Thursday. March 2. '1931 : THE DAILY TAR HEEL ..U '-.V.-AW,NvVlsV.WWS . S . Peace. Corps Mee t President Kennedy's Peace Corps proposal will be discuss ed today at 12 noon upstairs in Lenoir Hall. Kennedy has made, it known that he desires a "ground swell" of interest on campuses throughout the nation, as a first step toward instru menting the program. At pres ent, no concrete plans have been laid, and the scheduled meeting here will serve the purpose of discovering how much interest is in evidence, and where it lies. Bob Futrelle of the YDC will conduct the discussion, and re quests that all interested per sons attend the important first meeting. '' " ' " LOUSY OLD PILL PRESS A pill press, made in London ,a century ago, has been pre sented to the School of Phar macy. The gift was purchased and donated by the. Charlotte Women's Drug Auxiliary. A pill press is a small ma chine that was' used to press powder into a pill. The device will be exhibited in the School of Pharmacy museum. Jeanette maternities Use Your PCS Account LOVES THE GINGHAM LOOK A Galey and LorcJ gingham with so mush fresh yovng poisccuH wear it everywhere. The top is prettied with snowy collar, cobbler pockets, wood-type buttons. The skirtfenicejy narrcwerC Tflr.ecg-ikpricdt Sizes 8-1&, $10.98 mtmh e h wM r? Vim' .y Visit our shop for every thing in maternity wear and children's wear. CHILDREN'S SHOP 113 E. MAIN ST. DURHAM TEL 682-6031 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Brag- 6. Man's nick name D. Charmed ' ' 11. - d menthe ' r 12. Haveloclj i 14. Rowed ' 15. French country , house 16. Pronoun 17. Formed a large group 18. California tree 22. Thus 23. Sow again 26. Mother 28. Mexican raw sugar 31. Public speaker 34. Cry of pain 35. Land measures 36. Scotch tea cake 29. Mother-of-pearl 40. Roman house gods 41. Ballet dancers 43. Large worm 44. Slightest DOWN 1. Chide vehe mently 2. Extra ordinary person slang) 3. Summit 4. Lean-to 5. Tantalum (sym.) CGudrun'a 4 husband Cposs.) 7. Shipboard! time S.Roman mag istrates 10. Native of . Reno 11. Coconut husk fiber 13. Java car riage 17. A tooth 19. Physician (abbr.) 20. Pro noun 22. With stands 24. Nega tive reply 25. Tierce (abbr.) 26. Lament 27. Covered way 20. Trust- - - worthy 30. Fills with wonder " 32: Alms boxes 33. Gull-like";'; birds "aSlTjAlRjl LIOIBIOI sjRtr We L jo d opts TR AlMiP SpAlejl E qu r t pEK3eN AIG A I R A N I A N V M1L-L AnA MhlSIS cLlA M''j E RML I IP an! ; :;'o q oIjeine rfplA rR UP RA N.6E IfBjS S A VP AY JQM ilIAOL-ENrrr Yeettray'g Answer 3G. Great quantity (var.) 37. House (It.) 38. Crude " ' metals 42. Syrian deity 7i 2 777 a 3T ls r ' ZM M- I vAA 11 ii PEANUTS l!J'IHt.1A,..,nm I i t I STOP TO THINK COHAT I HI TH WORLD UX3ULD BE Hi V Llkff IP THERE JERE I J V NO POGO : All lt 1 l 1 I. J 4 1 tl. A - AWO ITS AN INTRIGUING THOU&nloMES MIND 15 ETTO REELING AT R05PCT. JM & l TUP DRTOF PROPOSTTIOM THATCAN PRO0QCcHttJES5pE8XrE Heading For A Beheading : "- IP? 1 s :'v:".!:";::': 1111 X 4f J" ? I i ! UN Seminar Is Open To UNC Students Applications for the U; N. Seminar to New YorH during Easter vacation are now avail able in the Y Building. Carolina will co-sponsor this seminar with N. C. . State and 20 students will represent each school. The theme of the sem inar will be "The UN and the Emerging African States." The cost of the trip will be approximately $35 which covers bus ticket, registration fee and hotel bills. The group will leave by bus from Chape Hill at 6 p. m. Wednesday, March 29 and return Tuesday, April 3. Jr. RARE BOOKS DONATED Some 50 rare, books and journals belonging to the late Dr. Sigurdur Jonsson have been donated to the library of the School of Pharmacy. The collection was presented to the library by the family of Dr. Jonsson. ' SUMMEE-ABEOAR E i 1L " Hi : ! CU's Student Council is spon soring for the second year a five-week tour of Europe this summer, for students, of" Caro lina, State, and WC, UNC rep resentative Vade Hargrove has announced. This year's group, according to the provisional itinerary, will leave New York on June," 12. Included among, the. countries to be visited "are Scotland, Eng land, Belgium, France, Switzer land, Italy, Austria, Germany, and Holland. ";''' The date set for the return to New York is July 17, but students are not required, to stay with the group and "may remain in Europe as ' long as. they like. : - ? The cost of the round-trip tour is $950. It includes trans'- port, whicii will be " Ipy air across the: Auanuc ana py cnar By G-U c LOUIS XVI (Rom Linney) is led to the guillotine by the amiable executioner, Sanson (Johnny Meadows), in the Caro lina Playmakers production of "Day of Glory" scheduled for its American premiere March 15-19 at the Playmakers Theatre in Chapel Hill On The Gampm tered motor coach in Europe, , . . - ' accommodation, all but three special rneals, entrance, fees and tips. But the: price excludes passport costs, drinks not ser ved, with meals, theatre tickets arid pocket money. ' Students may register for the trip, by, making. aii 'initial pay ment 6 200, np late?; ' than March 2S; the, balance, ia due 'by. """April 30.' Deposits' are re- turns axe up 10 ue. aat, qi- imai tDayment. " Payments can be made by contacting Hargrove at the Kappa Alpha fraternity house. ' ' The tour arrangements are being, made by' Edward G. Blakeway, an ex - British ex change teacher who has been teaching in, Raleigh for "several yars. .;Ir;.' Blakeway,' who, has a "great deal of - (experience with stiidejjt groups iri Europe, has of ganized North Car61ina;'grpup3 for the last f three years. r ' " The CU Student Council, which is composed of students from each of the three schools of the Consolidated University, functions primarily to "promote closer relationships between the student bodies of the three schools and to promote student unity among them." The coun cil's biggest activity of the acad emic year is the organization of CU Day at the annual State Carolina football ' game in the fall. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE: 1960 PORSCHE Gray with red interior. 8000 miles call 942-4554 between 7 10 p.m., Mon.-Fri. FOR SALE: THE MARCH OF DEMOCRACY, by James Trus low Adams. A fine 5-vcIumo 'set, almost like new. Only $12 at the Intimate Bookshop, 113 E. Franklin St. Dietrich Stars In Original 'Angel' Interviewing today at the Placement Office are the Riegel Textile Corporation, Burroughs Corporation, W. T. Grant, and . M. Pullen. Der Blaue Engel ("The Blue Angel"), the German sound film which skyrocketed Josef von Sternberg and Marlene Dietrich to world fame, will be shown at a special showing Monday night, March 6, in Car roll Hall. ' " Originally planned for the UNC-Chapel Hill Film Society's spring series, conflict in booking Wonderful Books at ONE DOLLAR each! Fandango Rock, by John Mas ters. We thought there were no more of this classic novel of bullfighting and love, but our scout found another small clump. Was $4.50. Our Special $1.00 Bugle in the Wilderness, by John Burress. A haunting tale, set against the background of the Civil War, touched with humor and compassion. Was $3.50. Our Special $1.00 The Rainbow and the Rose, by Nevil Shute. The author of "On The Beach" in a wonderful novel of love in the sky. Was $3.95. Our Special $1.00 Invitation to a Beheading, by Vladimir Nabokov. "A wonder ful tour de force," says Gilbert Highet. Published at $3.95. Our Special $1.00 Sure You Can Do It Yourself a lovely book of earthy cartoons by Brickman. Nice to own, and a J very pointed gift. Published at $2.95. Our Special .$1.00 THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 119 East Franklin Street Chapel Hill Open Till 10 P.M. butt.:. dates has necessitated moving it to Monday night. Special tickets are available at the Y this week. As Lola Lola, called a "new incarnation of sex," Dietrich was a sensation. Psychologist Siegfried Kracauer has written, "This" petty bourgeois Berlin tart, .with her provocative legs and easy manner, showed an impassivity which incited one to grope for the secret behind her callous egoism and cool inso lence. "That such a secret existed was also intimated by her veiled voice which; when she sang about her interest in love making and nothing else, vi brated with nostalgic reminisces and smouldering hopes." Aside from Miss Dietrich, a Max Reinhardt-trained ac tress, and the acting of Emil J annings as the prof essor whom she rums, "The Blue Angel" is considered by some to be one of the most creative films of the Thirties filled with movement and a richness of pictorial ele ments at a time, 1930 when movies were generally stagnant and fiat with the introduction of new sound cameras. Also scheduled on Monday's program is an experimental color short by Francis Thomp son, "New York, N. Y.," pre miered at the Museum of Mod ern Art. t Last Day By Schulz 71) WHAT ARE Y0U3 AIB05; OM TOE SUBJECT? - . i 3-Z GJ00LD BE DARK WHIM 1V2Y U$AZ& A lOf A s 1 1 Uiu iRWr - ByWalt Kelly OAHK 0 r CHAkT Trs ' nNwYV WHAT WgKS MZZUAISO? KNCW MM ' If. eassm (l: I Public Affairs Committee of the YMCA will meet today at 7:30 p.m. in the Y building. Juniors and seniors may still purchase official class rings by Balfour by contacting the ring chairman, Pat Morgan, in 319 Teague, phone 968-9157. Applications for president and 1 seevretary of "the Graham Me morial Activities Board may be picked up at the mforrijation desk of GM and returned there. Interviews for these positions will be next week by members of the board- The board's " vice president will be selected by 'the new president, board President R. V. Fulk said. Wesley Foundation and West minster Fellowship will cospon- sor the film "The Caine Mu tiny," being shown at 7:30 to night at the Presbyterian Stu dent Center. Ail interested per sons have been invited to view the picture and participate in discussion of it. Coffee will be served. Candidates seeking legislative endorsement by the University Party will be interviewed from 2-4 p.m. today and Friday in Roland Parker I of Graham Memorial. Beginning tomorrow the N. C. Personnel and Guidance Asso ciation will hold, its annual meeting here, with a theme of "Guidance, in the Transitional uecaae. reaiurea wm De six major addresses by educators and' authorities in the field Of guidance. The meeting will last two days. The Student Party Legislative co-ordinator will meet all SP endorsed legislative nominees from all dorm men's districts in the Grail Room at Graham Memorial from 3-5 p.m. today. All nominees must attend. Women's Honor Council can didates are being interviewed by the Bi-Partisan Selections Board today, and Monday, March 6) in the Council Room, Gra ham "Memorial, from 4-15-5:45 p.m. Coeds may sign up for ap pointments on the " door of the Council Room. htfa CIGARETTE Lighter piqys Dixiq with music box $5.95 All town men's, town - wom en's, and dorm women's, candi dates having received SP en dorsemeni will meet in Roland Parker I, Grahanxlemorialj 3-5 p.m. Friday. shqhe the infss mm uavss M this iriCREDioiE I0B8fQftf, StQlty makes ' fiction 4 smm tomol IK a ? hiiiium t Is1 r A I. co-5i3fii"s t r . ... . EIOlOBIBlIBOElj GMrMllL-RAWiDMASSff JOSH BIACKMM'ROBERT MIDDIEID'I and co-starring ; ' m N. IK.. -X llllll HBnillIBI " " ' WHMsitiwti s s "Father DevliM .' i CSTOl-BltggS. SATS TODAY Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf 'JtThe Many ' Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.) WORDS: THEIR CAUSE AND CURE Today let us take up the subject of etymology (or entomology, as it is "sometimes called) which is the study of word origina (or insects, "as. they are sometimcg called). Where are word origins (insects) to be found? Well sir, some times' words are proper names that have passed into the language. Take, for, instance, the woxd3 used in electricity: ampere vra3 named after its discoverer, the Frenchman Andre Marie Ampere (1775183$); similarly ohm was named after the German G. S. Ohm (1781-1854), watt after the Scot James Watt (172G-1819), and bulb. after the Americau Fred C. Bulb (1843-1912). There is, incidentally, quite a poignant little story about Mr. Bulb. Until Bulb's invention, all Illumination was provided by gas, which was named after its inventor Milton T. Gas who, strange to tell, had beeq. Bulb's roommate at Cal Tech ! In fact, strange to tellthe third man sharing the room with Bulb and Gas Was also one whose name burns bright in the annate of iUumination Waiter Candle! . The, three roommates were inseparable companions in col lege. After graduation all three did research in the problem of artificial light, "which at; this time did not exist. All America used to go to bed with the chickens. In fact, many Americans were chickens. . - Well sir, the three comrades Bulb, Gas, and Candle promised to be friends forever when they left school, but success, alas, spoiled all that. First Candle invented the candle, got rich, and forgot his old friends. Then Gas invented gas, got rich, bankrupted Candle, and forgot his old friends. Then Bulb in vented the bulb, got rich, bankrupted Gas, and forgot hh old friends. r " tff, . 'ipq. azwMC'&fyu -ffitjuptfi opromi"- Candle and Gas, bitter, and impoverished at the age respec tively -of 75 and 71, went to sea as respectively the world's oldest and second oldest cabin boy. Bulb, rich and grand, also went to sea, but he went in style asa first-class passenger on luxury Kuers. 4 Well sir, strange to tell, all three were aboard the ill-faied Jtaoia when ."she ' was ' sunk in the North Atlantic. And, strange to tell, when they were swimming for their lives after tl 3 shipwreck, all three clambered aboard the same dinghy I Well sir, chastened and made wiser by their brush with death, tljey Cell into, each other's arms and wept and exchanged fc; -giveness and became fast friends all over again. 1 For three years they drifted in the dinghy, shaking hands as J singing the Cal Tech rouser all the while. Then, at Iocs they spied a passing liner and were taken aboard. 'They remained fast friends for the rest of their days, ubicli, I regret to report, were not many, because the lincx Ll Ja p JLz J : &&rtipwaaCtiie TStanic"-' " What a pity that Mariboros were not invented during lr 3 lifetimes of Bulb, Gas, and Candle ! Had there been Marlboro;;, theW three friends never would have grown apart because Ibc y wouldhave known how much, despite their differences, they e tl 1 bad In commonT I mean to say that Mariboros can be lit by candle, by "gas, or by "electricity, and no matter how you 1:.5 themi yoa always get 'a full-flayored smoke, a filter ci-arctt a witk an'unfiltered taste that makes anyone xndudm.r; BC Gas, And Candle settle back and forget aner'and l'::3 c J EnEe the sweet snule of friendship oa ps.! Another peaceful smoke from the makers of ZZarilom u (' 2 'Srand-neld un<ered iiing-tize Philip Harris Com:.izd- 79 'o&6 toon end Gad eui-hotg 'leelcoms vou'li Lj