Iff MOT war -rfr & ir Tftr "A CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, Tuesday. March 17. 1f)fU SECTION B 3orts Fashions 64 or prin 1 0 .r avonte g-alt;.ayw'-" t :'': ' V, '. ..... A.'j.wii.i. w . iJjj .... , . . u.. l ;j j am " ju..-.- , Coordinated by D'ane Hilc Photos by Jim Wallace Fashions by The Fireside The Hub Lit lie Shop s?&J& '-t'iT: 1 y;jK ; ; ? - - - s S v.v, ' - If s- s s- . s . S s Ass :sei 1 &siv j0vfit&&svi'' ys ' , ' S's4i &s?t , r- x 'j xr s ''' 5 PjM' I 'A V H--J-frW'W''-frWW j . -....x.JI..... t ,. Models Ella Stephenson Gail II earn Nancy Pruitt Nancy Jones Jeanne Payne Jim Mannino Bobby Neville Tom Fry yy-:y umf, Avj'v ;VV mill J 1 r w WW V v ' '"1. - iiilillln l ift : -X-1:- - x-:-x. :;Jr.'JSvyc t J ' iW I.' - ' " ft " ' 1 OC - ' '7i 1 1 :-i:i::;x-::?:j?;:::x mm toC Wx:-:-:;x-x-x-x-::XvX-:-x-x-x-:-:-:-x ' "to y,4' I J v; - to 5 , . ' , f , . " . - . ffysVSlr. tyysty.'s.v,'- : -y. f- I ' y . V i 'YOl J. .i JU.'L -IJL, ..J 1)1 J. .,. ,. . mu.MJ I III I LUIUII.UJULI 111 I I I llll ' 'I'-l 'iWfi ' ' ypMi - ? vs 4- : y&y,:yyry'A r -- - : i l,-- 11 s N J VV v W-" d" i I ti' J ft ' I'il 1 , ,. - yfgg y, . y I i ? -If 4 '7p i I 11 - - f:r J 5 yjf 4 - f lTII I'-'1 'f' 1 ' 1 n 1 1 m ' " "1 I 1 n-l ITT in WTT'i III! ll " , " " I mil ifUlM "V i run mi- iTlnvftwnutt m nn ill .....r..,,.trti..,,..,...m..,.Y. ,...,, ..aif. .,,...., .1 y