun cil would try to conduct as much of the investigation as possible dur ing the remainder of this scholas tic year. But it is possible that the decision of the council will not be made until next year, he said. Let s Have Everybody By DENNIS MADRY Take a break . . . relax . . . and come join in the festivities! Graham Memorial's informal lawn party has the makings of a gala occasion. And this is the day for it. Sponsored by the Graham Mem orial House Committee, the Em bers Cornlw will start swinging at 3 p.m. and keep up the tempo un til 5 p.m. The party will be on the lawn in front of Graham Memorial from the Davie Poplar, where the com bo will roost, to Silent Sam. As the party gets underway lo the music of the Embers rocking 'n' rolling across, free punch of some color and cookies of some description will be offered to the dry-parched throats of pre - exam Steel Strike Talk Threatens Economy NEW YORK. May 15 VP) Steel wage talks that could have a strong bearing on the nation's economy got down to bedrock issues today. "We're really in basic discussions now," said David J. McDonald, United Steelworkers president, aft er a two-hour bargaining session between four-man management and union teams. R. Conrad Cooper, chief industry negotiator, said the teams had "good exploratory discussions." But as the talks recessed until Tuesday, neither would elaborate on what was discussed. The union announced at the be ginning of the talks May 5 that it would seek substantial wage in crease;; and shorter working hours among other proposals. Failure to reach an agreement by Jure 30 when the present three year contract expires could lead to a strike by a half million steel- workers and cut off 90 per cent of the nation's steel production. President Eisenhower has coun seled against any settlement that would spur inflation through steel price increases. The industry has proposed a one-year freeze on wages and other benefits to hold the line against inflation. The un ion contends wages could be in creased without increasing prices. After today's relatively brief ses sion, McDonald was a luncheon guest of Francis Cardinal Spellman at the cardinal's residence. the message of acceptance, which he delivered. The bill, as passed a week ago, merely provided that any defendent who desired a public trial could have one. It stipulated that all se crecy oaths be absolved in such a case. Amendments as introduced by Jim Crownover SP) provided that a reporter from The Daily Tar The question of constitutionality of the judicial procedure was brought before the council last month by Troy Blanton and Gary Greer. Warner said, "The council after deliberation of some length in re gard to the two issues felt that due to the dire need of a greater amount of legal knowledge and in sight for the questions of issue of this appeal, that; a decision would and should be postponed." He said the council would seek further information from judicial documents, statutes and definitions in the constitutions of the United States, North Carolina and UNC. A Party! Rock & Roll students. For those wanting to dance, the spacious red-faced brick walks will be available as usual. For those wanting to dress for the occasion, the House Commit tee suggests informal clothes and any accessories. Taking the blame for the party are Co-chairmen Cynthia Grant, Stu Priddy and Susan Cordon and committee workers, Dick Lambreth, treasurer, Jackie Amette, secretary; Dennis Madry, publicity chairman; Betty Perry, David Mincey, Taylor McGowan, Betty WToodward, Belle Harkrader, Gay Wilson, Becky Clopper, Patty Faires, Phyllis Blake, Martha Morgan, Taylor Gil mo, Ann Nichols, Emory Burkhardt, Connie Kennedy, Barbara Nichols and Robert Scott. The union chief told newsmen l iter that he and the Roman Cath olic Archbishop had a pleasant talk as friends who had known each other for many years. McDonald said he had received letters telling of "many, many masses being said in many parts of' America" for the success of the steel negotiations. McDonald will attend an AFL- CIO Executive Council meeting Monday in Washington. He said he probably will report there on how the negotiations are progressing. In an action separate from the wage talks, the union and seven major steel companies signed an agreement under which almost 15 million dollars in supplementary unemployment benefits will be paid to union members in Ohio. McDonald said the payments had been made possible by Ohio State legislation, after having been de nied previously by the state ad ministrator of unemployment com pensation. The payments, held in escrow meanwhile, will compensate for lay ofis since Sept. 3, 1957. Companies signing the agreement were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Re public, Jones & Laughlin, Inland, Youngstown Sheet it Tube and Wheeling Steel. McDonald also commented to newsmen that he was glad to see that steel stocks had climbed in the New York Stock Exchange. Heel be allowed to observe the pro- ceedings, and print the names of only those persons who give writ ten permission. An amendment proposed by Dave Jones (SP) increasing the number of reporters from one to two was added to the Crownover changes. These two amendments were ac cepted by the body and incorpor ated into the bill. These changes were considered by Gray as adequate to protect the accusers and witnesses in future trials, and eliminated his most ser ious objections to the original bill. A bill by Gordon Street (UP) to provide for certain new fiscal po licies, including the return of cer tain monies held by student govern ment supported agencies to the general surplus, was passed over only slight objection. The bill was the result of the recent work of the Student Audit Board. Al Walter's (UP) resolution, to have lacrosse recognized as a var sity sport was passed. The bill re ceived a boost from the report to the Legislature by Swag Grimsley (SP), chairman of the Carolina Athletic Council, when he reported that the group had also adopted the resolution. Head Football Coach Jim Tatum had spoken in support of lacrosse at the meeting of the council Tues day night. The resolution commending Class officers for the past year introduced by Peyton Hawes (UP) was sub jected to bitter attack. Opponents of the bill criticized the author for opposing the junior class appropria tion bill and then taking a different stand on commending the officers. The bill passed by a 21-15 vote. The resolution sanctioning the mock Democratic convention in I960 introduced by Bill Lamm (SP) was passed after the words "and support" were removed from the bill. The constitution of the UNC For ensic Council as introduced by Tay lor McMillan (SP) was tabled un til the fall. A bill to place the Carolina Hand book completely under Student Government was introduced under special orders by Rick Overstreet (UP). Overstreet asked for and re ceived permission for Randy Shel ton of the YMCA advisory board to speak on the bill. Shelton expressed certain reserv ations about acting on the problem at this time, and the btl was tabled until fall. Another publications bill intro duced by Overstreet dealing with amendments to by-laws which were made necessary by a recent Stu dent Council decision was not al lowed immediate consideration and will come up in the first session in the fall. All the presidential appointments, introduced last week, were ap proved. Tryouts! The Carolina Playmakers will hold tryouts for two original one act plays Monday at 4 p.m. in The Playmakers Theatre. The plays are "With Apologies, Euripides," written by Douglas McDermott and directed by Craven Mackie; and "Buck," by Tommy Rezzuto, directed by George HilL The two plays will be presented as part of the Commencement Pro gram on June 1. All interested students have been invited to these open tryouts. Carolina Playmakers Present 'Capers' At 8 The Carolina Playmakers will present "Capers" today at 8 p.m. in The Playmakers Theatre. "Ca pers" is an annual summary of the UNC theatrical season in parody, produced by students of the De partment of Dramatic Art. The script for "Capers" was written this year by Margaret Starnes, Robert Ketler and George Hill. The show is under the direc tion of Margaret Starnes. Music, incidental and otherwise, will be performed by Hunter Tillman. The public is invited to attend, free of charge. Saturday.

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