Sarlala Bapfc. Cbspal am, N. c. Weather Spring's here for a few days. Enjoy iti Absentee Ballots Won't be here for the March 23 elections? Then pick up ab sentee ballots before Wednes day at Student Government offices. Founded Feb. 23. 1893 Reporter's Footnotes With Kerry Sipe By the time the long caravan of marchers had completed its mile of protest Sunday after noon in Raleigh and gathered on the spacious hardwood floor of Shaw College gymnasium to stage what one of their leaders called "a good old - fashioned hand - claDPin'. foot - stnmnin' civil rights rally," much of me suent, pervading hate that had poisoned the air in the two previous hours began to re tract into the cracks of the side walks of the citv. " The gym was dark when the marcners arrived. It was just after dusk. The protesters broke the quiet, funeral - like gait Al a Ci mat naa characterized the march to the Capitol Building. They Degan to run and talk among inemseives. I hey were dressed in their Sunday - School best, and they araggea their hand - lettered makeshift picket sighs behind them in the gravel of the gym nasium yard. The lights came on suddenly as one of their leaders pulled a switch, and the marchers who waited outside on the long flight of concrete steps jumped up and entered the echo - filled cavern A dark scoreboard and a Pep si - Cola sign stood out on the dirty green walls. The floor was warped and scuffed with black rubber marks. The room smelled like a gymnasium smells. Yet under the harsh glare of we Dngnc overnead lights and amid , the ear - piercing din of a badly tuned public address sys tem, the ."hand clappin' and the toot - stompin' " found a start without apparent organiza- uun ana wicnout odvious leader ship. In the movement and noise of 2,000 clapping black hands and a score of white hands, the hate was hardly noticeable. The de termined and haunting words of the chant 'We Shall Nat -Be Moved," and the gusto with which it rang against the hollow room were only a mirrored evi dence of the two waves of emo tion that had clased the after noon before in Raleigh and the week before in Selma, Ala. The sweat that beaded the shining brows among the sing ers was from exercise and not from fear. But the hate was not forgotten on either side. Tattered copies of "The Fiery Cross," the official publication of the Ku Klux Klan blew along the streets of the state capital They were the only evidence left of the lady and her two children who sat in their car along the marcher's path and passed the literature to onlook ers with the message "Take it to heart, brothers." , Somewhere in the mass of loud, sweating humanity in the old gymnasium was the acne- marked face of the blonde white boy with earrings in his ears who had heard the taunts of members of his own race as he entered the capital grounds that afternoon. "Son - of - a - gun, Rasmus," someone had shouted, "there's an albino one!" The white boy just clinched his yellow teeth and kept on walking. Somewhere in Raleigh's resi dential areas, the eight or 10 men who had described them selves as "concerned white cit izeni" were sitting down to sup per. Their Confederate flags and their "George Wallace for President" signs were packed away in the trunks of their cars waiting for another opportunity to take action in behalf of "free dom." A scrap of Black Nationalist literature poking from the hinged top of a Raleigh rubbish can showed a torn picture of "master race" leader Malcom X, and a sermon he had preached. Someone had spit to bacco juice on the ragged page It didn't matter. Malcolm X was dead. So was Rev. James Reeb of Selma. So was Medgar Evers. Sa were the children in Birming ham and the rights workers in Mississippi. When SCIC leader Wyatt T. Walker said on the capitol lawn that the Negro cause "is so full of Love that, our enemies gotta' "give us the right to vote," he had forgotten all . that stood around him. There was little love in Ra leigh last Sunday. The eyes , of the 1,500 who marched througn Hhe city were wary, frightened, watchful, sharp as switchblade knives, and distrustful of every body. There was no love only hate. The kind of. hate that both wins the battle and makes the battle necessary. I II l - ; w in ,i u ' ''is', ! s ' i 1 Z ' i ' , i - 5 1 i- . -J--J -I I - ' V ' I ' - , 1 ' t' - - ' h ' r l - if' " ' ' - ; V . ; '' - X f r - ' ? J' . S t i - " ' i ' ; ' ; MISS SANFOKD: That was the title won Saturday night by UNC coed Penny Clark. The freshman dramatics major is from Chapel Hill and Sanford. Photo by Jock Lauterer. Carson,, Dickson To Debate Friday Presidential candidates Paul Dickson and Don Carson will face off in a public debate Fri day night. The debate, scheduled for Gerrard Hall, will be spon sored by the Daily Tar Heel. . Both candidates yesterday ac cepted the offer, and each ex pressed enthusiasm. The debate will start at 7:30 p.m., and is set to end at about 8:45. "We are hopeful of attracting a good crowd for the debate," Fred Seely, DTH co-editor, said last night. "It will be the only formal debate between the can didates, and the - format will confine it to issues alone." Each candidate will be given seven ' minutes "for :an opening statement, and a five minute re buttal period. - - Then a panel of DTH staffers, including co - editor Hugh Stev ens, managing editor Mike Yopp and student government report er John Greenbacker, will quiz the pair. After this, there will be a short period of questions from the floor. . "I am delighted to have ttiis opportunity to debate my op ponent," Carson said yesterday. "I hope the campus will bene fit from this debate, and the for mat will relieve the candidates from the informality of regular residence hall meetings." Dickson, the Student Party candidate, charged that Carson "is attempting to ride . Bob Spearman's coattails into of fice." "Thus far we have heard lit tle of Carson's personal quali fications and even less of his proposals for the improvement The By MIKE YOFP and KERRY SIPE RAKEIGII The marchers were quiet and for the most part-so were the spectators who lined Fayetteville Street to watch 1,500 Negroes and whites file past, two by two. . , , It was quiet here, and there was a battle, it was a battle of signs. "Up With Justice, Down With Wallace," read one carried by a Negro marcher. "Send Wallace Back To Africa," read another which bobbed along in the heavy hands of a large Negro. But there were signs expressing different sentiments. "America Wake Up, The Great So ciety, Ha, Ha, Ha," -read one held between an American and ,a Confederate flag. "Long Live Wallace," was printed on one -,vV bearer held only the insignia of the Confederacy. "Both signs, were printed on the' backs of old "I. Beverly Lake for Governor" posters. There were a few jibes from the crowd "Alabama is the only real southern state left," and "Just look at those 'niggers'." but no inci dents were reported. The long line of marchers left its rally point at Shaw University Sunday afternoon for a silent walk to the Capitol Building. They held a service on the Capitol steps to mourn the death of Unitarian Rev. James Reeb, who was killed last week by a band of angry white men in Selma, Ala. Spokesmen for the group called for federal intervention in Selma and turned some atten tion toward the racial situation in North Caro lina. National CORE secretary Floyd McKissick of Durham told , the crowd that his group will concentrate efforts now on the State Highway Commission and the Department of Motor Ve CHAPEL of the University Community," he added." Bob Spearman and Mike Chanin will not be here next year and the president. . . will have to rely on his own resources and experience to get the job done. "I feel that I have the neces sary qualifications and experi ence to best fill this office, and I am very happy to accept the DTH's offer to debate my op: ponent." Seely said the debate was planned "to get a. better atmos phere." ' "Too often the Residence. Hall meetings are dominated by par ty hacks trying to snipe at the opposition," he said. "This sort of thing certainly has its place in any campaign, but we feel there has been too much of it this spring." "We will take every step pos sible to make it a fair debate in which each side has an equal opportunity, and I would urge everyone to attend this." Viet Nam Debate "Should the United States Withdraw All Its Troops and Support from South Viet Nam" will be the topic for debate at the Di - Phi Senate meeting at 7:30 tonight in New West. Military experts from the Special Forces at Fort Bragg and the local ROTC units wit be present to debate the issue before the Senate, as well as representatives from the depart ments of political science and history. it A Only HILL. NORTH CAROLINA, Hundreds Eulogize Minister SELMA, Ala. (AP) Hun dreds of religious and political leaders from throughout the na tion joined Negroes here Mon day to eulogize a slain Boston minister following still another thwarted street march. White ministers, nuns and priests led ranks of about 500 marchers five abreast in an at tempt to reach the county court house for a memorial service for the minister. They were blocked by state and county po lice officers. Allows March Later, Mayor Joseph T. Smitherman announced that U. S. Dist. -Judge Daniel H. Thomas of Mobile had ordered city and county officials to al low a march to the courthouse and a brief service there. The judge talked by telephone with the mayor and other officials. But there was no new march effort immediately. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., ATho started a massive Negro voter drive here eight weeks ago, planned to deliver the eul ogy for Reeb at old Browns Chapel A.M.E. Church. In Montgomery the Justice De partment said three out of four Negroes who applied for voter legistration in the first two months of the civil rights cam paign at Selma were turned down. . By contrast, a detailed statis tical study of registration in several counties in Alabama's soil - rich black belt disclosed that two out of three prospective white voters whose applications were processed by the board of registrars at fceima were ac cepted in the same two months. The survey was put into the record at a federal court hear ing which will determine wheth er Negroes demanding equal voting rights will be allowed to march from Selma to Mont gomery, 50 miles away, to dra matize their protest. , 207 Interviewed i Since the right - to - vote drive, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., began in January, the government survey showed 207 Negroes were interviewed by the Dallas County Registration Board in the two - month period which ended Feb. 28. Of these, 48 were registered to vote; the remaimng 159 were turned down At the same time, 5S white ap plicants were approved and only 29 were rejected. The study did not show why the Negroes failed. A tough lit eracy test subsequently banned by a federal court order was used, however for most of the two - month period as a means .of determining qualifications of prospective voters. U. S. Dist. Judge Daniel H Thomas in Mobile outlawed the literacy questionnaire on Feb 4,' and the board was in session only once between that time and the end of the two - month per iod covered by the government study. Civil Rights March In Raleigh Battle Was Ainoiig The hicles. He said negotiations for more Negro em ployes are now underway. "But if they break down, you must be prepared to march," he roared, to loud applause from the crowd. Automobile horns beeped as Wyatt T. Walker of Atlanta, an aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, addressed the crowd. They failed to drown out his loud voice as he said: "We need federal troops in Selma. We need them in Selma more than we need them in Saigon." Other rights leaders spoke and United Church of Raleigh minister Collin Kilburn said benediction. The marchers left the Capitol for the walk back to Shaw for what one leader called "a foot-stomping, hand-clapping" civil rights rally. They left a white wreath "In memory of those who have" died for freedom," in front of the statue to North Carolina presidents on the Capitol grounds. . The white hecklers had gone when the group reformed for the march" back to Shaw. But some of the pamphlets and newspapers circulated by members Of the Ku Klux Klan still littered the streets. The Klan newspaper, "The Fiery Cross," told the ''Real Selma Story" along with a list of Ne gro leaders who are , "proved communists." Children were circulating the newspapers from cars. "Take this to heart," said a woman accompanying her child. And the men who carried the anti-march signs wouldn't talk much. "We have no com ment for the press," said one. "We are just concerned citizens exercising our right to dem onstrate." So the marchers returned to the starting point in the chilly Raleigh night with many UNC students in the ranks. TUESDAY, MARCH lfi 1965 JJ Ex A ' I x f ' ' J i - . v 'n -' V- f ' - - r r - 4 ; r 'A SILENT SAM after a trip to the circus? Nope. The balloon was put there by Graham Memorial workers. Helium-filled bal loons advertising the Wednesday night appearance of. The Outer Fringe, English satire group, were tied at various spots around campus. One was marked "Prize," and lucky finder Melvin L. Watt received two free tickets to the performance. Photo by Jock Lauterer Blackwell BTH's Kite Contest Mickey Blackwell, former DTH staff member and popular disc jockey for WKIX in Ra leigh, will act as master of ceremonies for the second an nual DTH Kite Contest Satur day. "Sure, I'll be glad to string along," Blackwell said in ac cepting his invitation. "People are always telling me to go fly a kite." Blackwell is a native of Gas tonia, where he became a radio personality while still in high school. He graduated from the School of Journalism in Janu ary and is employed, by the Durham Morning Herald in ad dition WKIX. Contest Site Saturday's contest, which will begin at 1:30, will be held on the site of the new baseball sta ; 1 1 t: a ;w 1 1 i j I a iv . rzv.'-' t '. : ' V-i v.j F;- ) I B "71 ended Y V To Emcee dium adjacent to Ehringhaus. Kays Gary, popular column ist of the Charlotte Observer, and Mrs. Paul Sharp, wife of the UNC chancellor, have accept ed invitations to assist in the judging. The third judge will be announced tomorrow. Prizes , donated by ' Chapel Hill merchants will ba given for five divisions of kites: pret tiest, largest, smallest, most unusual and highest - flying. All kites' must be homemade, and all must fly in order to win. Contestants in each divi sion will be given 30 minutes to get their kites aloft. The DTH Kite Queen, who will act as hostess for the contest, will be announced Wednesday, Anyone in the Chapel Hill area may enter the contest. There is no entry fee. Marchers In Front Of Capitol TCP Jf ive Vacation Is Set April 10 To 20 By FRED THOMAS DTH Staff Writer UNC's spring vacation calendar has been extended. After a final conference with the Calendar Committee yesterday, Chancellor Paul ining the number of teaching days in this semester it is clear that the University can provide a more attractive vacation schedule for the students. "Accordingly the vacation period will begin at noon, Saturday, April 10 and end at 8 o'clock, Tuesday morn- 'MoraP Group Visit Changed To Thursday Carolina Forum co-chairman Bill Schwartz said yesterday the visit of Moral Re-Armament task force has been rescheduled at 8 p.m. Thursday in Memorial Hall. MRA is an international or ganization with U. S. headquar ters in Los Angeles and New York whose goal is to create a new set of moral values and to create a "social conscience." The group is non - political noon April 15 and cnd Afrn 2. and non - religious. Concerned legislators intro- Medal Winner 1 duced a bill into Student Legis- Heading the task force will lature calling for an investiga te Richard Wailes, winner ofl011 oj possioility of having three Olympic -Gold Medals fortlie schedule crianged rowing. ; , . k Make Studv wailes descriDes mka as "an idea which will equip mankind to live in the nuclear age." At the request of the United States Olympic . Committee, Wailes wrote the official aims and goals for the 1964 Ameri can team and went to Tokyo as part of the administration. He was a director of the Mor al Re - Armament Conference for Tomorrow's America at Mac kinac Island, Michigan last summer. Other Members Other members of the task force are the three Colwell Brothers, Emiko Chiba, Char lotte Daneel, Susan Cornell, and David Sierra. The Colwells, Steve, Paul and Ralph, have just complet ed a 174,000 - mile trip taking them to 37 countries on six con tinents. Their repertoire in cludes 300 original songs in 43 languages. Building Photo by Jock Lauterer Signs Volume 72. Number 111 en F. Sharp said: "Upon exam I mg, April zu. i "This will enable our stu dents to leave earlier, but it must be observed they are to re turn a day earlier." It was pointed out, however, that several deans asked for an option on this new schedule for their respective schools. "It is only fair that where a change would disrupt the work of a unit of the University, such as a professional school, that unit will have the option of re taining the original schedule," Sharp said. "In such an instance, it will be the duty of the dean to in form the students of the school that the original schedule pre vails." The original calendar called f rr snrinu vrnratinn in hnfin at Faryl Sims and Lanny Shuff, members of the Campus Af fairs Committee were appointed to make the study. Their investigation revealed that the University is required by the state to hold 45 Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 45 Tues day, Thursday, Saturday class sessions. The schedule for the spring semester, drawn up by the Cal endar Committee in 1957, pro vides for 47 Monday, Wednes day, Friday and 46 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday meetings. Shuff and Miss Sims also bund that the vacation schedule for UNC-G, which operates un der the same regulations as the University here, calls for a 10- day break. They submitted their findings to Dean of the Faculty James L. Godfrey, requesting that spring vacation dates be changed from April 15 to 21 to April 10 to 20. Godfrey, in turn, sent a memo to the deans of the respective schools within the university, in viting their consideration. Explains Schedule In explaining how the unprec edentedly short spring break was scheduled, Dean of Student Affairs C. O. Cathey pointed out that UNC commencement is al ways held the first Monday ir June. This year, the first Monday falls on June 7, the latest pos sible date for UNC commence ment. This stretches the year out and allows more time witliin the year for vacations. "The Calendar Committee ob viously Jailed to realize this when they drew up the schedule in 1S57," Cathey said. After his statement concern ing the change in schedule Sharp said, "I would like to ex press to our students the caution that they be careful in going and returning and the hope that the vacation be a mobt pleas ant interval." - Pratt's Name (Makes Ballot Norwood Pratt, candidate for editor of the Daily Tar Heel, will have his name on the spring election ballot. Pratt, denied endorsement by the Publications Board, present ed the board with a petition signed by at least 145 students. He will oppose DTH manag ing editor Ernie McCrary for the position. .Days