U.TJ.C. Library Serials Pept, Box 870 Election Campus election 1965 was quite a contrast from the 1961 campaign. See DTII Co-Editor Hugh Stevens Editor's Notebook on this page. Weather Continued cloudy and cooler today. Clearing late this after noon and tonight. The South's Largest College Newspaper Founded Feb. 23. 1893 CHAPEL. HILL, NORTH CAROLINAFRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1965 . Volume 72, Number 123 Editor's Notebook With Hugh Stevens 44 One year ago, Paul Dickson was a beaten man. He had just been defeated for President of the Student Body by more than 1,000 votes an unprecedented slaughter and the Student Party had suffered a smashing defeat at the hands of Bob Spearman, Don Carson and Jim Light. For the first time in, years, no SP man oc cupied one of Student Govern ment's top two positions. Amid the rubble of that elec toral disaster, SP thoughts turned to the year ahead . . . this year. "Paul Dickson cannot win," some said, and others among them many of the faithful sadly agreed. They felt that Paul Dickson had been beaten so unmercifully that to nomi nate him . again would be to court disaster, and more than a few SP members voiced the thought that most of them Today the picture is diamet rically different. Today Paul Dickson is a winner, and by next week he will occupy the presidential office which he has labored so long and hard to win. And today, much of the campus is asking, "How did it happen? How did Dickson rise from the ashes of defeat and whip Don Carson to the lively tune of 450 votes?' Answers complex As with any election, an anal ysis is difficult. . The answers to the above queries are knotty and complex. But a look at Tuesday's vote, (plus a perusal of some events of the past year) produces some clear - cut con clusions about the election. Two of these conclusions ap pear to be especially meaning- ful: (1) Dickson took full ad vantage of his strength, and (2) popularity, even Bob Spear- man s, isn't transferable. In considering the first con clusion, we need look no furth er than the election returns Dickson won -where every SP candidate must win in the residence halls. There's been a good deal k of talk during recent years about "all -r campus parties," but talk is cheap. Certainly, there may exist a true all - campus party at UNC, but given a prop er -choice, the" residence halls will still vote SP . . . always As evidence . consider this fact: Carson, running on the UP ticket, won just four men's residence hall precincts Old East. Old West. Grimes' and - T "Aycock. Old East and Old West have demonstrated UP tendencies in the past, and Mai King, past chairman of the party, held a legislative seat in the distnc for two years. Grimes is the ex clusive political property o Armistead Maupm, who pro duced a victory for every .UP candidate there. Aycock's swing to Carson can be attributed to one man Sonny Pepper. Thus, every residence h a 1 which Carson won was actual ly won. by his organization. In those areas where he was leu to stand alone against the tra ditional barraee of SP and in pendent votes, he was crushed " crushed. , Lower Quad: SP In the lower quad, for exam pie, Dickson lost one dorm (Ay cock) but emerged with a 128- vote margin. In Everett, Car son's own dorm, Dickson s leaa was 70 - 44. Nor did Dickson slow down in other residence hall areas He won Joyner (103 - 62), Win ston - Conner (150 - 72), Avery (95 - 50) and Parker (93 - 48) His margin in Craige was over 100 votes and he also captured vital Ehringhaus. . . - Obviously, even the largest fraternity vote in history could not save Carson after he fell so far behind in the dorms. Why Dickson? The next question follows easily: why Dickson? How did he win by whopping margins residence halls which he lost to Bob Spearman just one year f ago? How did he, as a fraterni ty man and a one - time loser, overcome Carson's dual advan- l tages as the incumbent vice ; president and a non - fraternity man? . ! Again, the answers are com plex, but most of them require Murdoch Retarded Children Make Campus Visit By RICHARD CUMMINS DTK Feature Writer Tomorrow afternoon some 40 mentally retarded children will take a tour of the UNC cam pus with members of the YM YWCA Murdoch Committee. . For the last two years this committee has made weekly. trips to the Murdoch Center at Butner. There, UNC students spend afternoons playing with the retarded .children, talking to them casually, and just plain having fun. "The kids have often asked: 'Where do you go to school?' " says committee co - chairman, Maryanne Brown, "so we have arranged to show them." The 8 to 15 year old children, all girls, will see the Morehead Plane tarium, Wilson Library, Wool len Gym and Ackland Art Museum. They will have re freshments at the Scuttlebutt. "One of our committee mem bers from Cobb has volunteered to clean up her room for a change, and let the children see it," said Bob Schussel, vice president of the YMCA. Humanities Unit Elects Dean Godfrey Distinguished University Pro fessor James Logan Godfrey has been named chairman of the joint Duke-University of North Carolina Program in the Hu manities, effective July 1. He succeeds Prof. Robert M. Lumiansky of Duke, who has resigned at Duke to become chairman of ' the University of Pennsylvania English Depuart ment on July 1. The combined committee for the humanities program at Duke and UNC were unanimous in its choice of Godfrey. , Godfrey has resigned as Dean of the Faculty at UNC on the same date, and will resume full- time teaching in the Depart ment of History. The humanities experiment, now in its second year on the campuses of Duke and UNC, is supported by the Ford Foun dation. An initial grant' of $800,000 in 1963 made possible a year-round program which began in September, 1964. ZBT To Host Convention For Southeast The local chapter of Zeta Tau fraternity will serve as host this weekend for the annual Section III Convention which consists of all southern and southeastern chapters of the fraternity. Representatives will attend from Duke, Virginia, Maryland, Washington and Lee, American, Johns Hopkins, Marshall, Mi ami, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Ala bama, Tulane and Louisiana State University. Several na tional officers will also be here. UNC sophomore Stuart Nach man from Virginia is in charge of arrangements on behalf of the local chapter. Starting Friday afternoon, the convention will consist primarily of business meetings, highlight- ed by a banquet Saturday night ot r9mi;na Tnn Dr Dmifrias at Carolina Inn. Dr. Douglas Sessoms of the Sociology Depart ment will address the banquet N. C. Volunteer Applications Due Wednesday is the deadline for application to the North Caro lina Volunteers, a poverty fiehtina corps of volunteers operating in communities throughout the state. College students wishing to volunteer for an 11-week as- signment can obtain application forms and information from P. O. Box 637, Durham. The vni'imtopr npriorf. which begins June 13 will see opera- tions in 15 North Carolina areas in all parts of the state. Volunteers will receive a $250 honorarium for their participa- tion in the program sponsored by the North Carolina Fund. Committee Over the two - year history oi the committee, some 60 stu dents from the University have taken part. Miss Brown said: "some of the college students that go to Murdoch with us are shocked and depressed, and don't come back aSam- Many of us though. ve.iuuuu u io De me nign Point of our week." - The - committee works only with boys for the first semester, then with girls for the second, The children have ' I.Q.'s below u, ana nave the common, mild retardation. Their retardation comes from a variety of causes genetic deficiencies, physical defects, and cultural depriva tion. . "Many of the children have had a very bad homelife," Schussel said, "and have a deep hunger for affection and atten tion. They just naturally gravi tate towards- the UNC students who show an interest in them." Easy To Know Jim Trulove, freshman from Jdallsboro, said "it certainly wasn i nara to get to know these kids. As soon as I walked in the room two of them took my hands, and another hugged my neck. Most students who serve on the committee have heard about it from friends who have al ready been, -to Murdoch. Vic Cashwell, - psychology major from Fayetteville said: "I heard about Murdoch in psychology ciass trom not). I went out there once, got interested, and con tinue to go because of the prac tical experience, and I eniov it. It's not something I can ex press, I just get a quiet sense of satisfaction." Many students on the com mittee are psychology or sociol ogy , majors, or prospective teachers, and recognize the Murdoch Committee as a good source of practical experience. Phillip May, senior from Charlotte, who will enter Med ical school this fall said: "I think the work with these chil dren is teaching me self - dis cipline, and is helping me learn to get along with different types of people." An accounting major from Winston - Salem. James Pag ett comments, "I just love kids!' Infancy To 80 Murdoch Center has patients ranging from infancy to 80 years of age. "I was pretty shocked at iirst to see old peo ple and people my own age with such low mentalities," says Lynn Hughes a psychology ma jor from Biloxi, Miss. "I had some preparation for the ex perience from my psychology teacher, but not enough. Now I thoroughly enjoy the work." The group members spend most of the afternoon talking and laughing with the children, and trying to draw some of the more reserved ones out of their shyness. Sometimes the children get excited. "You have to treat them like your little sister back home," advises Miss Brown, "if one of them pulls your hair or hits you, why you just pull right back! They'll love you for it." Leith Merroiv Named Head Of Woman's Honor Council Leith Merrow, a junior from Alexandria. Va.. has been elected chairman of the Women's Honor Coun- n f fh rnTriinrt vpar cn cn lor uie coming year. &ne was elected by the mem bers of the council. Miss Merrow has been a mem ber of the Women's Council for two-and-a-half years and has served as chairman during one summer session. The president of the junior class is in the school of nursing, and is presently serving on the Constitutional Council, the Student-Faculty Board, the Honor System Commission. She is on the Dean's List. Changes Miss Merrow says she is in terested in some of the proposed judiciary changes, especially in the area of court structure and in limiting the effect of the campus code. She says she plans, with the Honor Svstem Commission, to initiate an orientation program for prospective members of the Attorney uenerai s sian, wuu the requirement that all mem- bers pass a test on me nonor system and Attorney General's - 1 procedure. 25.(0)00 s E 0 SPHolds SL Lead Run-Offs Called In Two Districts With election results official in all but two districts, the Stu dent Party - holds ' an eight-seat majority over University Party in Student Legislature, 27-19. Two legislative seats in Men's Districts I and II will be filled by run-off elections, to be held Tuesday from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Bill Whichard (SP) and Julian Busby (UP) tied for a legislative seat in District I by a vote of 175-175. District I consists of men students residing in the area outside the Chapel Hill-Carr-boro city limits and men stu dents residing in Victory Vil lage. Voting for these areas will be held at Y-Court and. the Vic tory Village housing office. Run-off In II A run-off will be held in Men's District II between Steve Hockfield (SP), Phil Kirstein (UP) and Craig Wardlaw (UP) for the last of four legislative seats. Hockfield and Kirstein both received 134 votes, and Ward law received 131 votes, but the Elections .Board",- said poorly, marked ballots and the close ness of the race demanded a three-way run-off. District II consists of all men residing in buildings not owned by the University and in the area bounded by Colum bia Street on the west and the city limits of Chapel Hill on the north, south and east. Vot ing will be in Y-Court and Graham Memorial. Extra Money Candidates in both run-off elections have been allotted $6.67 per person by the Elec tions Board for campaign ex penses. Their expense accounts must be filed by noon Monday. The board also announced the victory of Valerie Gwynne for a seat on the Women's Council from women's district V. Open House Saturday The School of Medicine will hold open house and lunch from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Saturday for students who will apply to medical school next fall. The program is designed to demonstrate scientific training and clinical experience that are required of beginning medical students. Students and faculty advisors who did not receive an invitation should call the dean's office for information. t t LEITH MERROW By Eight i - " - ' I -O x-.jT ' t March ..In Moia met Lob ror" TTTirpMjj " i i w.. . i . i. ii i H . H mm i i ii hihi im 1 1 1 j uiiir j ;.iyr '.inTTTify itt '"'SB -r.....r.-. - - y'f'.-wv- , inmp --ntt . f?frjfci - C - "v 1 v - - - r . --.'frJS; . J"! i i COMPLEXION PINK and cherry blossom white day's cloudy skies and rain. Suzanne is a The smile of Suzanne Micaud, red like the senior from Charlottesville, Va., majoring in fruit of the tree she admires, was one of the European history. Photo by Jock Lauterer. few promises of a pretty spring under yester- House Goes Thumbs Down Ob RALEIGH A bill to abol ish the death penalty except for the crime of rape was over whelmingly defeated in the North Carolina House of Repre sentatives Thursday, 96-21. The measure by Rep. Ernest Messer of Haywood County would have abolished the death penalty for first degree mur der, arson and first degree burglary. It would have been retained for rape. Earlier the House passed and sent to the Senate a resolution aimed at stripping the U.S. Su preme Court of power to order reapportionment of state legis latures. The resolution proposes an amendment to the constitution allowing states to apportion one house of their legislature on a basis other than population. This would reverse the U.S. Supreme Court which has ruled that both houses must be ap portioned on a strict basis of population. If the resolution is approved by 34 states, Congress would be required to call a national con vention. Twenty-one states have approved similar resolutions. Before passing the resolu tion, the House beat down an amendment by Rep. Nick Gali fianakis of Durham. Under his amendment, Con gress would not have been urged to call a national con vention but would be urged to submit a constitutional amendment to the states under which one house of a legisla ture could be apportioned on a basis other than population. Sen. Ed Kemp of Guilford offered a measure to amend the ttate constitution authorizing the General Assembly to re duce the residence requirement for voting in any election. Kemp said the amendment would be submitted to a vote of the people in the 1966 gen eral election. Kemp said 12 states already have reduced residence requirements to less than a year. In the House debate on capi tal punishment, Messer led those arguing for the proposal. Those speaking against the Placement Test The Department of Romance Languages will begin this se mester to require prospective French and Spanish majors to take a Placement Test to de termine their level of perform ance in the written and spoken language. . - . - TFh 1 -" " " 13 measure included Rep. Steve Dolley of Gaston who said, "there is no doubt in my mind about the sentiment of the peo ple being in favor of retaining capital punishment." He said that if the principle of capital punishment were wrong, Messer should have made his bill abolish it for all crimes, including rape. Demonstrators A measure to keep civil rights demonstrators from standing, sitting or lying in the highway or street so as to ob struct traffic won the approval of the Senate Highway Safety Committee Thursday. The committee first , beat down an effort to amend the proposed law so as to lighten the punishment. Under the bill, violators could get up to two years in prison and be fined in the discretion of the court. The. M eeting Attracts Catholic Students The state Newman Club convention, to be held here Friday and Saturday, is expected to attract over 100 Catholic students from all North Carolina colleges and universities. Speaking at the convention which opens at 11 a.m. Saturday, will be Rev. Paul Byrch, chair man of the Bishop's Develop ment Fund Drive and of the state Liturgical Committee. The theme of the meeting is "Second Spring A Renewal of Catholic Life on our North Carolina Campuses." The title is drawn from a speech by the late Cardinal Newman for whom the organi 'Billy The Carolina Playmakers' production of "Billy The play, staged by Foster Fitz-Simons and Budd," adapted for the stage by Louis O. Coxe designed by Millard McDonald, tells of Billy and Robert Chapman from Herman Melville's Budd, a naive, young replacement who has come novel, will open at Playmakers Theater at 8:30 into the navy from the merchant marine, p.m. Monday and will continue for nine perform- Budd's simple friendliness soon wins over the ances through April 5. entire crew, with the exception of the tyrannical The presentation is in conjunction with the Claggart, who falsely accuses the boy of plot- 1965 Fine Arts Festival. ; . ting mutiny. . Reservations may be made at the Playmakers Answering the malicious charge with his fists, Business Office, 214 Abernethy or at Ledbetter- Budd kills his accuser. Pickard. , Captain Vere, a witness to the killing, knows The drama, set aboard an 18th century sailing Budd to be guilty only of defending himself vessel, will star Christopher Parson of Baltimore against the evil Claggart. as Billy Budd; Charles Schmick of Baltimore as An immediate court-martial finds the officers in Claggart, the sadistic master-at-arms; and Bill sympathy with the hero, but, under the strict Goodykoontz, who teaches in the Department rules of maritime discipline, they must decide nf Fn1kh as CaDtain Vere. captain of the H.M.S. whether as officers they have a choice as to the Indomitable. p Mt,- W',1 rr--'i t Bill iineii amendment would have made the maximum fine $50 or 30 days in jail or both. Sen. Tom White of Lenoir op posed the amendment saying the offense "is much more ser ious than someone hitchhiking. It could involve a person get ting to the hospital to save his life." The bill prohibits "any per sons to stand, sit or lie upon the highway or street in such a manner as to impede the regular flow of traffic." Rep. Donald Stanford of Or ange County, a sponsor of the bill, said it was prompted by a situation in "Orange County recently where a number of people blocked the road out of Chapel Hill after a basketball game." He said they held up 3,000 persons including an ambu lance. zation is named. Leadership training programs and workshops on problems such as publicity and finances will be held, and, if conditions permit, an outdoor mass will be conducted in the Forest Theater at 5 p.m. Saturday. Fee for the convention, which includes three meals, is $5. North Carolina students are asked to register at the Catho lic Student Center, 218 Pitts boro St. Nine Performances Scheduled BudcT Opens young sailor's gOIIKBFj rote J u once ine oute MONTGOMERY, Ala. m More than 25,000 persons marched yesterday with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Ala bama's capitol in the most mas sive civil rights demonstration of the South's turbulent racial history. The flag-waving thousands, chanting "Freedom Now!" poured into the broad street almost beneath the very win dows of Gov. George C. Wal lace's office. It was impossible to estimate their number. The ranks, eight abreast, pressed forward in a surging stream of humanity for nearly two . miles through the city. Hours before the march be gan, Assistant Police Chief D. H. Lackey said there were 15, 000. Hundreds more joined as the column wound slowly to the gleaming white capitol once the command post for the Con federate government. Soldiers lined the route of march. Helicopters clattered in the humid overcast. The entire four-mile march was sealed off by police and hundreds of the National Guardsmen and regu lar army troops called up by order of President Johnson. The marchers flowed up Dex ter Avenue to the capitol and spread into ranks of about 24 abreast, filling the broad street lined by troops and . wooden barricades. r A solid line of state troopers, conservation officers and state liquor enforcement agents stretched across the broad marble pavilion in front of the capitol portico. There Jefferson Davis took the oath as presi dent of the Confederate States of America. When the marchers reached the capitol, Wallace was eating lunch in a basement cafeteria. Thousands of white and Ne gro spectators lined the ave nue. "Everybody wants freedom!" sang the marchers. American flags blossomed from the column. A Negro man carried a small girl perched on his shoulder. Hundreds of persons, clergy, political and labor leaders, col lege students and housewives from throughout the nation were in the march. Dr. Ralph Bunche of the United Nations staff marched in the front ranks. A Negro clergyman wearing a square violet cap, dark glasses and a gold cross, was in the ranks. o "We shall overcome," sang the massive throng when it moved into the street facing the statehouse over which fluttered the Alabama flag and the Confederate flag. There were at ieast 50 U.S. flgas in the front of the march. Signs and placards sprouted from he masses. "Vote for Freedom," read one. And an other said: "Lutherans Care Because Christ Cared." Four small Negro children carried a sign: "National Mari time Service of America." Monday fate. 'an L 777 i (Cvntinxed on Page 2) i it--

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