J t " UNC FoetfeaileFg Enter L TED tvd errs fi o 1 OroemeF Here rm son Red-Sh irts Run Wolf pack Plays; Wally Dunham Out Of Hospital ; 3T 1 V t -1 , 4 5 Of si Tf Q Sataraay r U 3 J f f - y y ; r A JJy HARRY W. LLOYD DTH Sports Editor Coach Jim Rickey's footballers swung in to their last week of practice before the sea son opener against N. C. State with a lot of spirit, a lot of determination, and a lot to do. In a scrimmage against the reserves, they stuck to the ground mostly with quarter back Ray Farris at the helm. The red shirts worked on State plays, to perfect them for operation against the varsity defense. Quar terbacks. Sandy .Kinney and Jimmy Eason playing the role of ace Wolf pack 'quarter back Roman Gabriel. Big tackle Tony Hennessey was working on kickoffs at the start of the practice. The 255-pounder got some long boots down into ft! the end zone, but coaches expect that he can get them even further. A familiar figure recurned to the side lines, but wasn't able to go out on the field where he would have liked to be. Halfback f Wally Dunham, one of the sensations of spring practice, was just released from the hospital following surgery for a knee in jury. Dunham was on crutches, with his leg in a cast. He said that his doctors were pleased .with his progress, and that if it heals properly, the cast might be off with in a month. He hopes to be able to play in the last two or three ball games. Coach Bob Thalman was on the field af ter just arriving Monday morning from his trip to Wyoming to scout State. Action is thick, and. fast in a Caro lina football practice session. Above, backf ield coach Bob Thalman, right, demonstrates a point to end coach Vito Ragazzo as the players in the back ground assemble for another play. Be low, quarterback Ray Farris pulls a fake bootleg as the offense roars into action in a dummy scrimmage. Photos by Harry Lloyd 71 1 r y J -v 4 J- .4 "4 t i 5 5 r ? if Back in Stock Hooray! Franny and Zooey by Salinger Come in and look it over. Ths Intimate Bookshop 119 East Franklin Street Page 5 Daily Tar Heel Sports Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1961 Baseballers Need Manager; Salesmen Meet Tonight Baseball coach Walter Rabb needs managers for both his var sity and freshman baseball teams. He needs them for the present fall practice and for the baseball sea son in the spring. Anyone interest ed should contact Coach Rabb at Impress Your Girl.. 1 GET HER A NEW STUFFED FOOTBALL In Carolina Blue ALSO Carolina Pennants SiveatShirts Woollen Gym or Emerson Stadium or freshman coach Bruce Crump at Emerson Stadium between 2 and 5 p.m. There will be a meeting tonight for all boys who are interested in selling football programs this sea son. It will be held in 304 Woollen Gmy at 7:30, as Athletic Associa tion secretary Joe Hilton announc ed yesterday. WARSAW (UP) Zenon Kliszko, 53, veteran Communist and close collaborator of Polish Communist chief Wladyslaw Gomulka, has withdrawn from active political life after suffering a heart attack," in formed sources said Monday. The sources said he expected to return to public life after convalescence. v ? ' '-Ft . - vs. .-M ; -' yi :; ;..:' , ..--,:,J v. ''S"' - 'c I - I ' ..... Above right, quarterback J ohn Flournoy calls signals in the third team offensive huddle, while on the adjacent field, two more teams are engaged in a scrimmage. In the lower photo line coach Fred Tullai shows left end John Runco, 8Q, just how a certain block is executed, as Jimmy Addison, 20, looks on. Maris Has Five Games Left In Which To Surpass 11 NEW YORK (UPD It's now or never for Roger M a r i s, the New York Yankees' homer-hitting star who has only five games left in which to hit No. 60. Maris and his Yankee ' team mates began a season-ending five game home stand Tuesday night against the Baltimore Orioles, play Baltimore again on Wednesday and against the Boston Red Sox begin- BACK TABLE LP's Only Reloaded Every Hour Includes Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, Shostakovitch, and Tchaikovsky DIAMOND STYLI Stereo $7.98 Mono $3.98 Bring needles in for free inspection Chez nOv. ltd. E. Franklin St. and Eastgate Shopping; Center JL ning Friday night. If Maris, who hit Nc. 59 against the Orioles at Baltimore on Sept. 20, is going to match the immortal Babe Ruth's all-time record of 60 home runs in a single season, he'll have to do it some time this week. Ruth his is 60 homrs during a 154-game season in 1927. The Yanks already have played 157 games and if Maris equals or beats Ruth's mark, it wil be entered in the record book with a separate desig nation, according to a ruling by Commissioner Ford Frick. Odds Both For And Against The odds that Maris can top the mark might be considered both in his favor and against him de pending on how you analyze past performances in Yankee Stadium. First of all, of his 59 homers this season, 23 have been hit at home where he has an easy target down the right field foul line. But in 16 previous games against the Orioles he has hit a total of only two homers one at Yankee Stad ium and one at Baltimore's Me morial Stadium. Maris isn't the least bit optimis tic about his chances. In fact, he doesn't think he'll equal or top the record because of "the way they're pitching me now." "The only way I'll ever get to hit another home run is if one of those pitchers makes a mistake and fouls up," says the tired Yan kee slugger. May Get Good Pitch "I might get a good pitch to hit by accident in the next five games, but I doubt it. They're keeping the ball on the outside and trying to make me go after bad pitches." And chasing bad pitches is ex actly what Maris did in the week end games with the Red Sox at lltll then close with three single games Boston's Fenway Park. Since hit ting his 59th homer, Roger has managed only two singles in 13 times at bat. "I got only one good ball to hit Sunday," Maris maoned, "and I popped it up. I was so surprised at seeing even one decent pitch that I could hardly believe it My cousin Archie he thought the electric razor his gal gave him last Christmas was o.k. Then he tried Old Spice Pro-Electric, the before shave lotion. Now the guy won't stop talking, he thinks electric shaving is so great. ARCHIE 5AY5 Pro-Electric improves electric shaving even more than lather improves blade shaving. ARCHIE SAYS Pro-E!-:ctric sets up your beard by drying perspiration and whisker oils so you shave blade-close without irritation. ARCHIE SAYS Pro Electric gives you the closest, cleanest, fastest shave. If Archie ever stops talking, I'll tell him J use Old Spice Pro- Electric myself. " (SODOL l -tfr p. s. There's a .60 size but Archie gets the 1.00 Lottie, (lie always was a sport)- S M U LT O M Plan an evening at IS The 1 t n i tt fy it U - t ,J 1 2Jm ..fed .. f'---. PHONE: 489-9576 Across the Blvd. from Featuring: Every Monday HOT NUTS Every Tues., Thurs. & Sat. CHECKMATES JEvery Wed. & Fri. SEPTORS s J '4