Thursday, August 10, 1961 THE UNC NEWS Pago CHA LL'S GBR This week the "UNC News" is proud to present a selection of some of Chapel Hill's prettiest girls. 5 ' t .... V . 5 Ki vSi til MES1 J. J "- v y t - it 4 f ca In the upper left-hand corner is Mary Ann Henderson, Miss Chapel Hill for 1961. Mary Ann, a rising senior from Savannah, Ga., is shown signing up for competi tion in the recent Miss North Car olina Pageant. Cleda Pollard is the Carolina miss peeking out from behind her parasol, in the next picture. Cleda is a junior English major. Three recent Chapel Hill visit ors are shown in the next picture, in a scene from "'Double De mon," a play put on by the Junior Playmakers last month. From left to right, the girls are: Diane Mauer of Fort Dix, N. J., Gale Signon of Taylorsvile, N. C, and Patsy Drohomer of Daytona Beach, Fla. The Coker Arboreteum is the background for the picture in the lower right-hand corner, featuring fifusan Woodall, runner-up for Miss Chapel Hill. Sue is from Hamlin, W. Va.; she graduated in June with an A.B. in education. 19-year-old Paula Parker, in the next picture, will be a sopho more next year at Women's Col lege. She was in school here this summer. Sally Pullen .author of "People Are Partial to Peaches", a recent Carolina Playmakers production, is shown in the upper right-hand corner. Sally is a graduate stu dent from Parkton. Misses Pollard, Parker, Pullen and the three Junior Playmakers girls have been featured in pre vious isues of the "News." Those pictures were taken by John Clifford. IP 1