Page 8 UNC NEWS - Thursday, Augusfl8," 1960 'i;-si.l::i t 4 I : 1 HOWELL HALL . . . Student Lounge Book Theft Brings Investigation Billions Dollar Days Week-End Give-A-Way Aweek-end of fabulous buys on summer and some fall apparel. In time for back . to school savings. Open Friday Till 9:00 P.M. Our only night opening during i 1960 93 summer sport coats, for merly to $40.00, now at give-a-way of $11.99 9. dacronwool suits, the best summer and year , round suit yet devised, formerly to $58.95, at be low cost $27.99 73 imported handwoven Shetland sport jackets, 'formerly to $48.75, at give-a-way of $19.99 dacroncotton wasn V wear suits, formerly to $42.50, at give-a-way of $19.99 Remaining entire stock of - dacroncotton suits cut from $42.50 to $27.99 and $39.95 to $21.99 Remaining entire stock of - dacronwool suit3 cut from $56.95 to $3 4.99 and $69.50 to $16.99 Remaining entire stock of imported India Madras ! jackets regularly to $32.50 at low, low $17.99 Dacroncotton wash V wear pants cut from $9.95 toIjw$5.99 Entire stock half sleeve im ported India Madras shirts cut from $9.95 to $6.?9 - Basic half sleeve dress . shirts, white, regularly $5.00, now for $3.50 or 3 for $10.00 Half sleeve seersucker strip ed shirts cut from $6.95 to $3.99 Group dacronwool trous ers, formerly to $19.95 at give-a-way of $S.99 Croup sport shirts, short sleeves, mostly sizes large and extra large, formerly to $10.00, at give-a-way of $1.59 Dollar Days lop : soi mm Many others out of this Dollar Days Give-a-ways. Have a mad buying ball and stretch those precious dollars Milton's Clothing Capboard UNC Chem Grad Goes To Furman Thomas Ray Nanney, a native of Concord, N. C, and a resi dent of Columbia, will join the Furman University faculty in September as assistant profes sor of chemistry. Nanney is a graduate of UNC with a B.S. degree in chemistry. He has attended the University of South Carolina and received his Ph.D. degree there this sum mer. He was a chemist with the E. I. duPont Corp. for a year prior to his serving in the Counter intelligence Corps of the Unit ed States Army for two years. Nanney has taught for one year at the University of South Caro lina. (Continued from page 1) Howell . MORE MORE ped with an elevator. A lecture hall, which projected from the rear of the building, seated 200 students and was "well-lighted by high arched windows," advised the cata-. logue. The laboratories all had ad joining fume closets and were equipped with . "pivoted win dows" to provide adequate ven tilation. The entire building was heated with hot water from the University system, With the construction of Ven able Hall in 1923'to house the chemistry department, Howell "Hall passed into the hands of the School of Pharmacy, which remained the occupant until moving into its new building this year. Howell Hall Contained 30 rooms and a floor space of 21,000 square feet after a $55, 000 reconditioning job in 1925. The building received its pres ent name in honor of Dean Ed ward Vernon Howell, founder and first dean of the UNC School of Pharmacy. J-School . (Continued from page 1) typewriters. The building also has a re search center, with cubicles for research assistants. Acoustical ceilings are found throughout the building, along with fluorescent lighting. In the main corridor are 36 locked display cases. The shift to Howell Is Jour nalism's second move in its his tory. Its first official quarters were in New West in 1924, when it was called the Department of Jour nalism, and was under the di rectorship of Gerald W. John son. The J-School had two rooms oa the second floor of New West, in addition to Johnson's office. Directly above the two class rooms was a room where the wrestling squad held its work outs. Below the two rooms were the offices of the Daily Tar Heel, the Carolina Magazine and the Student Publication Union. Only 17 students were enrolled for the two journalism courses, four of them being in the ad vanced class and the others in the elementary class. Five of the seventeen students were co eds. The first journalism course at the University was taught - in 1322 under the direction of the English department. In 1950 the Board of Trus tees officially changed the name to the School of Journalism. The School wa3 accredited by the American Council oa Education for Journalism on April 30, 1953 some five years after Deaa Luxon took over the reins. A rash of recent book thefts in Lenoir Hall has prompted the Student Government to as sign Attorney General Frank Liggett to the problem. Liggett said anyone who had had a book stolen should con tact him or a member of his staff. The Book Exchange in Steel basement, the Intimate Bookshop and the Five Points Book Exchange in Durham should also be notified. As a security measure to minimize -thefts. Liggett said students should have their name in ink on the fly leaf and in at least one other place in all books. He also said books and other valuables should not be left in public places for ex tended lengths of time. - "Thieves know what they are doing," Liggett said, ."and they would rather steal from a care less individual than an alert one." Lady Wilton DOLLAR DAY Give-a-ways HAVE A MAD BUYING BALL THIS WEEK-END ON SUMMER AND SOME FALL ITEMS. Open Friday till 9:00 p.m. Our only night opening during 1960 31 imported handwoven Shetland skirts formerly $20.00, now $9.99 397 skirts, including imported India Madras plaids, newest African Batik, formerly to $14.93, at unbelievable $4.99. Group sliirtdresses formerly 19 $14.93 at give-a-way of $4.99 Imported India Madras shirt dresses, formerly to $26.95, at $14.99; all formerly to $21.95 at below cost $10.99 Last chance savings on entire stock summer shiitdresses $12.93 to $8.99; group formerly to $23.00, now $14.99; $19.93 W $13.99 574 of our famous long tailed Lady Milton pullover button, down, in half sleeve model, formerly to $10.93 including madras prints and plaids, now at amazing $3.30 or 3 for $10.00 Take a fall peek during these tremendous savings. LADY MILTON SHOP at Milton's Clothing Capboard Downtown Chapel HiQ DOLLAR DAYS At The Hub of Chapel Hill Add Dollar Days to our Summer Clearance Sale and you have one of the most fantastic final reduction sales ever offered in Chapel Hill. Summer Suits in dacron and wool and dacron and cotton $24.99 to ?34.99 Summer blazers cut as much as y2 OFF One group shirts in short sleeve sport model. Dollar Day Special at $1.99 Madras Blazers in beautiful shades and patterns 514.99 One group dress shirts in white, blue and light olive at $2.99 The Hub of Chapel Hill 103 E. Franklin St. Phone 2-1232