i Flatt, Scruggs Play Here Next Week Col imbia recording stars Lester j T a.r. Earl Scruggs and trie toggy iojntain Boy will bring their OAS Troops I Hit Hospital ALGIERS. Algeria (UPI) Eu- r0, ..an gunmen ot me vuuuwcu Suet Army Organization (OAS) "j:naiieil a Moslem hospital here ' ,iv Kxlav. machine-gunned help- loss patients m ineir ueus unu v recked part of the building with Vi '.Himb. ! Early reports "said 10 Moslems were killed and eight wounded, r.-.ost of them seriously. 1 There was no immediate indica tion whether the terrorists were r.'.-.t-r certain Moslems in the hos l'::al or whether the raid was a demonstration to show the OAS will en-, at nothing to wreck the cease fire and keep Algeria from be- toming independent. I In other terrorist attacks, two M)s!ems were killed and three wounded. ' The attack on the Beaufrasier hspital in the Algiers suburb of B.mzareah followed Monday night's mrtar shelling of the Algiers ICubah in which seven Moslems sv 're wounded. blue grass music to the Carolina campus in a concert to be held next Wednesday night, at 8 in Me morial Hall. The concert, sponsored jointly by Graham Memorial and the senior class, will feature the kind of mountain music which in less than tea years has skyrocketed the group to international notoriety. Proceeds from the show will be used to finance this year's senior gift and to provide prize money for a forthcoming campus-wide es say contest. Tickets may be purchased for one dollar , apiece and are now on sale at KemD's in downtown Chanel Hill and at Graham Memorial. 3,000 Bottles Wine Broken BEAUNE. France (UPD Three thousand bottles of Burgundy wine were broken in the cellar of Louis Chavy here Monday when an ar my jet plane from the Dijon-Lbng-vic airbase crashed through the sound barrier. ' . My,yi "j.--. w v., ; j vi ni".i..)s.iv.i sz-ff-rfrt ' , ' - r - - ' I i ' - - , - - ' , ' ' , I - . V 1 ' J -: f, J ' 4 - ; i - fsT v f- .- y ' i i t s- " . j I- ' - ';''f - 'RoluiiM In Thfe Arts' - Lester Flatt' and Earl Scruggs So let it rain! New rainy day apparel offers added beenfits in durable water repellency and easy care. U.S. Asks Funds Release To- Aid European Nations PARIS (UPI) -j The , United States is asking for 'the release of some $600 million in former. Mar shall Plan funds for , aid to eco nomically backward European countries, authoritative diplomatic sources said Tuesday. LAST TIMES TODAY pwPPHgaSBP"'' u'-'"-.""uiin"". iwhwww ww :. ... nm .mum hiihii.iiihi.iih p mmm '"'"" -: , es nis mosi' a! Arlftf inn rrtlo 2ae j i 5 XI, i Hayes Ttherof of Iwo Jima! m WW fls ffialsf cal classlei 1 -VI The money is currently in the so-called European Fund : of the 9n-nntinn Organization for eco nomic Coooeration and Develop ment OECD. The sources describ ed it as a "hangover" from the days of Marshall aid which ended gradually more than six years ago (Continued from Page 1) draw our strength from the pres ent." , offered a slightly different' interpretation than Seldes of revo lutions, in television , and . films:. "The reality . was . creating its necessary medium." . Grierson said TV was the middle man between writers and the con sumers. In answer to a question later, he said, "But I wouldn't be top pessimistig, it's simply a mat ter of gettmg, better ana more imaginative sponsorship ana' bacK- ing." In a discussion group yesterday in Howell Hall. Griersoa compared ! American TV to Scottish, saying j that while his own country, may have b?tter' TV on "the--whole, "Americaii television, when it is good, is excellent ! and when it is bad, is really badJ" 'There ar e . new , realities : Just around the next corner we have got to appreciate the world as a changing world." During the question and answer period following Tuesday speeches: What will be the effect of (New ton) Minnow's tchairman of the Federal Communications Commis sion), "get tough" policy on . tele vision? Seldes: "I think Minnow made a crave tactical mistake in ms choice of words, calling IV a preat wasteland. A iungle or swamp perhaps, where too many mings are happening, but not a waste land. "I don't think this sort of policy will create the proper atmosphere for good programming.. we ie, the civilized few,' should tell them what we want."; . :. ; , What does it taean to say that H am an artist"? . Grierson : V'How many semesters are you available? I guess you could, say Jhe pursuit of , lea.uty, that is, you want to bring alive the world of your, cbservations--the world of reality. , "Also there is .a sense pf public responsibility duty " to your , audi ence, ,or giving vpeople a, sense of being uplifted. There really is iio specific answer to that." How daT you . ahswer the charie ibat Jelerisipa ts mae s 9. na- tioa ' of jpbserrers? -- Seides: AfcWe never were a na tion of participants. "!kiwvf! , I . do think that the lendecy to, sit back and watch is beng strengthened by TV. There is a teridency ' .to .become specta torj not. only of events but non events; sheer fakery not fiction JTai he . fibs Indastry , doae any films in the past five years that Justifies the industry being called an art? .Grierson: J'l never go to fea tures any more I'm getting old and am not a romantic any more. " 'Savage Eye' and "Jazz on a Summer's Day' both had certain quite moving scenes, especially the handling of Mahal ia Jackson and the 'Lord's Prayer On the documentary side I have seen some films that I definitely consider to be art." - ... w . v t y- a. ? I "Sj i aiifi) wiiv CAE! now at men' recommencj it -CUISSiBED UBS CO -STARRING JAMES FRANCISCUS a universal-international picture , i,jm,- .i-i-inpiiiniiiiii-.llr.i , m i-iiMM.- .,.,.-,,,,..,1 jim,"iuipiwiiimiu.i.) a m 11 mi iii'mTmrrTri rrT I j . i ith , jM M - ; -. --. , ,mMM- M iiiiint itij tmtrJ DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS I. Steamlika mist G. Fisher man's basket IX. Sultan's decree J2. Iigiithorsa Lee 13. "Tako cover filarns 14. Be ia accord Guido'3 note 16. Ireland 18. Boards cut, not chopped 20. Conceit 23. Secular 25. Taste 28. "America,"" 3rd line SO. Thorny bushes 31. Irritable 32. American. Indian 33. Pneumatic tube 35. Bother 37. Pecan, eg; 40. Sheer linen etotli 43. Game of chance 55. InrvalidatD 46. Moray flshenssSk 47. Gift recipient 48. Meeting DOWN 1. Workbendi clamp 2- Bitter sweet coat S. Lake a. 4. Hymn 5. Restart 6. Scorcli 7. Storm 8. Blunder 9. Before 10. Soap ingredient J7. Swarms, about 19. Nagging pain 20. Apparently 21. BeU sound 22. Carousal 23. Throws under, hand 24. Girl's name SG. Chinese mil 27. Jacob'a eon. (Bib.) 3t Hesi tation sound 54. Small . island 5. Furnaoo pipe S3. Belgian Congo river 38. Shoshort- eans H E XIV, E 1 jlKv S A.IS SjOpffl'llI WM & 3i C FjTjbjE aJT S Cfe C1E If ElLJI 0?r S s,an EjRflpjupj ' ' I PiAlCHDlvi .iUiSIUlS NOW PLAYING Starring Vincent Price Shows at: 1:00 - 2:38 - 4:16 5:34 - 7:32 - 9:10 fdWBUfaninl YOUNG M.D. AND FAMIIfY wish to rent 2 or 3 bedroom iiome nr anartment. Preferably uiuur- nished. Chapel HiU vicinity. June Dossession. Write E. Dean, co Advertising, Box 1080, Chapel HiU. FOR SALE: 1961 AUSTIN HEAL F!V Snrite. Green and clean $133 00. 2501 Farthing St., Durham, phone 688-7874 after 5 p-nu SEE US FOR YOUR COIN AND stamp supplies. Ledbetter - Pick Jard Co. 'OR SALE: BLUE 1957 TR-3 wkh hpater. tonneau cover, jump seat, almost new tires, white walls if desired. 1 Sacrifce at $900. Call 942-2093. f . ,. TN ASSETS.. 1 THE NORTHWEST era Mutual is, the ixteenth larg pst corrjoratwn in America. Ar- fhur , DeBerrvii,. Jr.. C.L.U. Tele phone 942-696, - - T. L. KEMP ; Jewelry 135 E. Franklin, Phone 942-1331 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT COL- leee men earn $80.00 per week. Plus cash scholarship. Guaranteed $780 minimum for 13 weeks. For 10 min. introductory interview come to 101 Gardner between 1 and 6 p.m. :oday or tomorrow. 23. cava wrong 40. little child 41. Palestine plain (Bin.) 42. Tavern 44. Over: poetic bag: STOGS 1 17 tt 13 2S 3 Ao 4S ft 'A 44 4-2- 19 V77 3S ASS AS. 131 34 s 21 czm 3? 3S 3 22. -P00B HQ HiRE Roller! Ruark Oir Bargain at $1.S8 Goroiorani's Brood By Inglis Fletcher Our Bargain at $1.QQ These are red hot, and will not last long! The Intimate Bookshop 119 E. Franklin St. Open Till 10 P.M. A to other men : i I ' Cop!, ctean Old Spice After Shave lotion always gets you off to q fast, smooth start, feels just gs; good between shaves as it does offer shaving.. Rates A-OK with dates. 5HULTON ma, '. ACTED CUAC : LOTION 1 i i 1 L , . ' ..j 0 J i - - - i r E W yiMTOu)riEN I LOOtC 1 A I l' 'i BML6AM,I -: ' I i fl PONT dJAHT'TD Tl Si Ml C ' h,;1 ;!i6ri hi I I ! IF I CAN SHUW rwT mCl $E CUW THE U l rvae? uvu; llll' lit rscrrcOAAlKiFn ASE. t iLrv'n " - iiliitU'i'i '') Hiij!MiHi''l"iint!).),i. 4.4 .Win IW 1 .11 a I i I! MR , H I In. i I ... ni i 1 t l 1 I fiHll flK f lift Mill! o 11 fflATOu ) r1-11 ff iff ; 1X13 -prDl flavor... P t mTareyton's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est! says Titus (Pretzel Bender) Ursus, darling of the Coliseum crowd. Says Pretzel Bender, "After the amphitheater I relax and have a Tareyton. Amo, amas . everyone amat Tareyton. Et tu will, too. Tareyton's one filter cigarette that really delivers de gustibus." ACTIVATED CHARCOAL INNER FILTER "PURE WHITE tPUTE2 f ILJER DUAL FILTER ton