Pane Two THE DAILY TAR HEEL f t t H r 'it "We Must Join To Avenge Our Dear Friend, Lumumba" Henry Mayer If In its sixty-eighth year of editorial freedom, unhampered by restrictions J from either the administration or the student body. Cheerleaders hi Congress? n Seel I The Daily Tar Heel is the official student publication of the Publica- Hons Board of the University of North Carolina. Richard Oi erstreet, Chairman. 1 i . in ... ii I All editorials appearing in The Daily Tar Heel are the personal expres 1 sions of the editor, unless otherwise credited; they are not necessarily represen ts tative of feeling on the staff, and all reprints or quotations must specify thuf, ft February 23, 1961 U Volume LXIX, Number 105 Loveletter To A Newspaper Your spirit belies your age. When most men and women reach sixty eight years their salad days have long since receded into the musty past of their youth. Such intem perance has not affected you; time has left no scars to blemish you. You have weathered the storms of the ages with a sense of humor; you smile as well now as you did on that wintry day in 1893 when you first emerged, blushingly black and white, onto the consciousness of Chapel Hill. Boys and girls who read your first words grew to be men and women; they left Chapel Hill to live and die. You have lived on, growing not old and senile but ever younger and more gay. You laugh at the ages and cry with mankind; with a crocodile tear you watch the passage of time and man, knowing that there is a kind of permanence in your blustering bravado that no man can achieve. It is so strange that the artifacts of man find in their synthetic being a timelessness that transcends the lives of their creators; perhaps this is why you laugh at our pompous seriousness and self-satisfaction. Often, to be sure, you are cruel to those who have loved you and given themselves to your betterment; you demand from them much and give little in return, always hold ing forth the promise of a goal yet to be gained, a prize yet to be won. No woman, be she as capricious as a kitten, can hold forth the prom ise of such unrealized desires as you daily offer to those who serve you. For generations you have served a community of people and you have served it well; occasionally, in a moment of whimsical folly, you poke the sanctimony of those who regard you with such solem nity. The tricks you play are, when you come right down to it, cruel and unwarranted. The words you childishly misspell, the paragraphs gleefully deleted, the phrases left incompleted what foolish games are these you play on those who love you so? But if your whims are often cruel and senseless, how wonderful can be the pleasures, glories and vani ties you carefully bestow on those who please your inconsistently doting fancy. A well-turned phrase, a perfectly selected word, a hand some page these, when placed upon you assume a dignity and grace difficult to find. For all your foolish ways we love you. For all your rare delights we serve you. For all your pains, we bless you. Live long, and live well. Protest when you must, laugh when you will; praise when praise is due, damn when damnation is required. But never lose your grace, dignity, charm or, most of all, that mysterious appeal that holds those who make you like it or not, damn you what you are. Students Facing A Problem; Why No Plans For Lacrosse? During the past few years a small group of students has spent a great deal of time, energy and money building the nucleus of a lacrosse team. Last year, in. what seemed to be the culmination of this ef fort, a team was fielded and played a full slate of games against out side competition. This year the same group has faced the same old problem: op position within the Department of Athletics to the formation of a team, the playing of a full season and the expenditure of money necessary to the minimum support of an athletic team. The team is without a coach, but has a large number of students anxious to play and, particularly, a great many freshmen who came to Chapel Hill, at least in part, because they under stood they could play lacrosse at a University where the sport is new and enthusiasm high. A meeting, supposedly, had been scheduled by Athletic Director Chuck Erickson; Tuesday he in formed the interested students that I i JONATHAN YARDLEY Editor Wayni King, Mary Stewart Baker Associate Editors Margaret Ann Rhymes Managing Editor Edward Neal Riner Assistant To The Editor Henry Mayer, Jim Clotfelter News Editors Lloyd Littxe Executive News Editor Susan Lewis Feature Editor Frank Slusser Sports Editor Harry W. Lloyd Asst. Sports Editor John Justice, Davis Young Contributing Editors Tim Burnett Business Manager Richard Weiner Advertising Manager John Jester Circulation Manager Charles WHEDBEE..Subscription Manager The Daily Tah Heel is published dally except Monday, examination periods and vacations. It is entered as second class matter In the post office in Chapel Hill. N. C. pursuant with the act of March 8. 1870. Subscription rates: $4 per semester, $7 per year. The Daily Tar Heel is a subscriber to the United Press International and utilizes the services of the News Bu reau of the University of North Caro lina.' Published by the Colonial Press, Chapel Hill. N. C. m 1 1 m i ri n ii the meeting had been postponed "indefinitely." We may be wrong, but this sounds very much like an easy way of putting lacrosse out of the Carolina athletic picture. Surely nothing could be more ridiculous or foolish. The Univer sity has more than enough equip ment and plenty of players. Stu dents are not merely willing to play the game; they are actually demanding the chance to put la crosse on its feet at U.N.C. If this is the case, it seems that Mr. Erickson owes the student body an explanation of his delay ing tactics. The Department of Ath letics is, in theory at least, run for the students; its existence cannot be justified otherwise in light of the objectives of this or any other institute of higher learning. The students who want to play this game are not to be treated as expendables in a game of "play-for-profit." Their athletic needs should be seroiusly considered, particularly by a department that pretends to be interested in the advancement of physical culture. The argument that lacrosse is not taught at most high schools is simply invalid, unjust and hypo critical; neither, for that matter, are fencing, soccer and golf yet more and more time and money are being spent on these sports at Carolina. Something unpleasant is not being told about this business, and we believe that the student body has a right to know what it is. Every student should have the right to participate in the sports he likes; if enough students wish to participate in any sport, the Uni versity should provide them with equipment and make possible the scheduling of a full season's play. Only by doing thus can the Uni versity be fair; a good start in that direction would be giving these en thusiastic lacrosse players a chance to play. ' ' 1 avvw .'s, vrnw tS' ' -':rr I if One of UNC's more vociferous young liberals (Yes, Martin Wil son, they still exist) has come up with an ingenious plan for in creasing the rapidity with which Congress deals with New Fron tier legislation. In order to embue the venerat ed iawmakers with renewed "vigah," Walter Dellinger sug gests the installation of congres sional cheerleaders whose oral implorations might spur tre legislators on to greater glory. Of course this idea necessitates packing the House and Senate galleries with college students, ready and willing to give their all for good ol' United States U. But it sometimes remains an in teresting possibility. Can't you envision the colorful spectacle of red, white and blue clothed cheerleaders, wearing large "L's" (for Liberal) on their sweaters frantically shouting out such ditties as: "Hey! Hey! Where! Where Aid for the aged, over there!" Or the packaged galleries cla moring in unison: "Four bits! Six bits! Dollar and a quarter! A Minimum Wage that's Made to order!" And the responsive reading hour: Give me a "C." "H." "A." "N." "G " "E " What do we need? Change! What are going to get? Change! Yay! Rep! Needless to say, the Conserva tive forces will not be outdone, and from the other side of the aisle will come strident picas: "Hold that line! Hold that line!" "Push us back! Push us bacl:! Way back!" The power of such vocal sup port should not be underestimat ed, since legislators will be in great danger of being diseased on the nation's sports pages (a fate worse than losing a primary) and soon a Commissioner of Cheerleaders will have to be ap pointed. Before long the separation of powers will be defined as having a president, chief justice and head cheerleader. Naturally the last office-holder will have to bo a graduate of the Electoral Col lege. In addition to the more imme diate benefits of increasing the tempo of congressional action, thereby shortening sessions and saving millions of shekels, con gressional cheerleaders might in terest the alumni in doing more for their country. The ultimate will then be reached: grants-in-aid for congressmen! How Valuable The School bo Caroline Padgett Khrushchev Said. . . Castro Said. . . What Do We Say Cuba is a small and fairly "backward" country. Its educa tional standards are low in com parison to ours. It is not eco nomically strong ... as C. Wright Mills points out in Harpers, we in America spend more per year on lipstick, and things like that than Cubans earn in a year's work. It would seem from this that Cuba would be pretty insig nificant politically. But now Cuba has suddenly mushroomed into a major head ache for the U.S. . . . Khrushchev was quick to recognize a good thing when he saw it and when Fidel Castro's "humanitarian Alan Goldsmith revolution" became a success, he saw its propaganda possibilities and began paving the way for future negotiations with this strategically placed country right away. Now Cuba is well on the way to being a Communist coun try right on America's back door step, and . indications are that now Castro and Khrushchev are thinking in terms of a Commun istic movement that will sweep Latin America. As Tad Sulc points out in the Headline Series of the Foreign Policy Associa tion, this possibility is more frightening when we realize the unsettled state of many of the Latin American countries. In the Utopia For The Liberal When the Negroes finally get all their rights; when our gov ernment finally becomes a Social ist state; when the old South lies dead and buried; when the last voice of conservatism is silenced forever; when all these things come to pass, what is going to happen to liberalism? What new crusade will the liberal find to go on? Perhaps, he will decide to set free all the animals in the many zoos throughout the nation, since he has already given us humans all we could possibly desire. And after all, it is about time we started thinking about those poor enslaved animals. How would you like to spend your life in a steel cage having people point at you and throw peanuts to you? And keep in mind we are animals, too. These are just some of the arguments the liberal will use to get the ball rolling. Then he will start forming organizations. A stronger and more radical humane society will replace the N. A. A. C. P. People will begin to picket the zoos in their town. Congress men will become barraged with mail from angry liberals demand ing the emancipation of all ani mals. Since the animals' probably won't submit to a hunger strike, some of the more ardent animal lovers among the liberals will go on one for them. Nothing arouses public opinion like a good hunger strike, and the zoo managers will finally consent to letting a few of the less desirable animals go. This naturally opens the flood gate for the freedom of all the other animals. This great movement will prob ably start in the North since they would still be the most progres sive part of the nation. Their so ciety being such a conglomera tion of everything would be more favorable to animals, too. The South, once again, would be the last hold-out against this righteous liberal movement. The South would still be a very back ward form of society as compared to the rest of the nation. After just getting used to the Negro situation the average Southerner would have a hard time accept ing apes and all forms of other animal life as equals. But accept them they would. Federal courts harassed by the humane society would force the South into sub mission. And so goes another victory for liberalism. Of course there would still be a few minor problems to solve. How was society going to take care of its new members? They couldn't be sent back to the jungles, for by this time most jungles had disappeared. The only solution would be to educate them, so they could fit into so ciety. This would bring up the old question of segregation. The Southerner would cry that his child wasn't going to school with a dumb ape. The federal courts would step in again. The South would be overruled again. After many years have gone by the situation finally irons itself out through the aid of the liberal and progress. All intolerance has been defeatedw. Man wanders with all his fellow creatures in a state "of nature. All forms of civilization have disappeared and have been replaced by the jungle. And with the coming of the jungle a new law arises.. Para doxically, it is the old law of the jungle survival of the fittest. A very, very old Southerner sits on a rocker watching a fel low man being torn apart by some fierce beast. He dares to think about how things were in the "good old days." He forgets (for only a brief moment) that he is living in an age of prog ress. He forgets that he is living . in the liberal's utopia. "April, 1960 issue he listed as "in ferment" Guatemala, El Salva dor, Honduras, Panama, Colum bia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argen tina, and Haiti. Paraguay and Bolivia are under military dic tatorship. All of Latin America is a hot 1 bed of social unrest, and almost ' every country in it has a Com munist Party organization, some legal, some underground or work ing in the name of various "front" organizations. These or ganizations help encourage social unrest and constitute a major threat to the governments in power. They promise very simple things to the people of Latin America . . . economic and social equality and freedom from "dirty capitalist dictators" (which Ba tista definitely was), who get rich by filching from the "com mon people" of Latin America. This line has great appeal for the numerous peasants and work ers of the lower classes in Latin America. We know that if the Communist parties in Latin America come into power to rid it of "dirty capitalist dictators" there is a catch to it . . . they will simply substitute dirty Commun ist dictators. But the people to whom Castro and the Commun ists are addressing themselves, like the people who hearkened to Lenin's cry of "Peace, Land, and Bread" to support the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, don't think about this. They think about the fact that they are hungry and "exploited," (which is true in many cases), and that they are willing to accept help from any quarter which promises to im prove their lot. Some think about friends who have been murdered by military dictators and are ready to accept with open arms any leader or organization which promises to do away with the dictator at hand. Khrushchev is not such a big fool that he doesn't know this. Latin America consists of a ser ies of piles of dynamite, and one "match" might set off a chain of revolutions which could turn all of Latin America to Communism almost overnight. Khrushchev hopes Fidel Castro is that match. No doubt he realizes that Fidel Castro is a puffed up little fool, but he also realizes that he might be a very useful little fool. Be fore Castro lost his mind and got himself mixed up with God, he stood for basic human values and decency in the minds of Latin American people everywhere. He rid Cuba of one of the most brutal and ruthless dictators South America has ever seen. And he did it pretty much alone. Officials from "freedom loving" America may have felt sorry about Batista's torture chambers and his habit of cas trating politically unruly men and boys, but they didn't do much about it. Admittedly there wasn't much they could do, but no doubt many Cubans would have appre ciated it if they had said a little more to indicate that they were in sympathy with the victims of Batista's outrages. Castro said plenty. That was his talent, and his words whipped the Cuban people into a sweep ing revolutionary fervor based on their dreams of a decent life. The dreams and ideals which Mr. Castro described were beautiful dreams, and almost as old as man himself. The only trouble was that when Castro got into power he could not face the fact that his dreams would not be come realities at once. And he turned the dreams of many of the Cuban people into night mares. But he still offered the dreams in the form of empty words such as "freedom," "equal ity," and "economic security," and many of the people of Cuba and Latin America want so des perately to believe in these dreams that they accept Castro and do not see beyond the words to see the harsh reality of the new j dictatorship. Now Khrush chev is joining Castro in the ap peal. Khrushchev and Castro have a lot of empty words to offer the people of Latin America in the battle for men's minds. What have we got to offer them? A Mississippi schoolboy would become the most valuable pupil in the nation under President Kennedy's federal aid-to-education program. The schoolboy, barring lengthy absences at favorite fishing haunts, would be worth $29. G7 to Mississippi in 1962. The follow ing year his value would increase to $33.80 and in 1964 it would go up to $37.69. A schoolboy in New York, on the other hand, isn't worth half that much. He w o u 1 d bring $15.00 in 1962 and the price fa Will remain the same through ' 1964. Kennedy's $2.3 billion grant program for public school con struction and teachers' salaries for the next three years would be distributed under a formula giving poorer states, such as Mis sissippi, a bigger relative share than richer states, such as New York. The money would equal a minimum of $15.00 for every public school student "in aver age daily attendance" with the per-student grant increased pro portionately for the poorer states. Under this system, seven south ern states would get the most for each pupil with Mississippi's $29.67 topping the, list. The others and their proposed 1962 per-student allotment in clude South Carolina, $23.25; Arkansas, $28.18; Alabama, $27.27; North Carolina, $27.25; Georgia, $2.6.05; Tennessee, $26.13. The other southern states, wealthier than fellow members of the Dixie area, would get less including Florida, $20.65; Vir ginia, $22.88; and Louisiana, $23.56. U.P.I. i' : Chapel Hill A fter Da ::"x With Davis B. Young Monday night's session of the State Senate was another barrel of laughs. Traveling to Raleigh with Carolina seniors Bettie Ann Whitehurst, Angus Duff and Bob Baynes, the group was treated to a go-round of little or no legis lative action. The better part of the session was consumed by extending the courtesies of the galleries to guests, and two humorous speeches on the traditions of the State Senate, given at the re quest of freshman Senator W. M. Eubank of Pender County, who had protested a lack of instruc tion for first year men. But a lack of lawmaking ac tivity would soon cease, as im portant bills will shortly be com ing back from committees. Among these bills will of course be an appropriations measure which will decide the fate of the pro posed student union-undergraduate library. At the Capital, we came upon Joe Sam Ruth, a Carolina sopho more, who was Chief Page of the 1959 Senate session. Watching him in action, it became apparent he knows more legislators than anybody except Terry Sanford. For the second consecutive ses sion, this columnist had a legis lator volunteer this statement: "Whatever the University wants I'm for it all the way." It's encouraging to hear this, and it looks as if Gov. Sanford's New Day for North Carolina is taking a firm hold in Raleigh. At this writing, the General As sembly is awaiting the Gover nor's supplementary budget mes sage, which should spell out in detail his plan to increase taxes to meet educational needs. Notably present were a pair of legislative consultants fro m Chapel Hill's Institute of Govern ment. And so goes Raleigh after dark.

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