PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1960 k Score with C. J. UNDEGWOOD The trip to Grcnsboro last Sat urday night, needless to say, was a gratifying experience. The joy of avenging our Dixie Classic loss to Wake Forest was sweet enough, though many other things added up to make the trip a worthwhile, pleasant memory. Even though I've enjoyed many a game in Raleigh's William Neal Reynolds Coliseum. I'd have to say the Greensboro Coliseum is the most beautiful structure of that type I've ever seen. There's not a bad seat in the bouse and there are 9.048 of them ready to be taken for a basketball game. And the seats are arranged so that one doesn't get that close. p.icked in feeling as he does in Pnleuh where a sardine could easily develop claustrophobia. The clan of Wake Forest stu- As for the game itself, the Tar Heels were never better. The 45.5 accuracy mark from the floor was the best of the year, but the real story of the game was told at the free throw line. J Carolina, last week the no. 1 team in the nation in free throw percentage, hit on 22 of 26 while Wake could manage only 19 of 25. Jioth teams hit 20 field goals, but the Deacons shot eight more times. The three leaders of the Caro lina offense all hit 50 per cent or better. Shaffer and Harvey Salz both hit half their shots while York Larese poured 'em in at a 53.9 clip. Miscellaneous . . . Whoever built the huge score board for the coliseum must have had Wake Forest in mind. The d nts behind the press table often ' monstrous clock hovered menac got pretty hard to take, though ;ngly over the floor, flashing the it's natural that "our boys always ' minutes in glittering gold over a get the bad breaks ." This was the ! black background, the same colors reneral concensus throughout the Deacon crowd as the game pro gressed and kept looking more and more like a Tar Heel victory was on the make. Probably the outstanding note under the "pretty hard to take" category came when Iee Shaffer took the line for a free throw after his basket which sent the Heels Into a three point lead with 29 seconds left. It must have been desperation, but something told the Deacon cheerleader to begin a very dis turbing chant of "Go. Deacons. Go" while the blond bomber toed the line. Naturally Mr. Shaffer knew the only place the Deacons were going was back to Winston Salrm in a few minutej so he calmly sank the charity toss to luck things up. Wake Forest calls its own. York Larese won the game's outstanding player award and was supposed to receive a plaque sig nifying the honor. When Yorkie was announced the winner, though, the public address announcer add ed, "Due to an NCAA ruling of a few days ago, Larese cannot re ceive any material award." Makes you wonder just how narrow-minded this already very narrow-minded organization real ly is .. . Billy Packer, who almost single handedly beat the Tar Heels in the Classic finals, met his match in Larese. The great Carolina junior went after Packer all night like a hound after a rabbit re sult: Packer hit on 2 out of 12 from the floor and finished with J tvrz? WE AX A I . " ff 1 llSS,. j - V" junior rsio yvx- yoza- Ir'Ppt f r 6sr rout S&r , t;TTtft, tHtY i Yxt l .'Tt& mvr. Ort nJ -rut- TbA . r . 7 l xyss7 7i - , - - f'Trvcr. m ; ( - js i - jJ,. "... L I i Sports Calendar Wednesday Basketball: Varsity and Fresh man against N. C. State at home. Freshman game starts at 6 o'clock. Wrrestling: Varsity and Fresh man against N. C. State at home in the afternoon. Swimming: Varsity against East Carolina at home at 4 o'clock. Thursday Swimming: Varsity against Wake Forest at home at 7:30. Friday Wrestling: Varsity against Ap palachian at home at 8 o'clock. Saturday Basketball: Varsity against Vir ginia at Greensboro at 8 o'clock. Swimming: Freshman against Stauntion Military Academy away. STATE CAGE TICKETS The Athletic Ticket office re ports that it still has almost one thousand seats for the Carolina State basketball game tomorrow night remaining to be distributed. Students and university employees can pick up these seats by bring ing their athletic passcard to the Woollen Gym office. mm 1 awi oat Swiss guard at the gates of the Vatican are heritors of centuriet of virtuous vigilance. 7:j O Your Doctor's prescription is your passport for travelling the Road to Recovery. We accept this precious paper in a spirit of dedi cated service. To you, and to your physician, we pledge to maintain the highest ethical standards. SUTTON'S Drug Store Phone 9-8781 FREE DELIVERY SKIN-DIVING CLUB There will be a meeting of the Skin-Diving Club Friday afternoon at 3:30 in room 304 of Woollen Gym. All those interested are re quested to attend. Ha 1 he missed ar.d Wake Forest 1"? pm'nts. going scoreless for the won from that point, this fine bit; last 28 minutes. f sportsmanship would have nkadc j He previously held a field goal headline material from this oor-1 mark of 54.3 and averaged over ntr. 1 16 points a game. Science Foundation, Phi Delt Advance To Volleyball Finals Only two teams are left in the f j-U-campus volleyball play - off championships and they go at it tonight t 7 for all the marbles. Phi Delt. Fraternity Blue divis ion champion, smacked Chi Psi, the Frat White Jang, by scores of 15-4 in the first matfh and 12-6 in the third They lost the second match 7-10. The Science Foundation (gradu ate champions) won over the Spodie-Odies, the dorm kings. In the second game. Alter fusing the first match 8-15, Sconce .Founda t.ou stormed back t sweep the last two in the best-of-thrcc series by 13-7 and 9-7. Science Foundation will taJcc eholarship" will be offered him. on Phi Ddt tonight at 7 on court 3 of Woollen Gym. Adequate seating will be provided for spec tators. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 4 0O-SAE vs. Zeta Psi. Beta-2 vs. Delta Sig (W). Bcta-3 vs. TKP (W), SA-2 vs. Pi Lamb-1 W). 5:00 DKE-2 vs. Zete-3 (W). KA vs. PiKA-3 (W), PI Lamb-2 vs. PiKA-4 (W), Bcta-1 vs. PiKA-1 (W), Sig Nu Riflemen vs. PiKA-2 (W). 7:00 Sigma Nu vs. Lambda Chi. City Planners vs. Med Sch- 2. Sig Nu Mavericks vs. Chi Psi-3 (W), Law Sch-3 vs. Med. Sch-4. 8.00 Med Sch-1 vs. Dent Sch-4, Grads vs. reacocks-2, Med Sch-3 vs. Grad History, Lcwis-1 vs. Alexander, Zcte-1 vs. ATO-2 (W). British Track Chiefs Warn English Athletes LONDON (AP) Britain's track and field chiefs Monday bluntly w arned the nation's athletes that at ceptancc of some American uni versity scholarships could lead to a ban on their competing in the United States. 'G'-ct oiT advice before you ac cept J scholarship," advised the Britislt Amateur Athletic Board BAAB. The JiAAB issued a statement explaining its refusal to let the 23-ycar-old sprinter Dave Segal accept a scholarship to Furman University. Segal May Bt Banned The board ruled the scholar ship was offered "solely on the grounds of athletic ability" and warned Segal he would be banned from competing in the United States. Since this ruling. Chuck Itohe, coach at Furman, has cabled the BAAB and Segal that the athletic scholarship has been withdrawn and that a "general excellence scholarship" will Ibe offered him. The BAAB said it would recon sider the matter as soon "as an official communication from the dean of the faculty" is received. Sparks Controversy The ban on Segal accepting the Furman offer sparkod a big con troversy in British newspapers. Many sports writers argued that Segal should have been given the go-ahead. Matmen Post Second Win Carolina's wrestling team made its home debut a good one Satur day night, downing hapless Wake Forest by a 31-5 count and nar rowly missing a shutout. Pope Shu ford, UNC's undefeated 157 pound- i er, and three of his mates scored I pins as the locals improved their I season's mark to 2-3 Heavyweight Bill Shipp tried hard to complete the shutout, but after being ahead on points was pinned in the third period for the only Deacon victory. Coach Sam Barnes commented that his boys '"did a little better than I expected them too" and that the 'win gives us encourage ment for the tough one against State next week." The Frosh squad rolled to its fourth consecutive triumph in the first engagement of the night, 26 8. as Jimmy Klutz, Willis Johnson and Jay Simpson scored pins. Next match for both varsity and frosh teams is against N. C. State at Woollen Gym on Wednesday afternoon. CERV SIGNS KANSAS CITY Outfielder Cerv, a holdout last season, Bob be- VARSITY SUMMARY 123 Londort (C) by forfeit. 130 lilchrist (C) pinned Ward 5:43 137 Broker (C) decisioned Jo hanssen 5-0. 147 McSwain (C) pinned Rose 8:11. 157 Shuford (C) pinned Sloner 2:15. 167 Rus sell (C) pinned Overcash 4:53. 177 Alexander (C) decisioned Baker 4-2. HWr Ashburn (WF) pinned Shipp 7:29. POST - GAME WORDS Carolina basketball players turn intellectual on the bus ride home from out of town games. Led by sophomore scholar Don Walsh, the team engages in a word game which would impress their English professors profoundly. Mouth-Watering Give-A-Ways at MILTON'S January Colossal came the iirt member of the Kan sas City Athletics to sign a 1960 contract Mondav. LOOK at the bottom of this page. Thanks. THE RAT ? i Just added 385 belts formerly to $5.00, at $.99. 450 ties formerly $2.50 now going at $.99. Plenty of assortment in the 900 dress shirts, button-downs and tabs, formerly to $8.00 at $3.50 or 3 for $10 00. Plenty of trim traditional trousers as low as $9.99 in good wearing and well tailored, hand finished worsted wool fianneh. Over 800 choice pullover button-down Sport Shirts in actual neck sizes and sleeve lengths such as 16-136 formerly to $10.00, now for $3.99 or 3 for $11.50. Many more fantistic buys Clothing Cupboard The ZOOM ZOOM Carry Out Shop will begin its CAMPUS DELIVERY from 6 p.m. till 12 p.m. TONIGHT Whole Barbecued Chicken and Roast Apple 1.75 Rare Roast Beef Sandwich .75 Pizzas, 16 inches . . . plain 1.30 Whole Chocolate Rum Cake .90 Coffee .15 Fried Chicken, Half 1.30 ZOOMburger .50 . . . etc. etc. Our phone number is 2-2222 and our name is ZOOM-ZOOM OUTLINES, TRANSLATIONS and STUDY AIDS for ALL YOUR COURSES THE BOOK EXCHANGE Fivo Points Durham, N. C. UNCLASSIFIED Found the answer to pizza hunger. Call the Rathskeller's 16-inch Pizza-rama, 8-3141, for campus delivery. o . The Lowest Possible Prices For The Absolute Highest Quality Juitan'fl tt C tt 9 Q ! rS. "ftt v I Ofe 5f.Z GXSGfe Sf-& A OAS TgU frti -J J - J - '- -' -' - rill mitm B7-T travel on earths CLASSIFIEDS THE BASIC MEASURE OF ANY insurance office's efficiency is the number of employees in propor tion to the amount of insurance in force. It is noteworthy that Northwestern' 15.5 employees per $100,000,000 of insurance is fewer than any major company. Malt Thompson & Arthur DeBerry Jr. Tel. 9-3691. FOR SALE: 1951 OLDSMOBILE, radio & heater. $75.00. Call 73036 SINGLE WOMAN GRADUATE STU dent wishes small apartment for both summer sessions. Contact Miss Morse, 314 E. Franklin St Rockingham, N. C. STEVENS-SHEPHERD'S JANUARY SECOND BIG WEEK All Winter Suits AH Sport Coats All Spring Suits 20 OFF 20 OFF 20 OFF ALSO-SAVE 20-66 ON Dress Shirts, Trousers, Shoes, Hats And All Other Classifications of Apparel STEVENS -SHEFHBRD easiest m M i -.nJ u ffll I ; i - - ' r. Si -J- -'m v TT n " - --' -i 1 I I ', i(tl'y'? n I "" DEPART Aim ARRIVE CONYE NtEtfTL Y lit THE HEART OF TOWN - It's a simple matter, qaadt, too, to get to a Trailways terminal. They're ahrays right in the center of town. Let our friendly personnel be hp yoa plan your trip. Find out about Traflwaya individual or group tours for each season. Call the number bekwr at any time. From CHAPEL HILL NEW YORK Thru Expres service 1 -way . $15.40GREENSBORO 9 convenient .trips daily $ 1.4S ASHEVILE $ 7.45 NORFOLK S 5.4$ Thru Express service (plus tax) Thru Express service (plus tax) gft bf Trmflwwyt Pcf f?- UNION BUS TERMINAL 311 W. Franklin St. -:- Phone 4281 THE LARGEST & MOST AUTHENTIC PIZZAS, DELIVERED TO YOUR ROOM, FROM THE RAT'S FAMOUS PIZZA-RAAAA 16-lnch Miirella Chtes 4 Tomato Pizzas 1.30 16-Inch Mushroom Pizzas 1.60 Delicious Roast Beef Sandwiches .75 The Rat's Pizxaphone is 8-3141